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The number of school shooting have increased since the 1990's. What changed?

The Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 was originally passed as part of the Crime Control Act of 1990.

The 90s was when they started full blast drugging kids in the schools at the same time Joe Biden introduced gun free zones. A tag team effort between the schools and the democrat's to use the death of our kids to take our gun rights. The end justify the means.
So yeah...what changed?

Less manual labor - almost everything is an intellectual exercise
Child labor laws - we picked berries as kids and learned the value of a dollar in terms of hard work
Participation trophies and other artificial self esteem
Pass/Fail instead of letter grades. See self esteem above
No more shop classes. We had wood, metal, and auto. Hands on activities gone for intellectual exercises.
Social Media. No more actual social skills. Others become more objects and less human.
No more delayed gratification. They get everything NOW or you get a temper tantrum.
Entertainment expectation 100% of the time.
Less manual labor - almost everything is an intellectual exercise
Child labor laws - we picked berries as kids and learned the value of a dollar in terms of hard work
Participation trophies and other artificial self esteem
Pass/Fail instead of letter grades. See self esteem above
No more shop classes. We had wood, metal, and auto. Hands on activities gone for intellectual exercises.
Social Media. No more actual social skills. Others become more objects and less human.
No more delayed gratification. They get everything NOW or you get a temper tantrum.
Entertainment expectation 100% of the time.

Add to that in the 90s computers stepped in to full bloom and society has been built around facebook.o_O
So they ban all guns what that takes a year with the law suits and everything else that comes with it 5 years later they get what they want DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH AMMO AND GUNS I WILL HAVE IN 5 YEARS LOL .
come and TRY to take them
Need to stop sensationalizing these dip weeds in the MSM. They should be painted as the monsters and s courage to society they really are...

But that'll never happen, because the media beats a socialist/progressive drum. The sole solution is the disarmament of American Citizens.

Once we are subjects and unable to fight back, then they'll be able to create their ultimate utopia, it'll look something like a blended mess of Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Los Angeles, Compton and Philadelphia. This is their vision for the entire country.

They don't want us to be able to protect ourselves from street thugs and crimes. These are the folks who embrace and defense MS13 while working towards destroying the Second Amendment...

Go figure...
I mean, probably not as clean. I found roaches in some of those apartments, and the roaches were trying to GET OUT of them!

Those aren't roaches the were pubic lice of the antigunners that lived there before you.

I know we have that right, the problem is the people using it don't care that they're perpetuating the endless cycle just to make money by making folk heroes out of the shooters.

Its the elephant in the room. People blame the guns and 2A without realizing that its the 1A is being used to create this cycle.
The whole systemic problem of the left is to destroy what they don't like or what stands in the way of their vision of progress only to find that the real world dosnt support any of it. They cannot see the forest for the trees, so they throw more laws at it, more money at it and nothing ever changes! It's A vicious cycle of destruction that cannot ever end, because they believe deep down on their greasy little black hearts that the only way forward is to take US all with them down that rabbit hole to oblivion! They believe killing a bunch of kids to get the middle of the road folks to yank out the heart strings will be the final move to disarm the good citizens, so they find some shlub kid who is perfect for the job, they stalk him on his computer and social media, plant the seeds and water liberally until he pops! Think about it, before mass media and f.b. and all the other electronic leashes, these kind of things were quite rare, but now days, it' like every other week! They don't even care if it's an AR that gets used, they just care that it's a gun so they can scream about all guns so they can focus on taking them all away!
The long and the short of it is this; the ultra liberal socialist are destroying the very thing they wish to create, and leaving a scorched earth behind is ok to them, as long as they see a chance to build the utopia of their dreams! We all know how that's going to play out, we get stuck with the ruins of that shattered dream!
When I was a kid we played on dirt piles, made jumps out in the field, built cars out of scrap wood and skate wheels and took turns pushing each other around the neighborhood. On Friday evenings mom took us to the store to buy ammo and the Saturdays we were up at 0dark30 and gone shooting out in no mans land until dusk. Nobody cared what we did and we didn't cause trouble. So yeah...what changed?

Pussifacation of America.

When I was 12 we would ride dirt bikes down the side streets with a 22 across the handle bars going to the orchards to shoot crows.
I believe it's far past the wussy stage and now has turned depraved, school shootings show that those in charge cause them and the killing of our youth is for an agenda, well what is abortion if 55 million if it isn't depavity? If you can kill babies and cut them up for sale then you can certainly kill our kids to take our guns away. I have truth of far worse depraved behavior but it makes me sick to talk about it. They told on network tv that they did this and it changed my view completely of those around me.

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