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We believe the 2nd Amendment is best defended through grass-roots organization, education, and advocacy centered around individual gun owners. It is our mission to encourage, organize, and support these efforts throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.
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gun rights
Gun rights include the right to keep and bear arms, to use firearms in self-defense, and to produce and sell firearms and ammunition.
In many jurisdictions, felons automatically lose certain rights, including gun rights. Those rights may be restored automatically or by petition.
US Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Seattle), who is not even a member of the Senate, and her pals are working to end the Senate's filibuster. Here's part of a message I got from her office today:
I don't use Facebook or Twitter so I won't be joining Jayapal but I hope others do.
It's just my little rant, but here it goes. I got my stuff done and sat down for some TV. Red Dawn was on and it was pretty much the beginning. I can't imagine very many people on NW Firearms haven't seen it, but if not, I suggest you do, it's a good insight to what could happen to our country...
Washington Gun Rights Activists Prep for April 27, 2019, Rally
Evergreen State gun owners and Second Amendment activists are planning a big April 27 rally on the Capitol steps in Olympia that is shaping up to be bigger than a gathering there in 2018 that drew a crowd of some 2,500.
Click on the sample letter she received from "Jerry". Pretty sure it didn't help his cause and may swing some independent women Sen. Fagan's way.
Jerry's letter contains vulgar language.
Edit: this has set a precedence that sharing personal letters between legislators and constituents...
I mentioned infighting in another thread as a potential cause of our failure to unite and focus our efforts. Is there an Oregon based gun rights group that the vast majority of pro-2A Oregonians could get behind?
Calls for stricter gun laws, or even outright bans, are almost exclusively the result of mass shootings and the horror they inflict on the public. In Australia, it was the Port Arthur massacre of 1996 that radically transformed the country's gun laws. In England, handguns were effectively banned...
With our constitutional right to bear arms being harassed and attacked from all sides, I feel our only hope is the SCOTUS.
Justices to review New York gun rights case - SCOTUSblog