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As far as marijuana smokers being too dangerous to own guns, I find that cannabis smokers are much more passive and even less likely to want to engage in violent confrontations. This is the exact opposite from what I observe from heavy (or even sometimes moderate) alcohol users and people use psychotropic and anti-depressant drugs like Ritalin, Dexedrine, Prozac which cause crazy mood swings that can result in erratic and violent behavior. I still would like to hear the cases of people high out of their mind on marijuana and going and shooting up a place, shooting someone at a bar, madly running around the streets murdering people. If anyone can cite any sources then I may change my mind. Marijuana doesn't affect coordination such as alcohol or even caffeine. Reading some sniper manuals, the first thing I have heard many instruct you is to lay off the coffee as it affects heart rate and accuracy. If you are in a life critical situation where accuracy is of utmost importance do you think being jolted on lots of caffeine makes you safe enough to operate a firearm? All it takes is a slight jerk of your pistol for that round to end up somewhere else then where you were aiming.

If you want an economic boost, stop making tax payers pay billions to keep pot smokers in prison (marijuana offenders are some of the largest in the prison/jail community) and instead legalize and regulate it. Of course , being a Libertarian, I am ethically against this too, but whatever will help push the politicians and bureaucracy to put and end to this mindless prohibition that has ruined more lives than it has saved.

As well, heavy pot smokers from what I witness are in much better health than heavy alcohol or junk food eaters. Heavy pot smokers like Willie Nelson and Tommy Chong will probably outlive many of those criticizing them for their "bad health decisions" while they are munching on their FDA approved GMO food and smoking a cigarette. The guy is still performing shows at almost 90 years old and probably smokes more reefer than 100 people combined.

Like alcohol, marijuana is only extremely intoxicating when your body is not use to the substance. I guarantee you if someone has never touched alcohol and drinks three normal ABV beers they will be in an intoxicated state and would pose a risk operating a vehicle or a firearm. I've known a lot of successful people who are moderate cannabis consumers, especially in IT field. You would have a hard time even knowing they are high on cannabis. Once your cannabanoid receptors get saturated with THC, the intoxicating effects are reduced.

As well, marijuana has been legalized in several states and I have yet to hear of an increase in marijuana driving deaths and marijuana induced violent acts. However, there has been reports in a reduction of alcohol and opiate consumption.

Also, people should not abuse anything, including marijuana, alcohol, cheeseburgers, etc. You can take Benandryl and it can turn you into a zombie too.. Obviously, if you are going to smoke an entire quarter of weed in one night, you will be not doing yourself a favor and shouldn't be leaving your house, much less operating a firearm. However, the worst that happens to someone who smokes too much pot is they fall alseep. Somebody who drinks too much alcohol can go into alcohol induced rage, blackout and lose their memory and commit violent acts. As well, over-consumption of alcohol will result in vomiting and will cause a lot of sickness to your body the next day.

What it comes down to is FDA, Big Pharma and the DEA have a multi-trillion dollar drug and prison industry. Legalizing weed would result in major loss of revenue for some of the most powerful lobbyists and America has the largest prison industry in the world. The private prisons, its employees and the politicians who get kickbacks would suffer a major loss in revenue by having to release so many marijuana offenders and having to make such major cuts in law enforcement personnel.

Take a look at some of the DEA headquarters around the country and you will understand these elegant and large government facilities do not pay for themselves. They need the revenue from the drug war to fund such high end facilities. Do you think the marble floors and walls at the DEA facilities were funded by the good will of the local communities and donations? :rolleyes:

U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) | Projects | Gensler


As far as banning your right to keep and bear arms.. Why should a substance that is less intoxicating than alcohol, does not affect coordination nearly as much and has never had a recorded lethal dosage result in you losing your freedoms? Why, because the government is in the business to restrict freedoms and empower themselves. In some countries you can be executed for possessing marijuana.
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As far as marijuana smokers being too dangerous to own guns, I find that cannabis smokers are much more passive and even less likely to want to engage in violent confrontations. This is the exact opposite from what I observe from heavy (or even sometimes moderate) alcohol users and people use psychotropic and anti-depressant drugs like Ritalin, Dexedrine, Prozac which cause crazy mood swings that can result in erratic and violent behavior. I still would like to hear the cases of people high out of their mind on marijuana and going and shooting up a place, shooting someone at a bar, madly running around the streets murdering people. If anyone can cite any sources then I may change my mind. Marijuana doesn't affect coordination such as alcohol or even caffeine. Reading some sniper manuals, the first thing I have heard many instruct you is to lay off the coffee as it affects heart rate and accuracy. If you are in a life critical situation where accuracy is of utmost importance do you think being jolted on lots of caffeine makes you safe enough to operate a firearm? All it takes is a slight jerk of your pistol for that round to end up somewhere else then where you were aiming.

If you want an economic boost, stop making tax payers pay billions to keep pot smokers in prison (marijuana offenders are some of the largest in the prison/jail community) and instead legalize and regulate it. Of course , being a Libertarian, I am ethically against this too, but whatever will help push the politicians and bureaucracy to put and end to this mindless prohibition that has ruined more lives than it has saved.

As well, heavy pot smokers from what I witness are in much better health than heavy alcohol or junk food eaters. Heavy pot smokers like Willie Nelson and Tommy Chong will probably outlive many of those criticizing them for their "bad health decisions" while they are munching on their FDA approved GMO food and smoking a cigarette. The guy is still performing shows at almost 90 years old and probably smokes more reefer than 100 people combined.

Like alcohol, marijuana is only extremely intoxicating when your body is not use to the substance. I guarantee you if someone has never touched alcohol and drinks three normal ABV beers they will be in an intoxicated state and would pose a risk operating a vehicle or a firearm. I've known a lot of successful people who are moderate cannabis consumers, especially in IT field. You would have a hard time even knowing they are high on cannabis. Once your cannabanoid receptors get saturated with THC, the intoxicating effects are reduced.

As well, marijuana has been legalized in several states and I have yet to hear of an increase in marijuana driving deaths and marijuana induced violent acts. However, there has been reports in a reduction of alcohol and opiate consumption.

Also, people should not abuse anything, including marijuana, alcohol, cheeseburgers, etc. You can take Benandryl and it can turn you into a zombie too.. Obviously, if you are going to smoke an entire quarter of weed in one night, you will be not doing yourself a favor and shouldn't be leaving your house, much less operating a firearm. However, the worst that happens to someone who smokes too much pot is they fall alseep. Somebody who drinks too much alcohol can go into alcohol induced rage, blackout and lose their memory and commit violent acts. As well, over-consumption of alcohol will result in vomiting and will cause a lot of sickness to your body the next day.

What it comes down to is FDA, Big Pharma and the DEA have a multi-trillion dollar drug and prison industry. Legalizing weed would result in major loss of revenue for some of the most powerful lobbyists and America has the largest prison industry in the world. The private prisons, its employees and the politicians who get kickbacks would suffer a major loss in revenue by having to release so many marijuana offenders and having to make such major cuts in law enforcement personnel.

As far as banning your right to keep and bear arms.. Why should a substance that is less intoxicating than alcohol, does not affect coordination nearly as much and has never had a recorded lethal dosage result in you losing your freedoms? Why, because the government is in the business to restrict freedoms and empower themselves. In some countries you can be executed for possessing marijuana.

Lot's of outright wrong assumptions in that post. Just a quick Google search brought up dozens of examples of where you are really misinformed in several areas.

I'll post the links once and no longer participate in the debate, as I find arguments with pot users to be useless.

Does marijuana use affect driving?

Marijuana significantly impairs judgment, motor coordination, and reaction time, and studies have found a direct relationship between blood THC concentration and impaired driving ability.7–9

Marijuana Abuse Effects, Signs & Symptoms | Mount Regis Center

THC produces its euphoric effects on the user by creating a high by stimulation of dopamine release by neurotransmitters, which can with prolonged abuse lead to damage of the reward pathways of the brain. Marijuana smoke contains a toxic mixture of particulates and gasses, many of which are harmful to the lungs. Chronic marijuana smokers suffer from more respiratory infections in the same way an individual who smokes tobacco does. Also, marijuana smoke has the potential to promote lung cancer and cancers of other areas of the respiratory tract as the smoke is comprised of up to 70% more irritants and carcinogens. As marijuana smokers tend to hold the smoke in their lungs for a longer period of time, the lungs are exposed to higher concentrations of this noxious smoke.

Side Effects and Health Risks of Smoking Marijuana

Most types of cannabis are mild, however, strong cannabis (e.g. skunk or purple haze) or too much usage can have stronger effects such as hallucination while some people also report increased anxiety and paranoia. Although it doesn't augment risk-taking behavior like alcohol does, weed does impair mental functions such as memory, attention, and performance, which makes driving or operating heavy machinery risky.

Learn About Marijuana: Factsheets: Aggression

Marijuana usually has a sedating effect on most users, making it much less likely to cause violence in users than other substances such as alcohol and stimulants (e.g., amphetamines and cocaine).

However, sometimes when marijuana is used it can cause fear, anxiety, panic or paranoia, which can result in an aggressive outburst. For most people, once the effects of the drug wear off, their behavior gradually improves.

Some studies have found support for an association between marijuana use and various types of violence, including relationship or interpersonal violence (Moore TM & Stuart GL, 2005).

More drivers in fatal crashes in Colorado are testing for marijuana use, at higher levels

The number of drivers involved in fatal crashes in Colorado who tested positive for marijuana has risen sharply each year since 2013, more than doubling in that time, federal and state data show. A Denver Post analysis of the data and coroner reports provides the most comprehensive look yet into whether roads in the state have become more dangerous since the drug's legalization.

Auto crashes are on the rise in marijuana states

A new study finds an increase in accident insurance claims in three states that have approved the sale of marijuana for recreational use.

According the Highway Loss Data Institute, the number of vehicle collisions reported to insurance companies in Colorado, Oregon and Washington is 3 percent higher than what would have been expected if those states had not made it legal to buy pot.

"We're concerned about what we're seeing," said Matt Moore, the institute's senior vice president. "We see strong evidence of an increased crash risk in states that have approved recreational marijuana sales."

Man sentenced for killing wife while high on pot

DENVER – The Denver man who pleaded guilty to killing his wife while investigators say he was high on marijuana edibles was sentenced Friday afternoon – nearly three years after the deadly attack.

Richard Kirk, 50, was sentenced to 30 years in prison and five years of parole for shooting and killing his wife Kris in April 2014 inside their DU-area home. He will get credit for time served.

Marijuana, violence and most recent mass shootings - Stop Pot

Mass shootings have marijuana link
Devin Kelley, who shot 26 at a church in Texas, and Kevin Neal, marijuana farmer who killed five people in California, are the most recent mass shooters. Once again, their maniacal behaviors reveal the connection between marijuana and violence.

Kelley was arrested for marijuana in 2013. Prohibitionists object to marijuana use not because it's immoral, but because it lays the ground for complex social problems. Marijuana is a drug which works differently on different brains, something the marijuana industry does not tell people.
So dont drive or carry a gun while intoxicated on alcohol and/or marijuana. Problem solved.

FWIW Ive never known anyone that was violent while intoxicated on Marijuana. I sure as hell cannot say that about alcohol. Not by a longshot Did one guy kill his wife when he was high?n I'm sure he did given the reports but I don't know the circumstances that led to it. Magnify that by thousands to get alcohol related murders.
So somebody had marijuana in their system and murdered somebody. Is it because of marijuana or maybe the fact they are a mentally ill psychopath and would have probably murdered anyway? It is like the liberal anti-gun people who make claims that the fact that a mentally ill person had a gun, not the fact they were mentally ill is why they decided to go on a shooting rampage. Yes, blame the gun and blame the weed for the actions of the person. I am not saying there are not some mentally unstable people out there who could not be set off from smoking marijuana. But, then there are mentally ill people who can be set off from a lot of things. I would like you to compare the number of shootings induced by marijuana compared to alcohol and psychotropic and anti-depressant drugs. And, you also have to understand that many people will mix drugs. Mixing alcohol with marijuana, for example, can result in amplifying the negative effects of alcohol. Mixing opiates with alcohol can result in death and has killed many more people than mixing marijuana with alcohol.

As far as marijuana being worse for your lungs, they have had a lot of research contradicting that, as well as holding in for long periods of times. In fact, it is the large number of toxic compounds found in cigarettes, that they believe is why cigarettes are so highly carcinogenic. There also has been studies that show holding smoke in your lungs helps lubricate and strengthen the lungs and actually helps offset some of the toxic properties of smoke. One thing people lack in our modern world is taking long deep breaths, which actually has a lot of health benefits.

As far as car accidents being worse in states with legal marijuana, I will have to have do more research, but from my experience the place with the most dreadful drivers and where I saw more car accidents than anywhere else I have lived (which includes Oregon ,Washington and COlorado) was in the state of North Carolina, a state that has neither legal medical or recreational weed. I always prayed every time I got behind the wheel in that state because of how aggressive, careless and dangerous the drivers were there. Is this all because of marijuana too? No, most likely they are just crazy and reckless drivers. I feel safer driving in Colorado than I did in Tennessee or North Carolina with the crazy drivers I experienced there.

I have been around a lot of heavy alcohol drinkers and heavy pot smokers over the years (I grew up in Southern Oregon) and I can tell you that I feel safer around heavy pot smokers than heavy drinkers. I've been attacked by a drunk person on multiple occasions, but I cannot recall the time I was attacked by a very stoned person. I've had meth-heads , heroin junkies and drunks all torment me. Yet, I have yet to have any problems with a stoned person coming and harassing me. My neighbor in North Carolina was a meth addict and pill popper. His behavior and violent outbursts were obvious. Yet, he also smoked some weed and if you took at toxicology report you can say, look he has THC in his system, you see, look what it did to him! Forget the meth, booze and all the prescription opiates he was addicted to.

And, if anyone wants to use the argument that marijuana is not healthy for your lungs and should be illegal, then we should support Michael Bloomberg in his ban on giant sodas, since those are all bad for you, cause tooth loss, diabetes, cancer and many other complications. Do we really need the government to throw us into prison, fine us or punish us because we are not living healthy lifestyles?

Being Libertarian, I just cannot support the government controlling every aspect of our lives. In my opinion, if you support throwing marijuana users in jail and spending billions and raising taxes to fight marijuana, you are a hypocrite if you don't support the same measures for fighting alcohol. You should be writing to your congressman and fighting to repeal the 21st Amendment and to bring back alcohol prohibition too.

Also, CBD is not psychoactive. You can take giant quantities of it and it will not cause any neurological impairment or sedation. In fact, CBD cannot be fully absorbed into the body without the presence of THC, since THC and CBD work syngeristically with each other. If you are taking a CBD product with zero THC, you are losing about 60% of the benefits of the CBD since the two occur naturally in a cannabis plant and the two help promote the absorption and metabolism of each other.
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States with the Most Fatal Car Crashes:

Since we were also discussing about the dangers of marijuana on driving ability, it turns out that the states with the highest number of fatal car crashes are almost entirely states that both have neither legal medical or recreational cannabis, excluding California. Texas, Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina are all states where marijuana is completely illegal and are among the states with the highest amount of fatal car crashes.

You would have thought with legalization of marijuana in Colorado, Washington and Oregon that these would be the top three states with fatal car accidents. This disproves the theory that marijuana results in higher amounts of fatal car crashes. However one theory would be that people who combined marijuana with other drugs and alcohol could be more impaired and pose a greater risk. Yet, even with this potential, Colorado, Washington and Oregon are not even in the top 10 states with fatal car accidents.

Also, people should look deeper at toxicology reports. Were people who were involved in car accidents and found to have THC in their system , only have THC in their system? Or was there a mixture of other drugs?

I know I had to deal with a lot of stoned drivers living in Seattle and many times they would not go after a stop light would turn green or they would drive 45mph in the fast lane. It was annoying, but I would still take these kind of drivers to the maniacs would cut into my lane without signaling and drive like madmen like I had to deal with in Charlotte, NC. In three months of living there I saw at least 15 major accidents and many more minor accidents.. In 6 years of living in the Puget Sound I probably saw about a dozen major accidents.
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Lot's of outright wrong assumptions in that post. Just a quick Google search brought up dozens of examples of where you are really misinformed in several areas.

I'll post the links once and no longer participate in the debate, as I find arguments with pot users to be useless.

Does marijuana use affect driving?

Marijuana significantly impairs judgment, motor coordination, and reaction time, and studies have found a direct relationship between blood THC concentration and impaired driving ability.7–9

Marijuana Abuse Effects, Signs & Symptoms | Mount Regis Center

THC produces its euphoric effects on the user by creating a high by stimulation of dopamine release by neurotransmitters, which can with prolonged abuse lead to damage of the reward pathways of the brain. Marijuana smoke contains a toxic mixture of particulates and gasses, many of which are harmful to the lungs. Chronic marijuana smokers suffer from more respiratory infections in the same way an individual who smokes tobacco does. Also, marijuana smoke has the potential to promote lung cancer and cancers of other areas of the respiratory tract as the smoke is comprised of up to 70% more irritants and carcinogens. As marijuana smokers tend to hold the smoke in their lungs for a longer period of time, the lungs are exposed to higher concentrations of this noxious smoke.

Side Effects and Health Risks of Smoking Marijuana

Most types of cannabis are mild, however, strong cannabis (e.g. skunk or purple haze) or too much usage can have stronger effects such as hallucination while some people also report increased anxiety and paranoia. Although it doesn't augment risk-taking behavior like alcohol does, weed does impair mental functions such as memory, attention, and performance, which makes driving or operating heavy machinery risky.

Learn About Marijuana: Factsheets: Aggression

Marijuana usually has a sedating effect on most users, making it much less likely to cause violence in users than other substances such as alcohol and stimulants (e.g., amphetamines and cocaine).

However, sometimes when marijuana is used it can cause fear, anxiety, panic or paranoia, which can result in an aggressive outburst. For most people, once the effects of the drug wear off, their behavior gradually improves.

Some studies have found support for an association between marijuana use and various types of violence, including relationship or interpersonal violence (Moore TM & Stuart GL, 2005).

More drivers in fatal crashes in Colorado are testing for marijuana use, at higher levels

The number of drivers involved in fatal crashes in Colorado who tested positive for marijuana has risen sharply each year since 2013, more than doubling in that time, federal and state data show. A Denver Post analysis of the data and coroner reports provides the most comprehensive look yet into whether roads in the state have become more dangerous since the drug's legalization.

Auto crashes are on the rise in marijuana states

A new study finds an increase in accident insurance claims in three states that have approved the sale of marijuana for recreational use.

According the Highway Loss Data Institute, the number of vehicle collisions reported to insurance companies in Colorado, Oregon and Washington is 3 percent higher than what would have been expected if those states had not made it legal to buy pot.

"We're concerned about what we're seeing," said Matt Moore, the institute's senior vice president. "We see strong evidence of an increased crash risk in states that have approved recreational marijuana sales."

Man sentenced for killing wife while high on pot

DENVER – The Denver man who pleaded guilty to killing his wife while investigators say he was high on marijuana edibles was sentenced Friday afternoon – nearly three years after the deadly attack.

Richard Kirk, 50, was sentenced to 30 years in prison and five years of parole for shooting and killing his wife Kris in April 2014 inside their DU-area home. He will get credit for time served.

Marijuana, violence and most recent mass shootings - Stop Pot

Mass shootings have marijuana link
Devin Kelley, who shot 26 at a church in Texas, and Kevin Neal, marijuana farmer who killed five people in California, are the most recent mass shooters. Once again, their maniacal behaviors reveal the connection between marijuana and violence.

Kelley was arrested for marijuana in 2013. Prohibitionists object to marijuana use not because it's immoral, but because it lays the ground for complex social problems. Marijuana is a drug which works differently on different brains, something the marijuana industry does not tell people.
The mass shooting bit is sort of a red herring, same as blaming the gun for the shooting.
What marijuana CAN do is trigger and worsen the symptoms of those suffering from psychotic dellusions. The consumption of cannabis has been linked to worsening the symptoms of schizophrenia. A significant problem is that probibition has led to a lot of rumors about weed's medicinal effects, however misguided, and a lot of these people think they are self medicating.
Weed does nothing for pain, but it is a disassociative which can take your mind off the pain. Although it has been shown to work as an anti-inflamatory in salve form.
And yeah, weed impares your motor functions, but unlike alcohol, you are more likely to realize you are impaired and make the better choice to stay on the couch or walk to get munchies.

Anyway, weed should be legalized, regulated and taxed. Send the money to schools, parks, and emergency services.
Nothing brings out the true taxation mavens out of otherwise good Republicans than the prospect of sin taxation. How about legalizing it and NOT taxing it.
Driving through Lake O last Saturday, a guy (late 20's?) waits at a curb (not a crosswalk) on Durham Rd. We all stop.
He proceeds to stagger across the street, wearing colorful pajama bottoms and what looks like a yellow down coat. His hair was so messed up, all he needed was some lipstick and he would have been mistaken for a clown.
Another victim of lax pot laws. Will probably see him on some corner, panhandling.
What makes you think he was a "pothead"? Alcohol and certain prescription drugs can cause disorientation and staggering. The devil's weed is NOT known to cause staggering tho it can have other effects. Sounds like you ID'd a drunk.:rolleyes:
From experience, and I'd bet active duty personnel would agree- Id have rather dealt with people smoking than people drinking- smokers generally do not get crazy-violent the way drunks do.. jme
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In my life experience, I have witnessed more problems, including violence, caused by alcohol consumption than marijuana consumption.

If you are going to ban drugs, then ban alcohol too.

Oh wait, we already tried that right? Worked about as well as the so called "war on drugs" right?

Maybe we should just ask on the 4473 if the buyer is a user of alcohol?


The "war on drugs" isn't about making us "safe" and neither is the ban on its use and possession or acquisition of firearms - it is about controlling us. Really, come on people, you should know this by now.

And no, I don't use alcohol or marijuana. Although last night I sure could have used some CBD balm - hard to sleep when you are in so much pain that you dream about the pain. I guess I should have gotten up and taken some Oxycontin or Vicodin?:rolleyes:
I don't drink a lot of alcohol, gotta avoid being put in a situation where I can suffer from withdrawal. Best way to do it is to not get dependent on it.

Coffee... I get withdrawal. I don't think I wanna try any other dependencies!

but unlike alcohol, you are more likely to realize you are impaired and make the better choice to stay on the couch or walk to get munchies.

I disagree entirely!!!!

And no, I don't use alcohol or marijuana. Although last night I sure could have used some CBD balm - hard to sleep when you are in so much pain that you dream about the pain. I guess I should have gotten up and taken some Oxycontin or Vicodin?:rolleyes:

Gaba Pentin works for me. I have bad neuropathy pain. Not much I can do about arthritis pain since I have kidney and liver problems and can't take arthritis meds any more. I don't think anti-inflamatory (sp) foods work that well. CBD balm works very well but I'd have to take a bath in it!!
Lot's of outright wrong assumptions in that post. Just a quick Google search brought up dozens of examples of where you are really misinformed in several areas.

I'll post the links once and no longer participate in the debate, as I find arguments with pot users to be useless.

Does marijuana use affect driving?

Marijuana significantly impairs judgment, motor coordination, and reaction time, and studies have found a direct relationship between blood THC concentration and impaired driving ability.7–9

Marijuana Abuse Effects, Signs & Symptoms | Mount Regis Center

THC produces its euphoric effects on the user by creating a high by stimulation of dopamine release by neurotransmitters, which can with prolonged abuse lead to damage of the reward pathways of the brain. Marijuana smoke contains a toxic mixture of particulates and gasses, many of which are harmful to the lungs. Chronic marijuana smokers suffer from more respiratory infections in the same way an individual who smokes tobacco does. Also, marijuana smoke has the potential to promote lung cancer and cancers of other areas of the respiratory tract as the smoke is comprised of up to 70% more irritants and carcinogens. As marijuana smokers tend to hold the smoke in their lungs for a longer period of time, the lungs are exposed to higher concentrations of this noxious smoke.

Side Effects and Health Risks of Smoking Marijuana

Most types of cannabis are mild, however, strong cannabis (e.g. skunk or purple haze) or too much usage can have stronger effects such as hallucination while some people also report increased anxiety and paranoia. Although it doesn't augment risk-taking behavior like alcohol does, weed does impair mental functions such as memory, attention, and performance, which makes driving or operating heavy machinery risky.

Learn About Marijuana: Factsheets: Aggression

Marijuana usually has a sedating effect on most users, making it much less likely to cause violence in users than other substances such as alcohol and stimulants (e.g., amphetamines and cocaine).

However, sometimes when marijuana is used it can cause fear, anxiety, panic or paranoia, which can result in an aggressive outburst. For most people, once the effects of the drug wear off, their behavior gradually improves.

Some studies have found support for an association between marijuana use and various types of violence, including relationship or interpersonal violence (Moore TM & Stuart GL, 2005).

More drivers in fatal crashes in Colorado are testing for marijuana use, at higher levels

The number of drivers involved in fatal crashes in Colorado who tested positive for marijuana has risen sharply each year since 2013, more than doubling in that time, federal and state data show. A Denver Post analysis of the data and coroner reports provides the most comprehensive look yet into whether roads in the state have become more dangerous since the drug's legalization.

Auto crashes are on the rise in marijuana states

A new study finds an increase in accident insurance claims in three states that have approved the sale of marijuana for recreational use.

According the Highway Loss Data Institute, the number of vehicle collisions reported to insurance companies in Colorado, Oregon and Washington is 3 percent higher than what would have been expected if those states had not made it legal to buy pot.

"We're concerned about what we're seeing," said Matt Moore, the institute's senior vice president. "We see strong evidence of an increased crash risk in states that have approved recreational marijuana sales."

Man sentenced for killing wife while high on pot

DENVER – The Denver man who pleaded guilty to killing his wife while investigators say he was high on marijuana edibles was sentenced Friday afternoon – nearly three years after the deadly attack.

Richard Kirk, 50, was sentenced to 30 years in prison and five years of parole for shooting and killing his wife Kris in April 2014 inside their DU-area home. He will get credit for time served.

Marijuana, violence and most recent mass shootings - Stop Pot

Mass shootings have marijuana link
Devin Kelley, who shot 26 at a church in Texas, and Kevin Neal, marijuana farmer who killed five people in California, are the most recent mass shooters. Once again, their maniacal behaviors reveal the connection between marijuana and violence.

Kelley was arrested for marijuana in 2013. Prohibitionists object to marijuana use not because it's immoral, but because it lays the ground for complex social problems. Marijuana is a drug which works differently on different brains, something the marijuana industry does not tell people.

You sir are miss informed yourself and post links to inaccurate and fake readings.. do your own research and quit feeding fake news.
Drugs and guns don't get along, IMHO.

Yeah, and alcohol is a drug. We all know the vast majority of adults drink.

You should not be actively high on any drug while carrying a gun.

Doesn't bother me if marijuana users are issued CCLs. Then again I'm not a moralist and I don't think any drug should be illegal. Government shouldn't be telling private citizens what they can and cannot put in their bodies.

You posted: "Then again I'm not a moralist and I don't think any drug should be illegal. Government shouldn't be telling private citizens what they can and cannot put in their bodies."

Well, I don't want a junkie of whatever flavor, be it heroin, meth or oxycontin or a drunk driving or laying about in public.

If it takes government action to slow that down (I fully appreciate that junkies and drunks will always be among us) than so be it.

I spent some time in Amsterdam some years back and zombied out addicts abounded. They were a blight on the land.


These dregs of humanity are unhealthy eyesores at the least and burglars and beggars at the worst.

I view illegal drug prohibition as an imperfect action, junkies will be junkies, but at least it slows down the drugged out dregs to some extent.

I would like to see a modern 'devil's island' where these zombies can be deported and left to their own devices...

Oh, oh, I'm so hard hearted.

Yep, life's gift (no, I'm not a 'saved' type Christian, I'm actually a benign atheist) is wasted on these people...want to be be a junkie? Fine by me, just stay away from driving and me.

You posted: "Then again I'm not a moralist and I don't think any drug should be illegal. Government shouldn't be telling private citizens what they can and cannot put in their bodies."

Well, I don't want a junkie of whatever flavor, be it heroin, meth or oxycontin or a drunk driving or laying about in public.

If it takes government action to slow that down (I fully appreciate that junkies and drunks will always be among us) than so be it.

I spent some time in Amsterdam some years back and zombied out addicts abounded. They were a blight on the land.


These dregs of humanity are unhealthy eyesores at the least and burglars and beggars at the worst.

I view illegal drug prohibition as an imperfect action, junkies will be junkies, but at least it slows down the drugged out dregs to some extent.

I would like to see a modern 'devil's island' where these zombies can be deported and left to their own devices...

Oh, oh, I'm so hard hearted.

Yep, life's gift (no, I'm not a 'saved' type Christian, I'm actually a benign atheist) is wasted on these people...want to be be a junkie? Fine by me, just stay away from driving and me.

I think you're intentionally missing the point.

We have laws against driving under the influence... yes. We have laws against public intoxication of all kinds... yes. I do not disagree with any of these laws. With that being said, I am against people being denied their Constitutional right to carry a firearm just because they like to toke up on the ganja occasionally or whatever drug they choose to partake in in their own private free time, and I am against people being criminally charged for the same "offense."

Nor did I ever claim any one lacked sympathy or empathy or were cold-hearted. Funnily enough I'm usually the one being called cold-hearted because I subscribe to Darwin's theory. The strong survive and the weak perish... hence why I'm against wealth redistribution of any kind.

With freedom comes responsibility... something we as gun owners should understand quite well. We can choose to drink and carry a firearm, but we should be responsible enough not to. Just like your drug user could get high and drive, but they should be responsible enough not to. If either one is NOT responsible enough to obey the law, then they suffer the consequences. But the act of using drugs in and of itself should not be a criminal offense or reason to deny citizens their Constitutional rights.
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Soooo......I carry if I'm awake. So when I'm home for the evening and having a few beers and I don't take my firearm off and lock it up does that make me a bad person?

I guarantee I'm not the only one.

Ever been around a group of junkies?


They're quite the repellent bunch.

Quite the stinking, loathsome criminally centered group who steal from others including their families

But, by all means, defend them.

But, but they're just independent minded and should be allowed to camp in your back yard and you should buy them, nay, bring them whatever they need.

Perhaps, a flamethrower...

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