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You are a stronger man that I. Or, this is your forehead >>>>>:s0054:

Dog parks. Don't forget people getting together with their bubblegum sniffing, flea infested, turd dropping, shrub peeing on beasts, in an enclosed area. Absolutely necessary!
Cant fix ignorant people - this is a reason why they closed places down to the public. No social distancing on their own so the government stepped in where they could.
Well spoken points, and I agree, mostly.

However, I don't think the issue taken is the overwhelming of first responders. The issue is the unnecessary exposure risk they themselves have to take in order to go deal with "Covidiots".

This thread is very close in content to yet another thread about Coronavirus from a month ago, and all points were already beaten to death over there - the "Social lockdown - can it happen" thread.

I made a point there that I'll try to make here, although I'm sure I'll be shouted down by certain members who have already decided they know who I am and what I stand for, and I'm nothing but a sheep. :rolleyes: They won't even read what I have to say, because it doesn't echo back what they spew out.

What do you all expect would happen? America as a whole has mostly lost her ability to self govern.

People either govern themselves, or they end up governed by an authority. The less people self govern, the more society tends to be governed by a higher power. Over and over throughout history people groups have formed governments that allowed personal freedoms, and slowly became immoral, unethical, and incapable of self governance.

We've been going down that road for decades now, and we ultimately have no one to blame but ourselves.

We could do this (social distancing) ourselves as a society without any emergency orders or lockdown of the economy, but we won't because we're now a nation of very selfish people that is numb from a life of ease, an it'll never happen here attitude, and previous pandemics that were a big nothing flop.

When we see thousands of people playing around on the beaches of Florida (or Oregon) with a IDGAF attitude, and even people here throwing the bird up and saying they won't do anything that requires them to temporarily sacrifice certain conveniences for the sake of their fellow countrymen who may be at high risk of death from this (and I guarantee they would say the same thing if it was asked of them to do so voluntarily), of course there will be a clamp down.

I don't get it. Previous generations willingly sacrificed their own comfort for the sake of their offspring and the future of the nation, without being told anything by a government.

How far we've drifted... and now we wrap our selfishness in the flag and say "I'm a red blooded American and I won't be asked to sacrifice anything by anyone dammit! Even if it causes others to die, I'm gonna do what I WANT!"

I'm not calling anyone out here personally or individually. It's just a trend I've seen for years before this in our country. I'm not supportive of a forced lockdown at all, but I'm not surprised to see it come, and I wish we could all make the hard choices this country needs to make on our own.

There may be a few thousand responsible people gathered here who are capable of self governance. But we're a drop in the bucket today, a dinosaur relic from the past, and we're becoming a smaller group by the day, as the older generation dies off and is replaced by my and my children's generation.

This is just my opinion, but I believe your living in a fantasy land if you think Americans as a majority are capable of self governance today.

Also, the constitution has been null and void for over a month now. That was revoked when Trump signed the national emergency order. So saying something is unconstitutional doesn't mean jack squat anymore.
Yes, our rights may come from God and not from man, but you better really be prepared to defend that notion with your life, and that time is coming soon too I believe.
Shepherd to lost Sheep, shepherd to lost sheep, this is Bo-peep come in??

I actually agree with some of your points here.

Good work!
You missed the whole point and I am sure on purpose. If they really cared why can't they make them order and bring it out? You also made sure to skip over how Pot shops are totally necessary and safe. Lets not forget that one person can't go and mow lawns for a living but the Gov. employee's who do the same work are needed. Then lets not forget that private construction is no but Gov is fine. After all we can't have people dead in the street because they can't buy pot or work on Gov lawn maintenance right? Makes total sense. This is how they get away with this. People watch this happening and defend it even when its so plain to see they are being had. <shrug>
You get people to social distance and this would not be needed - in general people want what they want with out concern for others. Its my right to do anything I want is a real common theme in the United States but few consider the consequences of their actions. I would like to do some more fishing and shooting but if I cant do it safely, meaning protecting others and myself while I am at it I wont do it. To me its individuals actions that have caused this lock down and its shame that some only pay attention when the government is forced to step in. Do I like being impacted by others ignorance NO, but I also do not like seeing individuals being put in harms way by these same ignorant people.
You get people to social distance and this would not be needed - in general people want what they want with out concern for others. Its my right to do anything I want is a real common theme in the United States but few consider the consequences of their actions. I would like to do some more fishing and shooting but if I cant do it safely, meaning protecting others and myself while I am at it I wont do it. To me its individuals actions that have caused this lock down and its shame that some only pay attention when the government is forced to step in. Do I like being impacted by others ignorance NO, but I also do not like seeing individuals being put in harms way by these same ignorant people.
Going to get food from take out is not needed. Dog parks aren't needed. Pot stores not needed. Starbucks not needed.
Fresh air in open spaces away in distance from other humans is fine.
And people in the wilderness didn't cause crap. The communist governor you have did......
Going to get food from take out is not needed. Dog parks aren't needed. Pot stores not needed. Starbucks not needed.
Fresh air in open spaces away in distance from other humans is fine.
And people in the wilderness didn't cause crap. The communist governor you have did......
"The communist governor you have did" you mean the one that has Trump as a POTUS and a republican senate. Yes I agree with you.
Well spoken points, and I agree, mostly.

However, I don't think the issue taken is the overwhelming of first responders. The issue is the unnecessary exposure risk they themselves have to take in order to go deal with "Covidiots".

This thread is very close in content to yet another thread about Coronavirus from a month ago, and all points were already beaten to death over there - the "Social lockdown - can it happen" thread.

I made a point there that I'll try to make here, although I'm sure I'll be shouted down by certain members who have already decided they know who I am and what I stand for, and I'm nothing but a sheep. :rolleyes: They won't even read what I have to say, because it doesn't echo back what they spew out.

What do you all expect would happen? America as a whole has mostly lost her ability to self govern.

People either govern themselves, or they end up governed by an authority. The less people self govern, the more society tends to be governed by a higher power. Over and over throughout history people groups have formed governments that allowed personal freedoms, and slowly became immoral, unethical, and incapable of self governance.

We've been going down that road for decades now, and we ultimately have no one to blame but ourselves.

We could do this (social distancing) ourselves as a society without any emergency orders or lockdown of the economy, but we won't because we're now a nation of very selfish people that is numb from a life of ease, an it'll never happen here attitude, and previous pandemics that were a big nothing flop.

When we see thousands of people playing around on the beaches of Florida (or Oregon) with a IDGAF attitude, and even people here throwing the bird up and saying they won't do anything that requires them to temporarily sacrifice certain conveniences for the sake of their fellow countrymen who may be at high risk of death from this (and I guarantee they would say the same thing if it was asked of them to do so voluntarily), of course there will be a clamp down.

I don't get it. Previous generations willingly sacrificed their own comfort for the sake of their offspring and the future of the nation, without being told anything by a government.

How far we've drifted... and now we wrap our selfishness in the flag and say "I'm a red blooded American and I won't be asked to sacrifice anything by anyone dammit! Even if it causes others to die, I'm gonna do what I WANT!"

I'm not calling anyone out here personally or individually. It's just a trend I've seen for years before this in our country. I'm not supportive of a forced lockdown at all, but I'm not surprised to see it come, and I wish we could all make the hard choices this country needs to make on our own.

There may be a few thousand responsible people gathered here who are capable of self governance. But we're a drop in the bucket today, a dinosaur relic from the past, and we're becoming a smaller group by the day, as the older generation dies off and is replaced by my and my children's generation.

This is just my opinion, but I believe your living in a fantasy land if you think Americans as a majority are capable of self governance today.

Also, the constitution has been null and void for over a month now. That was revoked when Trump signed the national emergency order. So saying something is unconstitutional doesn't mean jack squat anymore.
Yes, our rights may come from God and not from man, but you better really be prepared to defend that notion with your life, and that time is coming soon too I believe.
Nice post. That helps me personally to understand where you are coming from. I think a lot of the short, dismissive responses cause folks like me to think some here are arrogant pontificating I know better than you azzholes. Not that it matters $0.02 to anyone, but I've changed my mind about my perception of you. Thank you.

The only disagreement I have with what you posted is the blanket statement about the majority of Americans needing someone to govern if there are some dot-gov overlords better qualified. That seems a bit Animal Farm-ish IMO, and I'm not ready to sacrifice the sheepdogs because the sheep are not being compliant. But honestly I don't have an answer on how to deal with the 'so called unwashed masses' without sounding superior and Orwellian.
"The communist governor you have did" you mean the one that has Trump as a POTUS and a republican senate. Yes I agree with you.
Kind of. But our Idaho governor has stated he won't bother people that break the rules in our state. That's the Idaho way. However, your nazi metros citizens in the PACNW WILL turn you in. It's just a fact of life ....
Kind of. But our Idaho governor has stated he won't bother people that break the rules in our state. That's the Idaho way. However, your nazi metros citizens in the PACNW WILL turn you in. It's just a fact of life ....
I have been staying home primarily so I really don't care. Went fishing yesterday morning and did not get turned in. I have a lot of respect for those that run my county and the local law enforcement here in Saint Helens. I am not a fan of the larger metropolitan areas here in the state but that can be said for any large city in the country. I may go out twice a week but mainly stay to ourselves.
I am not saying to go out and ignore laws and regulations....

But if one does get the urge to go outside and play :

Stay away from "hotspots" trail heads , main entrances , popular trails , etc...
Go alone...or with a small select group...
Stay quiet...Both when outside and no "Blabbing" about it later....
Assess the risk that you are taking or the potential for harm ( both for yourself and others )

Understand that :
Just 'cause someone here on the internet...says that they went out and did ______ and got away with it...
Does not mean that you will....
Or if they were seen but just given a warning , does not mean the same for you....
Disobeying the law / regulations may result in consequences that you did not foresee...

Like the law / regulations , regarding forest / wildlife / water access , etc areas being closed or not...
They are in place....
If you want to obey them ....fine.
If you want to fight them ....fine as well....but fight them smartly.
The only disagreement I have with what you posted is the blanket statement about the majority of Americans needing someone to govern if there are some dot-gov overlords better qualified. That seems a bit Animal Farm-ish IMO, and I'm not ready to sacrifice the sheepdogs because the sheep are not being compliant. But honestly I don't have an answer on how to deal with the 'so called unwashed masses' without sounding superior and Orwellian.

For freedom-loving individuals, all this talk about the need for more Government regulations and watchers makes me think we've lost our way. Those that seem to desire less Government interaction but will run to more Big Gov help when you deem it needed should give us great pause...yet some here appear more than happy to run the lives of others.

"yet some here appear more than happy to run the lives of others."

Wait, are you speaking of the government/nanny state types or some of the folks here...?

It's annoying as hell, yes, but its not about punishing anyone. They have to protect their own people, the first responders, forest service folks, etc. Because some numb nuts is going to get himself into trouble and require help. Reality is, you can go out into the woods. Just don't need any help or you may have a very large tab to pay. Of course, then you would really feel like you are being punished.

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