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If someone thinks you have something valuable and easy accessible, that's enough. And people watch your life patterns.

Especially business owners. Most I know are just keeping it together with an occasional good year here and there. But the perception is, they have a nice car in a nice neighborhood, they are a good target.
Political or none, We really have to do something to stop this. It affects all of us including our families and friends. It doesn't matter if we live in upscale or not, no one is bullet proof. Its just a fact that our country is being invaded and they're doing nothing to shut the border.
A long time ago, I use to teach and help my friends kid sister. One Sunday the father took her for a trip in Sta Ana, California. They had a car break down and while the father was in the emergency phone, someone hit their car at 65-70 mph. Blew up the car and instantly killed the daughter and her friend. They were only 13 years old. The car was track down and owned by and illegal alien Hispanic and fled back to Mexico. What I'm trying to say is, Americans have a way of life and culture. Each and every citizen lives with responsibility and liability. Some other countries doesn't have that. So to begin with accepting illegal aliens does not even know these standards yet while they are also "Illegal." That's why everyone have to go the proper channels.
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My house isn't big enough to not hear a hard entry taking place anywhere in my house from anywhere else in my house.

Turning the home into a fortress is rather difficult while still living in a home that doesn't look like a bunker. The goal is to just slow them down sufficiently so you have adequate time to respond.

I also have a weirdly convenient sleep technique where I'll sleep right through my wife talking to me, but odd noises wake me up.

As far as surviving, doesn't take more than a moment to slip on a piece of armor and grab a rifle. Someone doing a hard entry to my house is automatically considered a deadly threat. So they get a mag dump in their general direction. Whatever is leftover will get more specifically directed shots. Ammo is on the armor, so if you have it on, you have ammo.

Excessive response be damned - someone broke into my home and endangered my family.
Turning the home into a fortress is rather difficult while still living in a home that doesn't look like a bunker. The goal is to just slow them down sufficiently so you have adequate time to respond.
Same thoughts I'm thinking... a delaying tactic to buy a little time to kit up. Was planning on putting these on my front door to beef up the stock lockset...

And adding one of these to the front door, as well as one to the door from the laundry room to the garage. That's the door I would never hear being jimmied...

As far as surviving, doesn't take more than a moment to slip on a piece of armor and grab a rifle. Someone doing a hard entry to my house is automatically considered a deadly threat. So they get a mag dump in their general direction. Whatever is leftover will get more specifically directed shots. Ammo is on the armor, so if you have it on, you have ammo.

Excessive response be damned - someone broke into my home and endangered my family.
Totally agree...
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My house isn't big enough to not hear a hard entry taking place anywhere in my house from anywhere else in my house.

Turning the home into a fortress is rather difficult while still living in a home that doesn't look like a bunker. The goal is to just slow them down sufficiently so you have adequate time to respond.

I also have a weirdly convenient sleep technique where I'll sleep right through my wife talking to me, but odd noises wake me up.

As far as surviving, doesn't take more than a moment to slip on a piece of armor and grab a rifle. Someone doing a hard entry to my house is automatically considered a deadly threat. So they get a mag dump in their general direction. Whatever is leftover will get more specifically directed shots. Ammo is on the armor, so if you have it on, you have ammo.

Excessive response be damned - someone broke into my home and endangered my family.
If I may, I can share something. I began to realize that I don't have enough lot to accommodate my plans of digging a bunker. But, my house is slightly elevated. Not a stilt house, but I have a 3 feet clearance below which are common in Oregon. I'm think what I can put there besides a cast iron tub. I can dig something there for sure connecting from our outside patio as an entrance and another car driveway. If I put a modular house on open lot right side driveway (facing the back side of our house), I can have a total of 4 car enclosed garage and I can connect that as an emergency going underneath the house. This is my enclosed patio and straight up are the extra 2 car parking all inside our property. On the right side is an enclosed 2 car garage.
It that makes sense.
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I'd ask the cat what he thinks...

Doesn't matter these days. The fact that you live in a house make you a target now.
Exactly! A mile away for me are house up the the hills and some of them lives on a private road. Its not the first time that started a year ago and I heard someone went to their private road claiming they're lost and looking for a house party.
2 dead bolts?
Deadbolt on top, regular door latch on bottom. The 5½" spacing between the holes is an American home standard. I'll wager that if you live in any home built in America within the past 40 years, the distance between the deadbolt and door latch is 5½" center-to-center...
When they use technology to shut down your phone and alarms?

That thing is just so bad.... Analog 2 way radio is a must have. I'm gonna add another dead bolt, install and turn on my CCTV.
If you guys know an installer please let us know. I already have the cameras and its programmed. The only thing they need to do is walk around the attic and connect the wires.
Deadbolt on top, regular door latch on bottom. The 5½" spacing between the holes is an American home standard. I'll wager that if you live in any home built in America within the past 40 years, the distance between the deadbolt and door latch is 5½" center-to-center...
Got it. Thanks!
Deadbolt on top, regular door latch on bottom. The 5½" spacing between the holes is an American home standard. I'll wager that if you live in any home built in America within the past 40 years, the distance between the deadbolt and door latch is 5½" center-to-center...
Well I'm taking this all in a positive way. The bright side about it is atleast I met you guys and the things were discussing right now are really important and are all in real time. If this event is not happening, I would probably still own 1 rusty shotgun and totally out of touch when it comes to current events, safety and survival. If I mention things like these lets say with some of my hifi buddies, they night think I'm a wacko.:s0064:

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