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My personal choices are being affected by people who won't wear masks and/or get the vaccine, and I am pretty sick of it.
My body my choice! If my research has proven the mandates, masks and mandates are all political theater, then who the F gives you or them the right to violate mine? I'm sick of wannabe commissar's dictating to me what I am supposed to do with my body and my personal freedoms! So a bunch of sheeple can drink Biden's/CDC's Kool-Aid? No thank you! Modern equivalents of Death Camp Serial number tattoo's and Star of David's to prove I'm vaccinated and get permission from the State to work and travel? Where was the SARS, H1N1, Bird & Swine and Ebola mandates? They won't stop abortions, but say they have power over me? I already had COVID in early Dec 2019. Yet, they still want me to get vaccinated? 200+ years of science thrown out the window cause a demented pedophile and a lying swamp creature (Fauci) says so? Piss up a rope!
Did you wear a face diaper during the TB outbreak in 2019 that killed 1.6 million people? How about wearing a useless muzzle during MERS? SARS? Avian flu, swine flu etc etc? Yeah, I didn't think so, but now all of a sudden, it's Soooooo important cause ya know, the scary Rona will get ya but if you put a piece of cloth over your face! You are magically protected 😖! Insert face palm!!! Did you miss the part where 2 weeks ago DEQ made a press release telling people that mask's WILL NOT protect you from smoke from the democrat caused forest fires, but somehow they provide protection from a virus? Uh-huh, sure! Will continue NOT covering my face thank you very much and continue to think for myself! Jeeeezus!
The leading cause of death is heart disease/being overweight is why I wear duct tape over my mouth hole just like the government mandates.
Hail big brother!
I think people forget that the first time she took office, she wasn't elected. She was just next in line once kitzhaber was forced out. When she beat buehler, it wasn't by much, and it was mostly because she was a dem and he wasn't. People here don't vote on policy. They only vote for blue or red.
I remember checking a few months back and it seemsed the 2 3rd party canidates siphoned enough votes for her to win
CDC admits your "vaxx" doesn't protect you to begin with. I know local nurses who are seeing their covid wards full of jabbed people. Countries with the highest vaccination rates on earth like Israel and Gibralter are having more deaths and serious cases than anywhere else.

So if you ask me, you have more of a reason to wear one than anybody else.
What they are doing is creating a bunch of petri dishes and giving the virus the oppourtunity to do what viruses do, evolve into something really nasty.
You're being way, Way, WAY, too kind. And she's not an idiot. She suffers from Dunning-Kruger effect. Also has a superiority complex. Now I'm not a smart man. But some of these people in "That" party seem to have some of the stuff Hitler had going on in his mind, in THEIR minds. I've been watching the AHC channel on the periods before and during WWII. These kind need to control others lives are "Control Freaks".
Where do you think Hitler got the blueprint?
The idocy of some of the "elected.

Yeah. I think she might have won by one percent or so if those votes were split down the middle.
It wasn't very much. A bunch of gun owners/2nd amendment wasted their votes on also ran's because Buhler hesitated on one of the firearms issues when Lard Larson asked him a question. I'm going to say that question might have had something to do with bump stocks? Buhler DID NOT say he was FOR banning bump stocks. I remember a bunch on NWFA decided Buhler was a no-go after that. Stoopid Lard Larsen should have left THAT question out of the debate. Those of you fire arms owners know who you are that voted for Sam Carpenter .

Here's the sad stats from that election. Think about that while you're donning your mask to shop.
Just a point of view from what I see and read.Rand Paul has bee taking Fauci before congress on his gain of function research. Fauci denies his part in funding the CCP virus.

Fauci is America's God on dealing with covid and to date 167 million are fully vaccinated.

If this story is true would you see a conflict of interest by him owning patents in the vaccine he tells everyone they must have?

It wasn't very much. A bunch of gun owners/2nd amendment wasted their votes on also ran's because Buhler hesitated on one of the firearms issues when Lard Larson asked him a question. I'm going to say that question might have had something to do with bump stocks? Buhler DID NOT say he was FOR banning bump stocks. I remember a bunch on NWFA decided Buhler was a no-go after that. Stoopid Lard Larsen should have left THAT question out of the debate. Those of you fire arms owners know who you are that voted for Sam Carpenter .

Here's the sad stats from that election. Think about that while you're donning your mask to shop.
It wasnt just the firearms question that cost him the elections. It was his support for abortion that caused a very large part of the evangelicals and pro-life voters to not vote for him.
Just a point of view from what I see and read.Rand Paul has bee taking Fauci before congress on his gain of function research. Fauci denies his part in funding the CCP virus.

Fauci is America's God on dealing with covid and to date 167 million are fully vaccinated.

If this story is true would you see a conflict of interest by him owning patents in the vaccine he tells everyone they must have?

In my opinion, any bureaucrat that holds major stakes in a product that is foisted upon the public with the full weight of the government behind it. Absolutely has conflict interest issues.
It's well known that those rules don't apply to elected officials or the rich in this country.
Look at Pelosi and her husband's business dealings.
Look at any bureaucrat that has entered office a poor SOB and leaves public service a fat cat.

I'm not saying it right or wrong. It is what happens.
In my opinion, any bureaucrat that holds major stakes in a product that is foisted upon the public with the full weight of the government behind it. Absolutely has conflict interest issues.
It's well known that those rules don't apply to elected officials or the rich in this country.
Look at Pelosi and her husband's business dealings.
Look at any bureaucrat that has entered office a poor SOB and leaves public service a fat cat.

I'm not saying it right or wrong. It is what happens.
I'll say it's wrong.
In my opinion, any bureaucrat that holds major stakes in a product that is foisted upon the public with the full weight of the government behind it. Absolutely has conflict interest issues.
It's well known that those rules don't apply to elected officials or the rich in this country.
Look at Pelosi and her husband's business dealings.
Look at any bureaucrat that has entered office a poor SOB and leaves public service a fat cat.

I'm not saying it right or wrong. It is what happens.
Follow the money.
My body my choice! If my research has proven the mandates, masks and mandates are all political theater, then who the F gives you or them the right to violate mine? I'm sick of wannabe commissar's dictating to me what I am supposed to do with my body and my personal freedoms! So a bunch of sheeple can drink Biden's/CDC's Kool-Aid? No thank you! Modern equivalents of Death Camp Serial number tattoo's and Star of David's to prove I'm vaccinated and get permission from the State to work and travel? Where was the SARS, H1N1, Bird & Swine and Ebola mandates? They won't stop abortions, but say they have power over me? I already had COVID in early Dec 2019. Yet, they still want me to get vaccinated? 200+ years of science thrown out the window cause a demented pedophile and a lying swamp creature (Fauci) says so? Piss up a rope!
You must get really worked up when you think about the serial number assigned to you at birth...
How is that possible? Who are the people who are forcing you to not be free? I must be missing something? If you "feel" a mask works, wear one. Do you "feel" your mask only works if everyone else wears one? If you "feel" the vaccine will keep you safe get the shots, they are free. So do you "feel" the shots only work if everyone else takes it too? May want to turn off the news for a while if they have you convinced this makes "sense" :s0092:
We have seen a LOT of cases of things we had wiped out in this country long ago. The people catching them are the ones who do not get vaccinated against things we had wiped out. The people who come down with things we had beat do not make those who are vaccinated sick. The parents who are "anti vaxers" do put their kids at risk. The other kids who took the vaccines for things like Smallpox, Polio, and such are not coming down with these things again. Only ones who get hurt are the kids who's parents fell for the idea that the vaccine was not for them.
He may be referring to the idea that the unvaccinated and unmasked people are suspected of being a greater contributor to the mutations that the virus has and will be going through. Unfortunately the vaccinated and the mask wearers are also contributing to the mutations. I suspect that a vaccinated individual will be source of the variant that finally defeats the current vaccines.

I think we should go for chicken pox party strategy and get this over with in a hurry. Even with the variants we haven't seen a huge reinfection rate. So let's all get it, suffer the consequences and being done with this. Flattening the curve always meant lengthening the curve. If we had steepend the curve we might be done with this by now.
I agree with both sentiments.
At my age i have also come to understand that the game that is available to the elite is a much different game than available to me.
I dont fret over it. It sucks but is what it is and i move on. I have better ways to spend my energy.
System needs to be torn down and remade.

This isn't what the founding fathers intended.

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