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These terrorists (radical Muslims) were fully prepared. They no doubt thought about the fact they could recce this party to make sure lots of people were there....They then returned in full battle kit to massacre as many as they could...their exit strategy worked, their mistake was they left a paper trail. if they wanted to fight again rather than be martyred on the run they would have headed to Mexico after the shooting rather than heading to the apartment. But to CALL this workplace violence is more disgusting and lower than the lie that the Benghazi attack was caused by a video.

Brutus Out
Obama doesn't even let the blood of victims dry before bringing up gun control. Props to first responders to protect and serve. Shouldn't our commander in chief look after the well being/ security of the American people and serve us. His obvious hatred for our military, disregard for our Constitution and the fact that he is a liar disgusts me. He is dilusional and a danger to our country. Our nation's security should be priority. GOD bless America. Semper Fidelis
So I am looking at the Evil Black rifles these terrorists used.....looks like red dot scopes, bungie slings at least on one, both vertical fore grips, flip up BUIS on one, rounds in stripper, let's all freak out the libs and tell them all but the complete firearms and the boolits can be bought on Amazon. Did they buy Chinese knockoffs or did Magpul get an unwanted endorsement?

Obama doesn't even let the blood of victims dry before bringing up gun control. Props to first responders to protect and serve. Shouldn't our commander in chief look after the well being/ security of the American people and serve us. His obvious hatred for our military, disregard for our Constitution and the fact that he is a liar disgusts me. He is dilusional and a danger to our country. Our nation's security should be priority. GOD bless America. Semper Fidelis
I agree, and I'll add women can be in all combat arms and units (though I'd be surprised if even Ronda Rousey could pass BUDS.... So where is the hew and cry for ALL women, turning age 18 to register for the draft like I and millions other males have done for what 50 years?

Brutus Out
^^pure idiocy.WHY?? WHY is it so dang hard for them to grasp that gun control doesnt work.

if we banned all words that started with the letters 'A thru Z' would people stop talking????

They know it doesn't work. They are evil. They want control to pave the way for the inevitable genocide at the hands of the Marxist federal regime. Their "grassroots" workers are brainwashed and misguided, or what the Bolsheviks would call "useful idiots."
Boy oh boy, doesn't that say it all... I think these leftist liberals should be forced to live in the muck and mire they've created without the luxury of any form of personal protection other than their bare hands....

Something I have not heard the media mention-and never will-is that all this "politically correct" BS has put us all in danger. Look what happened when a school called the police over Mohammed the clock makers school project. They were villified by the press, and the kid was warmly greeted with open arms by Obama. I would hope anyone seeing that clock project would have called, because it certainly had the look of a bomb. Now we find out that the neighbors of this terrorist couple saw all kinds of strange activities at their house but did not call because they did not want others to think they were "profiling" or "racist". If only they had made that call......
The ARs are illegle in California, Calif. does not allow any firearms sold by govt agencies.
Talking heads still pushing "Work Place" even though this was a luncheon away from work and the 20 bombs, tac gear show pre-mediation, money and months of training.
The date, a martyr holiday, Christmas theme, the start of Chanukah on Sunday all point to Terror
Still no Pic available of female perp (She was reported as a white male militia member)
CNN Tries To Imply Victim's 'Evangelizing For Christ' May Have Had Something To Do With Attack In Interview With Victim's Wife


Keep in mind as you listen to this interview, that they have no idea from the wife that there was any conversation related to religion nor does she have any idea whether there was any fight related to this. They ask her leading questions trying to draw her into it.

By the way, CNN fails to properly note Mr. Thasilinos' beliefs, he is a Messianic Jew and quite pro-Israel according to his wife. It may be that he was a target for his beliefs. But that has not yet been established.

HT: Right Scoop
Something I have not heard the media mention-and never will-is that all this "politically correct" BS has put us all in danger. Look what happened when a school called the police over Mohammed the clock makers school project. They were villified by the press, and the kid was warmly greeted with open arms by Obama. I would hope anyone seeing that clock project would have called, because it certainly had the look of a bomb. Now we find out that the neighbors of this terrorist couple saw all kinds of strange activities at their house but did not call because they did not want others to think they were "profiling" or "racist". If only they had made that call......
Y'all might not want to hear this, but Donald Trump
Is correct... Enough of the PC BS, call a spade a spade...

As for the imposter in chief, he'll stand by his Muslim brothers, and has publicly said so...

Time to get the trash out
Of the WH...
The ARs are illegle in California, Calif. does not allow any firearms sold by govt agencies.
Talking heads still pushing "Work Place" even though this was a luncheon away from work and the 20 bombs, tac gear show pre-mediation, money and months of training.
The date, a martyr holiday, Christmas theme, the start of Chanukah on Sunday all point to Terror
Still no Pic available of female perp (She was reported as a white male militia member)
CNN Tries To Imply Victim's 'Evangelizing For Christ' May Have Had Something To Do With Attack In Interview With Victim's Wife

View attachment 266461

Keep in mind as you listen to this interview, that they have no idea from the wife that there was any conversation related to religion nor does she have any idea whether there was any fight related to this. They ask her leading questions trying to draw her into it.

By the way, CNN fails to properly note Mr. Thasilinos' beliefs, he is a Messianic Jew and quite pro-Israel according to his wife. It may be that he was a target for his beliefs. But that has not yet been established.

HT: Right Scoop
The wife:
Seems like a religion begins to lose its protections once it proposes killing those who won't join up. "Evangelizing" at a party, if it happened, is no more worthy of a bullet than if I try to sell you life insurance at a party.

On another note, since others mentioned it: I have to say I fear our government a lot less than I do my treatment by corporations. Somebody is buying a line of nonsense if they think Unions and the federal government are less likely to protect your rights than your corporate employer. Just my 2 cents.
Something I have not heard the media mention-and never will-is that all this "politically correct" BS has put us all in danger. Look what happened when a school called the police over Mohammed the clock makers school project. They were villified by the press, and the kid was warmly greeted with open arms by Obama. I would hope anyone seeing that clock project would have called, because it certainly had the look of a bomb. Now we find out that the neighbors of this terrorist couple saw all kinds of strange activities at their house but did not call because they did not want others to think they were "profiling" or "racist". If only they had made that call......

I disagree. I think just about everyone on this forum knows if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, well, these vermin were terrorists. I never leave the house unarmed. Most of us here are probably in the same boat.
The President goes on TV and says this is an act of terrorism and watch the proverbial Shiite hit the fan. Soccer moms, Prius drivers, and the like will panic like you've never seen before. My guess is it has less to do with being PC and more to do with keeping the sheep pacified.
Take care of your own. Be vigilant. I don't need a talking head on TV to change my lifestyle.
Spent over a half hour off and on searching reports. Can't find anything about the rifles being bought on behalf of the Police. It comes up that Farook transferred them legally from his ex roommate.
Perhaps he (roommate), bought them at a police surplus auction? Do they even do that in anti-gun CA?

They can't be legal, they have collapseable stocks 2 pistol grips , detach mags, flash hiders BTW all the mags were 30 round, black Teflon coated.

Those alterations made the weapons unlawful under California's ban on assault weapons, which bans guns with magazines that can detach for quick reloading.
The state legally allows the sale and ownership of assault weapons that have fixed magazines.
While we hear more grandstanding about the need for more gun control, keep in mind all the current laws that were broken to execute this violent massacre:

  • The shooters used weapons they did not purchase, sounds like a straw purchase or illegal transfer.
  • The shooters modified guns to accept high capacity magazines.
  • The shooter modified guns for automatic fire.
Last Edited:
San Bernardino Massacre Has All The Hallmarks Of An ISIS:
Tashfeen Malik (King) is a nom de guerre for a Muslim Jihadist from the annals of Muslim history. As he is known to Muslims "تاشفين ملك الموحدين" Tashfeen Malik Al-Muahideen, in English: Tafhseen King of the Unitarians (Muslims) and the conquerer of the west. The history stems from when Yusuf ibn Tashfin led the Muslim forces in the Battle of Zallaqa/Sagrajas. He came to Andalusia from Morocco to help the Muslims fight against Alfonso VI, eventually achieving victory and allowing the Muslims to remain in Spain for centuries. The battle has been symbolic for Muslim victory against the Christians.

This is a hallmark of ISIS. Another hallmark is that Farook was a devout Muslim, but rarely discussed religion at work. Mr. Farook, 28, born in Illinois and who had Pakistani origins. Police says of his operation that "These were people that came prepared," "There had to have been some degree of planning that went into this."

No kidding.

Police Chief Burguan said that although initial reports indicated that as many as three shooters may have been involved, "we are confident now" that Farook and Malik acted alone. He said the pair were "either boyfriend-girlfriend or husband and wife". The reason they cannot get such a resolution to this is that perhaps they do not understand the code-names used might not belong to the real name of this mysterious woman. She hardly looks Pakistani and could even be a western convert.

The FBI is investigating several possible motives, including workplace violence and terrorism, said David Bowdich, assistant director of the bureau's Los Angeles office, adding that terrorism is "a possibility, but we do not know that yet." The FBI is working with state and local law enforcement.

Where did they get the guns? The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives reported that the two assault rifles and two handguns used in the killings were all purchased legally in the United States — two of them by someone who's now under investigation. Meredith Davis, a spokesperson for the agency, said investigators are now working to make a connection to the last legal purchaser.

A bag believed to belong to the shooters was found inside the conference. Inside, investigators found three rudimentary explosive devices packed with black powder and rigged to a remote controlled car. The remote for car was found inside the SUV where Farook and Malik were later killed, a law enforcement official said. They were also wearing GoPro cameras when they were killed. The gunman who killed four people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels filmed his attack with a camera mounted on his chest.

Much planning went into it — tactical gear and clothing, pipe bombs … the works. That takes much training, forethought, planning and preparation which six months is sufficient. The mystery, the planning and the name of the supposed wife spells all the hallmarks of ISIS.

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