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I find it odd that people complain about a broken system, government keeping records they shouldn't, yet here we are...nothing being done to fight it.

Yet the first thing brought up is to rectify it through the courts...which we all pay for already, and we're forced to pay more for someone to defend us....yet most probably can't afford it.

Appears the government has everyone over a barrel...yet we continually allow it to progress because we agree...

The cops dont care if you are searching your soul. If you refuse to let them in they'll still handcuff you and push you out of the way while they search your premises .
Most know my background, 27 years LE.. am well aware of what happens before, during and after a search warrant...served many of them.

But with what's no problem not allowing government in.

Have already done that with the state. L&I wanted to shut me down during the covid, you know operation enduring clusterf#ck, anyway told them don't step foot on the property, now, "Balls in your court Scooter...make your play."
Never heard back from them.
Most know my background, 27 years LE.. am well aware of what happens before, during and after a search warrant...served many of them.

But with what's no problem not allowing government in.

Have already done that with the state. L&I wanted to shut me down during the covid, you know operation enduring clusterf#ck, anyway told them don't step foot on the property, now, "Balls in your court Scooter...make your play."
Never heard back from them.
My advice in this thread is just consigned to warrants or no warrants. Not saying roll over, but just play the game with the least amount of cooperation possible, requiring the officers to jump through all the legal requirements, and the least amount of legal jeopardy to yourself. A WA attorney would tell you the same, so consider this a no cost alternative. Everyone hates on attorneys until they need one.
My advice in this thread is just consigned to warrants or no warrants. Not saying roll over, but just play the game...
First harm no foul and I understand why you post what you post....and I can't stand the term "Agree to disagree", we will just disagree on some points.

The problem with the "Game" thing, people have been conditioned to "Play" the game, even when the rules keep changing. Just do what you're told and go back to your TV, keyboard etc., but this is how we got here to begin awful step at a time.

I also understand this may cause me to lose some training biz, as am sure possibly some reading this think I'm a loose cannon or some wing nut...on the contrary, am just an ordinary guy like those reading this who've had enough and will challenge the system like Sheriff Bob Songer, and the Sheriff in Missouri telling the FBI he's not going give out any CCW info.

As has been said...united we stand... If we stay divided, this will continue without ceasing. It's people like Sheriff Bob Songer who have stood up and told Bob Ferguson to stuff it. Told L&I and the Health Dept. during the covid thingy, don't go around intimidating business people or you will be trespassed. Told those government people who would intimidate parents at school board meetings, don't or you will be removed. Told the ATF, FBI and other alphabet agencies over the check in with him first before doing any type of law enforcing in his county. This is what it's going to take.

Where's all those folks with the "Will not comply" "From my cold dead hands" "Malon Labe" "Don't tread on me" and other sayings on stickers, shirts etc., is it all for show?

I'm just standing up alongside, not behind...and supporting Bob and what he's doing, and all people need to do. Don't need to be LE to do it.
How does one go about Resisting a warrant? I'm sure gonna want to read it, and i'm sure as hell going to call my lawyer right quick, but standing there mouth full of flies while the cops or agents execute their warrant leaves me with NO option to resist other then taking cover and drawing first blood, not my idea of stickin it to da man, there are far more dirtier ways to do that where I have the deck stacked to my advantage and can make da man pay dearly in blood before I am spent! Again, not my plan until they force me, then its on!

Cops show up to execute a warrant, i'm gonna walk off and make some phone calls making sure to grab the land sharks so they don't get shot!
Shoot my dog, I shoot you in the face!
How does one go about Resisting a warrant? I'm sure gonna want to read it, and i'm sure as hell going to call my lawyer right quick, but standing there mouth full of flies while the cops or agents execute their warrant leaves me with NO option to resist other then taking cover and drawing first blood, not my idea of stickin it to da man, there are far more dirtier ways to do that where I have the deck stacked to my advantage and can make da man pay dearly in blood before I am spent! Again, not my plan until they force me, then its on!

Cops show up to execute a warrant, i'm gonna walk off and make some phone calls making sure to grab the land sharks so they don't get shot!
Shoot my dog, I shoot you in the face!
Right? Bunch of crapola
First off, we're originally discussing ATF type stuff, not local LE actions.

Someone rats you out for having something that for years was legal to own, and now it's comes a search warrant...possibly.

They ban ARs and the like, someone rats you going to submit to a search warrant?
First off, we're originally discussing ATF type stuff, not local LE actions.

Someone rats you out for having something that for years was legal to own, and now it's comes a search warrant...possibly.

They ban ARs and the like, someone rats you going to submit to a search warrant?
To date Ive known 8 people who have gone to federal prison on NFA charges. One who skipped the country 20+ years ago to avoid it. Still lives in Thailand . Living a pretty good life but he's not doing it here. None of those guys went down in flames shooting ATF agents and none of them thought it was a good idea spending hard time in federal prison instead of paying 200 bucks for a tax stamp. The level of idiocy and tough guyness I see online makes me chuckle

I have 75 stamps because I like banging my rather hot wife instead of getting banged.
First off, we're originally discussing ATF type stuff, not local LE actions.

Someone rats you out for having something that for years was legal to own, and now it's comes a search warrant...possibly.

They ban ARs and the like, someone rats you going to submit to a search warrant?
Nope! And not gonna post my response to such here, but your likely to see it in the MSM being spun way outta context, for the children!
To date Ive known 8 people who have gone to federal prison on NFA charges. One who skipped the country 20+ years ago to avoid it. Still lives in Thailand . Living a pretty good life but he's not doing it here. None of those guys went down in flames shooting ATF agents and none of them thought it was a good idea spending hard time in federal prison instead of paying 200 bucks for a tax stamp. The level of idiocy and tough guyness I see online makes me chuckle
Never spoke of NFA items...where'd you get that from?
First off, we're originally discussing ATF type stuff, not local LE actions.

Someone rats you out for having something that for years was legal to own, and now it's comes a search warrant...possibly.

They ban ARs and the like, someone rats you going to submit to a search warrant?
Any judge that signs off on a warrant with no PC and from a second hand source can kick rocks.
First off, we're originally discussing ATF type stuff, not local LE actions.

Someone rats you out for having something that for years was legal to own, and now it's comes a search warrant...possibly.

They ban ARs and the like, someone rats you going to submit to a search warrant?
How I actually feel and what I post publicly on an internet forum viewable by everyone may not always coincide. I may have no issue with your perspective. I might even privately applaud it, but I won't (at least I do my best not to) openly condone or promote unlawful behavior. But hey, I only human after all.
Nope! And not gonna post my response to such here, but your likely to see it in the MSM being spun way outta context, for the children!
Wise words here....

Be careful with what you post....Words may come back to haunt you.

And if someone wants to twist that into "fear"...
Well , that is on you...and not on me or why I posted the above.
I much prefer meeting my maker on my terms, ( preferably with a Size 44DD in each hand) if submitting to a warrant, illegal or otherwise, we got bigger problems then the AFT or Sheriff Joe blow showing up to shoot my dog!
That said, the conditions of the warrant are what is going to get a response from me, especially knowing I did nothing wrong and that the likely reason for anyone to attempt to serve me is likely illegal anyway, so...........

A legit situation where I may have run afowl of the law, yup. Gonna take it like a man and face the music!

Making me a fellon before I have committed a crime, all bets are off, we're going hot 🔥
Now for why I post what I for thought and pondering, nothing more.

Apparently I've poked the nerves of a few, was never meant to...just meant to think, what actions you are prepared to take, and actions you may want to avoid.

Am sure alot of people here have thought about what has been posted here at some point.

We read about gun confiscation, registration, and bans etc , in Australia and other countries, and often wonder what we'd do in the same situation if faced with it.

I have provoked thoughts and a bit more, even took a pointless jab of idiocy and tough guy...yes, flattery will get you everywhere.

Research where your line will be drawn, workout plans for such things...not as it's happening.

All plans look great until you get punched in the face.
I decide to buy myself, kids and SIL all matching G19s, AFT wants to check my collection for guns I know are not there, so now what I'm trafficking straw purchased firearms? FOAD
I have bought guns for myself that I did eventually use as a gift to my son, a LEO. The first question is 'are you buying this firearm for yourself' well yeah I was, I did keep it for about eighteen months till my son visited, tried that old 44 Special revolver, liked it and took it back to Texas with him. His wife has since claimed it.

I think I could buy a firearm that I intended to use as a gift, it is not a straw purchase.
Where's all those folks with the "Will not comply" "From my cold dead hands" "Malon Labe" "Don't tread on me" and other sayings on stickers, shirts etc., is it all for show?
It's real easy to have a strong (or at least 'vocal') moral or ethical stance when you don't have any skin in the game or the subject of your stance is, at least for the time being, theoretical.

So like I could go outside right now and start screaming at the top of my lungs how I object to the ongoing Uyghur genocide and how the international community should condemn and sanction China for it.

Would I do that in Beijing? lolz, H, E, double hokey sticks, NO! I would not. Doesn't mean my stance on the genocide isn't the correct one, just that the risk to my skin goes way up depending on location.

My bet (and fervent hope!) is that we will never need to find out if the folks in your quote will have to make the choice, but :s0092:
One thing is for certain...

It is not in your best interest to go on a social media platform and state that you intend to :
Break the law...
Disobey Law Enforcement...

Ironically actions like the above are best done like when one concealed carries...
Concealed means concealed for more than one reason.... :D

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