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I am still hopeful Measure 114 won't pass but I and we could have done a lot more and without the need for big money. I only managed to get two volunteers to help out with sign display on the overpasses. Despite that we got a huge amount of engagement for very little almost no money.

My opinion is that our problem isn't a lack of money, it is a lack of participation. I am not sure how the gun grabbers managed to inject paralysis in to us but whatever they did seems to be working.
These gun grabber proposals are like a game. The game will be played whether we show up or not. The gun grabber team is well funded with fancy locker rooms, uniforms, big sponsorships, etc. We are a rag tag team with hand me down uniforms, no locker rooms and the local dive bar sponsoring us. We can show up and play or we can forfeit and let them have their way with us.
Look, I'm not trying to start an argument. What I am trying
to do is to get people to stop and THINK about this.

It is frustrating to me to see so many posts by owners of firearms
ARGUING about the how 114 is unconstitutional and how it won't
stand and other such mundane/off tract points and arguments.

IF ever there was a time to stand together and defeat this bill,
now is the time and last chance. Please, stop the arguments
and concentrate on defeating 114.

On channel 6 new last night they showed the YES on 114 committee
running a telephone call group of 10 to 20 callers who urge people
to go vote YES on 114. Channel 6 gave them good coverage without
actually recommending a vote either way. Then 6 contacted one
of the NO on 114 groups and asked to interview or comment.
The response was (excuse the express) short and stupid, and would
convenience no one to vote NO.

Why have we as firearm owners been so STUPID in our response to
114? Why do we argue among ourselves instead of working to
defeat this bill?

There has been little meaningful organized NO resistance to this
bill. I attended a gun show where there was a "booth" of NO on 114
people sitting on their asses. I watched for 15 minutes and they
never had meaningful contact with the people working by. They
should have been standing in the isles, shaking hands, making
contact to be sure people would vote NO and asking people to
vote NO. Stupid.

The few times a NO on 114 person has appear on television news
they have come off as uninformed, poorly prepared to discuss
the problems with bill and unimpressive. Stupid.

How many of you have actively contacted friends, relatives,
acquaintances and other people to ask them to vote no?
My count is over 140.

How many of you can intelligently discuss the inherent problens
with this bill (instead of simply saying "it's bad, it's really bad)?
Sportsmans Warehouse has done a better job of this than 75
per cent of the firearm owners who I have asked to tell me
in what was the bill is unworkable and will not solve the problem.

Why do so many of you want to argue the 2A rather than
work to defeat 114?

Here is the truth. If 114 passes, then in 180 days firearm
sales in Oregon will go to near zero. This forum will soon
disappear. The courts will allow the bill to go into affect
as it is challenged it court. The challenges will most fail
and will take 4 to 8 years to work their way through the system.
The 2A isn't going to protect you since the courts have
already ruled that gun regulations are allowable under 2A.

There, that is the bottom-line. Now tell me that it cannot
happen and I will tell you that it can and probably will
unless you spend the next two days getting people who
have not vote to vote. (Just like the YES people are call
like mad today).

And, if 114 does pass, I will make the last post to appear
on this website as it shuts down and in my post I will say "I told you so."

Now prove me wrong by NOT arguing, but by going out and getting
NO votes!

I developed epilepsy trying to read whatever it is you wrote.
These gun grabber proposals are like a game. The game will be played whether we show up or not. The gun grabber team is well funded with fancy locker rooms, uniforms, big sponsorships, etc. We are a rag tag team with hand me down uniforms, no locker rooms and the local dive bar sponsoring us. We can show up and play or we can forfeit and let them have their way with us.
Looks like the game changed in Brazil with their latest election. Millions in the streets standing up to the theft of the election. In America they have been jailing those who stood up against 2020. Today is really a big day.
Oregon gun owners only had one chance to stop 114; once that was on the ballot, even Stevie Wonder could see the handwriting on the wall. The one and only time to stop 114 was before there were enough signatures on the initiative to get it on the ballot.

"They" put people on the street and at store-fronts to wave the initiative under the noses of shoppers. In contrast, "we" had dang near no one on the street and in parking lots to counter their version of truth and common sense.

I know that some of you did actually fight the fight, and I do not mean to disparage your efforts. Leaflets and yard signs, however, are only marginally effective in a battle that actually requires a truth squad at every petition booth for any chance of stopping the initiative.

Billionaires back the anti-2A organizations, so "they" can hire college kids, bums, and out-of-staters to waive petitions at passers-by. We, on the other hand, have no billionaires in the wings; instead, we have just ourselves to get out in the streets. And since we all have jobs, families, loans, and grocery bills that demand most of our time and our money, we have no truth squad armies.

Not to say that we don't chip in what we can, but where does that money go? To me, it seems our money goes to groups whose only battle plan is to fight bad laws in the courts instead of before they ever become statutes. It's almost as if those organizations have been formed by the lawyers for the lawyers, and their battle cry is, "it is very expensive to challenge laws in court".

OK, you might have noticed that I am not an Oregon resident; however, that does not mean I have no dog in this fight. I have no doubt that some equally stinky version of Oregon's ballot initiative 114 will be petitioned at store fronts in my state within the next two years. Meanwhile, all the lawyers and courts have yet to rid my state of the bubblegum that engulfed Washington gun owners after I-1639 went before the voters.

There, I feel much better now. Not hopeful, of course, just feeling better for taking the time to vent.
I'm about to flip everyone of you Phucking Arseholes the great big finger here, How dare you come here and finger wave and accuse us of doing nothing to stop any of this!!!! I find this extremely offensive and will have no part of it! @arakboss @salmon creek gary @Longwalkhome @1775usmc and all you others!

You phuckers never seem to get it, WE CANNOT FIGHT THE BIG BUCKS FROM THE ANTI 2ND SIDE, WHEN THEY CONTROL THE MEDIA! You pound your fists on the table and blame it all around and you have no idea what went down, who did what, or didn't, and in frustration, you blame everyone but the true source!

No media would accept our sides add money or lift a finger to produce and air any adds for our side, I KNOW, I WAS THERE when the money was turned down and we were told NO! Every single MSM outlet in Oregon flat out said NO to our side, PERIOD HARD STOP! THE Sec-State has ONE job, deny the petitioners ballot , but she allowed it in clear violation of the single issue topic and certified it to go before the voters, HARD STOP! There was NO court challenge before Oregon's Supreme Court, the SEC-State slipped it through unchallenged, HARD STOP! Exactly WHAT were any of us supposed to do?

I'm so sick and phucking tired of trying to live up to your demands, every single one of you who come here and complain about nothing happening, and then Blaming US here for not doing anything, or doing enough, or whatever, We cannot live up to your expectations no matter what we do, so here we are, fighting among ourselves as always, and we take the big "L" here once again!
I'm about to flip everyone of you Phucking Arseholes the great big finger here, How dare you come here and finger wave and accuse us of doing nothing to stop any of this!!!! I find this extremely offensive and will have no part of it! @arakboss @salmon creek gary @Longwalkhome @1775usmc and all you others!

You phuckers never seem to get it, WE CANNOT FIGHT THE BIG BUCKS FROM THE ANTI 2ND SIDE, WHEN THEY CONTROL THE MEDIA! You pound your fists on the table and blame it all around and you have no idea what went down, who did what, or didn't, and in frustration, you blame everyone but the true source!

No media would accept our sides add money or lift a finger to produce and air any adds for our side, I KNOW, I WAS THERE when the money was turned down and we were told NO! Every single MSM outlet in Oregon flat out said NO to our side, PERIOD HARD STOP! THE Sec-State has ONE job, deny the petitioners ballot , but she allowed it in clear violation of the single issue topic and certified it to go before the voters, HARD STOP! There was NO court challenge before Oregon's Supreme Court, the SEC-State slipped it through unchallenged, HARD STOP! Exactly WHAT were any of us supposed to do?

I'm so sick and phucking tired of trying to live up to your demands, every single one of you who come here and complain about nothing happening, and then Blaming US here for not doing anything, or doing enough, or whatever, We cannot live up to your expectations no matter what we do, so here we are, fighting among ourselves as always, and we take the big "L" here once again!
Funny thing is a lot of people who sit back, point fingers and complain/blame rarely put in work. Being a citizen comes with responsibility. I'm right there with you. It's a reason I won't fund this site and in all honesty have a huge distaste for alot of the 2A community. F-ck em all.
Funny thing is a lot of people who sit back, point fingers and complain/blame rarely put in work. Being a citizen comes with responsibility. I'm right there with you. It's a reason I won't fund this site and in all honesty have a huge distaste for alot of the 2A community. F-ck em all.
Well at least you sold 56 guns here for free.
I'm about to flip everyone of you Phucking Arseholes the great big finger here, How dare you come here and finger wave and accuse us of doing nothing to stop any of this!!!! I find this extremely offensive and will have no part of it! @arakboss @salmon creek gary @Longwalkhome @1775usmc and all you others!

You phuckers never seem to get it, WE CANNOT FIGHT THE BIG BUCKS FROM THE ANTI 2ND SIDE, WHEN THEY CONTROL THE MEDIA! You pound your fists on the table and blame it all around and you have no idea what went down, who did what, or didn't, and in frustration, you blame everyone but the true source!

No media would accept our sides add money or lift a finger to produce and air any adds for our side, I KNOW, I WAS THERE when the money was turned down and we were told NO! Every single MSM outlet in Oregon flat out said NO to our side, PERIOD HARD STOP! THE Sec-State has ONE job, deny the petitioners ballot , but she allowed it in clear violation of the single issue topic and certified it to go before the voters, HARD STOP! There was NO court challenge before Oregon's Supreme Court, the SEC-State slipped it through unchallenged, HARD STOP! Exactly WHAT were any of us supposed to do?

I'm so sick and phucking tired of trying to live up to your demands, every single one of you who come here and complain about nothing happening, and then Blaming US here for not doing anything, or doing enough, or whatever, We cannot live up to your expectations no matter what we do, so here we are, fighting among ourselves as always, and we take the big "L" here once again!
Living in Oregon for 70 years and watching the politics since being a teenage gun lover I think I have a pretty good grasp of how it all works. Every since the 68 gun control act went through its been obvious to me the powers to be want not just controls but confiscation.

Some of us have fought the fires of the anti gun legislation for decades and with those fights comes experience that the fight never ends when the anti gun politicians have power. The long term memory of all the battles fought before is lost with the new fires and frankly you nor anyone else can stop the fires when anti gun legislative bodies run the state.

I can give a number of reasons why voters won't remove those who are against our constitution and civil rights and most of it is the culture of Oregon, fear of change. Decades of using the tactics to cause voter derangement syndrome that this is what you must vote for along with stolen elections to prove this is what the herd wants.

Anyway you are taking this too personal, it's obvious that change only takes place when folks are forced to change. There isn't a crew in Oregon that has the power and money to go against the state and its minions.

My hope was covid tyranny was enough force to get folks to vote them out but after the jab battles I think folks just give in to power.
I'm about to flip everyone of you Phucking Arseholes the great big finger here, How dare you come here and finger wave and accuse us of doing nothing to stop any of this!!!! I find this extremely offensive and will have no part of it! @arakboss @salmon creek gary @Longwalkhome @1775usmc and all you others!

You phuckers never seem to get it, WE CANNOT FIGHT THE BIG BUCKS FROM THE ANTI 2ND SIDE, WHEN THEY CONTROL THE MEDIA! You pound your fists on the table and blame it all around and you have no idea what went down, who did what, or didn't, and in frustration, you blame everyone but the true source!

No media would accept our sides add money or lift a finger to produce and air any adds for our side, I KNOW, I WAS THERE when the money was turned down and we were told NO! Every single MSM outlet in Oregon flat out said NO to our side, PERIOD HARD STOP! THE Sec-State has ONE job, deny the petitioners ballot , but she allowed it in clear violation of the single issue topic and certified it to go before the voters, HARD STOP! There was NO court challenge before Oregon's Supreme Court, the SEC-State slipped it through unchallenged, HARD STOP! Exactly WHAT were any of us supposed to do?

I'm so sick and phucking tired of trying to live up to your demands, every single one of you who come here and complain about nothing happening, and then Blaming US here for not doing anything, or doing enough, or whatever, We cannot live up to your expectations no matter what we do, so here we are, fighting among ourselves as always, and we take the big "L" here once again!

Funny thing is a lot of people who sit back, point fingers and complain/blame rarely put in work. Being a citizen comes with responsibility. I'm right there with you. It's a reason I won't fund this site and in all honesty have a huge distaste for alot of the 2A community. F-ck em all.

It's so weird, I have seen more than a few posted mentally masturbatory "what if" threads in the vein of, "what to buy before/after 114 passes?", "how to make my AR pistol legal after this/that passes?", "building a lever-action AR pistol when they ban semi-autos" by certain people who don't need to be named.

I'm going to keep my temper in check and suggest the anger over 2A efforts (or perceived lack thereof) against 114 is misplaced. You should be angry at those who have no clue of their heritage and their birthright, and are so willing to take it away from themselves and drag others down with them…. it's like blaming an Army Private for the messed up withdrawal out of Afghanistan. I will say this… some of us have scars on our faces, bodies, hearts, families, and souls in service to this country, and we don't need to be preached at by "never beens".

…and in the end, yes, this country will get what it deserves. Check yourself.

It's so weird, I have seen more than a few posted mentally masturbatory "what if" threads in the vein of, "what to buy before/after 114 passes?", "how to make my AR pistol legal after this/that passes?", "building a lever-action AR pistol when they ban semi-autos" by certain people who don't need to be named.

I'm going to keep my temper in check and suggest the anger over 2A efforts (or perceived lack thereof) against 114 is misplaced. You should be angry at those who have no clue of their heritage and their birthright, and are so willing to take it away from themselves and drag others down with them…. it's like blaming an Army Private for the messed up withdrawal out of Afghanistan. I will say this… some of us have scars on our faces, bodies, hearts, families, and souls in service to this country, and we don't need to be preached at by "never beens".

…and in the end, yes, this country will get what it deserves in the end. Check yourself.
"Citizens" care more about their safety and being in the legal boundaries set by the overlords than they do their rights. It's that simple.
Funny thing is a lot of people who sit back, point fingers and complain/blame rarely put in work. Being a citizen comes with responsibility. I'm right there with you. It's a reason I won't fund this site and in all honesty have a huge distaste for alot of the 2A community. F-ck em all.
Life is just like a shooting match, if you ever been to one you see damn few do all the work while the rest just watch.

I worked with a good team of guys at the range for over 15 years, month after month working hard to set up a great match and it taught me more about people than I wanted to know. Good men make things work. The rest bubblegum that the good men didn't do enough and they know not enough was done because they stood there and watched the work happen.

Comes a point the good men quit and the match is gone...just like the gun rights.
An awful lot of folks have already given up, tossed in the towel, thrown their hands up and waved the white flag! Seems a little early to give up, seeing how the real fight, the fight we all need to join is still before us! These antis will not stop until we beat them down and stomp them bloody, and as my Buddy Etrain16 always said, make the subject of anti 2nd so toxic to any politician that it becomes political suicide to even thing those thoughts! This is how we fight back against that, this is how we defeated the billionaire megalomaniacs, we beat them in the courts, and we beat them by removing the state actors who defy the law and push things through! We don't yet know if we somehow managed to kill 114 or not, but that fight is still ahead, if LEVO takes the loss, you can be assured they will be back with more, and the state will support them, the sec -state will support them, the A.G. will support them, so we take the fight to them and we get them booted out of office, out of power! We don't need the phuckin NRA, we got this! We don't need a billionaire, we got this, the real question is, do enough sleeping OryGunions wake up and smell the ashes and actually fight? Time will tell!
I have always said, people will not do what they need to do until it effects them personally, until it has a real cost to them, maybe this is that time, an event that finally pushes folks into fighting back, maybe Oregon is where the hammer stroke falls hardest, and maybe OryGunions will take up that fight and beat the antis once and for all, and maybe the rest of the nation will finally learn where Oregon is on the map!
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a HUGE part of it is money. They can pay people to man the phones, hand out flyers, pay for TV and radio ads.

The other part is their side is like a hive mind, they are all in step together, while we are like a bunch of cats in a rainstorm.. all over the place.

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