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FBI statistics claim "hispanics" as white.. Zimmerman for instance. This is why those "other race" numbers are so low. In addition talk to us about conviction and incarceration rates vs population numbers.. totally disproportionate as the color of crime study indicates. Or you could just go walk any heavily minority urban area at midnight and get back to us.. if you survive

I'm just providing another source of data.. as the saying goes: there are lies, damned lies, and statistics. I wouldn't dismiss a report just because where it came from, it's the content that matters. Like good old Bill Cooper said:
"Listen to everyone, read everything, believe nothing unless you can prove it in your own research."
I havent seen these reported as such in the FBI report as you stated

Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.
- please show me---

James Ruby
I dont think one race is worse than any other when it comes to committing crimes - one side has more in one category than the other but there is not a clear winner for which is worst. These are stats - they can be used to come up with any outcome you want if you try hard enough.
Got to go reload some 338-06 ammo - later.

James Ruby
I dont think one race is worse than any other when it comes to committing crimes - one side has more in one category than the other but there is not a clear winner for which is worst. These are stats - they can be used to come up with any outcome you want if you try hard enough.
Got to go reload some 338-06 ammo - later.

James Ruby

You're kidding. Right?
Page 2 of the 4/12/1923 Wall Street Journal, 4th paragraph down

And Zimmerman said, "Ya see, being the big, fat, racist asshat that I am, I saw dis black kid walking through my 'hood. And, well, y'know, hating black people like I do, I made sure my gun was clear in it's holster, and walked over to him. I says to 'im, 'Hey black bubblegum. C'mere, I'm gonna stick mah foot up yer arse.' Well, being the black bubblegum that he was, he didn't like that too much. Wait.. is this mic on?"

As GZ was not even a gleam in his dad's eye in 1923, I doubt your source.

Second thing, and more importantly, if GZ had actually said anything like your quote, you would think the persecution would have played that up as the ultimate evidence...Ya think?

No, the best evidence the persecution had was the girl TM was supposed to have been talking to, and she said she believed that TM threw the first punch. She felt TM was just going to smack down the "creepy a$$ crackers" to teach him a lesson. So, if his own friend said that????

You believe what you will, however the evidence that was presented at trial says something totally different. The evidence at trial pointed to an active political persecution, by those that actively live on racism and would be totally irrelevant if there was no racism.

My personal experience (military) is that if someone that is going to be actively racist, it will be obvious and consistent. GZ's personal history does not show someone that is obviously, or consistently, or even close to being racist.
As GZ was not even a gleam in his dad's eye in 1923, I doubt your source.

Second thing, and more importantly, if GZ had actually said anything like your quote, you would think the persecution would have played that up as the ultimate evidence...Ya think?

No, the best evidence the persecution had was the girl TM was supposed to have been talking to, and she said she believed that TM threw the first punch. She felt TM was just going to smack down the "creepy a$$ crackers" to teach him a lesson. So, if his own friend said that????

You believe what you will, however the evidence that was presented at trial says something totally different. The evidence at trial pointed to an active political persecution, by those that actively live on racism and would be totally irrelevant if there was no racism.

My personal experience (military) is that if someone that is going to be actively racist, it will be obvious and consistent. GZ's personal history does not show someone that is obviously, or consistently, or even close to being racist.

It's called a "time machine," smart guy.
No I am not kidding - I think we each got our own problems - and so does each race. i have enough of my own problems with out pointing fingers.

James Ruby

I've never harmed a person of another race in any way unless physically attacked.. so I don't have any reason to be apologetic when they savagely attack my people
He meant it exactly as you took it. Blitz is a proud, card-carrying racial supremacist.

My people are Scot-Irish-Norman and yes I am very proud of us and our achievements and could care less what you, an apparent self hating white liberal think of it. The word supremacist is just more ad hominem attack from a clown with a lost argument
My people are Scot-Irish-Norman and yes I am very proud of us and our achievements and could care less what you, an apparent self hating white liberal think of it. The word supremacist is just more ad hominem attack from a clown with a lost argument

Just more personal attacks, self hating? You keep making stuff up old Blitzkreig - I never called you a supremacist - you just called yourself one with your words and I agree with you. Kind of defensive arent you?
Still trying to figure out what argument your talking about.

James Ruby

James Ruby
Circa 1986 Downtown Oakland California, my wife and I had to go downtown and do some business.
We left to go home and traffic was backed up so I drove through town it was about 6pm in the evening two teenage boys with hand guns start walking out in the street as we approach at about 35 MPH, once I saw what they were doing I punch the accelerator and heading right for them, at the very last second they leaped to the side fell on the ground and we flew down the road. I wonder what BS the news would have said if I had hit them? They would have said I was speeding and no mention of the two thugs ever would have made the news.

People will hear what they want to hear.

My gal and I in the early 1980s were trying to get to the SF Museum of Natural history to see the dino bones exhibit and I took a wrong turn and ended up in Haight Ashbury..inner city ghetto. I can tell you that, like you I had to run several stop signs when the zombies tried to converge at those chokepoints to part us out. Yes we were both armed but a Plymouth Duster beats a 9MM

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