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My LEO friend put it quite simply, "Don't get pulled over and you don't have to tell them anything."

My guess is having a CHL increases your chance of having to deal with police. Since it takes ten seconds to run your plate, see that you carry. A board cop trying to decide on a whim whether or not he wants to pull you over for some minor infraction would probably lean toward doing so when he sees a CHL. Then the unnecessary drama can unfold.

"Law enforcement is on our side" - LOL. Watch "Don't Talk to Police" on Youtube and get a clue. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with cops. But to think they are there to help you is naive. Give them a wide berth to do their job and harass panhandlers and write speeding tickets. If you are ever being assaulted, raped, robbed, or shot at you are on your own. Two of my buddies are deputy sheriffs and agree wholeheartedly that people that depend on them to be everywhere and protect them are foolish. Sheriff = overseer of the peasants. When you and I (peasants) have an issue they come around after the fact.
It IS occupied by said individuals. So why should WE (the law-abiding) be continually hassled for having a LEGALLY-owned, LEGALLY-carried (or not carried in the OP's case) firearm? I personally don't have a story like this, but you constantly see it here, on the news and other sources. People who follow the goddamn rules laid on us by supposedly wiser people, and we get hassled JUST LIKE CRIMINALS. But LEOs KNOW FOR A FACT that a person with a LEGALLY owned/permitted/carried weapon is not going to shoot them after they've already made contact, gone back to their bike, gotten the info like the OP's lady did!!! If you're going to get shot, 99.999999999999% of the time, it's going to be a REAL criminal with a REAL ILLEGAL gun, not a bubbleguming law-abiding, functional member of society. If you're that scared of the law-abiders, you need to get the bubblegum out of that line of work and do something a little less stressful!!

She musta forgotten her Kevlar panties that morning......
I have been on both sides of the coing here, I was once speeding up I205, and was pulled over, let me set the stage... its close to 11am on a sunny sept afternoon, I have just left the woods, dropped my bow and fanny pack in a buddys bronco , jumped on my bike and was hurrying home to clean off the camo, and make it to my brother in laws wedding... ohh wait did i say dropped bow and fanny pack,,, oops just bow.. so the nice officer spots my back up printing... now you want to talk about hostile... other side, I got bumped by an officer as i backed out.. ok, so i backed into his push bumper as he flicked on the lights... he told me (on loudspeaker) turn the car off and place both hands out the window... I did and 20 mins later after he ripped the 7-11 clerk a new *** for being dumb, He spotted my gun when I reached for my wallet.. I was told to have a good night, nothing but nice (seems the clerk had 911 on speed dial, and wouls call and hangup to make them come to "help him" if he thought he was being robbed
OP, I prefer to disclose, but you were (obviously) in the right.

I have. I'm polite and courteous until the LEO isn't, and if I'm right, I won't back down (OK, maybe if I was being threatened with a tazing).

What do you gain from that? If it really makes you feel that much better more power to you.

Again in my whole quote I said depending on the situation you might consider saying something.
Wow...a whole lotta 'tude flying around in all that bs goes away when you REALLY need them...and just a news flash...they're not being paid as pr folks, shrinks or being your best buddy. They sign a blank check at the start of their shift, offering the potential of their life to protect us, and then, here you come, full of 'tude and waving statutes...the cherry on their cake, I'm sure.

Treat them as you would like to be treated, and see what happens. They are cops, who want to go home to their families at the end of their shift, not legal scholars, arm chair legal eagles or bloviating bloggers...
Wow...a whole lotta 'tude flying around in all that bs goes away when you REALLY need them...and just a news flash...they're not being paid as pr folks, shrinks or being your best buddy. They sign a blank check at the start of their shift, offering the potential of their life to protect us, and then, here you come, full of 'tude and waving statutes...the cherry on their cake, I'm sure.

Treat them as you would like to be treated, and see what happens. They are cops, who want to go home to their families at the end of their shift, not legal scholars, arm chair legal eagles or bloviating bloggers...

I think if you start with my original post it was not me that was "Copping" a tude. I started as you suggested, treating her with respect - the point of the post was that as soon as she found out that I didn't disclose my CHL even though I was not carrying that day, she was the one that started treating me like a criminal, bad person or however you want to put it. I would have liked it if she would have treated me with some respect.
It was all about her decision to let me have it as a CHL carrier.
Wow...a whole lotta 'tude flying around in all that bs goes away when you REALLY need them...and just a news flash...they're not being paid as pr folks, shrinks or being your best buddy. They sign a blank check at the start of their shift, offering the potential of their life to protect us, and then, here you come, full of 'tude and waving statutes...the cherry on their cake, I'm sure.

Treat them as you would like to be treated, and see what happens. They are cops, who want to go home to their families at the end of their shift, not legal scholars, arm chair legal eagles or bloviating bloggers...

From what I've seen most people have a problem when they do become those things, case in point the OP's scenario. The cop decided she was a legal scholar/arm chair legal eagle and just felt like making up crap on the side of the road.

This makes her far worse, and far more dangerous than any bloviating blogger, because she has a badge, a gun, and union that will back her up for using them regardless of whether she was right or not.
Point taken - just for reference, I was on my best behavior until she laid into me.

I don't think you did anything wrong (Other than speeding, but whatever).

I twouldn't occur to anyone but an insane person to disclose that they had a CCW license WHEN THEY WEREN'T ARMED. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

You really need to file a complaint against the officer in question. A letter to the editor of the local paper would also be appropriate.

FWIW I always disclose when I'm armed. If I'm made and it surprises the officer, bad things can happen and MOST Washington cops are pretty good about dealing with armed citizens because they've been doing it forever. I've been pulled over a couple of times and never had a problem.
Wow...a whole lotta 'tude flying around in all that bs goes away when you REALLY need them...and just a news flash...they're not being paid as pr folks, shrinks or being your best buddy. They sign a blank check at the start of their shift, offering the potential of their life to protect us, and then, here you come, full of 'tude and waving statutes...the cherry on their cake, I'm sure.

Treat them as you would like to be treated, and see what happens. They are cops, who want to go home to their families at the end of their shift, not legal scholars, arm chair legal eagles or bloviating bloggers...

Cops are public SERVANTS. If they can't do the SERVICE part of that, they need to find a new job.
Wearing a badge doesn't give anyone the right to make up laws out of their butts and abuse citizens. I know an awful lot of LE and they seem to manage to treat people with the respect they are given.

If the OP had laid into her for the audacity to pull him over for speeding, he'd have been the instigator and deserved whatever rudeness he got in return for being a jerk. But that's not what happened.

Some people need to be in a job where they don't have to deal with the public because they're jerks. Being a jerk AND having authority is a recipe for trouble. And yes, I'd bet this officer has had issues in the past. It's rare for someone to lose their cool like that as a one-off thing.

But spare us the whole "they risk their lives for us." nonsense. So do fishermen and roofers, both of whom do important jobs and both of whom have FAR, FAR more dangerous jobs.
If someone doesn't like all a negatives of being a cop there are a lot of other careers from which to choose. Having a job that's more dangerous than sitting in a cube doesn't give anyone the right to abuse people under color of law and threat of arrest. -Ask some cops, cause I don't know any who think that's OK.
Cops are public SERVANTS. If they can't do the SERVICE part of that, they need to find a new job.
Wearing a badge doesn't give anyone the right to make up laws out of their butts and abuse citizens. I know an awful lot of LE and they seem to manage to treat people with the respect they are given.

If the OP had laid into her for the audacity to pull him over for speeding, he'd have been the instigator and deserved whatever rudeness he got in return for being a jerk. But that's not what happened.

Some people need to be in a job where they don't have to deal with the public because they're jerks. Being a jerk AND having authority is a recipe for trouble. And yes, I'd bet this officer has had issues in the past. It's rare for someone to lose their cool like that as a one-off thing.

But spare us the whole "they risk their lives for us." nonsense. So do fishermen and roofers, both of whom do important jobs and both of whom have FAR, FAR more dangerous jobs.
If someone doesn't like all a negatives of being a cop there are a lot of other careers from which to choose. Having a job that's more dangerous than sitting in a cube doesn't give anyone the right to abuse people under color of law and threat of arrest. -Ask some cops, cause I don't know any who think that's OK.

Every job I've ever had was more dangerous than being a cop.
Wow...a whole lotta 'tude flying around in all that bs goes away when you REALLY need them...and just a news flash...they're not being paid as pr folks, shrinks or being your best buddy. They sign a blank check at the start of their shift, offering the potential of their life to protect us, and then, here you come, full of 'tude and waving statutes...the cherry on their cake, I'm sure.

Treat them as you would like to be treated, and see what happens. They are cops, who want to go home to their families at the end of their shift, not legal scholars, arm chair legal eagles or bloviating bloggers...

They sign a blank check to sit along side the road and wait for the chance to collect more money for the government. Surely there are some unsolved crimes they could be looking into? Oh, I forgot, there's no money in that.
Every job I've ever had was more dangerous than being a cop.

Really? You could have been shot and left for dead on the side of the road by yourself while defending an ungrateful citizenry by simply wearing a uniform? What, pray-tell, exactly was your job?

Even when I was overseas I at least had my comrades that were to the left and right of me at all times, medical aid within arms reach, body armor that could stop rifle rounds, artillery support, air support, etc. Depending on the agency, an officer may have backup take as long as 30 minutes. So I ask- what job was more dangerous?
Another consideration is that we have all heard that the traffic stop is the most dangerous part of a cops job. This is not only because the driver they stopped may be an insane serial killer. It is also true because it is highly dangerous standing on the side of a highway. Anything a driver does to extend that time is not going to get the cop on your side. If something happens that you dont like you have options to deal with it later when your arent forcing the officer to stand 18" from semi trucks going 65mph.
Another consideration is that we have all heard that the traffic stop is the most dangerous part of a cops job. This is not only because the driver they stopped may be an insane serial killer. It is also true because it is highly dangerous standing on the side of a highway. Anything a driver does to extend that time is not going to get the cop on your side. If something happens that you dont like you have options to deal with it later when your arent forcing the officer to stand 18" from semi trucks going 65mph.

The correct solution is to stop doing traffic stops and stop ripping off motorists with money traps masquerading as road safety.
Every job I've ever had was more dangerous than being a cop.

Really? You could have been shot and left for dead on the side of the road by yourself while defending an ungrateful citizenry by simply wearing a uniform? What, pray-tell, exactly was your job?

Even when I was overseas I at least had my comrades that were to the left and right of me at all times, medical aid within arms reach, body armor that could stop rifle rounds, artillery support, air support, etc. Depending on the agency, an officer may have backup take as long as 30 minutes. So I ask- what job was more dangerous?

Being a police officer is far from the most dangerous job in the US. If a police office "puts his life on the line" every time he goes to work, then truck drivers do even more so. The last statistics I could find were for 2007. Driver/sales workers and truck drivers had deaths of 28.2 per 100k workers for a total of 976 deaths. That's at an average wage of just $12 per hour. Roofers were far worse than police per 100k workers. Police were at 21.8 per 100k workers, and most of that was from vehicle accidents, not shootings. Structural Iron and steelworkers died at more than twice the rate of police per 100k workers as did even ranchers.
Originally Posted by PlayboyPenguin
That always works for me with the lady cops...and a large number of the male ones.
You can be as skeptical as you like, but until you have seen these puppies all pushed up in person you have no idea what you are talking about. Just ask Andrew. Every time I go in there to pick up a gun I have to say "Hey, my eyes are up here." at least once.
Really? You could have been shot and left for dead on the side of the road by yourself while defending an ungrateful citizenry by simply wearing a uniform? What, pray-tell, exactly was your job?

Even when I was overseas I at least had my comrades that were to the left and right of me at all times, medical aid within arms reach, body armor that could stop rifle rounds, artillery support, air support, etc. Depending on the agency, an officer may have backup take as long as 30 minutes. So I ask- what job was more dangerous?

I exaggerated with "every" job. However, I've been logging for most of my working life. Also drove OTR for a couple years and fished commercially for couple seasons when I was fresh out of highschool. Did residential/commercial framing and drywall as the two that weren't more dangerous.

Don't try to tell me how hard cops have it. They don't.
Finally, someone stated it. "...we get hassled JUST LIKE CRIMINALS." and I am sick of it.
IF we were criminals we wouldn't have a CHL.

OR law says you don't have to declare CHL. Yet the debates and stories of good vs. bad experiences of providing CHL are scattered across this forum and many others.

Several have stated "they don't understand the law."
Someone tell me how "LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS don't know or understand the law" is an acceptable excuse or makes sense at any level?
That issue becomes: INCOMPETENCE (they shouldn't be in the field) or chosen DISREGARD FOR THE LAW (they absolutely shouldn't be in the field).

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