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Not a dream...more like a nightmare.....
As in all the stupid political BS that gets inserted into seemingly every thread here on NWFA.

I get that it ain't real3hly that way...but it sure reads like it at times.
Unfortunately the "stupid political BS" that not so long ago we poo pooed, laughed at and mocked (rightfully so btw) is now beating down our front doors, stealing our hard money, tearing down history, telling us we are the enemy and threatening us with fines imprisonment etc!
So I completely understand why it's bleeding into practically every topic!
Probably more truth to this than not.

Along with a hypothetical 'ban' of say 'assault rifles' it could also include something like a 'no public display' clause which would ensure they are kept inside, behind closed doors - at least by the law abiding.

Purely speculation but 'non compliance' it seems could potentially be overcome by creative definition of a 'no longer legal' law - if ever actually enacted.
The NFA laws are a perfect example of this. There has to be tons of NFA stuff out there never papered. Once in a great while they will "catch" someone with some. Normally they were idiots and made it real easy. Most of the rest? May go their life and never have a problem. To what end though? They can't go to a range to shoot with them. They can't use to them defense. The entire time they have them they know that if for some reason they get on the wrong side of the law and they are found they will make an example out of them. Fed's have no need or even desire to go door to door looking for them.
The NFA laws are a perfect example of this. There has to be tons of NFA stuff out there never papered. Once in a great while they will "catch" someone with some. Normally they were idiots and made it real easy. Most of the rest? May go their life and never have a problem. To what end though? They can't go to a range to shoot with them. They can't use to them defense. The entire time they have them they know that if for some reason they get on the wrong side of the law and they are found they will make an example out of them. Fed's have no need or even desire to go door to door looking for them.
Yep, I agree. It's not much fun to not comply if you have to keep the non-compliance hidden in the basement.
Unfortunately the "stupid political BS" that not so long ago we poo pooed, laughed at and mocked (rightfully so btw) is now beating down our front doors, stealing our hard money, tearing down history, telling us we are the enemy and threatening us with fines imprisonment etc!
So I completely understand why it's bleeding into practically every topic!
We have a section for political content....if someone wants to post a political comment then that is the place for it.
Not in seemingly every thread.

Also....and more to what I was aiming at :

Most of the political BS I was referring to...Is not firearm or 2nd Amendment related....but still gets posted in seemingly every thread.
Non firearm or non 2nd Amendment related political comments / threads are not allowed at NWFA.

So No ....I don't understand why it bleeds into practically every topic.

Edit to add :
Lets stay on the OP topic....any further political posts or comments about them will be removed.
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In regards to the new 10 day WA delay law: I would suggest that those who want to participate in non-compliance, tell the FFL you have no desire to comply with this delay or education requirement and to hand over the firearm immediately. If you do this, please let me know how the FFL responds.
In regards to the new 10 day WA delay law: I would suggest that those who want to participate in non-compliance, tell the FFL you have no desire to comply with this delay or education requirement and to hand over the firearm immediately. If you do this, please let me know how the FFL responds.
You already know what the answer / out come of this action will be.
Wasted time here for everyone involved.

There are many ways , means and methods for non-compliance...all which don't involve wasting time for an already known answer or outcome.

Edit to add :
We are an open forum , with lots of NWFA rules state all firearm laws need to be followed....
So , No I will not give examples of how to non-comply and , more than likely get away with it.
You already know what the answer / out come of this action will be.
Wasted time here for everyone involved.

There are many ways , means and methods for non-compliance...all which don't involve wasting time for an already known answer or outcome.
Maybe a person will get lucky and find an FFL who has hopped on the non-compliance bandwagon.

Edit: There is a precedence for non-compliance at WA FFLs

I doubt more than a few will take that risk, and the few that do will be found out quickly. Might be smart to steer clear of such readily uncovered schemes.
Wally at Gator's Custom took that risk to get standing in order to sue Turd Ferguson. His act of noncompliance may very well get the unconstitutional law tossed.
And yes, Wally knew the risk he was taking.
Sometimes it takes a brave act of noncompliance to get bad laws changed.
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I would like to believe in mass non-compliance in Illinois, but the likely reality is it's less active non-compliance and more passive non-compliance through ignorance of the new law. I'm sure there is a good pile that have consciously decided to not comply, but the vast majority may just simply be unaware they will be in violation come Jan 1.

The question I have though is the ammo declaration. What ammo are they supposed to be declaring? All "AW" ammo?

The last stats I saw listed something like 8k people declared 15k, so called, "AW's" but only 300ish ammunition declarations. Does that mean 7700ish folks don't have ammo for their declared "AW's"?

(Caveat... I haven't actually read the full text of the King's new folly.)

Of curious note: It seems 90+ sheriffs in Ill have come out to say they consider the new unconstitutional law more of a "request" until SCOTUS rules on it and would not be enforcing any part of it... except... as an add on charge to another primary violent crime charge. 👍
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I would like to believe in mass non-compliance in Illinois, but the likely reality is it's less active non-compliance and more passive non-compliance through ignorance of the new law. I'm sure there is a good pile that have consciously decided to not comply, but the vast majority may just simply be unaware they will be in violation come Jan 1.

The question I have though is the ammo declaration. What ammo are they supposed to be declaring? All "AW" ammo?

The last stats I saw listed something like 8k people declared 15k, so called, "AW's" but only 300ish ammunition declarations. Does that mean 7700ish folks don't have ammo for their declared "AW's"?

(Caveat... I haven't actually read the full text of the King's new folly.)

Of curious note: It seems 90+ sheriffs in Ill have come out to say they consider the new unconstitutional law more of a "request" until SCOTUS rules on it and would not be enforcing any part of it... except... as an add on charge to another primary violent crime charge. 👍
Massachusetts has an anti "AW" law, requiring registration. After 5 or so years I think compliance with that is running under 5% and the other 95% are still walking free. California's registration compliance was about 15%. Nobody checked for registration at the ranges. Registration is just another BS libtardy stunt to try to dissuade people from owning evil guns.
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Probably ready for us law abiding peoples that are "the biggest threat", LOL
I thought as much but I wanted to be sure. Let me ask folks to consider this: The Massachusetts noncompliers have been noncomplying for over a decade and the California ones have been noncompliant for (depending on which law they aren't complying with) 24 years (SB-23. 2000) or 34 years (Roos-Roberti 1989) in neither case have there been anything like a mass arrest for having an unregistered "assault weapon". I would challenge people to come up with a case of any raids against noncomplying gun owners. I'll grant that there have been people who were DUI or carrying drugs that got an AW confiscated, but they were bubblegumups that in all likelihood were not noncompliant for the sake of a political statement, but rather some knothead who didn't know the gun was "banned" or felons in possession who should never have had the gun in the first place. There haven't been razzias or sweeps or raids on people for suspected gun ownership unless they had a restraining order.
People shot at county ranges, private ranges. public and private lands. There were no paddy wagons pulling up out of the blue to arrest people. There have been rangers who come out on BLM land but gave us a once over and maybe asked us to be sure to clean up. They might stick around for a cold soda and have even shot our guns if they asked. At no point though did anyone ask to see our papers.

In the 29 years since Roberti-Roos and the 18 years after SB-23 till I moved up here I heard about the raids that were coming and/or they knew of somebody who heard about a guy whose brother-in-law got busted for having an unregistered "AW" yada yada. Of course there was no name, no date and no location.

I'm getting too old to spend my time worrying about the cops coming by to see if my guns are registered.

I'd rather spend my time worrying about zombies, killer asteroids or WW III
"non-compliance" is one big bubbleguming COPE

At the end of the day, its not about enforcing mass compliance.
These demons dont give a bubblegum about YOU and your gun... they want the next generation to be anti-gun, to grow up without an interest in them... to make sure THEY dont get to buy them.

You will wither and die with your secret AR and mags in the attic... your kids or grandkids will clean out the house after you go into assisted living and they will turn your guns & bubblegum in to the cops. You will get a pass because you're old and infirmed... your guns will hit the smelter and the gun grabblers will check off another victory.

As I said, "non-compliance" is a bluster, a cope for guys who didnt lift a finger beforehand to secure their rights... We all know there isnt going to be some door to door gun confiscation as so many like to wet dream over.

Once you are out of compliance, you will be an easy pick off when someone turns you in or something (angry ex, disgruntled employees, nosy liberal neighbors, etc.)... but even if not, you wont be able to do anything with your now-illegal guns... gonna take them to the range? oooh yeah good luck with that. Gone to defend yourself with them? Yeah, even better... enjoy your 3 hots and a cot courtesy of the corrections dept.
If they outlaw sales of semi-autos how far will criminal disobedience get us in restoring retail supply of outlawed firearms. My guess would be, not very far.
This is it right here.

You can choose to not comply all day long... but where the hell are you going to buy from? The whole gun industry is cucked these days.
Opticsplanet wouldnt even send me a +1 mag tube for an 870...

The industry will comply. Afterall, we wouldnt expect them to do anything drastic to support the civilian market now would we? That would be soooo un-capitalist.

Remember when Barrett refused sales and service to all LEO in the state of CA after CA banned 50bmg???
I dont know if thats still in effect... but it was a big step in the right direction. If every manufacturer would do the same... refuse to sell anything to govt agencies that civilians cannot also own...

But all of these companies are run by boards full of libs and are based in liberal states... more concerned about their ESG score and the next potential govt contract than they are about protecting the 2A

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