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Doooood, your index finger is as bubblegumed up as mine is & I'm in my 60's!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

View attachment 669018

Naw, just the angle and my finger was slightly curled... I can't pick my nose from around the corner like you.


Right, that was the day before Kate signed the Executive Action thing that apparently is "at once the same as the failed bill and broader in scope":rolleyes: The latest article I posted, confirms that she indeed did sign an Executive Order/Action

Weazeled in the crap and reduce deal. , Im sure it was just a Word game to defer. Attention from it. While folks. Were distracted by the virus.
I like conditioner for my manly amusement. It's slicker than hand lotion.
Lotion is for metro's!

Actually, any informed enthusiast of manly solo recreation will recommend a jar of raw liver or a gym sock full of mashed potatoes. :D
Some of ya'll are late to the party. Really slow people were, and continue, to think this is just the "flu." Oh well.

When China shut down Wuhan and quarantined 1/10th of the world's population totaling almost 800,000,000 people, in January, it was a SHTF event. I tried telling people. The smart listened and took action. As for the dumb, I guess Darwinism.

This virus is highly contagious and highly lethal and puts 1 in 5 in intensive quarantine care for 2- weeks. Death rates will grow as hospitals are overwhelmed. Only the special really dense among the population still don't "get it." 1/2 the globe is shut down to travel, trade, commerce, movement, quarantine, etc. Hospitals over-run. Infection and death rates doubling every week or so. Oh well, as I said, Darwinism.

I moved into cash, saving tens of thousands of dollars right at the peak in Feb. Markets are hammered, dropping 30-35% in a few weeks with no end in sight. Major long-term supply chain disruptions for hosts of reasons. Probably go down to 50%. This is a 9/11/01 event in slow motion. More have died globally than on 9/11/01. More nations impacted. Trade, travel, etc. all impacted dramatically. Social distancing, canceled gatherings, events, etc. widespread. Canceled schools. Canceled travel. Work from home. Lower oil demand. Canceled flights akin to 9/11. Oil wars. Oversold market ready for a correction.

I ensured all my preps were in order, having at least 6 months and probably a year of food, several months of water, weeks of fuel to run a generator, gas tanks all full, massive stocks of defensive weapons, tons of medical and cleaning supplies, and the rest of provisions and supplies well stocked. I told everyone I know, and announced on forums, to get ready in various ways. Smart people listened and really really dumb people who just do not get it ignored or responded with "flu statistics memes."

Several of my "lesser prepared" friends have thanked me now for telling them to get ready weeks ago. Now, there are serious shortages of supplies and they expressed gratitude for now being prepared. I've done my part.

I literally laugh at the morons still grousing about canceled NBA season and scratching their heads why people are buying toilet paper. I guess there has to be some really stupid people in the world, given the law of averages.
I think it has some potential. IMO It's a dangerous bug because it stays hidden for up to 14 days. I think the mortality rate will come down as we are able to identify more infected. But the sheep are nervous and there's already shortages. We'll have to see.

At least up to 27 days. How is this not common knowledge? This lack of information that is commonly known literally drives me nuts.

There is no official definition of "SHTF", but consider the following:
  • As of this writing:
    • There is no cure for this novel virus.
    • There is no vaccine for said. Even the most optimistic timelines puts this a ways out.
    • The outbreak has been officially declared a pandemic.
    • The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci has stated that it is ten (10) times more lethal than the seasonal flu.
    • Testing in our society has been paltry.
    • Over 130,000 cases have been reported in 120 nations.
    • Over 4,900 have died and this figure is expected to rise.
    • A developed, democratic, western nation (Italy) is under complete quarantine. Within less than three weeks the number of infected in that country went from three individuals to over ten thousand victims. The latest count is 827 dead. Giacomo Grasselli, a senior Italian government health official, has characterized situation as "worse than a bomb" on Italy.
    • Travel to and from continental Europe has been stopped for at least 30 days. Travel to other regions had already been halted.
    • The current president of the United States addressed the public last night with a series of initiatives his administration is going to take and/or is asking Congress to approve.
    • Supply chains have been impacted.
    • The stock market has take a dramatic downward turn, in large part, though not exclusively, due to the pandemic.
    • Dozens of major cultural, artistic, sporting, political, and economic events have been cancelled, delayed, modified, or moved.
    • School closures have occurred in various parts of the country.
    • Leading experts in the field of epidemiology, using modeling techniques in their field, are predicting significantly more infections and major disruption to our medical system.
The question is how much worse will it get? If things improve dramatically in the coming weeks, we'll be in pretty good shape. If the figures published by some medical sources come to pass, the world is in for much more misery and chaos.

On a personal level I am glad we've spent years getting ready. We're shoring up a little, but all the key systems and supplies are ready to roll. If nothing happens, then wonderful, it would be a relatively minor, though troubling event. If things continue to deteriorate, well, I'd rather be prepared for when it does than not. YMMV.

Thank you!
We need:

* Less dumb toilet paper memes.
* Less "it's the flu" memes.

*More people self quarantine and taking this seriously. This is NOT a drill folks. This is a crisis.
It is. The lethality has been documented to be many times that of the seasonal flu. Yes, the death toll, as of this writing, is significantly lower than the 2019—2020 influenza season. However, keep in mind this outbreak wasn't officially labeled a pandemic until yesterday.

THIS bears repeating.

Unreal that so few "get it." The world, economies, etc. have shut down to contain this. It's not a trivial thing. If you haven't figured it out, you are WAY behind the curve.
Disregard my participation in this thread. I mistook it for a real adult discussion. Somehow I wandered into a kindergarten poop joke recess discussion. Enjoy your 50% market losses and shortages of goods in stores for the next few months, your mandatory quarantines, cancellations of public events, and erosion of civil liberties, and the death of all your grandparents as you disregard a serious virus.

Carry on!
Some of ya'll are late to the party. Really slow people were, and continue, to think this is just the "flu." Oh well.

When China shut down Wuhan and quarantined 1/10th of the world's population totaling almost 800,000,000 people, in January, it was a SHTF event. I tried telling people. The smart listened and took action. As for the dumb, I guess Darwinism.

This virus is highly contagious and highly lethal and puts 1 in 5 in intensive quarantine care for 2- weeks. Death rates will grow as hospitals are overwhelmed. Only the special really dense among the population still don't "get it." 1/2 the globe is shut down to travel, trade, commerce, movement, quarantine, etc. Hospitals over-run. Infection and death rates doubling every week or so. Oh well, as I said, Darwinism.

I moved into cash, saving tens of thousands of dollars right at the peak in Feb. Markets are hammered, dropping 30-35% in a few weeks with no end in sight. Major long-term supply chain disruptions for hosts of reasons. Probably go down to 50%. This is a 9/11/01 event in slow motion. More have died globally than on 9/11/01. More nations impacted. Trade, travel, etc. all impacted dramatically. Social distancing, canceled gatherings, events, etc. widespread. Canceled schools. Canceled travel. Work from home. Lower oil demand. Canceled flights akin to 9/11. Oil wars. Oversold market ready for a correction.

I ensured all my preps were in order, having at least 6 months and probably a year of food, several months of water, weeks of fuel to run a generator, gas tanks all full, massive stocks of defensive weapons, tons of medical and cleaning supplies, and the rest of provisions and supplies well stocked. I told everyone I know, and announced on forums, to get ready in various ways. Smart people listened and really really dumb people who just do not get it ignored or responded with "flu statistics memes."

Several of my "lesser prepared" friends have thanked me now for telling them to get ready weeks ago. Now, there are serious shortages of supplies and they expressed gratitude for now being prepared. I've done my part.

I literally laugh at the morons still grousing about canceled NBA season and scratching their heads why people are buying toilet paper. I guess there has to be some really stupid people in the world, given the law of averages.
It will be a while before Wuhan flu death rate catches up to 9/11 death toll, if you count the associated death tolls on all sides in the aftermath (Afghanistan, etc):(
It will be a while before Wuhan flu death rate catches up to 9/11 death toll, if you count the associated death tolls on all sides in the aftermath (Afghanistan, etc):(

The virus is a 'common enemy' to global mankind and right now, globally (true, it's not "yet" a lot of Americans) 4700 virus related deaths, or roughly 50% more than died on 9/11/01 and there will be more, daily, for weeks or months. People joking about this are not only clueless, but offensively stupid at this point.

A couple weeks ago, Italy had no infections. Now, they have 13,000 infections and 1,000 deaths and an overrun medical system in a nation 1/6th the population of the USA... do the math.
The virus is a 'common enemy' to global mankind and right now, globally (true, it's not "yet" a lot of Americans) 4700 virus related deaths, or roughly 50% more than died on 9/11/01 and there will be more, daily, for weeks or months. People joking about this are not only clueless, but offensively stupid at this point.
I understand and agree with your points. I just wanted to point out that 9/11 resulted in many more deaths than those lives that were lost on the actual day it happened. People are still dying today as a result of 9/11.
I understand and agree with your points. I just wanted to point out that 9/11 resulted in many more deaths than those lives that were lost on the actual day it happened. People are still dying today as a result of 9/11.

An OBVIOUS point, I concede. Yet this event is now LARGER than the 2008 banking crisis which changed an election from McCain to Obama, yet directly killed ZERO human deaths, and resulted in ZERO travel bans, or damaged supply chains or other major events other than loan denials, failed businesses, and foreclosures.

THIS event is a mixture of the 9/11/01 event (deaths, economics, travel restrictions, markets) and the 2008 (business damage, etc.) event. It shares some commonalities and is as severe in many ways. Death toll is now over 4700 and growing. Will probably be tens or hundreds of thousands dead, and x10 badly harmed. Probably going to be lots of bankruptcies. Massive supply chain problems. Probably many inventory shortages. Probably a lot of business failures with massive secondary effects (travel, insurance, etc.). Markets have already and will continue to collapse, crushing investments again for the 3rd time in an early 21st century. Hospital care will be crushed. Medical professionals may flee the industry to avoid illness. Possible loss of civil liberties of freedom of movement. A zillion other implications too long to list...
An OBVIOUS point, I concede. Yet this event is now LARGER than the 2008 banking crisis which changed an election from McCain to Obama, yet directly killed ZERO human deaths, and resulted in ZERO travel bans, or damaged supply chains or other major events other than loan denials, failed businesses, and foreclosures.

THIS event is a mixture of the 9/11/01 event (deaths, economics, travel restrictions, markets) and the 2008 (business damage, etc.) event. It shares some commonalities and is as severe in many ways. Death toll is now over 4700 and growing. Will probably be tens or hundreds of thousands dead, and x10 badly harmed. Probably going to be lots of bankruptcies. Massive supply chain problems. Probably many inventory shortages. Probably a lot of business failures with massive secondary effects (travel, insurance, etc.). Markets have already and will continue to collapse, crushing investments again for the 3rd time in an early 21st century. Hospital care will be crushed. Medical professionals may flee the industry to avoid illness. Possible loss of civil liberties of freedom of movement. A zillion other implications too long to list...
I'm with you on the seriousness of this situation.
House is coming up with bill to aid economy due to virus. Thay have evidently tucked in some pet causes in the legislation. Maybe the Senate could add in a few things of their own, like Hearing Protection Act language, a national stand your ground law, hippa protections from red flaggers and FFL checks, etc.
Really slow people were, and continue, to think this is just the "flu." Oh well.

The smart listened and took action. As for the dumb, I guess Darwinism.

Only the special really dense among the population still don't "get it."

Smart people listened and really really dumb people who just do not get it ignored or responded with "flu statistics memes."

I literally laugh at the morons still grousing about canceled NBA season and scratching their heads why people are buying toilet paper.

I guess there has to be some really stupid people in the world, given the law of averages.

Disregard my participation in this thread. I mistook it for a real adult discussion

:s0140: Yeah you did

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