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Yeah, but - Can they cook?

Throwing my 2 cents in the ring... if we ever have another civil war it isn't going to be like the French Revolution or the 1st US Civil War, it'll be an irregular war like The Troubles in Northern Ireland. We're already seeing the ground set for a similar conflict to occur. People are dividing themselves based on political affiliation (which now ties into a lot of beliefs about day to day life such as childhood education, work ethic, community safety, etc), similar to how Catholics/nationalists and protestants/unionists divided themselves in the years leading up the Battle of the Bogside.


In regards to local situations, your county sheriff will be pivotal in the direction your community takes. Greater than any state official or mandate, especially if comms are down. One of the reasons why leftist areas, like King Co. WA, changed that position from elected to appointed.
We have fat lesbians in slug costumes and cross eyed crack heads with poop knives. We have single toothed truck drivers and skinny wimps with forearms like chopsticks and a voice like audio feedback. We have soccer moms with baby on board mini vans and Men who wear women's clothing. And nobody knows who is on what side.

It's going to be a giant clusterF.
But no. I am not a Democrat. It's unfortunate that our own government is the cause of the division in this country. They lie to us 24-7, some believe their lies, some don't.
It's the people who allow themselves to be divided. If they would take a minute and think about things before reacting, the media and government would change their tune.
It's the people who allow themselves to be divided. If they would take a minute and think about things before reacting, the media and government would change their tune.
I go back and forth with people "on the other side" they live in a totally opposite universe. Red is green, green blue, crazy ladies who make up accusations from 20+ years ago are credible, having to pay someone over 100m for saying "mean" but true statements is justice. both sides believe the other is lying.
I go back and forth with people "on the other side" they live in a totally opposite universe. Red is green, green blue, crazy ladies who make up accusations from 20+ years ago are credible, having to pay someone over 100m for saying "mean" but true statements is justice. both sides believe the other is lying.
I don't bother. If they want to believe the world is flat, I tell them to go for a walk and report back when they circle around.
Having spent some time in Alaska, I believe that Russia would not have an easy time taking control there. Perhaps destroying the population "centers." Beyond that, it would be a morass.

On a similar note, the present socialist governments in the Western states would collapse without the votes of the population centers. They extend their power over the hinterlands as long as the hinterlands don't see it as an existential threat. Once it passes that point, control becomes problematic. The urban masses could become restless if things get tough.
Every Cascade pass is an easy choke point and fleeing to eastern Wa or Oregon unless you are the correct political persuasion would not go well. And crossing those big rivers if it's a non permissive environment. Good luck. Much of Washington's food is produced on east side.
If said war happened. Alaska would need to ally with Russia. All of our current "Allies" would likely side with the current Federal government. no more Russian ammo, or weapons bans lol. Probably no more DEI training, or kitty litter boxes in high schools ether.

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