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international firearm news
Gun laws and policies (collectively referred to as firearms regulation or gun control) regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification and use of small arms by civilians. Many countries have restrictive firearm policies, while a few have permissive ones. Countries with a strong gun culture may afford civilians a right to keep and bear arms, and have more-liberal gun laws than neighboring jurisdictions. Countries which regulate access to firearms will typically restrict access to certain categories of firearms and then restrict the categories of persons who may be granted a license for access to such firearms. There may be separate licenses for hunting, sport shooting (a.k.a. target shooting), self-defense, collecting, and concealed carry, with different sets of requirements, permissions, and responsibilities.
Gun laws are often enacted with the intention of reducing the use of small arms in criminal activity, specifying weapons capable of inflicting the greatest damage (such as fully automatic firearms) and those most-easily concealed (such as handguns and other short-barreled weapons). Persons restricted from legal access to firearms may include those below a certain age or having a criminal record. Firearm licences may be denied to those felt most at risk of harming themselves or others, such as persons with a history of domestic violence, alcoholism or substance abuse, mental illness, depression or attempted suicide. Those applying for a firearm licence may have to demonstrate competence by completing a gun-safety course and show provision for a secure location to store weapons.
Guns laws are considered permissive in countries where the authorities will provide a firearm license on a shall issue basis to ordinary citizens who meet the legal requirements. Guns laws are restrictive when licenses are provided on a may issue basis, at the discretion of the regulating authority, often requiring the applicant to demonstrate a reason why they need a firearm. Gun laws are considered strict when it is difficult or impossible for an ordinary citizen to obtain a firearm through legal means.
The legislation which restricts small arms may also restrict other weapons, such as explosives, crossbows, swords, electroshock weapons, air guns, and pepper spray. It may also restrict firearm accessories, notably high-capacity magazines and sound suppressors. There may be restrictions on the quantity or types of ammunition purchased, with certain types prohibited. Due to the global scope of this article, detailed coverage cannot be provided on all these matters; the article will instead attempt to briefly summarize each country's weapon laws in regard to small arms use and ownership by civilians.
Australian police discovered the bodies of seven mass shooting victims on May 11, and on May 31, a machine gun attack in London left a man in this twenties fighting for his life. These shootings are occurring in nations the left has long held up as having the kinds of gun control America should...
Less than SFW potential in the side bar
Machine gun and knife attacks leave four injured as London reels from night of bloodshed
Machine gun and knife attacks leave four injured as London reels from night of bloodshed
FOUR PEOPLE are injured after a machine gun attack and three stabbings...
"CCHR says school mental health screening & psychotropic drugs can contribute to senseless violence acts"
Expert Warns of Antidepressants Linked to Violence | CCHR International
It's been said for years yet now they agree.
Look North - eh!
China Loves America's Guns So Much It's Copying Them (and Making Lots of Money)
Marstar Canada - The M305A & Ammo Combo (7.62x39) Free Shipping does not apply (M305A-ASC39D4)
Marstar Canada - Norinco M-1911A1 Government (M-1911A1)
12-Gauge Pump Actions: 1897s From...
Just a reminder, Crazy doesn't need a gun: Knife Attack at Chinese Middle School Leaves Nine Children Dead
Although when searching for the above, I came across this story that's four years old but I never heard about it -- jeez, 33 dead, 130 injured in a group knife attack: 33 Dead, 130...
An old man wearing a cowboy hat and looking like character actor Wilford Brimley, caught a robber armed with a revolver off guard, and managed to subdue him with the help of store employees.
The moral of this story? Never turn your back on an old cowboy.
This video is very good quality...
A gun designed for Indian women
A gun designed for women
Guns in India
Estimated total number of guns: 40 million
Number of registered, legal guns: 6.3 million
Estimated guns held illegally: 33.7 million
Only 15% of privately owned guns are legal
Firearms per 100 people:
(the last one...
Just in case you are not aware. S e a r c h E n g i n e s (US/UK,ETC..) and guests are monitoring pages as well as profiles. Look through who is online below.
Current Visitors | Northwest Firearms - Oregon, Washington, and Idaho Gun Owners
Shot: Time for Knife Control? London Had a Deadlier February Than New York City.
No worries @tac. Chicago. Baltimore.
2018 Stats | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
IF the URL gets changed to bubblegum - that is A S S
Instapundit » Blog Archive » THIS COULD BE AN INTERESTING EXPERIMENT: Faced With Skyrocketing Murder Rates, Gun-Controlled Brazi…
Homicide Monitor
People Are Ready to Buy Some Guns in the World’s Murder Capital
Brazil - 60k gun deaths /year ( not sure how many are suicide )...
Italy, Macerata attack: Gunman targets black foreigners in drive-by shooting
Considering Italy's strict gun laws complying within the framework of the European Firearms Directive, I'm wondering how long this article will even be in the news....?
it certainly doesn't fit the anti-gun agenda and...
Cache of WW2 weapons found at home of dead man in Yorkshire | Daily Mail Online
LOTS of photos in the article. Wowsa!!
I thought it was fake because Johnson... Penistone...
by Stephen Green
England / Kent / Gillingham
A 74-year-old man has been jailed for five years after 160 guns were found at his home following a fire.
Haul of 160 guns found after house fire
I would have put CA in headline, but you'd all mistake that for CA wouldn't you.
Good news for our Canadian readers
Gun owners to get 6-month grace period when licence expires
Canada's gun-owners will no longer have to worry about facing a jail term if they are a few days or week late in...