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We believe the 2nd Amendment is best defended through grass-roots organization, education, and advocacy centered around individual gun owners. It is our mission to encourage, organize, and support these efforts throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.
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big brother
For the Sweden and Norway show, see: Big Brother (Sweden and Norway)
Big Brother Sverige was the Swedish version of reality TV show Big Brother and was aired from 2000 to 2004 on Kanal 5 for four very successful seasons. New seasons of the Swedish series aired in 2011 and 2012, and then again in 2015.
Huawei’s plans for 6G and beyond make U.S. concerns over 5G look paltry: Huawei is proposing a fundamental internet redesign, which it calls “New IP,” designed to build “intrinsic security” into the web. Intrinsic security means that individuals must register to use the internet, and authorities...
Need to go back to the 76 F-150...
Whatever Toyota uses, prepare for privacy ponderings because while cheaper car insurance sounds lovely, having an insurer source driving data from a manufacturer has plenty of potential pitfalls.
I have never been into conspiracy theories and am quite skeptical of most claims, but what I just witnessed really spooked me.
So I was on another gun forum and posted in a thread about a guy that had his SUV vandalized because he had a MAGA hat on the dash.
I'm at work, on a work computer...
Just in case you are not aware. S e a r c h E n g i n e s (US/UK,ETC..) and guests are monitoring pages as well as profiles. Look through who is online below.
Current Visitors | Northwest Firearms - Oregon, Washington, and Idaho Gun Owners
With all the nonsense going on, I was going to buy a few more AR15 lower receivers, just in case.
I emailed my LGS about his fees for ordering 4 of them since there are 4 lines in the 4473 form. Below is his answer with some stuff "redacted" for his privacy. Basically if you order even 2...
What Does It Really Take To Track A Million Cell Phones?
"What’s the difference between a Nokia 3310 and an iPhone 7? There isn’t any! As long as they are turned on, they can both locate you in real-time, 24/7, with a precision better than 1 square kilometer"