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There was a Palestine, but not Palestinians as we know them. Palestine was occupied, divided, resettled, conquered and so on for a couple of thousand years, but not by the people who now call themselves Palestinians. Those people adopted that name in 1988, using the PLO as their representatives.

You are going to see this the way you want to and I can't help that. There's no sense in debating someone who prefers the PLO to our ally Israel - the only ally we have in the middle east and who the Muslim Obama is busy trashing and insulting.

Go with the Muslims, especially the PLO. I hope it works out well for you.

I'm finished with this.

I don't "prefer" anything except the TRUTH and the justice which flows from it. I make no apology for being well travelled and having an excellent education and keeping informed, and fighting to get the facts out to people who prefer their Sunday School indoctrination.

"Trashing" and "insulting" by "Muslim Obama".................cheeze, make up some more fun facts! Israel is an ally? What have they ever done for the USA?

And for those who imply that I envy Jews for their devotion to education and hard work---you BET I DO! I admire that devotion to family and culture to no end! I'll bet that I have had more Jewish friends than anyone reading this who is not Jewish, not to mention my second wife who was Jewish, and her family. None of them would ever think of kicking their eighteen-year-olds to the curb like our Anglo culture tends to do! And all of them, practicing Jews or lapsed Jews, all of them were quite anxious and ashamed about the rabid actions of the Zionist Israelis, including those who had lived in Israel for a time.......................elsullo :(
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Planet X *and* reptilian aliens!?

What happened to the good old 1950's era UFO conspiracies where the aliens were beautiful women who took you in their flying saucer to meet the Space Brothers, and it was all about peace?
Dakota Mom,

I preparing for about everything excepting Nuclear Attack. I fully expect a economic collapse, a la the Patriots book scenario. But a massive disease outbreak is possible too. I watched two sets of videos on that depict a scenario for each. Scary as all get out, especially is you have children and doubly scary since I got a child living with my ex, who hates me. My ex will be one of the types to try and sit a bad situation out, waiting for the government to save her.
EMP? Read "One Second After" - not a cool book,...don't read it with a loaded gun near you.
Dakota Mom,

I preparing for about everything excepting Nuclear Attack. I fully expect a economic collapse, a la the Patriots book scenario. But a massive disease outbreak is possible too. I watched two sets of videos on that depict a scenario for each. Scary as all get out, especially is you have children and doubly scary since I got a child living with my ex, who hates me. My ex will be one of the types to try and sit a bad situation out, waiting for the government to save her.
EMP? Read "One Second After" - not a cool book,...don't read it with a loaded gun near you.

I actually bought that book yesterday. I just finished reading it an hour ago. What an amazing book. I added several things to my "need to get soon" list. I found the book very thought provoking...I live 60 miles from a fairly large, within the first week we should start seeing refugees fleeing the cities. One other thing it taught me...I will no longer be telling anyone about my food stockpile...that's just now become top secret. Sorry to hear about your ex being so dumb...The good news about an EMP should be able to "steal" your child back from your ex with no repercussions from the govt. :) Or maybe wait a few weeks and when your ex is hungry enough, you could trade her a box of cheerios for the kid. ;)

Off to watch the videos you posted!!! THANKS!!!
Christopher Titus says it best:
"Screwed up people have seen some stuff ... Screwed up people act different then normal people. When we see the #$%^ about to hit the fan, we step to the side of the fan. Normal people? duhvvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvu, uh you got a little something on ya, right here.."

I, just want to step to the side of the fan.
I don't "prefer" anything except the TRUTH and the justice which flows from it. I make no apology for being well travelled and having an excellent education and keeping informed, and fighting to get the facts out to people who prefer their Sunday School indoctrination.

"Trashing" and "insulting" by "Muslim Obama".................cheeze, make up some more fun facts! Israel is an ally? What have they ever done for the USA?

And for those who imply that I envy Jews for their devotion to education and hard work---you BET I DO! I admire that devotion to family and culture to no end! I'll bet that I have had more Jewish friends than anyone reading this who is not Jewish, not to mention my second wife who was Jewish, and her family. None of them would ever think of kicking their eighteen-year-olds to the curb like our Anglo culture tends to do! And all of them, practicing Jews or lapsed Jews, all of them were quite anxious and ashamed about the rabid actions of the Zionist Israelis, including those who had lived in Israel for a time.......................elsullo :(

We have a great deal to fear from the "educated", look what they have done to the world allready. When DakotaMom ask what we prepare for the truth is we prepare to survive from the actions of educated idiots. Every government is run by the "educated" and all of them have shown how corrupt they are by bankrupting the world.

We see history repeating itself where progressives have tanked the world economy. In that same repetition we see the socialist going after the capitalist and the destruction of jobs and lives for years to come. Looking toward Israel they are capitalist and the socialist want their destruction. Every socialist government has come out to persecute the jews but then they were taught this hatred by their education.

We have a great deal to fear from the "educated", look what they have done to the world allready. When DakotaMom ask what we prepare for the truth is we prepare to survive from the actions of educated idiots. Every government is run by the "educated" and all of them have shown how corrupt they are by bankrupting the world.

We see history repeating itself where progressives have tanked the world economy. In that same repetition we see the socialist going after the capitalist and the destruction of jobs and lives for years to come. Looking toward Israel they are capitalist and the socialist want their destruction. Every socialist government has come out to persecute the jews but then they were taught this hatred by their education.


I'm beginning to grasp the problem. We are actually using different LANGUAGES and histories, where words don't even mean the same things, and historical facts are just completely different fictions to the opponents. It's hopeless. Communication is futile when words mean opposite things to the "other" side. We are just jabbering monkeys now............................elsullo :(
I'm beginning to grasp the problem. We are actually using different LANGUAGES and histories, where words don't even mean the same things, and historical facts are just completely different fictions to the opponents. It's hopeless. Communication is futile when words mean opposite things to the "other" side. We are just jabbering monkeys now............................elsullo :(

:D:DYep, there is your view of history from your education in todays schools and then there is the truth. I am sure your indoctination is working just by reading your post.

We have more to fear from the "educated" as they have killed more people than anything other than natural death.


Edited to add, when socialist see the "problem" their next answer is to kill it because it doesn't think right.
PLEASE! Spacefaring Ancestors! Bring me HOME! Have I not suffered enough on this primitive planet? What was it that you abandoned me here to learn? How I LONG for intelligent beings around me....................elsullo :(
PLEASE! Spacefaring Ancestors! Bring me HOME! Have I not suffered enough on this primitive planet? What was it that you abandoned me here to learn? How I LONG for intelligent beings around me....................elsullo :(


Your Kloward and Piven stratagey is worthless here.:D:D

I skipped over a lot of history, but I am basically correct. You are deluded; when the Zionists came Palestine was already full of people who had been there for thousands of years, and they had no voice in the UN. The fact is that "Israel" was wiped out by the Romans in, what, the Second Century? The non-Jewish PEOPLE remained and prospered right where they were, in the Province of Palestine, with roughly the same borders as the current Israel but including some of Jordan. A small minority of Jews survived there, but Israel was extinct. Yes, there never was a "nation" of Palestine. It was always a province of some larger empire, and finally a military "protectorate" of the British Empire. There also had not been a "nation" of Israel for some eighteen centuries. It was GONE, except in the imagination of Zionists.

So, who gave the United Nations any right to push the Palestinian people off of their land, so foreigners from all over the world could move in and take it? The Palestinains were not represented at the UN. The so-called "Israelis" were there at the weak and fledgeling UN by military conquest and backed by the British, and got their "edict" by political muscle from the USA and Britain, who wanted the European Jews to just go somewhere out of their hair. There was a collective sense of guilt over the horrors that the Jews got from the Nazis, and a recognition that the Jews needed to get out of ruined Europe to hopefully rebuild their heritage. The residents of Palestine were the sacrificial lambs in this scheme to heal the wounds of WWII. The Jews never tried to build a secular state to live side-by-side with the existing residents of Palestine. They chose to drive most of them out and create a new Jewish nation of Israel which largely excluded the original residents.

It's interesting that you bring up the Phillistines. These were the original residents of the land that the historical Jews took by conquest when they fled Egypt thousands of years ago. Maybe some of the Palestinians should file a claim with the UN to get THEIR "historical" Phillistine lands back? So what if other people have been living there for thousands of years in the meantime? Oh, yeah, the nation of the historical Philistines is extinct. Just like the nation of the historical Israelis. Extinct. Meanwhile, only sixty-six years ago millions of Palestinians were forced off of their land so "Israelis" could move in---and they won't forget it. They KNOW the real history.........................elsullo :cool:

I thought you wanted the truth so I'll clear up your false truth here. The original settlers of the area known as Palastine and Israel where the Canaanites not Palestinians. Nice try though!!
Preparing for what? Well that really is the question isn't it......

No matter what happens, I can guarantee this much.......when the will be competitive, violent, there will be no rules, and everything will be stake...that means you will be fighting for your lives...

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