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What makes you think the people that already live in the foothills and mountains want a bunch of tacticool city folk moving in?

We rual folks also have ARs, AKs, FALs and a lot of ongoing training getting ready for city "tough guys". Plus we know the terrain... every gully and tree. We are also vets that we do work hard physical labor 7 days a week. You boys don't understand what tough really is. Be nice, bring your own body bag.

Some things to thinka bout...:s0131:

Ever get caught in holiday Traffic Jams leaving the city? Good luck driving out during a SHTF.
Distance of a tank of fuel 200 to 500 miles? How much fuel can you carry?
What can be carried on your back maybe all you can get out with.

Rural communities are armed and have been living and working together.
If you aren't family or proven friend, why would they take a chance on you?
Locals have knowledge of terrain.
They live in defensible valleys with roads, ridges, and gullies.
Good luck getting through.

How many of you can really hunt?
How many of you can grow food enough to last a winter?
How many of you know how to forage where you are, let alone where you want to go or end up?
How many of you know how to process food to last longer than a few weeks if not years?
How many have kept warm through a winter with firewood you bucked and split?
I never did it without a chainsaw, that means when the gasoline is gone, it's ax and handsaw time.
I've lived off grid and we still used gas and propane for saws pumps, generators and refrigeration.

I consider my self pretty good at growing, foraging, fishing and hunting than most, but it will still be sketchy as I have never committed to it 100% as my food. At my best I might have been doing 50%.

I watch the preper shows and...:s0114:

One of the best reasons to not be in the city or suburbs is a possible SHTF.
This is a very big subject... time to go:s0071:
I went to La Pine yesterday. I had to drive just shy of 100 miles to get there one way. No matter which direction I go, the closest "city"(K. Falls) is 40 miles away and in all directions only a 2 lane road in and out. It is very reassuring knowing that if and when something happens, the screaming hoards will be a long way away and behind a shut down highway, choked with cars. Where I am, depending on the season they would have to contend with stifling heat or 5 feet of snow. Just miles and miles of high desert and forest between me and chaos.
Every situation is different, but in the case of something major happening in Portland, I would probably only have to deal with a few refugee's that got out ahead of the chaos and the bad mf'er's that lived through to the end.

I really believe that cities will take care of themselves. That's unfortunate, because a lot of good or innocent people will die. On the other hand, it gives those of us in the country a chance to live.
I plan on procuring an aircraft and parachuting in to the country side. I'll be the guy in the green Filson upland game oil finish jacket with the Northwest Firearms Forum blood chit on the back.... DON'T CHOOT! lugging an ALICE pack, an EBR and Yes! a Forty Frickin Five, thank you kindly!

But seriously, not all urbanites or suburbanites are bad news. If the SHTF/ civil unrest there's one thing the self reliable country folk are going to need... and that's more trigger fingers. I know where I want to go but having to travel through a couple of major metropolitan areas first make it the longest 100 miles I can imagine. I'd like to think I could make it to some relatives in rural areas driving my loaded up Exploder but that could be really tough WROLF.
Pre SHTF friendships and alliances would be a good plan in my mind. I don't want your BBs, food or daughters....I'd just like safe passage and maybe some water if necessary. I also have 4 plans depending on how the scenarios develop real time. Grew up on a farm, we had wood heat till I was a senior in high school, new wife s a phenomenal canner and gardener and, if we have 5 years, will have our own BO paradise. Till then, I might be a nomad if we gotta leave the wet side if SHTF.

Brutus Out
I plan on procuring an aircraft and parachuting in to the country side. I'll be the guy in the green Filson upland game oil finish jacket with the Northwest Firearms Forum blood chit on the back.... DON'T CHOOT! lugging an ALICE pack, an EBR and Yes! a Forty Frickin Five, thank you kindly!

But seriously, not all urbanites or suburbanites are bad news. If the SHTF/ civil unrest there's one thing the self reliable country folk are going to need... and that's more trigger fingers. I know where I want to go but having to travel through a couple of major metropolitan areas first make it the longest 100 miles I can imagine. I'd like to think I could make it to some relatives in rural areas driving my loaded up Exploder but that could be really tough WROLF.
Pre SHTF friendships and alliances would be a good plan in my mind. I don't want your BBs, food or daughters....I'd just like safe passage and maybe some water if necessary. I also have 4 plans depending on how the scenarios develop real time. Grew up on a farm, we had wood heat till I was a senior in high school, new wife s a phenomenal canner and gardener and, if we have 5 years, will have our own BO paradise. Till then, I might be a nomad if we gotta leave the wet side if SHTF.

Brutus Out

Good sense in your reply.
Wont be a lot of that in tough times. Be invisible in your travel til you get where you are going.

At my age I shoot forward a lot better than I run backward.
Rearward movement is only used for a forward Advantage and better sight alignment !
A pretty well armed farm would probably have a shotgun, .22 and a deer rifle. They are the initial prey.

I'm from Southern Oregon. Nearly all of my farmer neighbors there are heavily armed. Two of them have Barrett 50s. They all know each other well, and are not very friendly to outsiders. I was thinking it over the other day, and near as I can figure the newest guy in the area has been there 35 years. I still think of him as a newcomer. :s0114:

Certainly there are farms armed as you describe, maybe vineyards in the Willamette valley, but not many in the south. People there are more self reliant.

I am still learning things about my neighbors, just found out about one of the 50s last weekend, we were talking long range coyote shooting.
If something huge happened and I had to leave, id go or try to go North. as far as what would make me leave my house? a outbreak, or a major impact would force me f rom my home. other then that, Godzilla, or maybe vampires.
Pre SHTF friendships and alliances would be a good plan in my mind.
I agree. Everybody seems to emphasize guns and ammo but I don't think that aspect is going to necessarily be the beginning and end of everything. I suspect whatever shooting takes place will happen quickly and essentially end about as fast. There may be some isolated, ancillary self-defense scenarios but I do not believe it will be a gun dominated world.
Matthew 24:15-25

New International Version (NIV)

15 "So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,'[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.

22 "If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. 23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!' or, ‘There he is!' do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.

May God bless us all,
My friends (her friends) told me to be patient with my Liberal wife because she was going through 'the change'. So I was very patient, for about 10 years, then after 35K in unpaid bills I divorced the Itch @ a 22K lose. Took me almost a year to upgrade to a far better model, never been happier.

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