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Don't even get me started.

There is ENORMOUS evidence to suggest that fresh air and sunshine are beneficial in fighting this virus and countless past viruses. And particularly in warmer parts of the country and/or as we come into the warmer months.

Maybe it makes sense in population dense NY City where it's still cooler, to stay inside...but in other parts of the, say, Southern California...people should be encouraged to get outside and stay there as long as possible...RESPONSIBLY. And one of the best places to do that is the beach. I'm not talking about 4th of July or Spring Break type crowds. OBVIOUSLY that needs to be avoided. But there is PLENTY of space where a whole lot of people could be there responsibly.

And yet, the beaches are all closed and law enforcement is literally ticketing people who show up. Instead of that nonsense they could assist with make sure people are spaced appropriately and closing off the parking lots if they get too full. But nope. The so called experts say that the beach it too dangerous. That is complete and utter B.S. :rolleyes:
Three hikers were rescued by Skamania County officials and SAR teams at Lower Falls on Thursday night.
In total, 16 first responders had to assist in rescuing the three hikers.

Read that in the paper and commented to the wife: [1] they had state and national forests to roam in, but instead went to a closed area; [2] went as a group; [3] called for a rescue when several didn't want to recross the river after dark; [4] and whatever the citation, it doesn't begin to cover the cost of their lawless stupidity. IIRC, The Columbian reported they waited until no one was around late in the day, before crossing the river, as they didn't want to be seen.:s0112:
As far as search and rescue being overwhelmed - it doesn't happen during normal times - no reason to think it would happen now.

This is one of the governments little things they like to point to right now. It will overwhelm fire and EMS. Apparently these governments do not get statistics from their fellow public agencies or service partners. It is nothing more than the prostitution of a bully pulpit or ready easy media access that put out these bleatings of what will happen if we do not do what the talking government idiots tell us to. The people that receive their information from MSM, which is filtered for effect will follow whatever direction that MSM directs them to think without going to the sources for unfiltered information.

I follow a lot of politicians on Twitter, ones I agree with and more importantly, the ones I despise. I have reduced feeds from MSM outlets, after you start getting the information from the sources, you realize what a load of crap MSM is blowing up your azz, anytime they are on the air or communicating. I despise Kate Brown, but I follow her on Twitter, and Kotex, and Courtney, OR Dems, as well as my conservative sources. Unfiltered you see what they put out without the MSM liberal spin or flat out deception. You really get an idea as to how the other side thinks as f up as it is.

With family working in the ER and as field paramedics, and a former one myself who has a scanner or phone app on pretty much every waking minute, the capacity in both the hospitals and EMS is just fine. ER visits are way down, people are scared sh*tless to even go the hospital. Those visits are down by 75% or more. Field calls now are running that much or more reduced over pre covid calls. Normal runs in a 48 hour shift would have been around 12 to 17. The last tour he ran 2 calls in that 48 hour shift. These services are far from being taxed and have appropriate PPE and protocols in place.

Auto accidents are down, structure fires are down, haz mat incidents non existent. The use of the platitude, "It will overwhelm first responders" is a false premise that is being used to spin a directed narrative to the public on a continual basis.
In total, 16 first responders had to assist in rescuing the three hikers.

Which is a perfectly normal SAR response. Combination of SAR, deputies, maybe a fire unit. Happens about three times a week in a normal year as the local daredevil gravity defying people at Smith Rock willshow. These are usually 6 to 10 hour operations in a very hazardous area. And there will be 3 or more fatalities at the same location in that year as well.

"This is a perfect example of exposing first responders to COVID-19 unnecessarily due to the complete disregard of well publicized orders from our State, County, and Local partners," SCSO said in a statement

So some people go out and do something and require EMS and police assistance, with some risk involved for all responders. And whatever they did was prohibited or illegal. Well duh...* me with a wood spoon. This is pretty much what Fire, EMS and LE work is about these days. Agree the exposure (if it actually happened) was unfortunate, but no manner of public agency angst, no amount of PSA's, no amount of pleading with the general public is going change these society behaviors.
hay yo yo daddy O LOL
I took a customer shooting thursday morning jones creek never saw the sheriff
till we were climbing into the truck he was nice just told us to leave we were doing that shot for maybe two hours had fun
I thinks it's BS. If they need to shut down the woods, and cut off road traffic for emergency response then they should do that for all traffic.
how many accidents do they report to on highways and city streets?

either you shut down everything or nothing.
Why are hardware stores essential? Is it an emergency that people start their gardens or build a fence?

I'm sorry but the social distancing rules are ridiculous.

Same with fishing and hunting. There's NO reason to shut that down.

But this is liberal logic for ya
They just want to control and push people.

if nothing else they don't want to pay their people to be out policing so they just close everything.

If this isn't tyranny at it's finest.
Seriously what percentage of people would actually be out there? Like people would be congregating together in the deep woods?!
I can understand closing camp grounds and parks but trails?

Go to home depot on a sunday there's a line of people 3ft apart as long as the store.
somehow thats ok
Yep, Wal-Mart, Pot shops, city bus is fine. One person fishing or in the forest is a danger. Got to hand it to the people who want total control. Look how few push against this and look how many still today defend this action?
Read that in the paper and commented to the wife: [1] they had state and national forests to roam in, but instead went to a closed area; [2] went as a group; [3] called for a rescue when several didn't want to recross the river after dark; [4] and whatever the citation, it doesn't begin to cover the cost of their lawless stupidity. IIRC, The Columbian reported they waited until no one was around late in the day, before crossing the river, as they didn't want to be seen.:s0112:

Then make them stay! You buck the rules be prepared to deal with it on your own!
either you shut down everything or nothing.

The government picked what they thought they could get away with and be mildly palatable to the public. They are at a point where they have pushed about as far as they can. The demands for police enforcement from the left leaning types supporting ALL the government actions are probably going to fall on deaf ears of their beloved masters.

They best figure out what they are going to do, or there are going to be some token business's open up, get customers and be supported by their fellow peers. Trial case. Will the government have the balls to close them down ? Mild form of civil disobedience starting?
Yep, Wal-Mart, Pot shops, city bus is fine. One person fishing or in the forest is a danger. Got to hand it to the people who want total control. Look how few push against this and look how many still today defend this action?
Walmart sells grocerys and has a pharmacy but who needs that stuff?
Then make them stay! You buck the rules be prepared to deal with it on your own!
Yeah right! Consider it a stroke of luck if this just goes away. Their family "lawyer" is probably combing this over, looking for errors on the rescue team's part. Keep out sign not printed in their native language? Fines tossed. Why did it take so long to rescue us? Hate crime. Heaven forbid they are Saudi nationals, lol.
This is one of the governments little things they like to point to right now. It will overwhelm fire and EMS. Apparently these governments do not get statistics from their fellow public agencies or service partners. It is nothing more than the prostitution of a bully pulpit or ready easy media access that put out these bleatings of what will happen if we do not do what the talking government idiots tell us to. The people that receive their information from MSM, which is filtered for effect will follow whatever direction that MSM directs them to think without going to the sources for unfiltered information.

I follow a lot of politicians on Twitter, ones I agree with and more importantly, the ones I despise. I have reduced feeds from MSM outlets, after you start getting the information from the sources, you realize what a load of crap MSM is blowing up your azz, anytime they are on the air or communicating. I despise Kate Brown, but I follow her on Twitter, and Kotex, and Courtney, OR Dems, as well as my conservative sources. Unfiltered you see what they put out without the MSM liberal spin or flat out deception. You really get an idea as to how the other side thinks as f up as it is.

With family working in the ER and as field paramedics, and a former one myself who has a scanner or phone app on pretty much every waking minute, the capacity in both the hospitals and EMS is just fine. ER visits are way down, people are scared sh*tless to even go the hospital. Those visits are down by 75% or more. Field calls now are running that much or more reduced over pre covid calls. Normal runs in a 48 hour shift would have been around 12 to 17. The last tour he ran 2 calls in that 48 hour shift. These services are far from being taxed and have appropriate PPE and protocols in place.

Auto accidents are down, structure fires are down, haz mat incidents non existent. The use of the platitude, "It will overwhelm first responders" is a false premise that is being used to spin a directed narrative to the public on a continual basis.

Don't even get me started.

There is ENORMOUS evidence to suggest that fresh air and sunshine are beneficial in fighting this virus and countless past viruses. And particularly in warmer parts of the country and/or as we come into the warmer months.

Maybe it makes sense in population dense NY City where it's still cooler, to stay inside...but in other parts of the, say, Southern California...people should be encouraged to get outside and stay there as long as possible...RESPONSIBLY. And one of the best places to do that is the beach. I'm not talking about 4th of July or Spring Break type crowds. OBVIOUSLY that needs to be avoided. But there is PLENTY of space where a whole lot of people could be there responsibly.

And yet, the beaches are all closed and law enforcement is literally ticketing people who show up. Instead of that nonsense they could assist with make sure people are spaced appropriately and closing off the parking lots if they get too full. But nope. The so called experts say that the beach it too dangerous. That is complete and utter B.S. :rolleyes:
Well spoken points, and I agree, mostly.

However, I don't think the issue taken is the overwhelming of first responders. The issue is the unnecessary exposure risk they themselves have to take in order to go deal with "Covidiots".

This thread is very close in content to yet another thread about Coronavirus from a month ago, and all points were already beaten to death over there - the "Social lockdown - can it happen" thread.

I made a point there that I'll try to make here, although I'm sure I'll be shouted down by certain members who have already decided they know who I am and what I stand for, and I'm nothing but a sheep. :rolleyes: They won't even read what I have to say, because it doesn't echo back what they spew out.

What do you all expect would happen? America as a whole has mostly lost her ability to self govern.

People either govern themselves, or they end up governed by an authority. The less people self govern, the more society tends to be governed by a higher power. Over and over throughout history people groups have formed governments that allowed personal freedoms, and slowly became immoral, unethical, and incapable of self governance.

We've been going down that road for decades now, and we ultimately have no one to blame but ourselves.

We could do this (social distancing) ourselves as a society without any emergency orders or lockdown of the economy, but we won't because we're now a nation of very selfish people that is numb from a life of ease, an it'll never happen here attitude, and previous pandemics that were a big nothing flop.

When we see thousands of people playing around on the beaches of Florida (or Oregon) with a IDGAF attitude, and even people here throwing the bird up and saying they won't do anything that requires them to temporarily sacrifice certain conveniences for the sake of their fellow countrymen who may be at high risk of death from this (and I guarantee they would say the same thing if it was asked of them to do so voluntarily), of course there will be a clamp down.

I don't get it. Previous generations willingly sacrificed their own comfort for the sake of their offspring and the future of the nation, without being told anything by a government.

How far we've drifted... and now we wrap our selfishness in the flag and say "I'm a red blooded American and I won't be asked to sacrifice anything by anyone dammit! Even if it causes others to die, I'm gonna do what I WANT!"

I'm not calling anyone out here personally or individually. It's just a trend I've seen for years before this in our country. I'm not supportive of a forced lockdown at all, but I'm not surprised to see it come, and I wish we could all make the hard choices this country needs to make on our own.

There may be a few thousand responsible people gathered here who are capable of self governance. But we're a drop in the bucket today, a dinosaur relic from the past, and we're becoming a smaller group by the day, as the older generation dies off and is replaced by my and my children's generation.

This is just my opinion, but I believe your living in a fantasy land if you think Americans as a majority are capable of self governance today.

Also, the constitution has been null and void for over a month now. That was revoked when Trump signed the national emergency order. So saying something is unconstitutional doesn't mean jack squat anymore.
Yes, our rights may come from God and not from man, but you better really be prepared to defend that notion with your life, and that time is coming soon too I believe.
Maybe it's just that.........
"Stay at home" actually means........

Go to the: beach, forest hiking, bike riding, fishing, boating, etc....?

Aloha, Mark
The government picked what they thought they could get away with and be mildly palatable to the public. They are at a point where they have pushed about as far as they can. The demands for police enforcement from the left leaning types supporting ALL the government actions are probably going to fall on deaf ears of their beloved masters.

They best figure out what they are going to do, or there are going to be some token business's open up, get customers and be supported by their fellow peers. Trial case. Will the government have the balls to close them down ? Mild form of civil disobedience starting?
That is exactly what will be needed. If a few people tell them to pound sand soon it will cascade. Those hungry for power are scared to death of election time if they start in with storm trooper type actions.
Walmart sells grocerys and has a pharmacy but who needs that stuff?
You missed the whole point and I am sure on purpose. If they really cared why can't they make them order and bring it out? You also made sure to skip over how Pot shops are totally necessary and safe. Lets not forget that one person can't go and mow lawns for a living but the Gov. employee's who do the same work are needed. Then lets not forget that private construction is no but Gov is fine. After all we can't have people dead in the street because they can't buy pot or work on Gov lawn maintenance right? Makes total sense. This is how they get away with this. People watch this happening and defend it even when its so plain to see they are being had. <shrug>
I despise Kate Brown, but I follow her on Twitter, and Kotex, and Courtney, OR Dems, as well as my conservative sources. Unfiltered you see what they put out without the MSM liberal spin or flat out deception. You really get an idea as to how the other side thinks as f up as it is.

You are a stronger man that I. Or, this is your forehead >>>>>:s0054:

Walmart sells grocerys and has a pharmacy but who needs that stuff?

Dog parks. Don't forget people getting together with their bubblegum sniffing, flea infested, turd dropping, shrub peeing on beasts, in an enclosed area. Absolutely necessary!

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