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While they have a lot of hoarded resources to their benefit, I still believe the "service" staff (their helicopter pilots, security guards, etc) will turn on them once money no longer has value and it'll be game over for most/all of them. I mean, what value would they have to contribute without money? What do others think?
Depends on the billionaire I would guess...
As in...
What skills and knowledge do they have...
And are the skills and knowledge they do have , applicable or useful in their current situation....

Will "service" staff turn on them...
Sure some will...will all of them...who knows...
Much like the will depend.

Billionaires and Service Staff have this in common...
At the end of the day...they are individuals...and individuals need to be taken in consideration individually ...not with a blanket statement or assumption.
Something else to consider here....

Say the apocalypse does happen...and a break down in society , a Mad Max kinda thing happens...
If you are working for a billionaire who has hoarded resources...maybe money ain't what you are working for any longer...
Maybe you are working , so to speak for your share of those resources...

Also...iifin' that billionaire does indeed have hoarded resources...why would you leave or why would you leave them to him...?

Again...this falls down on the individual and how they react...what they want or need...what are they willing to do...and how does that change over time...
You can what if this to death.

And the old stereotypes of the spoiled , rich know nothing of the real world guy...
And the poor , but world wise , street smart guy are just that...
Granted stereotypes exist for a reason...but they are very often overused in film , books and TV....
I belive the ones not prepared nor posses skills to keep themselves alive will parish quickly just like most of the population in big city's. If it's a major emp that shuts everything down there planes and helicopter will be useless and they will be stuck where they are. Definitely glad I'm not in a big city and that I'm prepared and self sufficient, I honestly don't give 2 sheets about them
Elite will probably be food for starving peasants in short order. Billionaire is just funny money in the bank, he may have some gold but who would help him defend it?. Most Billionaires are older and won't last long when they destroy the world, they are hoarders when it comes to survival and have no idea how to rebuild society.
Yeah they will survive because they'll be long gone before things get fubar.

Keep an eye on the private jets.

What is a billionaire of use for, what value is he to society? o_O
I can't speak to Wall Street or any of that, but at least here in Oregon we have a billionaire who very generously gave to OHSU.
Yeah they will survive because they'll be long gone before things get fubar.

Keep an eye on the private jets.

I can't speak to Wall Street or any of that, but at least here in Oregon we have a billionaire who very generously gave to OHSU.
Yep while they have wealth they are a value but once it all crashes then what value are they? As a useless eater they won't last long but if they can contribute a skill of value then they would fit in I think.
Yep while they have wealth they are a value but once it all crashes then what value are they? As a useless eater they won't last long but if they can contribute a skill of value then they would fit in I think.
I think people underestimate how determined, hard working, cruel and maniacal most of the uber rich are. I'm not talking about their stupid children, but the actual people who came out west on the back of a pickup truck with nothing and built empires. These people are not going to die easy. I'm willing to bet many of the rich wind up rich again once the dust has settled.
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Yep while they have wealth they are a value but once it all crashes then what value are they? As a useless eater they won't last long but if they can contribute a skill of value then they would fit in I think.
There is actually a movement with billionairs to prep for apocalyps's, and they got the money to do it and do it big.

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