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New movie coming out about another civil war in America. Looks interesting and will come out the spring before the election so it should market well.

Watch the video and see if you can think about survival. Run and hide or leave the country? What would most do?

Probably have a coffee and watch the sun rise somewhere... pretty much the same thing that I do now, but in closer proximity to the coffee.
You can tell it is an AI Generated image... I don't have such nice sunglasses. 😎
On a more serious note. This is how I'd see things shaking out.

Texas forms Gulf alliance with Florida and Gulf States/Southern States.

CA forms Western Alliance with Hawaii, WA, Oregon, Colorado and Nevada. Arizona either gets annexed by CA/Nevada or joins Texas, New Mexico joins CA side.

Great Plains States remain independent, or join Texas.
Illinois joins NY, annexes States South and East of it, becomes western part of "New England /Midwest alliance" that includes all the heavily D States on the NE and Midwestern regions.
On a more serious note. This is how I'd see things shaking out.

Texas forms Gulf alliance with Florida and Gulf States/Southern States.

CA forms Western Alliance with Hawaii, WA, Oregon, Colorado and Nevada. Arizona either gets annexed by CA/Nevada or joins Texas, New Mexico joins CA side.

Great Plains States remain independent, or join Texas.
Illinois joins NY, annexes States South and East of it, becomes western part of "New England /Midwest alliance" that includes all the heavily D States on the NE and Midwestern regions.
We know who in those alliances has the guns and knows how to use them.

Also, count on KY on down joining the Texas/Gulf/Southern states, and Ohio may be a wild card.
It's very possible the writers went this way so as not to show their bias/hyperpolitical partisanship by writing two normally opposing States as working together :rolleyes:

Edit. Watch them write that CA and NY politicians are more competent and supportive of the People than TX and FL :s0140:
Or they did it to get people talking about it to create a buzz around an otherwise 😴inducing movie
A lot of Americans don't have a clue where most of these places are on a map, let alone what the color of their politics are, but your hypothesis is definitely plausible.
I recall in the miniseries "Jericho" where there was a US civil war and Texas was an independent third nation. Really interesting premise in that mini series with some excellent acting (major dad actor Sol from the movie snatch) and some not so great acting. Kind of a soap opera feel to it which is too bad. They set off nukes in key cities as part of a coup and there was a virus that large corporations controlled the vaccine for. I think it was made in 2003ish.

Small remote town had to reconstruct itself basically after being cut off from outside world after the nukes, all the while not knowing what was going on in the country or why.

Despite the shortcomings all the stuff you might see in a SHTF scenario is there, no communications, food, power. People trying to survive, maintain order etc. flipping intense show as I recall.
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About the only country you could run to is Canada but Alaska might be safe. No going south and it takes a passport to travel east and west.
About the only country you could run to is Canada but Alaska might be safe. No going south and it takes a passport to travel east and west.
Theres an interesting question, Alaska.

Should a civil war or revolution occur in the lower 48, that leaves Alaska between being invaded/annexed by Russia, or taken by Canada. Alaska boasts a lot of mineral wealth; and is one of the control points to Bering Sea which is pretty dang important for fisheries and for gold/oil exploration.. as well as a strategic point controlling North Pacific and Arctic territory.

Edit. If the US States or Fed government has to commit troops to protect Alaska as well as Hawaii and the US territories in South-West Pacific, that takes logistics away from the continental conflicts.
Theres an interesting question, Alaska.

Should a civil war or revolution occur in the lower 48, that leaves Alaska between being invaded/annexed by Russia, or taken by Canada. Alaska boasts a lot of mineral wealth; and is one of the control points to Bering Sea which is pretty dang important for fisheries and for gold/oil exploration.. as well as a strategic point controlling North Pacific and Arctic territory.

Edit. If the US States or Fed government has to commit troops to protect Alaska as well as Hawaii and the US territories in South-West Pacific, that takes logistics away from the continental conflicts.
:D Alaska it is then.:s0093:

If you have to live under a new government then it may as well be one we all know.

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