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If the system was 0.01% short of failure it was already doomed. Try learning about biological feedback systems. Here is a hint: Why is the oxygen content of our atmosphere constant at approximately 20%? What is the relationship of CO2 and atmospheric Oxygen within the carbon cycle? What is the relationship of solar cycles to the Earth's temperature? Why do climate scientists suppress data that might prevent funding?
It isn't .01% from failing. You're conflating the yearly extra with the cumulative excess and its effect. That's disingenuous.

A few years ago conservatives would argue that nothing is happening. Now things are clearly happening, but the conservatives are just making a new argument that it is natural, not our fault, I was hoping for the End Times anyway, etc.

It gets tired. No reasonable scientific minds anywhere think aliens built the pyramids, Covid is fake, the earth is 5000 years old or that we don't have CO2 problem that is more than just coincidental with the industrial revolution. If you don't want to believe in science, don't. There are plenty of alternatives available. But you're still going to have to live with the results.
I'm not 'personally insulted' from your insult. But you were being rude, and you know it.
I really wasn't though, and I know that. Being told to "read more" is not insulting in any way. It is synonymous with, "find information that you currently don't have." Or "learn more than you currently know."

I'm not going to presume your age, but I do wonder because different generations seem to have different opinions on what constitutes an insult or the new fad phrase "microaggression."
It isn't .01% from failing. You're conflating the yearly extra with the cumulative excess and its effect. That's disingenuous.

A few years ago conservatives would argue that nothing is happening. Now things are clearly happening, but the conservatives are just making a new argument that it is natural, not our fault, I was hoping for the End Times anyway, etc.

It gets tired. No reasonable scientific minds anywhere think aliens built the pyramids, Covid is fake, the earth is 5000 years old or that we don't have CO2 problem that is more than just coincidental with the industrial revolution. If you don't want to believe in science, don't. There are plenty of alternatives available. But you're still going to have to live with the results.
Again you are ignoring feedback systems. The Earth's environment is not a zero sum game. Ask yourself what happens to life as C02 levels increase? What changes? What are the indirect results?

I worked with environmental scientists for several years. Much of their work resulted in seriously lowering Sulpher and Nitrous Oxides in energy production and manufacturing processes. Remember acid rain? These guys basically made it go away.

During that time the "Hockey Stick" came into vogue in climate science and the sky is falling sensationalism drew serious funding. Naturally the topic came up for discussion. Maybe I'm a bit biased, but according to them climate scientists are the used car salesmen of science. It's all about the funding. Remember Climategate? To me is was expected.
I really wasn't though, and I know that. Being told to "read more" is not insulting in any way. It is synonymous with, "find information that you currently don't have." Or "learn more than you currently know."

I'm not going to presume your age, but I do wonder because different generations seem to have different opinions on what constitutes an insult or the new fad phrase "microaggression."
I'm 50. I read voraciously and lived through those 50 years I was discussing. When the subject came up I tried to find references to people worried about another ice age coming and didn't find anything, just as I don't recall it being a concern. I did find plenty of references to warming trends going back to the '60s.

So I do read more - probably more than you. But I'm not going to talk to you so dismissively when I could inform you instead. Like I said, post a link if you want to offer new information.
And remember 4 out of 5 doctors prefer Pall Mall cigarettes for their health benefits.

and all the Ice caps would be gone by 2014 well at least there's a 75% chance they might be gone.

O ya, duck and cover will save your life in a nuke blast and last but not least a Covid vaccine, 3 boosters and 3 masks might save you from a Covid related death. All based on so called science.

To me it all sounds like snake oil. I do my own research and make up my own mind and the so-called scientist that spew both sides can do the same. I will read the data and do what I feel is right.

I have seen a lot of false data in my life or facts that suddenly change depending on political views that I trust know one.

We all have opinions and that is what makes the world great, we have free Will!
Last Edited:
I see this anti climate change as being similar to the creation of the dust bowl in the midwest. Farmers during the dust bowl days knew what they were doing was unsustainable but they kept doing it until it became a catastrophe. ... We came back from the dust bowl and learned from it
The dust bowl was not due to farming practices or climate change. It was due to a drought. Droughts are a temporary and common feature of weather. There is a difference between climate and weather. The midwest drought ended, and so did the dustbowl.
Because humans have never lived with the level of heat we're headed toward?
People don't live in dry deserts or on glaciers, and never have. They live where water makes plants grow and there are animals that eat the plants. Raise the temp high enough and that stops happening.

And the easiest change would be to get control of the temperature so we can continue to get water the old fashioned way - evaporation and snowfall.
Statements such as this indicate a failure to understand basic physics and atmospheric science. A warmer planet is a wetter planet. Less water is tied up as ice. Warm air holds more moisture than cold air. Therefore, there is higher humidity and and greater precipitation. Have you ever lived in the tropics? Deserts typically result from rain shadows, not necessarily higher temperatures.

The driest periods in the planet's history have been the coldest, not the warmest.
I'm 50. I read voraciously and lived through those 50 years I was discussing. When the subject came up I tried to find references to people worried about another ice age coming and didn't find anything, just as I don't recall it being a concern. I did find plenty of references to warming trends going back to the '60s.

So I do read more - probably more than you. But I'm not going to talk to you so dismissively when I could inform you instead. Like I said, post a link if you want to offer new information.
Here's a link I took 2 minutes to find that can be the start of further inquiry if you are interested. Note the cover art of magazines.

Magazine articles that were printed at the time do a good job of portraying the fervor of the moment that tends to get glazed over with time. I'm "old enough" to remember Al Gore make his "kach'ing" presentation on global warming. The doomsday clock on global freezing, global warming, or climate change is not new, and it always seems to be used to help promote a certain government action and enrich certain groups of people who just so happen to be also alerting everyone to the coming catastrophe.
The dust bowl was not due to farming practices or climate change. It was due to a drought. Droughts are a temporary and common feature of weather. There is a difference between climate and weather. The midwest drought ended, and so did the dustbowl.
Economic depression coupled with extended drought, unusually high temperatures, poor agricultural practices and the resulting wind erosion all contributed to making the Dust Bowl. The seeds of the Dust Bowl may have been sowed during the early 1920s.
The dust bowl was not due to farming practices or climate change. It was due to a drought. Droughts are a temporary and common feature of weather. There is a difference between climate and weather. The midwest drought ended, and so did the dustbowl.
Here's google, mentioning poor farming practices, over and over.

Statements such as this indicate a failure to understand basic physics and atmospheric science. A warmer planet is a wetter planet. Less water is tied up as ice. Warm air holds more moisture than cold air. Therefore, there is higher humidity and and greater precipitation. Have you ever lived in the tropics? Deserts typically result from rain shadows, not necessarily higher temperatures.

The driest periods in the planet's history have been the coldest, not the warmest.
Deserts are often near the ocean, and yet are deserts. The ability of the air to hold more water is not the same as having more rain and certainly not what causes mountains to fill with snow that later becomes the aquifers and rivers that make the middle of a continent green.

I don't know what you're counting as "dry", but the coldest periods of history covered the continents with thousands of feet of ice. So we can call ice "dry", but glaciers are where a great deal of fresh water comes from.

I have lived in several tropics. Some of them never rained. The areas with heavy foliage rained from interaction with the ocean because of the way plants hold heat into the night. No ocean, no plants, no tropical rain. The southern California coast is not a rainy place.
Here's a link I took 2 minutes to find that can be the start of further inquiry if you are interested. Note the cover art of magazines.

Magazine articles that were printed at the time do a good job of portraying the fervor of the moment that tends to get glazed over with time. I'm "old enough" to remember Al Gore make his "kach'ing" presentation on global warming. The doomsday clock on global freezing, global warming, or climate change is not new, and it always seems to be used to help promote a certain government action and enrich certain groups of people who just so happen to be also alerting everyone to the coming catastrophe.
Okay, so you don't read primary sources, but like to read clickbait.

Here's one of the magazines in that link::

Click on the link to the cover article, and read how "the big freeze" refers to the energy crunch of 1973 causing people to have to turn the heat down in their homes. It isn't about the climate at all.

Why post stuff like this? Why read crap?
Here's a link I took 2 minutes to find that can be the start of further inquiry if you are interested. Note the cover art of magazines.

Magazine articles that were printed at the time do a good job of portraying the fervor of the moment that tends to get glazed over with time. I'm "old enough" to remember Al Gore make his "kach'ing" presentation on global warming. The doomsday clock on global freezing, global warming, or climate change is not new, and it always seems to be used to help promote a certain government action and enrich certain groups of people who just so happen to be also alerting everyone to the coming catastrophe.
Geez, it is even worse than I thought. The penguin cover is a fake!

I mean, really, sir?
Believe it or not but life has been hard for most humans up until very very recently.
This ^^. When life gets tough, not everyone lives.

Given the relative fragility of infant human life, it's surprising that humans have persevered from "Cave Man" days. If you look at a graph of human population growth down through the past couple of millennia, you will note that the population was relatively stable until the last 150 years or so. Mortality equaled the birth rate. Advances in medicine (including vaccines), nutrition, income and so on have combined to prolong human life.

It isn't guaranteed to be a permanent condition. But the trend is there.
Geez, it is even worse than I thought. The penguin cover is a fake!

I mean, really, sir?
So I spend 2 minutes trying to find a quick source for you that you asked for, it doesn't turn out to be that credible and you're now commenting as if that is dismissive of the whole notion… should I be offended?

It's far easier to find things in support of the climate hysteria than contrary to it, but later when I have more than a moment I will be sure to find something else for you (becuase the internet doesn't work at your house).
Humans don't really physically adapt to their environment, that's why you don't see some people with scales and fins.
Humans tend to adapt their environment to what they need to survive.. Inuit developed their technology to thrive in their frigid location, they didn't grow fur.
Reasoning, opposable thumbs, weapons, are examples of what give us the Irrigation and air conditioning, central heat and specialized clothing that are Humanity's advantage over most species.

(I have NO idea what species Democrats and GreenNewDealers are. I think they could likely have immigrated from Uranus riding Unicorns over a rainbow bridge, but that's just a hunch.)
Economic depression coupled with extended drought, unusually high temperatures, poor agricultural practices and the resulting wind erosion all contributed to making the Dust Bowl. The seeds of the Dust Bowl may have been sowed during the early 1920s.
The operative words being extended drought, unusually high temperatures, and resulting wind erosion. All features of weather. So you can't bame it on ag practices, tho they may have contributed. No drought, no dustbowl. Without the extended drought and UNUSUALLY high temperatures the ag practices would not have mattered, as they didn't before the drought.

Farmers during the dust bowl days knew what they were doing was unsustainable but they kept doing it until it became a catastrophe.
Can you cite a single source where a midwest farmer of the '20s said, "I know my farming practices are unsustainable and will result in catasrophe but I'm going to keep on doing it anyway"?
Deserts are often near the ocean, and yet are deserts. The ability of the air to hold more water is not the same as having more rain and certainly not what causes mountains to fill with snow that later becomes the aquifers and rivers that make the middle of a continent green.
It's about air circulation patterns, which are shaped by geography. East of the rockies the "middle of the continent" stays green because it rains in the summer. It has little to do with snow in the mountains. Ever lived on the east coast? Why does it rain east of the Rockies in the summer? Because warm, moisture laden air from the Gulf of Mexico mixes with cold dry air from the north and dumps its moisture. It has nothing to do with mountains.
I don't know what you're counting as "dry", but the coldest periods of history covered the continents with thousands of feet of ice.
Exactly. Compare average annual precipitation in the Arctic and Antarctic with average annual precipitation at the equator and you will begin to get a clue.
So we can call ice "dry", but glaciers are where a great deal of fresh water comes from.
Glaciers are not a source of water unless they melt. They don't melt when they grow continuously, resulting in ice ages.
I have lived in several tropics. Some of them never rained. The areas with heavy foliage rained from interaction with the ocean because of the way plants hold heat into the night. No ocean, no plants, no tropical rain. The southern California coast is not a rainy place.
So Cal is not the tropics.

You got it partly right. It's all about the ocean, and evaporation, and air circulation. More ocean water evaporates when the temp is higher.
So I spend 2 minutes trying to find a quick source for you that you asked for, it doesn't turn out to be that credible and you're now commenting as if that is dismissive of the whole notion… should I be offended?

It's far easier to find things in support of the climate hysteria than contrary to it, but later when I have more than a moment I will be sure to find something else for you (becuase the internet doesn't work at your house).
It really isn't that hard to find, and here's a summary:

Long story short, there was a tiny bit of popular journalism on the subject when someone noticed that (probably aerosols) were suppressing temperatures between 1945 and the 1960s, but it wasn't conclusive and predictions about global warming as early as 1959 were spot on.

I sincerely doubt you remember reading a Newsweek article in 1975, so I'm guessing you are "informed" by heavily biased partisan fake news websites like the one you posted, because those are the only people keeping this idea that there ever was an active concern about global cooling alive. It was never a real concern. The closest there was was concern that massive Greenland melting could screw up the warm currents that make northern Europe habitable.

I would have found it earlier, but I was unfamiliar with this ridiculous idea and didn't use the right search terms.
Just opinion by watching debates for decades, when a side tells the other side they are bad people for not believing the evidence then its the time to not believe the evidence. o_O

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