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Originally Posted by Steve40th
Lots of armchair quartebacks here.
Lessons learned. Dont park in a illegal spot when there are many more Legal spots available.
I feel no sympathy for guy that physically assaulted someone.
Nice shot placement though..
White guy will be harrassed for days to come, but cant be sued thank God.
The Black guy was a 7 time felon, and had a history of aggravated assault and resisting arrest.. State is saving money on him now.
DOB: 3/28/1990

6/25/2008 AGGRAVATED BATTERY DOMESTIC, 784.045(1)(/F
6/25/2008 DISORDERLY CONDUCT, 877.03/M
5/5/2009 SALE OF COUNTERFEIT DRUGS, 893.13(1)(A)(1)/F
9/10/2010 POSSESSION OF COCAINE, 893.13(6)(A)/F
9/25/2010 POSSESSION OF COCAINE, 893.13(6)(A)/F
9/25/2010 SALE OR DELIVERY OF COCAINE, 893.13(1)(A)(1)/F
9/25/2010 POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA, 893.13(6)(/M
9/21/2011 PETIT THEFT, 812.014(3)(A)/M
9/21/2011 DWLSR *NCTC 1, 322.34(2)(A)/

DWLSR = Driving with License Suspended or Revoked
* NCTC = Non-Cooperative Target Classification

Read more: Man violently shoved, while letting them know they were illegaly parked in handicapped spot. - Politics and Other Controversies -Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President - Page 95 - City-Data Forum

Looks like he has a record and was a 7 time felon.
Such a fine line between justifiable self-defense and vigilantism. I wasn't there and certainly can't answer as to how the CHL holder felt at the time he pulled his gun. Did he, at that moment, fear for his life? Maybe. Maybe not. That's for the courts to decide. I'm no expert on Florida's Stand Your Ground law, so I don't know how fully, if at all, you have to justify your belief that your life was in danger. Either way, it's a messy situation, and I think, as others have said, numerous bad decisions, by people with bad attitudes, led to this event.

From the day I took my first CHL class over 25 years ago, I have been taught over and over and over again, when you put on your gun, check the attitude at the door. When you're armed, it's no time to go play policeman or civilian enforcer. It's no time to get in people's faces, start arguments or create dangerous situations. It's time to play it cool. Don't like what someone else is doing? Call the police, that's exactly what we pay them for. And if mister tough-guy decides to come after the cops for addressing the parking issue, then it's on them to deal with him. As much as I don't appreciate people taking advantage of a handicapped parking spot, I'm not going to start an argument over it. And as others have stated, if they have a placard, just because their handicap may not be obvious to me, doesn't put me in a position to confront them over it. Seriously folks, it's not worth a fight or maybe even a death, over a damn parking space.

And I have to say, coming onto a public forum and spreading the tough-guy vibe of "you touch me and you're dead" is bad for us, as the gun-owning public. It simply reinforces the negative stereotype that the anti's use to take our rights away. Yeah, we all have the right to be armed, but we also have the RESPONSIBILITY to do so in a manner that doesn't endanger the public or ourselves. I get it, there are some 'bada$$es' out there that love to spout off about how tough they are. That doesn't impress me. I'm neither a young guy, nor am I elderly. But I'm a big guy and can, and have, held my own when it was called for. That said, I can't answer to what extent someone would have to come at me before I felt in fear for my life. If they have a weapon, of any kind, that would certainly be a huge qualifier. But what if they're even bigger than me, and really, really pizzed? That may be enough. Still, I'm not going to go around boasting about how I can put mister bad guy down just because he rubbed me the wrong way. Take that crap somewhere else, because honestly, among the folks here that truly care about our rights, and keeping them safe, it really doesn't fit.

I was brought up to believe that a man is a protector, especially for those that can't defend themselves. He doesn't start fights, he avoids them, de-escalates them, and only steps in when necessary. And if it is necessary, you use enough force to bring that fight to an end, then it stops. I have stepped into a few fights over the years, but never while carrying. I still think that's a good position to take.

All gun owners have rights and responsibilities. Rights come with responsibility, and if folks can't see that, it hurts us. Just as you can't yell "fire" in a movie theater - because it could lead to an injury or death, we have similar responsibilities when we exercise our 2nd amendment rights. We don't live in a country of just one person. We all share this country, together. I expect people to respect my rights as I expect myself to respect yours. When people do stupid things that cause harm to my rights, I don't appreciate it, and I'll say so. Guns don't prove you're a tough guy, they should prove that you can keep things under control.

So I'll continue to keep the attitude in check when I carry (which is every day). I'm not going to look for trouble, I will actively avoid it as much as I can. And when, and if, the time comes I have to draw my gun, if it stops the threat without pulling the trigger, I'll consider that to be a very successful use of my firearm. Fact is, more of these events end without a shot ever being fired. And that's a good thing. I have no problem letting the police and the courts meting out justice. I don't need to be the one to do it, save for that rare occasion when my life, or the life of someone else, is truly in danger.
Originally Posted by Steve40th
Lots of armchair quartebacks here.
Lessons learned. Dont park in a illegal spot when there are many more Legal spots available.
I feel no sympathy for guy that physically assaulted someone.
Nice shot placement though..
White guy will be harrassed for days to come, but cant be sued thank God.
The Black guy was a 7 time felon, and had a history of aggravated assault and resisting arrest.. State is saving money on him now.

Looks like he has a record and was a 7 time felon.

Thanks, I was wondering since normal peaceful folks don't jump to violence without warning. I'd bet money that girlfriend Britany Jacobs is a welfare fraud.
Such a fine line between justifiable self-defense and vigilantism. I wasn't there and certainly can't answer as to how the CHL holder felt at the time he pulled his gun. Did he, at that moment, fear for his life? Maybe. Maybe not. That's for the courts to decide. I'm no expert on Florida's Stand Your Ground law, so I don't know how fully, if at all, you have to justify your belief that your life was in danger. Either way, it's a messy situation, and I think, as others have said, numerous bad decisions, by people with bad attitudes, led to this event.

From the day I took my first CHL class over 25 years ago, I have been taught over and over and over again, when you put on your gun, check the attitude at the door. When you're armed, it's no time to go play policeman or civilian enforcer. It's no time to get in people's faces, start arguments or create dangerous situations. It's time to play it cool. Don't like what someone else is doing? Call the police, that's exactly what we pay them for. And if mister tough-guy decides to come after the cops for addressing the parking issue, then it's on them to deal with him. As much as I don't appreciate people taking advantage of a handicapped parking spot, I'm not going to start an argument over it. And as others have stated, if they have a placard, just because their handicap may not be obvious to me, doesn't put me in a position to confront them over it. Seriously folks, it's not worth a fight or maybe even a death, over a damn parking space.

And I have to say, coming onto a public forum and spreading the tough-guy vibe of "you touch me and you're dead" is bad for us, as the gun-owning public. It simply reinforces the negative stereotype that the anti's use to take our rights away. Yeah, we all have the right to be armed, but we also have the RESPONSIBILITY to do so in a manner that doesn't endanger the public or ourselves. I get it, there are some 'bada$$es' out there that love to spout off about how tough they are. That doesn't impress me. I'm neither a young guy, nor am I elderly. But I'm a big guy and can, and have, held my own when it was called for. That said, I can't answer to what extent someone would have to come at me before I felt in fear for my life. If they have a weapon, of any kind, that would certainly be a huge qualifier. But what if they're even bigger than me, and really, really pizzed? That may be enough. Still, I'm not going to go around boasting about how I can put mister bad guy down just because he rubbed me the wrong way. Take that crap somewhere else, because honestly, among the folks here that truly care about our rights, and keeping them safe, it really doesn't fit.

I was brought up to believe that a man is a protector, especially for those that can't defend themselves. He doesn't start fights, he avoids them, de-escalates them, and only steps in when necessary. And if it is necessary, you use enough force to bring that fight to an end, then it stops. I have stepped into a few fights over the years, but never while carrying. I still think that's a good position to take.

All gun owners have rights and responsibilities. Rights come with responsibility, and if folks can't see that, it hurts us. Just as you can't yell "fire" in a movie theater - because it could lead to an injury or death, we have similar responsibilities when we exercise our 2nd amendment rights. We don't live in a country of just one person. We all share this country, together. I expect people to respect my rights as I expect myself to respect yours. When people do stupid things that cause harm to my rights, I don't appreciate it, and I'll say so. Guns don't prove you're a tough guy, they should prove that you can keep things under control.

So I'll continue to keep the attitude in check when I carry (which is every day). I'm not going to look for trouble, I will actively avoid it as much as I can. And when, and if, the time comes I have to draw my gun, if it stops the threat without pulling the trigger, I'll consider that to be a very successful use of my firearm. Fact is, more of these events end without a shot ever being fired. And that's a good thing. I have no problem letting the police and the courts meting out justice. I don't need to be the one to do it, save for that rare occasion when my life, or the life of someone else, is truly in danger.

Ok, I have a thought here! What if the Shooter got hurt somewhat when he was shoved down, That hit looked pretty hard, That may explain the delay in drawing and shooting, getting rattled a little bit, gotta shake out the head gear and focus as the adrenalin is kicking into high gear! If this is the case, even a good sprain or a bonk on the noggin, it may explain the slow deployment, while still having the full intent to shoot! This may change things, and it may be the reason the Sheriff hasn't leveled charges, and I am not seeing the D.A. acting ether, there has been enough time for charges to be brought from that office! SO, that leaves a wrongful suit, don't know the laws in Fl, but I don't see that happening ether! Time will tell!
He was totally in the right to shoot him. He was on the ground and at a heavy disadvantage for further attacks that could have easily been deadly. Man had no clue other then the fact the man was willing to get physical and escalation over words. I'd be worried what he'd do next. Don't start what you can't finish.
The guy who started it was the guy who pulled the trigger. The guy who got shot was reacting to someone yelling at his significant other. The shooter ended up being a delicate little flower who got knocked on his behind and then couldn't stand it so he shot. If you can't handle a fistfight don't go looking for trouble. If you start a fight you either win or lose but do it with some pride. Using a firearm because your pride and butt hurt is no different than most common criminals. This country has gotten to be a place where people can't take a punch or a push without fearing for their lives. We have become a nation of pansies pure and simple.
This country has gotten to be a place where people can't take a punch or a push without fearing for their lives. We have become a nation of pansies pure and simple.

I sure as heck would never start anything, but I won't take a punch or a push either. To some people it can be life threatening. A guy I grew up with went to prison because he and another guy "took it outside". He punched the guy, who hit his head when he fell, and died.

I've never been in a physical altercation in my adult life. I would never lay a hand on another person without legal cause, and I expect the same. It's absolutely unacceptable to ever "punch or push" another person no matter what is said verbally. I've heard the tough guy talk before about "taking a beating". I am not a fighter. I will defend my life if necessary, but I won't take a beating.

I'm in no way defending the shooter, in either the shooting or what he stupidly did to start the whole thing, but it almost sounds like you're trying to defend the other guy for assaulting him, and there is absolutely no defense for that. Maybe in tough guy world it's acceptable for people to punch and shove each other, but not in a civilized society. Again, I'm not defending the shooter, but there were no innocent victims here.
Being adrenalized and thrown to the ground could you tell what was coming? Once you are thrown to the ground and assaulted, it is really hard to make judgment calls.

Probably should not have been a shoot, but then again, once contact and assault like that is done, fear for your life can be a very real thing.
I have noticed that many media outlets have slowed down the video playback after the push giving the audience the impression that the shooter had more time to decide before pulling the trigger.
I wonder if the shooter felt like a tough guy because he had a gun in his pocket. Pretty serious consequences for everyone over a parking place. I could easily get a handicapped plackard but am prevented by pride I guess. I have made mistakes and parked in handicapped spots particularly when the markings are worn and difficult to see. I doubt that if someone pointed it out to me that I would become confrontational but if it was vitriolic I might resist the confrontation.......(at 6'2" and always over 200 lbs I have seldom been confronted).........but not by pulling my gun. The effect of having a gun making someone act tough is often quoted by the anti's as reason for not allowing it and I don't belive anyone should carry while inebriated.
He will be physically free and absolved of criminal responsibility, but the burden of proof to prove self defense in civil litigation is likely different and probably higher. My guess, he everything else in civil court, between the legal fees and the settlement, he will likely go bankrupt...
The guy who started it was the guy who pulled the trigger. The guy who got shot was reacting to someone yelling at his significant other. The shooter ended up being a delicate little flower who got knocked on his behind and then couldn't stand it so he shot. If you can't handle a fistfight don't go looking for trouble. If you start a fight you either win or lose but do it with some pride. Using a firearm because your pride and butt hurt is no different than most common criminals. This country has gotten to be a place where people can't take a punch or a push without fearing for their lives. We have become a nation of pansies pure and simple.

No, you're wrong. But it's a convenient argument ;)

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