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Understood, and may you remain cancer free. I do appreciate the work they do, but the lining of legislators pockets, turning a dead ear to the opioid crisis and the effect that psychotropic drugs have, those issues need to be addressed and they're not being addressed.

Every time someone comes off their psychotropics and shoots up a place it's the guns fault and those same legislators want to take away hundreds of millions of citizens rights... Doesn't make sense to me... I don't proclaim to have the answers, but making legislators rich sure isn't one of them...

May God's blessings be upon you...
Thank you. Just over three years ago, I was fighting three cancers simultaneously. I am now being studied by university entomologists, due to my apparent genetic resemblance to the cockroach.

As to graft and corruption, it takes two to tango. Self-interest in both cases. What pharma fears is a device which will measure pain - its degree or its absence. It is one of the few things which cannot be measured.

But, even that won't bankrupt them - drug development will change direction and some of the more obscure diseases will get more attention.
I was referring to the domain name, yes I knew you had created it from the ground up.:)

I lurked on this site a few years before I joined, funny but back then, gun sites were just coming of age as
a thing. Wasn't taking away your hard work, was referring to the fact you own the site cause you bought the name and using it as an analogy of redundancy like the article, nice to see your talking with me again.... :)
I may not always agree politically, but id never deliberately take away the hard work you have done working to have like minded people in here. Sure I can be a royal pain in the backside, just being me never wanting hurt others, but I do have strong moral compass in my head that at times can get me in hot water trying to stand by my convictions, often involves standing unintentionally on someones toes. Your a good man Joe, I know you are trying to do the right things here.

Anyways thats why I said that, hope that helps clarify it :)


I started NWFA from scratch in August 2008 (hence why my user number is 1).
I was referring to the domain name, yes I knew you had created it from the ground up.:)

I lurked on this site a few years before I joined, funny but back then, gun sites were just coming of age as
a thing. Wasn't taking away your hard work, was referring to the fact you own the site cause you bought the name and using it as an analogy of redundancy like the article, nice to see your talking with me again.... :)
I may not always agree politically, but id never deliberately take away the hard work you have done working to have like minded people in here. Sure I can be a royal pain in the backside, just being me never wanting hurt others, but I do have strong moral compass in my head that at times can get me in hot water trying to stand by my convictions, often involves standing unintentionally on someones toes. Your a good man Joe, I know you are trying to do the right things here.

Anyways thats why I said that, hope that helps clarify it :)

I gotcha :s0155:
What was we talking about?

Oh, Yea Guns in the home! Yup, I gotts a few in the home, and yes, I'm more likely to shoot an intruder or other do bad that steps between whats mine and his, that's fact, so in a way, this study is correct, I'm more likely to cause death with a firearm in my home!
BUT....................Those who reside in my home are statistically safer then those outside, So this study is wrong on that count! Even more so since I also have a carry permit and, GASP...................A firearm ( or more then one) on my person some place. I have lots of training and experience, and the willingness to do what must be done, so statistically, A gun makes me, and those around me much safer! I also carry the responsibility of an armed person with me, I hold my self to a higher morality knowing that I have given my self much greater odds of survival, but also that fact that I hold the power over life and death in my hands, and I must judge in a split second right from wrong to insure my survival and that of those around me!
Guns in the home make you less safe. Hmmm. With 393,000,000 privately owned firearms in the US alone, we should be dropping dead like the proverbial flies. If what this pseudo-science claims were actually true, there would be no one left living to read it. Do they even think before they regurgitate their emotion-driven progressive nonsense?

But, I answer my own question. It is emotion rather than cognition.
"Guns Make You and Your Family Less Safe, Not More"

It should be mandatory for humans to use "I" statements rather than "YOU" irritating when a person projects their own fears/comments/etc on other people whom they do not know.
I'm sorry. Did the story say guns or alcohol? It should state alcohol make homes/people less safe. Seems like they already tried tgat and it leadd to crime, corruption and NASCAR.
I'm sorry. Did the story say guns or alcohol? It should state alcohol make homes/people less safe. Seems like they already tried tgat and it leadd to crime, corruption and NASCAR.
By the same token, it can be seen that local, state and federal gang task forces have only lead to an increase in gang activity. This could all be solved by instituting:
1. Red and blue bandanna control for crips and bloods (waiting periods and transfer fees)
2. Tattoo control for MS13 (waiting periods, application fees and "self worth" classes)
Guns in the home make you less safe. Hmmm. With 393,000,000 privately owned firearms in the US alone, we should be dropping dead like the proverbial flies. If what this pseudo-science claims were actually true, there would be no one left living to read it. Do they even think before they regurgitate their emotion-driven progressive nonsense?

But, I answer my own question. It is emotion rather than cognition.
So, based upon 393,000,000 firearms being privately owned in the US and the population being 325,700,000 in the 2017 census, if guns were the killers they're made out to be, we'd need increased immigration just to satisfy the blood thirsty guns... :eek:
I'm sorry. Did the story say guns or alcohol? It should state alcohol make homes/people less safe. Seems like they already tried tgat and it leadd to crime, corruption and NASCAR.
You say that like NASCAR is a bad thing. Where else can I see a crash and celebrate with a beer?
So, based upon 393,000,000 firearms being privately owned in the US and the population being 325,700,000 in the 2017 census, if guns were the killers they're made out to be, we'd need increased immigration just to satisfy the blood thirsty guns... :eek:

If my guns were the problem I am positive they would know it. I am also sure the goes for about 90% of the member here. :rolleyes:
Did gun confiscations make Cambodians more safe from the Khmer Rouge? It turns out that there really is a price for freedom. For Cambodians, they were earlier stripped of guns by the French. They had nothing to fear from the French...well, depends how you look at that -could be argued either way. But it led directly to The Killing Fields of Cambodians killing Cambodians on a wide scale. To those who say it can't happen here I'd say "why not"? Cambodians are much more peaceful and kind than Americans. Yet disarmed, 2 million of them, a huge percentage, were murdered for political incorrectness reasons. How do you add that into the "you are less safe with guns" equation? Those who forget history.....

The Killing Fields (1984) - IMDb

Does Gun Control Lead to Genocide?
Honestly I spent more time writing this post than reading the article. I only had to read one word to know it was enough, and that was Vice.
LOL^^ That's his opinion and I have my own opinion."Whether guns are actually effective protection tools has of course been the subject of fierce debate and many studies." He can ask the Cambodians what they think. Or simply look up what Solzsentian said about it in the USSR.

I've used this fantastic argument many times recently on this very subject. When facing a person who claims something along the lines such as "guns need to be restricted" or "no one needs military style guns they should be banned", I quietly ask: "So you want to disarm your family and friends so that only Trump and the government has guns?" Then I wait. Most will passionately disagree that is what they want, but after some questions ("who is the commander and chief - the boss - of all of the military?" and "what branch of the government is the FBI and CIA?") it soon becomes clear that is exactly what the choice is. Of course, if you want to rub their nose in their beliefs you can add: "fortunately the current commander in chief is a believer in the constitution and would never want to take over and be all powerful, but you never know about the next one do ya?"

Last family discourse on this subject, I had 2 of them passionately argue my side of this debate against one niece (antifa supporter/anti-gunner) I hadn't worked on yet. She was awful quiet and seemed disturbed so we tabled the debate. I've been waiting for her to re-broach it but she hasn't yet.
OK, so the alternative is no guns at home. What is the hare-brained author suggesting, a refrigerated "snowflake safe" room in the house? Just ask the burglar/rapist for permission to go there in an emergency.
To get shot with a gun there must be a gun. It would be unlikely to be shot on a deserted island where no guns existed. This logic all falls apart as soon as a gun is brought onto that island. Since you cannot ensure this would never happen its wiser to prepare for when it will happen. Yes your odds of being shot increase if you have a gun but I will take those odds over being defenseless and being shot by others.
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