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Adding this to the list of reasons I'll never own one.
I loves me some clean burning Guzz-o-line engines, and if the governments want to do away with that.... I'll gladly switch to nitro-methane 👹:)
A LOT of us have been saying this was coming and many just wanted to pretend it was not. As these cars began to become more and more of the market share there was no way in hell gov was not going to do something to make up for that lost tax revenue.
People are going to remove them and attach them to the bottom of a city bus or something. It will be pure comedy when they try to roll that out.
When we retired, we switched our auto insurance to a 'by the mile' program. It cut our auto insurance by 50%. Huge savings.
A small transmitter plugs in under the dash. It transmits mileage driven, location and route traveled, excessive speed, hard braking and late night driving to the ins. co. I can also see all of this on the phone app. Teenagers would hate having this on their car, Parents would love it. LOL
I can open the GPS in the app on my phone and it reports the current location of the car and the route traveled. When the wife says she is running errands, I can she that she is actually at the Mall. LOL.
On the upside, if the car is stolen, I can pinpoint its location. But if it were required on all vehicles, the first thing a car thief would do is throw it out the window.
If I unplug it, like for the DEQ test, or if I disconnect the cars battery, the phone app pops up an alert that the device is unplugged/disconnected. This is so you can't unplug it for a road trip to cheat on the mileage driven.
I expect the state will require a similar devise to charge a mileage tax.
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Next, they'll require it on all vehicles and charge a milage tax to everyone, except they won't do away with the fuel tax so fossil burners will get the shaft on both ends. That's certainly one way to force people into being green...
People are going to remove them and attach them to the bottom of a city bus or something. It will be pure comedy when they try to roll that out.
When these first hit some may be just that easy but, you don't give the left enough credit when it comes to tax money. They will make it law that its part of the vehicle that will not come out. Everyone who lives in the real world knew this was coming when they started pushing these electric cars. No way in hell are they going to let that tax revenue get away. The only reason they waited this long was to get people to start buying. There is also a LOT of free charging stations up here. Will not be long and those will become pay and the screaming will start all over. :s0140:
Next, they'll require it on all vehicles and charge a milage tax to everyone, except they won't do away with the fuel tax so fossil burners will get the shaft on both ends. That's certainly one way to force people into being green...
That's already in the works in Oregon, just a matter of time.

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