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That large displacement engine clearly make your car an "assault vehicle". Your Ford Mustang has to move out of State, be destroyed or surrendered to the State Police within 120 days.
The text is pretty freakin' broad -- ANY semiautomatic rifle, with a stock of ANY material, is an assault weapon (thus demonstrating that teaching antis that a Mini-14 and AR15 are essentially the same, is not helpful):

(A) Semiautomatic rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and has at least
one of the following:
(iv) A shroud attached to the barrel, or that partially or completely encircles the barrel,
allowing the bearer to hold the firearm with the non-trigger hand without being burned, but
excluding a slide that encloses the barrel;

Full text:
"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him."

I've been reading Nietzsche a lot lately. Once thinking these words were a statement of satisfaction, I now understand it as a lament.

Nietzsche could see in the 1880's that Western morality based in the Judeo-Christian tradition had fractured under its own regard for seeking the truth. What would replace it was and is nihilistic ideology and with disastrous consequences as the 20th century proved. Nietzsche saw the tectonic plates of civilization gearing for a collision, and he was astoundingly correct.

Even organized religion of today has embraced postmodernism, as we can see here. It's going to get much worse than any of us suspect, this is my fear.

I'll post a link for my latest article on this topic later on.


As a churchgoing Christian, the current breed in many metropolitan churches disgusts me. Extreme liberalism has infiltrated the ranks of those where it doesn't belong!
Something to note - I recently saw a mailer from one of our Democratic Congressmen who is proposing a "plan" to reduce gun violence. He makes a lot of parallels between cigarettes, seat belts, and firearms - which I have no input on, but believe is a complete non sequitur.

One thing he notes, which I DO FULLY agree with, is that we need major improvements to the Mental Health system. I believe this is THE major factor that can move the needle on violence.

Of additional note (mine, not his) are the recent bombings in Austin, TX. No firearms used there, yet people suffer just the same.

Anyway, the Congressman then references the Australian Gun Ban, stating "the Australian experience shows that it is possible to reduce gun violence significantly while still allowing hobby and sport shooting for responsible owners." I pulled up some stats on Australia, and the UK for good measure (source: International statistics: Compare countries on just about anything! Here's how they compare to the US in regards to crime.

Australia as compared to the US:
  • Higher Suicide rate per 100,000 people for ages:
    • 15-24
    • 35-44
    • 45-54
    • 55-64
  • Higher rate of rape
  • Higher rate of assault
  • Higher rate of burglary
  • Higher rate of car theft
  • Higher rate of property crime
  • Higher total rate of crime victims
  • Higher rate of people who believe crime has increased in the past 3 years (perceptual)

UK as compared to the US:

  • Much higher rate of total crimes per 1000 people
  • Higher rate of murder
  • Higher rate of rape
  • Higher rate of assault
  • Higher rate of property crime
  • Higher total rate of crime victims
  • Higher rate of people worried about being attacked (perceptual)

I think this speaks volumes, shows that banning guns is not an answer, and trotting out gun violence numbers does not tell the whole story.

If you want the actual numbers, you can go to the site and use the "Compare" tool.
They will say it does not violate the "taking" clause in the 4th amendment because the bill sets up a California style registry. F that. I will not destroy or sell my guns, and I am not registering them. Preacher man wants it, hes welcome to come personally try to take it :mad:
I don't see any way to stop them from putting this nonsense up for a vote and no amount of educating the electorate is going to help.

Would it make sense to try for a ballot measure of our own?

Maybe worded such to split any votes or put doubt into the low info anti gunner that can't remember which one to vote for.
Not only does this initiative seek to ban so-called assault weapons it also would ban semiautomatic pistols that are capable of accepting a magazine and it bans semi-auto shotguns.

It only takes 88,000 signatures for this initiative to qualify for the November election. In the coming weeks every Portland news outlet will promote this as "responsible gun control" thereby getting the word out to every lib in the state to sign on to get it qualified for the November election. And make no mistake every anti-gun group in the country will mobilize to get the needed signatures.

It is with great alarm and sadness that I believe it will easily qualify for the November ballot. And we can fully expect tens of millions of dollars will pour into this state from every anti-gun group in the country. Groups like; Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, Everytown for Gun Safety, The Brady Campaign, Newtown Action Alliance, Bloomberg, MoveOn, and more to get this ballot measure passed in November.

And make no mistake about it. It will easily pass in November by a wide margin. And even if the NRA files suit to get the ballot measure overturned the extreme left State Supreme Court will rule the ballot measure Constitutional.
Minnesota is set to vote on an even wirse bill, and Ohio is also facing similar draconian laws. We are closer to loosing it all now than we ever have been, I am afraid. SCOTUS needs to take a 2A case and put this to rest once and for all win or loose.

Anti civil rights groups are meeting tonight to launch a ballot measure to ban modern firearms and feeding devices.

The far left Augustana Lutheran Church will be the location for the kick off.

The church is run by militant anti-gun activist Mark Knutson and describes itself as "a thriving, multicultural, multinational, welcoming and affirming, sanctuary, servant congregation".

Those of you who remember the ballot measure to ban bear and cougar hunting with dogs, or the ballot measure to outlaw the private sales of firearms at gun shows will recall the shameless lies the anti-gun side told to con ignorant voters into giving up their rights.

Millions in out of state money was spent and there was no end to the misleading visuals on wall-to-wall TV ads. (During the ballot measure to ban private sales of firearms, Senator John McCain cut numerous anti-gun ads while complaining about the effect of out of state money on politics.)

The extremists promoting this confiscation attempt are hoping to capitalize on the wave of anti-rights protests by school children being orchestrated by Bloomberg funded operatives.

As you know, ballot measures are largely won in Multnomah County. Rest assured the anti-gun establishment there (including Bloomberg stooge Sheriff Mike Reese) will throw its weight behind this effort.

The plan is to make Oregon as much like California as possible. The potential of this ballot measure is impossible to calculate. In states with these kinds of bans, there has been massive non compliance but a massive loss of freedom.

It is essential that you inform every gun owner, and every potential gun owner that this dangerous initiative is in the works. Make sure every person you know who believes in freedom is registered to vote and is paying attention.

Voter turnout is essential. We cannot allow Multnomah County to, once again, rob us of our rights.

Please get the word out. And understand, this is going to be a very expensive battle and our opponents have billionaires in their pockets.

All we have is you. Please consider helping us fund this fight. You can do that here.

If Jesus would have been armed he would not have been nail to the cross by the democrats
It would be a Federal, not state, case.

We could file in both courts. Either way we'd probably lose.

By wording of the law any semi auto handgun that would be used as a suppressor host is now an assault weapon. Suppressors will be legal but unless you pin and weld it to the host, the host would an AW.
I would say that this is divided from the Christian faith unless we're talking about the trickle down long term effects of neutering the population. We have our basic rights and need the ability to defend them. The Book does talk about "not living by the sword". I suppose this could be used as a way to support giving up personal rights to modern day "swords".

Regardless, a church group going into politics is almost never good. It's just another ridiculous controversial thing to get people more divided with each other.
Context. Living by the sword=/=Owning a sword. A person who keeps his sword and lives by it, as in lives to fight with it, he will die by the sword. A person who keeps their sword for defense is not living by it. Keep in mind the new testament does not explicitly say you cannot defend yourself from physical harm. It says to turn the other cheek, but this is to say to not retaliate to insults to your dignity.
It's not just threaded barrels that are "bad" - its the detachable box magazine. This is a straight out power grab. This bill as written bans anything semi auto - and the "features" that determine an "assault weapon" are beyond stupid.

A barrel shroud or head shield or any portion of a stock that fully or partially encircles the barrel allowing a shooter to grip the rifle without burning themselves is EEEVIL. So the wood fore end on an M1 is eeeeevil.

And I'd like to see a picture of a stock where it doesn't place the fingers of the shooter under the action. That there bans all semi autos. Amazed they didn't include bolt actions or lever actions too.

They are at least honest - they want full confiscation and effective disarmament of the populace. These bastards pushing this type of crap would've been deemed traitors and hung from the neck once upon a time. Now they're embraced and loved - and those of us who just want to be left alone to live our lives and be unmolested by criminal or government agents are evil. The idiot masses are demanding less freedom, and more authoritarian control. W T F
Context. Living by the sword=/=Owning a sword. A person who keeps his sword and lives by it, as in lives to fight with it, he will die by the sword. A person who keeps their sword for defense is not living by it. Keep in mind the new testament does not explicitly say you cannot defend yourself from physical harm. It says to turn the other cheek, but this is to say to not retaliate to insults to your dignity.

I'm tracking what you're putting down. I was merely trying to put forth my understanding of why a "church" maybe against the 2nd amendment.

Make no mistake, I do not support anyone or entity that goes against the fundamental rights that Americans have.

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