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I don't bother. If they want to believe the world is flat, I tell them to go for a walk and report back when they circle around.
If the world was flat....Cats would have pushed everything over the edge if it by now.... :D
It's the people who allow themselves to be divided. If they would take a minute and think about things before reacting, the media and government would change their tune.
Yes, because the people have a severe allergic reaction to critical thinking. Most of them (and esp. those high-minded folks with lofty ideals) have never suffered anything worse than a brief power outage. They live in a comfortable fantasy. Anyone who cares is a "nerd" and anyone who espouses discipline is a "fascist".

We are living in Nero's Rome.
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Just to blather on...:s0140: Compare the 1860s culture and society with today and it's obvious people in the Civil War had different reasons for bloodshed. Not having lived in those times but reading a great deal, both sides had firm reasons to fight and joined their neighbors going to war.

Today it's all political with the worst willing to murder their neighbors over politics. 1860s they fought for states rights to rule themselves or made war against slavery. Can't see any big reasons like slavery to go to war but not having female hygiene products in the men's bathroom might inspire some....:D
If NBC says it's not true. It is true. See what I mean about, alternate reality? but, yes. believe what you want.
If NBC says it's not true. It is true. See what I mean about, alternate reality? but, yes. believe what you want.
Tell you what, have her get a photo for us to verify it, how's that?

Also not just NBC, literally the entire internet (and really the world) outside of the few folks that can't admit that they fell for a hoax.
yes. nearly every source readily available to us, lie to us 24-7. the truth is then called conspiracy, or Russian disinformation
yes. nearly every source readily available to us, lie to us 24-7. the truth is then called conspiracy, or Russian disinformation
It is really interesting that exactly what you think is truth is perhaps the most distorted horror show of symbolic imaginaries in human history.
Tell you what, have her get a photo for us to verify it, how's that?

Also not just NBC, literally the entire internet (and really the world) outside of the few folks that can't admit that they fell for a hoax.
Is this a hoax like that CA guy who says he has full auto kac guns or whatever the heck it is?:s0011::s0036::s0050::s0087:
I wonder what other countries, heavily invested in the US have to say. If we fall further into division does their economy crash as well?

Generally those countries are socialist but who's met a socialist that doesn't love money? I would love to know if Germany is secretly urging the dems to knock the rhetoric back a notch. I get more and more countries are trading on different currencies because there is less faith in the US.
I wonder what other countries, heavily invested in the US have to say. If we fall further into division does their economy crash as well?

Generally those countries are socialist but who's met a socialist that doesn't love money? I would love to know if Germany is secretly urging the dems to knock the rhetoric back a notch. I get more and more countries are trading on different currencies because there is less faith in the US.
Good question.

At the beginning of our so called Civil War....there was a cotton surplus in England late 1862 that surplus was gone...
And the South was not exporting as much cotton....England did flirt with the idea of intervention or at least recognizing the C.S.A

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