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JAMES ANTLE: Trump's one-man 'good cop, bad cop' routine with the NRA.

The NRA supported Trump when vast swathes of the conservative movement were still skeptical, but his remarks about disarming high-risk gun owners first and practicing due process later may bust through those limits. "The NRA is also going to protect due process for innocent Americans, and that is an approach that we are going to hold to," group spokeswoman and commentator Dana Loesch told Fox News, calling it "a foundational principle of this country."

In the course of a meeting that flummoxed Republicans, Trump expressed support for banning bump stocks through executive action, universal background checks, as well as strengthening the existing system, raising the age for AR-15 purchases and even a vote on an amendment by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., banning assault weapons. He told House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., that concealed-carry reciprocity, an important issue for gun rights activists, was politically untenable.

Trump has turned on early supporters before — just ask beleaguered Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Of course, Second Amendment voters can do something Sessions can't — make Trump a one-term President. Although it's a safe bet Trump is well aware of that, and that his recent moves are more about positioning than tramping due process or supporting a new "assault weapons" ban.
Instapundit » Blog Archive » JAMES ANTLE: Trump's one-man 'good cop, bad cop' routine with the NRA. The NRA supported Trump wh…
Was Gay Marriage in the past (Federal Jurisdiction ) ???

Sometimes it takes the US Supreme Court a while to get past societal prejudice. They have a pretty spotty track record but they end up doing the right thing when all the other options have been used up.

#14...All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Another school shooting today - Central Michigan University - 2 dead. Shooter is 19. Get ready for the push for age restrictions to blow through the roof. Anyone believe the R's have our back on this one? Regardless of what POTUS does, I don't trust Congress for a second when things get really heated. Too many people on the right (voters and politicians) are caving to intense emotional pressure and for some reason are melting like SJW snowflakes. I'm trying to avoid making predictions, but this new shooting certainly won't help.
It does not speak about abortion rights so by default it falls to state to make its own laws concerning abortion.

The Constitution is not the end all and be all enumeration of our Natural Rights. The Constitution even says as much:

Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
Another school shooting today - Central Michigan University - 2 dead. Shooter is 19. Get ready for the push for age restrictions to blow through the roof. Anyone believe the R's have our back on this one? Regardless of what POTUS does, I don't trust Congress for a second when things get really heated. Too many people on the right (voters and politicians) are caving to intense emotional pressure and for some reason are melting like SJW snowflakes. I'm trying to avoid making predictions, but this new shooting certainly won't help.

Domestic Dispute, that just happened at a university - either the vic or shooter was to have graduated in 2010.
Domestic Dispute, that just happened at a university - either the vic or shooter was to have graduated in 2010.

They'll spin it as a school shooting though, since it was on school grounds. They typically don't give a rip for the actual motivation. Location is what's important - on school grounds fits their narrative.

That said, the shooter was black, so they may allow this one to slide since it harms some of their other positions.
Trump says Due Process comes second to safety. He even went as far as to more or less say to HELL WITH DUE PROCESS. I guess that Constitution we patriots and lovers and defenders of our nation hold so dear is just a piece of decor or maybe even a fancy piece of toilet paper for Mr. Trump's fat butt? Was this brilliant statement he made taken right from the words of Adolf Eichmann or Heinrich Himmler? Is it time to set up another Third Reich?

To be honest, I am starting to believe this guy is seriously mentally ill and suffering dementia. He really needs to be in a facility getting proper care. The guy has a total screw loose. Nothing he is doing is rational anymore.

I think he was a businessman/salesman from the beginning and he pitched all of us what we wanted to hear to get him elected. However, when the pressure of the office came, he quickly exposed to everyone who he really was and thinks now that he is president he has the ultimate grip on power. I'm sure he also thinks Congress will kneel before him because in his own twisted mind he is the most amazing human being to ever live and to quote Donald "Two-Faced" Trump, "I am like, really really smart".

Anyway, I don't think Nutjob Trump is going to be able to pass any legislation and will essentially now position himself into the position Obama did. He is now supporting the liberals and their policies on gun control. He even WARNED Republicans not to use this occasion to promote National Reciprocity. Then, he made his open condemnation of the NRA, that sounded like it could have came right out of the mouth of his old friend and wife of his golf buddy, Hillary Clinton. Mr. 2nd Amendment now is Mr. Sensible Gun Control. What a stab in the back! But, Double-Talking Donald had this in his twisted brain all along. Donald Trump didn't liberate America and Make American Great Again. He is Making America Dumber and Dumber every day.

I am only praying now that this nutjob can be impeached somehow, but who knows? It wouldn't surprise me if he now tries to champion gun control as the new Republican cause. Of course, Trump now wants to SAVE THE CHILDREN and has no choice. Of course, during the election he was talking all so much about how gun control won't stop school shootings. He didn't make any mention of raising the minimum age to purchase rifles or "ASSAULT WEAPONS" to 21 during his election campaign.

The fact he is so unpredictable, unstable, hostile and irrational has more or less made him the enemies of people on every party line. Nobody can celebrate Donald Trump's support on any cause anymore. He is the very classification of an "INDIAN GIVER", as well.

If he runs again, I will likely even vote for a Democrat over this deranged lunatic. The Republican party has been disappointing me and I will be registering as Libertarian next election and voting that way. However, this takes it all to a new level and hope that Republicans will not capitulate and give into any of Trump's unconstitutional and unethical demands.

And, everyone claims he is going to protect America from illegal immigration? REALLY!?? Have any of you who think this checked into Donald Trump's history? Donald Trump has been reaping the benefits from illegal immigrant labor in his own companies for years. Many of his luxury hotels and commercial buildings were built using companies that are known to hire illegal laborers. Of course, this doesn't matter, because Donald has told us he is Mr. America and we all must believe everything Emperor Donald says?

The Emperor Trump Has No Clothes..
If he runs again, I will likely even vote for a Democrat over this deranged lunatic. The Republican party has been disappointing me and I will be registering as Libertarian next election and voting that way. However, this takes it all to a new level and hope that Republicans will not capitulate and give into any of Trump's unconstitutional and unethical demands.

Please do no let the antics of MR Trump dissuade you from voting Republican in the future. He is not and has never been in line with the Republican Party. He is not a Republican. Putting an (R) after his name when he does not share Republican values or push the Republican platform does not make him a Republican. He is the ultimate RINO. Once his flash in the pan burns out and he crawls back under his rock serious Republicans will step in to try and rebuild the mess his reality show followers have left behind. They will go back to being independents ( Democrats ) and it will be hard to get the House and the Senate back. We will need all the help we can get.
And, everyone claims he is going to protect America from illegal immigration? REALLY!?? Have any of you who think this checked into Donald Trump's history? Donald Trump has been reaping the benefits from illegal immigrant labor in his own companies for years. Many of his luxury hotels and commercial buildings were built using companies that are known to hire illegal laborers. Of course, this doesn't matter, because Donald has told us he is Mr. America and we all must believe everything Emperor Donald says?

The Emperor Trump Has No Clothes..
And he's still better than any democrat living, dead or yet to be born. Loath him if you will, but he's to our advantage in the kultureKampf
Please do no let the antics of MR Trump dissuade you from voting Republican in the future. He is not and has never been in line with the Republican Party. He is not a Republican. Putting an (R) after his name when he does not share Republican values or push the Republican platform does not make him a Republican. He is the ultimate RINO. Once his flash in the pan burns out and he crawls back under his rock serious Republicans will step in to try and rebuild the mess his reality show followers have left behind. They will go back to being independents ( Democrats ) and it will be hard to get the House and the Senate back. We will need all the help we can get.

Wired, I can only hope. My qualms with the Republican party have expanded beyond just Trump. The entire epidemic of two-faced RINOs.. The only reason I could respect a Democrat candidate over one of these RINO turds is that at least they are open about their intentions. At this point, I think the most ideal situation for gun owners, and our society as a whole is a moderate Democrat with a Republican congress to keep him/her in line. These RINOS are the worst type of cancer as they make all types of bold promises to win all the Republicans and many Libertarians over and then quietly and deviously tear apart all the liberties and constitutional rights we elected them to defend. It is worse to have an enemy within your own borders than one who is sitting within their own territory.

I utterly hate America's Neo-Fascist Socialist party (aka Democrat Party). However, I feel every bit as threatened from these RINOs and the pseudo-Republicans who will make all types of promises to defend your freedoms to get your votes and then do ten times the damage that any Democrat could have done.

Once again, my hope is that America's true constitutional supporting party, the Libertarian party, will rise from the ashes and become a real third party contender to give the fake Republicans and Demo-Fascists a run for their money.

Don't get me wrong, I do have some values that may even conflict with some Libertarians. Although, Libertarians are still a bit disorganized and the fundamentals of the party are loosely interpreted. I do believe in securing our borders, tossing out all illegal immigrants, building up our military infrastructure to keep the rogue regimes of Russia and China in check. I'm also not against bombing the hell out of countries who threaten us in any way, including vocal threats. These values may put me at odds with some Libertarians and with all Democrats. I've always consider myself a right-leaning Libertarian. However, with the brand of Republicans I am seeing today, if we let these guys run free and assume all control and power we may be kissing goodbye not only our 2nd Amendment rights, but as Donald "Two-Faced" Trump said, "We need to eliminate Due Process". Once Due Process is gone, it will be Nazi Germany all over again.

Trump seems to admire all the world's dictators and admires how efficiently they get things done. It is much easier to run a dictatorship than a Constitutional Republic where people are citizens with rights, freedoms and various protections that keeps them from being indentured subjects to a ruthless leader and country who can terrorize and oppress its citizens as much as it desires.
Well thats why I think the people who voted for Trump in the primaries, besides the Democrats who did it to make Clinton a shoe in, did it because they want a dictator who would destroy the country and build a stronger America. Trump ran because he thought he'd get to be a dictator of sorts but once in office he has found out that it don't work that way in America. Checks and balances baby. Congress has been trying to work with him and if he'd just embrace the process think of all he could get done but he's gone out of his way to alienate EVERYONE. The process aint going anywhere and after the mid terms we'll lose the House, maybe the Senate, and if the guy ever did have a coherent strategy its all over but the crying.He cant even keep his inner circle together. Its a sad day but it will pass.
I agree - he thought he could run the USA like he ran a business; what he said goes. Not very smart at all - even I know that most of the power is in Congress and that there are a few people in government still loyal to the country and the Constitution, not to the POTUS.

Besides that, it is obvious to me that he is still trying to setup his loyal sycophants into positions of power around him, but that won't work, it won't last long and come November things are going to get even harder for him, probably for us too. This is going to come boomerang on us, and it is not going to be good. We brought this on ourselves - be prepared - do what you can now because next year the politics are going to change. Come 2020 who knows what will happen.
Have you EVER seen a politician that wasn't a hypocrite or liar...???

A few. I forget his name (not sure if it was Slade Gorton - I don't think so), but there was a Republican senator from Wa. state that seemed to want to tell the truth - among other things, he showed up at a WAC gun show once to meet and greet gun owners. Obviously he was a supporter of the Second Amendment and he wasn't afraid to say so, and seemed to stick to a stance.

Then there is Wyden and the Pauls.

Wyden has stood against the Patriot Act and other infringements on civil rights, especially the dangerous ones. Yes, I know Wyden is not a defender of the Second Amendment, but you didn't ask that - I don't think he is a liar - I think he believes he is right and is not afraid to speak what he thinks is the truth.

And the Pauls (father and son) mostly - I think it was the senior who pandered to the conspiracy theory crowd for a while (or maybe it was the son) - just enough to get their votes.

But yeah, there are very few.

And we have nobody to blame but ourselves. If Trump shows anything, it is that we elect politicians who tell us the lies we want to hear. As long as we do that, we will always get politicians that are liars and hypocrites, and the true leaders, the speakers of truth, will be far and few between.

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