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Now I'm newish here, I do not yet have a CCW permit and obviously I am not a lawyer. So all of this is just my opinion

But when you get assaulted at a rally where a speaker is advocating using their own handguns it kicks the threat level up a notch. Could it be just some guy trying to sound tough? Absolutely it could be. But would it be reasonable to take that kind of talk into account when you are being advanced on by an angry group of people who you already know have some serious issues with their mental health. I kinda think so. When you add into the mix the guys arm being broken prior to this I can see why he reacted the way he did.

While I agree its always a good idea to avoid places where one would expect to find trouble I think its also very important to keep an eye on the whack jobs in Anti-Fa and BLM (especially in places like Portland where those in power are sympathetic to their cause) . To be able to get an honest idea of what is going on at their meetings and rallies we do need to have people out their recording them. Getting that footage without risking life and limb seems pretty unlikely so the question is what is reasonable to bring to defend yourself ? OC/CS doesn't always work but paired with an ASP it could be enough for a small group that isn't armed with firearms themselves. But then again You can bet if he had carried those along with his handgun they would have said he way carrying "An Arsenal of Offensive Weapons".

It seems to me that after the election those on the left who still remained in power have been looking for ways they can reassert their dominance over "Dem Evil Racist Conservatives" and this guy was a casualty of this. Until we get back to being Americans first and get away from the Toxic Identity politics of many of these groups I fear we will see far too many others.

That all being said, I totally agree with those who are for avoiding Portland when at all possible.
The lesson I learned from this is:
1. Don't go to places where you know you are placing yourself in danger.
He was carrying 5 extra loaded mags. What was he expecting to encounter and what were his intentions when confronted? I am sure the Judge took this into consideration when she threw the book at him.
He had been attacked before and knew what to expect. Poor judgement on his part to place himself in known danger again. He went looking for trouble because it was his 'right'. Now he is paying the price.
I support his earlier work and articles. They were great. He just used poor judgement and crossed the line this time.
2. If you are a conservative or carry a weapon, be very careful when visiting Portland.
The court system in Multnomah County is not going to be very kind to you. As in, 'you are toast'.

sounds like they got their point across.
The main goal of Multnomah County was to strip Michael Strickland of his firearm rights and brand him as a "threat" so they could ban him from recording and exposing all of the liberal waste of OUR taxpayer money at places like PCC, PSU, TriMet, city and county governments. LaughingAtLiberals

Last year while meeting with anti-gun filmmaker SKYE FITZGERALD, that liberal tackled him, broke his arm, took his camera and erased the data. Multnomah County refused to prosecute an assault and theft that was recorded on video.

Earlier in the day of the incident he was shoved by protestors and warned not to film them. The Black Panther aggressor was videoed earlier instructing his crowd of followers to shoot the police.

And finally a convicted felon, 400+ pound masked anarchist can be seen trying to sneak up behind Mike right before he drew his pistol.

Mike was walking backward the entire time, even after he drew. One protestor was caught on video putting his hands on Mike. The people doing the threatening felt threatened by the guy defending himself, really? Were any of them actually harmed? No.

Maybe Mike should have hosed the entire advancing crowed down with 12 ounces of bear spray. That would have given them something to really cry about.

I hear a lot of "I wouldn't do that" and "It is his fault for being there" in the comments. Before making snap judgements, educate yourselves about the facts at Victoria Taft - PAINTING THE TARGETS IN THE CULTURE WAR
I have been searching for the Point of View video from Michael Strickland's own camera that was taken into police custody. The answer is provided in today's OFF alert:

"There is even video of the perpetrators physically assaulting Michael, from his own camera. That video has been ordered SEALED by the very judge who presided over the trial and will likely never be seen by the public."

Can you imagine if a Portland police officer had a use of force complaint for drawing his weapon and the authorities refused to show his body cam video what kind of bubblegumstorm would erupt in the streets?
He was found guilty by a jury of his peers.

Actually he wasn't.

Strickland waived his right to a jury trial after it became apparent that the the selected jury was stacked with admitted anti gunners. It was the judge who found Strickland "guilty".

Having read this whole thread I have seen some great points on both sides of the issue.

I have read many times in this thread word to this effect:
"I would not have gone to a protest ... so I would not have felt it was necessary to pull my weapon , 'cause I wouldn't have been or felt I was in danger."

All of which I agree with ... and that is what I would have done.

That said we are not talking about me ( or you ) ... the thread is about Michael Strickland and what he did.
Something to keep in mind when responding.
Note I am not "picking on" anyone who responded either supporting or not of Michael Strickland's actions.

The biggest take away that I have so far is that if your actions end up with you in court, its not really a matter of if you were right or wrong but ...
Just how the matter was presented to the judge ( and jury if there is one ).

All in all be careful with where you go and what you say and do if you carry...
Your appearance , demeanor , past actions / history etc ... may carry more weight than what actually happened.
( During both the time of the action and court )
Edit for pre-coffee spelling and typing.
Last Edited:
Tough situation. I work in Portland every day, I do not live there (thankfully), but I do have to deal with the reality that is Portland. My thoughts, without rehashing most of what's already been well stated by many members here:

1. This verdict is likely more about the man than on the idea of using a gun for self-defense. Strickland is well known for standing up against the status-quo in Portland and Multnomah County and they've probably been waiting for something like this to happen. That said...

2. Knowing he was already a target of these folks, he should have exercised some better judgment about going down there. Not only do the police know him, the government knows him and the protesters know him. He was a target from the moment he went down there - in my mind, it's time to re-think your strategy. He knew damn well that he was known and disliked, and he still put himself right in the middle of the whole thing. Not a smart choice in my book.

3. I get that he was in fear for his life, and as he drew, he was retreating. But, what about the time leading up to that point? There were numerous times where he could have left the area entirely, but he chose to stay engaged with the crowd. I get that he is there to try and document the 'other side', but considering what I said in #1 and #2, he needed to make different choices. He didn't, and now he's going to pay the price.

4. Is Portland/Multco truly hostile to those that use guns for self-defense?? I'm not so certain about that. Yes, there are many anti-gun folks that live and work in Portland and the government has proven to be anti-gun themselves. But, I keep a close eye on the news and I've seen numerous incidents of citizens using guns to defend themselves with no charges filed whatsoever. In fact, just late last year, there were several defensive shootings by homeowners in Portland and not a single charge was filed. Does that mean that Portland has a vendetta out on all gun owners, or maybe has it out for one particular guy that likes to make waves?

Ultimately, I think he brought this on himself, BUT, the courts have taken it way too far. I could have seen maybe a menacing charge, maybe brandishing, and that would be it, maximum. Now, we still have to see what kind of sentence he'll be given. Honestly, it will surprise me if he gets the harshest possible sentence. If he does, that should make a great case to start an appeal on the grounds that sentencing was likely biased and excessive, all things considered. This is not over, not by a long shot.

Don't get me wrong, I'm simply trying to review the totality of what is going on here. I am under no illusion that Portland and Multnomah County are no friend to gun owners, but I don't know that I'd say our rights have been tossed in the trash and we have no right to defend ourselves any longer. That right, BTW, is clearly enumerated in the Oregon Constitution and even the mighty Multco/PDX can't Trump that, even with Gov. Kate at the helm.

I believe this is far from over. I have a strong feeling that that there will be appeals, possibly really good ones, backed by perhaps someone like GOA, maybe even the NRA. We'll have to wait and see. I could even see a case like this climbing the ladder of courts, maybe even to the SCOTUS. In some ways, this event reminds me of the Trayvon Martin shooting. Some bad choices were made on both sides by both people and one ended up dead, the other the object of ridicule and scorn. I do hope this goes to appeal and I hope he gets some very strong advocates on his side, and I hope Multnomah county gets a clear message sent that the right to self defense is one they simply can't trample on.

I will reiterate what I and others on this forum have said before - if you are going to carry a gun for self-defense, you must hold yourself to a higher standard of conduct. You must make different choices, including staying the hell out of situations where you know damn well you're putting yourself at higher risk - which includes walking into the middle of an angry protest/rally when you're already known and disliked by just about everyone there. Knowing how you'll likely be treated in Portland/Multco, that should help inform your decision on where you go and what you do. Does that suck? Absolutely, but remember, they have far more resources to fight you than you have to fight them.

This event will not stop me from exercising my right to carry in Portland or Multnomah County. I will continue to do what I always do, I will avoid areas I know or suspect to be dangerous, I will turn the other way if I see protesters/rioting in downtown, I will go about my day and keep things nicely concealed up until a time that someone puts me in a dangerous, life-threatening situation. For my part, I should be able to avoid that just about every day of my life.

I hope for his sake, this does get overturned. It's going to be a long road ahead.
He is not going to get anywhere near 50 years. Where do you guys come up with such bad, grossly distorted information?? Are you not familiar with how Oregon's sentencing guidelines work?

Besides, the court is not planning to sentence him until May. We will know then just how long a term in prison that he will have to serve.


Agreed. Don't know why reading is so hard for some. It said he could face UP to 50 years. I doubt he will get 5.
Guess you forgot about the Malheur incident....They were aquitted...

That was a federal trial and the jury selection was not the same as Stricklands.

"The 12 jurors, many drawn from outside Portland, found Ammon Bundy, Shawna Cox, David Lee Fry, Jeff Wayne Banta, Kenneth Medenbach and Neil Wampler not guilty on all counts. They found Ryan Bundy not guilty of conspiracy and possession of firearms but could not reach a verdict on a theft charge."
Hal Bernton
Seattle Times staff reporter
His lawyers need to be pushing for this to get vacated upon appeal - if this verdict is let stand, it sets legal precedent in Oregon that you have a duty to retreat before you may use lethal force. We currently have no such requirements, nor should there be.

Victim blaming in this situation is the same as victim blaming a woman getting raped. Hind sight is always 20/20, and while all of us here would not have done what Mr. Strickland did, he was there for his job. He was there to cover the event, it was his livelihood, and sometimes our livelihoods put us into dangerous situations that we cannot always avoid or easily back out of.

If this conviction doesn't get overturned by the appeals court, I hope that SAF, GOA, and NAGR get involved and push to get this thing before the SCOTUS. The jury pool was poisoned, and the judge equally so.

Disparity of force is a real thing - it allows an armed person to use their weapon - firing it or not- against multiple unarmed attackers. It's what allows a 100 lb woman to use her firearm against a 200 lb unarmed man. It is one of the key legs of being able to defend yourself with a firearm - because without this doctrine you would never be able to use your firearm until you are already behind the 8 ball, staring at someone else's gun, or having a knife wielding attacker already trying to kill you. The disabled would have to go toe to toe with the strong, and the single victim would have to go toe to toe with the gang. Do decry disparity of force as not being valid is essentially cutting your own throat in advance of any of a million situations you my find yourself in in the future.

This conviction was 100% politically motivated, and not grounded in established case law, Oregon Revised Statutes, or common sense. That the judge suppressed evidence that would aid Strickland's case is not surprising, but it is infuriating none the less. I hope that's one of the key parts to getting his conviction overturned. He did not receive a fair trial in any way shape or form. That the judge refused the change of venue request is also telling - they were going to punish Strickland from the outset, because he upsets the apple cart too much for them.

That Portland PD arrested him at all, despite the obvious, is telling of how corrupt THEY are. From this point onward, I care not one iota about any Portland cop who gets killed, injured, or politically railroaded because they're part of the corrupt system that allows this crap to happen to honest citizens, while they allow the looters, rioters, and actual criminals to skate. When the next shooting happens, and the next after that - and the cops try to claim self defense and that they were in fear for their life - they should be held to the standard Mike Strickland was - "you shouldn't have put yourself in that situation" - and they should be charged, damn the law, damn case law, damn common sense. Clean shooting or not - what's good for the goose should be good for the gander.

Next time a Portland cop is facing down a mob of angry Black Lives Matter terrorists, they better turn tail and run. The Multnomah County judge, and the city of Portland may as well come out and say that Portland is now under mob rule, and that BLM can do as they please - because their actions already show it.

God help any of us who may find themselves in a use of force situation in Portland, Multnomah County, or at this point - anywhere in the State of Oregon. Activist judges ignoring the law, activist DA's that bring politically motivated charges, and police who refuse to do their jobs sounds a lot like a what's going on in Brazil and Venezuela, or California.

Mike Strickland was screwed from the start, and he's just one of many - he's not the first, and won't be the last.
I have been searching for the Point of View video from Michael Strickland's own camera that was taken into police custody. The answer is provided in today's OFF alert:

"There is even video of the perpetrators physically assaulting Michael, from his own camera. That video has been ordered SEALED by the very judge who presided over the trial and will likely never be seen by the public."

Can you imagine if a Portland police officer had a use of force complaint for drawing his weapon and the authorities refused to show his body cam video what kind of bubblegumstorm would erupt in the streets?
If it has been sealed how do you know so much about it and what's on it?
The main goal of Multnomah County was to strip Michael Strickland of his firearm rights and brand him as a "threat" so they could ban him from recording and exposing all of the liberal waste of OUR taxpayer money at places like PCC, PSU, TriMet, city and county governments. LaughingAtLiberals

Last year while meeting with anti-gun filmmaker SKYE FITZGERALD, that liberal tackled him, broke his arm, took his camera and erased the data. Multnomah County refused to prosecute an assault and theft that was recorded on video.

Earlier in the day of the incident he was shoved by protestors and warned not to film them. The Black Panther aggressor was videoed earlier instructing his crowd of followers to shoot the police.

And finally a convicted felon, 400+ pound masked anarchist can be seen trying to sneak up behind Mike right before he drew his pistol.

Mike was walking backward the entire time, even after he drew. One protestor was caught on video putting his hands on Mike. The people doing the threatening felt threatened by the guy defending himself, really? Were any of them actually harmed? No.

Maybe Mike should have hosed the entire advancing crowed down with 12 ounces of bear spray. That would have given them something to really cry about.

I hear a lot of "I wouldn't do that" and "It is his fault for being there" in the comments. Before making snap judgements, educate yourselves about the facts at Victoria Taft - PAINTING THE TARGETS IN THE CULTURE WAR
He went thier to ridicule the liberals He went to cause agitation. I feel no sadness at his conviction. If he was trying to represent his perspective that is called freedom of speech going to cause a problem and then finding himself in one due to his own actions is the equivalent of kid stinking his finger in a fan and then crying out because it hurt. Mike will receive the consequences of his ignorant actions.
I'm assuming most of us get updates from O.F.F. but if anyone doesn't, you may find this illuminating.

Personally, I would have high-tailed it out of there, but in point of fact, there is no duty to retreat in Oregon, and it sounds like Mike had reason to belive he may have come to harm.

Make of this what you will. I find it concerning.

O.F.F. - "Multnomah Declares War on Gun Owners"
How dare a white guy draw a gun on white people at a BLM riot!!!!! How dare him!!!!:eek::eek::eek:
I'm a member of OFF. I like what they stand for, they have big Cojones......I like that too. Was Strickland looking for "trouble"?, only he knows the answer to that. I do not personally believe "He got what he deserves", He got a political opinion.........I'm kicking in on his appeals fund.
stay in your house. do not use your 1st amendment if you think what you have to say is unpopular and will hurt someones feelings. If you can't help yourself and you think you have a 1st amendment right, definitely do not exercise you 2nd amendment right by going outside armed. We all know you sang patriotic songs and said the pledge of allegiance to the flag every morning or every week when you were in public school and you think you're in a 'free country' but that means you get things for free if you don't work. Medical, housing, food, phone....

Sorry, Mr. Strickland. Liberty is dormant today (or is it door-mat??)


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