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Emotions are running high on this one, but more facts need to be gathered. But I agree with the previous comment, surveillance systems have never been cheaper, so always keep the cameras and audio running on your property 24/7.
I'm thinkin' there is a LOT of info not being reported with this....
I'm in agreement with you. Idaho is far too conservative a state, in my mind, to have it's cops running around shooting private citizens.

As for the Ruby Ridge title...I told a friend that I was thinking about moving to Idaho, when I retire. He suggested Ruby Ridge, but I told him that a "Randy" (my name, also) had already lived there, once, and that story didn't end so well.
If you haven't read enemies foreign and domestic, this is similar to the tactics the criminal law enforcement agents used.

There are several "enemies foreign and domestic" books; I assume you were referring to the one written by Matthew Bracken. I found it is available for free PDF download.
Damages sought in shooting

"Counsel for Robin Johson contends deputies involved in the Sept. 26 shooting of Craig Johnson were improperly trained in arresting subjects, de-escalating confrontations and the use of force, according to a tort claim...

"Claimant contends officers provoked and caused the shooting, and their conduct exhibits fundamental unconstitutional training by the county entity named herein in the use of force," Hayden attorney
There are several "enemies foreign and domestic" books; I assume you were referring to the one written by Matthew Bracken. I found it is available for free PDF download.
Matthew Bracken - [Enemies 01] - Enemies Foreign and Domestic (PDF) | Second Amendment To The United States Constitution | United States Senate
If the situation included an outstanding warrant, was this a case of a felon in
possession of a firearm? Just thinking out loud... Which for me can be a dangerous thing...
So! all gun laws are unconstitutional regardless....
That's how we've gotten to this point as it is.... Thinking it's ok just because there's some law or something!:mad:
I don't care!!!!! if information is not here as of yet this P*sses me off.
For one if he didn't know as contended who was at his door at midnight if he did point it at the cop or had it in hand (Which is what I believe he had it in hand not truly pointing). But he had every right to as afar as I'm concerned, at least up until he knows who he's dealing with that is.
Someone made the comment of murder.... Yeah what it sounds like is cop got butt hurt and later wanted to get even with the guy so had a warrant put out for him.
As for the Snipers BS sounds eerily similar to Lavoy Finnicums murder as well... A hats.
Being against gun control but supporting the law after it's here is exactly what our forefathers fought against. which is exactly the meaning behind "
An Avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret,
and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even
his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach
to himself". – Thomas Paine
I don't care!!!!! if information is not here as of yet this P*sses me off.
For one if he didn't know as contended who was at his door at midnight if he did point it at the cop or had it in hand (Which is what I believe he had it in hand not truly pointing). But he had every right to as afar as I'm concerned, at least up until he knows who he's dealing with that is.
Someone made the comment of murder.... Yeah what it sounds like is cop got butt hurt and later wanted to get even with the guy so had a warrant put out for him.
As for the Snipers BS sounds eerily similar to Lavoy Finnicums murder as well... A hats.
Being against gun control but supporting the law after it's here is exactly what our forefathers fought against. which is exactly the meaning behind "
An Avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret,
and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even
his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach
to himself". – Thomas Paine

Regardless of the way you think it SHOULD be, the way it is, is that if you point a gun at cops, you're probably going to get shot.

Yes, there is only one witness to the initial contact, the guy still alive, but there are multiple witnesses to the confrontation that led to Mr Johnson being killed, who all say he ran out of the rear of the house, and pointed a gun at officers staged back there. They have less credibility than the wife (possibly estranged), and her ambulance chaser?
This happened well over a year ago so I would assume that any internal or independent investigation should be wrapped up by now. If there was any video or body cam footage that corroborated the LEO's version, it could immediately slap down any ambulance chasers.

From the comment section...
"To all my friends and family please never call the police to do a welfare check on me."
This happened well over a year ago so I would assume that any internal or independent investigation should be wrapped up by now. If there was any video or body cam footage that corroborated the LEO's version, it could immediately slap down any ambulance chasers.

From the comment section...
"To all my friends and family please never call the police to do a welfare check on me."

Hear hear. Friends & family should be the ones doing the welfare checks, not cops. If they can't be there, call a neighbor, call the local church, call the local boy scout troop leader. Call anyone but the cops unless there is no alternative. If the guy is a nutter, come out and say he's a nutter and move for involuntary committment. If he can't be committed, leave em alone. People have reasons for going silent sometimes. I ignire my wifes calls all the damn time because I get tired of yakking on the phone, which never ceases to ring. There are days I wish NorKo would EMP us just so I'd not have to answer the damn phone. If a guy goes for a vacay at his rural cabin, without his wife - they are either estranged or he just needs a break. Give em some space. If he's alive he's probably fine. Maybe stoned, but probably fine. If he's dead or contemplating suicide, a few days to cool down one way or another won't hurt. Send the cops in to check on a possible suicide, it can very likely end with them dead anyway. Maybe wifey knew that?

Don't send the cops to do welfare checks unless there are no alternatives.
Regardless of the way you think it SHOULD be, the way it is, is that if you point a gun at cops, you're probably going to get shot.

Yes, there is only one witness to the initial contact, the guy still alive, but there are multiple witnesses to the confrontation that led to Mr Johnson being killed, who all say he ran out of the rear of the house, and pointed a gun at officers staged back there. They have less credibility than the wife (possibly estranged), and her ambulance chaser?
you're aware that in some states even if it is a cop if you don't know who it is and fear its a criminal you can legally shoot a cop right?
Not sure where you read that. From what I read he ran out and was shot by snipers I didn't read where he knew they were there, and pointed a gun at them. This you're probable going to get shot attitude sucks and it leads to this...
I also read where it was only alleged he'd pointed the gun at the first welfare responding officer.... and if so why wouldn't he have shot him then? Idaho doesn't have our or Washington's de-escalation laws as we do and the other comments of being alone etc. don't wash. he's a cop and if he felt threatened... Which BTW little things like a wallet etc... to now day officers represent a threat and many have already been killed by nothing at all... So yeah that story he pointed the gun at him don't wash. and many witnesses? Cops? you can't get less credible than that... Especially with all the lies I've personally witnessed from them and or circumstances I've read about online about what they said in their reports but video doesn't show that what they'd said was true.
Case in point that stupid Chicago F**ker and thank god he's going to prison too... But he's said he felt threatened by the black kid and said he lunged at him so felt compelled to shoot... BS video proved he lied so that's why one Cop is finally getting to have to pay for being trigger happy.
My how its supposed to be is true though and if so we wouldn't have this crap for we'd still have our power and Cops wouldn't.
Its a at hope that people will listen but Probably not Not until the Second coming anyhow...
So yeah no I don't believe he actually pointed a gun at the cop... Not do I believe he pointed at any while trying to escape.
He may have had it in hand especially not knowing who was at his door at midnight but don't believe he actually pointed it. Me thinks cop was a bit butthurt for the guy probably yelled at him or something... so went off and made out a false report and pretty much had the guy killed.
as for the comment of don't call the cops for my wellness check Yeah really wellness checks have gotten more people killed in the last few years so yeah don't call no fricking cop on my account. ;):eek:

I totally agree. Stop calling us to deal with a family matter that your family is too apathetic or too chickenschit to deal with on your own.

Don't call and expect us to fix 40 years of mental health problems that the family has phucked off this entire time and become conveniently concerned about once they smell a dollar sign.

I love how parents fail for YEARS and then think WE destroyed their kid's life by taken them to jail.
Last Edited:
If I could have it my way, LE would be removed from ALL civil matters until they escalate into a criminal matter.

Want a no-contact order? Go serve it yourself. Don't worry, if you get beat to death, there will be plenty of physical evidence to allow us to enforce the law.

Wellfare check? Do it yourself! Like you give a schit anyway. Not local? Your family is SO GREAT you don't have friends?

Your kid having a mental event? Fix it! O'bama care and all that crap. (Remember how hard it was to corral a 3-year old having a fit? Now he's 21! Bet you wish you spanked him now!)
"When the deputy exited the vehicle, Johnson came out of the cabin waiving a pistol "and yelled for the deputy to get off his property," according to the lawsuit. When the deputy told Johnson to drop his weapon, Johnson "turned around and walked into the house."

This here. "IF" this is what happened the guy won a Darwin Award.
If someone knocks at my door in the dark I have a gun with me no matter where I live. The person on the other side of the door has no idea as I do not, repeat, DO NOT have it in the face of the person at the door. Now if a marked LEO pulls up? I also DO NOT run outside with a weapon in hand.
"IF" this guy was that unhinged he has only himself to blame. It is amazing to watch the "I hate all Cops" crowd who just love to run to say they "know" this was murder by the Cops. People like that are clueless as to what they want. They really think a world with no Cops would be ideal when it would be just the opposite. Take away Law Enforcement and the tough guys who think they would be able to take care of their own would in reality be slaves to someone more powerful.
I totally agree. Stop calling us to deal with a family matter that your family is too apathetic or too chickenschit to deal with on your own.

Don't call and expect us to fix 40 years of mental health problems that the family has phucked off this entire time and become conveniently concerned about once they smell a dollar sign.

I love how parents fail for YEARS and then think WE destroyed their kid's life by taken them to jail.

I get sick of reading about "family" when some scum gets himself killed by a Cop. Here come the family looking for any camera they can find. To bad mouth the Police for killing the scum, who was of course "just getting his life back on track" after years of multiple arrests. Of course the fact that he illegally had a gun had nothing to do with him being shot. After all he was just getting his life back on track and was going back to college and such. Of course a large amount of cash will make the family whole again too.

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