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Your post reminded me.
And, at the same time I was left wondering?
Did that occur at one of those drive up windows?

Because......many places (now a days).....refuse to sell to people on foot at the drive up window. make sense. Whatever, each owner/company should do what's right for them. And YES......some of them may have been the victim(s) of past robberies or etc....etc..... Or maybe, they just heard of some of the incidents that have resulted in a "bad experience".

Story time.
When I use to live in Hawaii.......there was a murder of a Jack in The Box manager at Waipio Gentry. The suspect apparently used the technique. It was suspected that .....while on foot, the suspect approached the drive through window. It was probably a Robbery, that turned into a Murder. IIRC....they never caught nor convicted anyone of that crime.

After that, it became a company policy for Jack In The Box (at least in Hawaii). NOT TO service customers on foot at the drive through window. Yup......and now a days......cameras.

In fact the Jack in the Box (near me in Vancouver) has a sign stating the NO SERVICE policy at the drive through window for customers on foot.

I wonder if the employees are told the story (see above)?


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And maybe your experience didn't even involve a drive through window.

At any rate........may the manager R.I.P. (he was a young guy).

Aloha, Mark
NSFW warning...
Hey @Dr Prepper. I have to wonder whether you are male or female.
A female working a coffee stand who speaks only broken English probably doesn't have many job choices. She has to worry about being abducted, raped, sold to human traffickers. Even if she is an average female in strength she is weaker than nearly all men. Her bones are lighter. Her pain threshold is higher. A mere punch that scars her face might mean that she can't even get a job serving coffee in the future. Working at a coffee stand may still be safer than working indoors with a male boss who may figure all female subordinates should out out for him. Being at the bottom of the social hierarchy svcks, but it doesn't mean you have no common sense.
Your post reminded me of another incident in Wahiawa (close to Waipio Gentry) that occurred long before I got to Wahiawa.

Story Time.
I was riding with my friend as we patrolled Wahiawa one night. As we passed the Dairy Queen in the middle of town, my friend told me the story.

Forgive me if the details are lacking.

Anyway, there was once a very attractive girl (she might have been a family member to the owner) who was working at the Wahiawa Dairy Queen. The story went......there were no customers around (as it might have even been past closing). So then, some employees were there as the "clean up crew". A guy came in to rob the place. The employees were quickly ushered to the back/separated. The attractive female was taken to the back. Yup.....where she was repeatedly raped. Anyway.....he said that her mind just wasn't the same after that. Yup......"CRAZY" was an understatement of her present state of mind.

Aloha, Mark
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Much truth here, @Dr Prepper . If it's any consolation, the beautiful..or even just sort of attractive woman gets away with murder, or at least attracts lots of positive attention for reasons other than her job performance...up to about age 30 only. After that her sexual appeal dives, while the sexual attractiveness of fit men lags initially but is increasing up to at least about 50. And there are nuances.

The female in serious careers is likely to be expected to dress so as to be sexually provocative but held in contempt by all women and her male colleagues and boss if she does so. The male boss might be more inclined to fire a misbehaving male subordinate because he takes him seriously and considers him a threat. He might demote or even just reprimand the female for the same thing because he doesn't take her as seriously or consider her a threat, and figures he can mold her as he wants. So the boss might be more inclined to keep her on even if she's screwed up. But he would promote any one of the men first and fastest. You don't promote people you don't take seriously. And most men are totally capable of taking a woman seriously sexually while totally not taking her seriously with respect to the job and her being worth promoting. Some men are actually completely incapable of taking an attractive woman seriously with respect to any serious job, and consider every attractive woman a bimbo.

Also, on average women are more sensitive when reprimanded, and their upset shows. Men usually on average less so. Even if just as upset they are on average better at hiding it. So the boss feels he can control the female through expressing displeasure, but isn't sure he can make an impression on the male. It also seems to be only the mid level jobs where the beautiful woman gets away with more. If its a highly desireable university assistant prof position at a top school, the male needs to be outstanding at some things and not make too many mistakes. The female needs to be outstanding at all parts of the job and make no mistakes.

Makeup and high heels were undoubtedly invented by women. And many like wearing them to work. But its usually men who set up the workplace to require women to paint their faces into a resemblance of sexual arousal and constantly present their butts to all. Then the poor men are expected to stand all day having apparently aroused women presenting their butts to them and not accept any of the apparent offers.
A couple of years ago, a middle-aged woman went to work n the local auto parts store that I frequent. She learned the "ropes" fairly quickly, and became one of my preferred counterpersons. After a few months, I had an opportunity to speak with her outside the hearing of anyone else. I told her that I had observed her progress and she was doing a great job. I pointed out another woman there who had worked up to a position of responsibility, and said that "you are improving just like her, and I believe it will be rewarded." She was very appreciative. Women have a tough time in a "man's" vocation, and compliments are probably few.

Being older, I feel like I can compliment women on a job well done without seeming to have ulterior motives. It is very satisfying to see them appreciate that someone had noticed.
I have often said that for every woman that gets ahead by making a stink, there are hundreds (and perhaps thousands) who can do a better job, but do their work and take home their pay without conflict. It is too bad that these women are not rewarded.

A couple of years ago, a middle-aged woman went to work n the local auto parts store that I frequent. She learned the "ropes" fairly quickly, and became one of my preferred counterpersons. After a few months, I had an opportunity to speak with her outside the hearing of anyone else. I told her that I had observed her progress and she was doing a great job. I pointed out another woman there who had worked up to a position of responsibility, and said that "you are improving just like her, and I believe it will be rewarded." She was very appreciative. Women have a tough time in a "man's" vocation, and compliments are probably few.

Being older, I feel like I can compliment women on a job well done without seeming to have ulterior motives. It is very satisfying to see them appreciate that someone had noticed.
I have often said that for every woman that gets ahead by making a stink, there are hundreds (and perhaps thousands) who can do a better job, but do their work and take home their pay without conflict. It is too bad that these women are not rewarded.
Sincere praise from strangers can matter. Back in the 1980s I lived in Corvallis, and my favorite restaurant was a small Chinese restaurant in the downtown that had superb Sichuan Chinese food. The owner was in his 40s, I thought. Young to have his own restaurant. He deserved an acknowledgement that mattered. One week I noticed an older Chinese gentleman walking around in the restaurant occassionally. I quietly asked one of the waitresses and found out that, just as I had guessed, the older man was the father of the restaurant's owner, here visiting his son in America. So the next evening I asked the waitress to send the father to my table. I told the father I had eaten a lot of Chinese food in Tokyo which is noted for its fine Chinese restaurants. And I had lived in Boston for four years and had eaten in all the best Chinese restaurants there , and Boston had the the best Chinese restaurants in America, including four Sichuan Chinese restaurants with world-wide reputations. But this restaurant had Chinese food as good as any I had ever had.

The elderly man said, "Ohh, this restaurant isn't mine. It belongs to my son." "Yes. I know," I said, bowing slightly from my sitting position. "That's why I tell you." The elder's face was transfixed with pleasure. He bowed in thanks and acknowledgement. I was, in fact, not just praising the food. I was praising and acknowledging him for having raised an accomplished, successful, worthy son. My words would help the father understand his son's accomplishment. The son would hear my praise from his father's lips. No other praise could matter more.

I went home and told my roommate, who was Chinese, what I had done. She said, in awe, "Ooohhh! Very Chinese!"
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From a news story about this:

Four suspects were later found at a hospital. One of the men "was suffering from a gunshot wound consistent with a shotgun blast," according to the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. The 23-year-old remains hospitalized in critical but stable condition and will be booked into jail after being released, officials said.

My question being did they NOT think they were going to get caught by going to a hospital? And ALL of them there as well?

Pretty stupid bunch.....
The wounded man was no doubt in pain. He was probably begging for medical attention. It sounds like the others were found in the parking lot. " With the assistance of another law enforcement agency, the suspects were located at a hospital in the Southern California region, one of whom was suffering from a gunshot wound consistent with a shotgun blast. Three additional suspects were also located at the hospital in the suspect vehicle, which had been previously reported stolen. The vehicle, a dark-colored BMW SUV, was also found to contain numerous stolen firearms."

Of course, it would have been smarter if they had just dropped him off instead of waiting for him. Thankfully, they were loyal to their buddy.
Your post reminded me.
And, at the same time I was left wondering?
Did that occur at one of those drive up windows?

Because......many places (now a days).....refuse to sell to people on foot at the drive up window. make sense. Whatever, each owner/company should do what's right for them. And YES......some of them may have been the victim(s) of past robberies or etc....etc..... Or maybe, they just heard of some of the incidents that have resulted in a "bad experience".

Story time.
When I use to live in Hawaii.......there was a murder of a Jack in The Box manager at Waipio Gentry. The suspect apparently used the technique. It was suspected that .....while on foot, the suspect approached the drive through window. It was probably a Robbery, that turned into a Murder. IIRC....they never caught nor convicted anyone of that crime.

After that, it became a company policy for Jack In The Box (at least in Hawaii). NOT TO service customers on foot at the drive through window. Yup......and now a days......cameras.

In fact the Jack in the Box (near me in Vancouver) has a sign stating the NO SERVICE policy at the drive through window for customers on foot.

I wonder if the employees are told the story (see above)?


View attachment 1251047

And maybe your experience didn't even involve a drive through window.

At any rate........may the manager R.I.P. (he was a young guy).

Aloha, Mark
Yes it was one of those LITTLE shack looking things that only had a window on each side. I know most fast food, banks and such will not let people walk up due to liability issues but they also of course have walk in. This was still early morning, still dark and no one there. I guess those things do get hit a lot by scum but still not sure how she thought not opening the window would protect her if I was there to hold her up. Guess if I had pulled a gun she could duck into the little can they had there :D
Thank YOU very much for putting up this video.

The man deserves a medal and more!

Great interview.

He was absolutely correct on what he said about career criminals and the freaking justice system in this country. IT needs to keep the violent and career criminals locked up!

My opinion:

And if a CRIMINAL murders another person, is caught, makes a confession or not, he or she receives a fair and speedy trial and is found GUILTY - he should get the death penalty!

He should not spend years on end waiting to be put down like a rabid dog for his murder or murders.

He gets to be HUNG or SHOT by a firing squad using 30-30 Win ammunition. NO gas, NO electric chair and NO needle like you would put an old and sickly dog down.

THIS older man most likely would have been MURDERED by the thief if he was not armed and ready to DEFEND HIS OWN LIFE.

I would have liked to have seen THIS robber with full intent of MURDER been shot DEAD so the taxpayers do not get stuck paying any medical bills or to keep this dirt bag in JAIL.

NO offense (LOL - not really!) to the sensitive people who do not believe in the death penalty and a JUSTICE SYSTEM that actually works due to the D and R @@@es in charge with their BS criminal justice reforms and SJW whiners that give more of a rat's @@@ to the MURDERING - THIEVING CRIMINALS than they do for the VICTIMS in this modern society!

Old Lady Cate
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Why does this remind me of "A Christmas Story"?

Those guys were loaded for bear, so to speak, but aparently they weren't prepared for much action. Can anyone tell what the store owner's got? He must have been keeping an eye on his cameras.

THIS older man - store owner needs to be on ALL radio and tv stations telling his story complete with video and/or sound with a BIG OLD SIGN telling the D/R politicians in their cities, rural areas, counties, states and on the FEDERAL LEVEL that they better get their act together when it comes to SERVING the honest working and retired citizens in this country.

Old Lady Cate
PS: The VERY small town of ENNIS, MT has an alert - warning put out by LE telling people to be AWARE of the huge increase in crime from theft to you name it! It was in our local news over here and across the state. And they are NOT only talking about trail heads with increased crime too.
All he would add is something about an Altoid box.....
Exqueeze me!?? You aren't knocking one of the greatest bushcraft/survival multipurpose accessories of all time, are you>>?? Sorry, but I can't let that one slide. For shame!

Hate the mints but buy empties in quanity from ebay.

Between those and 35mm film cans I dunno how I would get by. Although... those round blood test strip cans with the hinged flip tops sure are sweet! ;)
Man, I love that Old Lady... ☝️
If you mean me or Not... I love you too! LOL

Old Lady Cate

PS: My late husband always sat in a certain way and in a seat as many of you describe here and in other past posts. Plus he and I did some of the same things that you discussed when it came to SITUATIONAL AWARENESS.

My late parents, older brother and MY mentor, 'Aunt' Catherine (NOT by blood - Mom's lifelong BEST friend.) - the famous lawyer, always taught us KIDS some things when it came to common sense, using your brain that the good Lord gave you, and to be aware of your surroundings - safety issues without making a kid or an adult 'paranoid'.

I am still astounded on how many OLDER ladies and not just younger people - females/males are NOT aware of their surroundings or even PAY ATTENTION TO THINGS in their immediate vicinity or home area. I do NOT mean the ladies or gentlemen on this forum - young or old when I say this.
Just playing 'Devils Advocate' but I wonder if ANY MSMs, lib 'journalists' etc. will have the audacity to bring up ANY legality issues or observations (if they can find any) just so they can get in their 'typical' anti gun 'digs' - even thought the owner was no doubt clearly on good grounds legally on all fronts....
Exqueeze me!?? You aren't knocking one of the greatest bushcraft/survival multipurpose accessories of all time, are you>>?? Sorry, but I can't let that one slide. For shame!

Hate the mints but buy empties in quanity from ebay.

Between those and 35mm film cans I dunno how I would get by. Although... those round blood test strip cans with the hinged flip tops sure are sweet! ;)
??? What are you guys doing with altoid mint cans and 35mm film cans?

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