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Lemme give you guys a quote to think on, and to encourage others with...

"There is no shame in going out fighting and getting your a** kicked... but there is no HONOR in not fighting at all!"
--Mark "The Undertaker" Calaway

Wow, that is an extremely misleading title. Definitely designed to trick voters. Cannot everyone see that?

The Democrats are pulling out every dirty, low-down tactic that they can think of, to get rid of "Assault Weapons".

I cannot think of any words that are fit to write here, to describe these people. I had best keep my mouth shut.

Sadly, they have us over a barrel. And I think that these folks would love nothing more than to see many gun owners go to prison.

And the law is so poorly written. It bans any semiauto rifle even with a fixed and/or tubular magazine, if it can hold more than 10 cartridges. It basically bans my old Browning SA-22 rifle, which John Moses Browning designed himself prior to WW I. It has a tube magazine that holds 11.

Here is an old photo of Browning holding this evil Assault Rifle:


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Crap. That's not good.

Keep in mind, too, that if this initiative does qualify for this year's November ballot, one can pretty much count on Michael Bloomberg giving a few millions of dollars to fund any campaign to get it approved by the voters.

Bloomberg has a net worth of $51 Billion. He would gladly spend millions in our state to take away our gun rights, and he would believe that he would be doing the citizens of Oregon a great big favor.

He actually believes that God will give him a place in Heaven, for fighting for just causes such as gun control. He is doing this to partially atone for being so obscenely rich.

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I asked an acquaintance about it recently. He's a gun owning liberal. He told me later that he looked into it from his liberal sources and he claimed that it has no chance of passing because it's "political suicide" and even the liberals are running from it.

I hope he's right but I have no confidence in the reliability of his sources.
I asked an acquaintance about it recently. He's a gun owning liberal. He told me later that he looked into it from his liberal sources and he claimed that it has no chance of passing because it's "political suicide" and even the liberals are running from it.

I hope he's right but I have no confidence in the reliability of his sources.

Your friend appears to be very confused. None of our elected officials will be voting on this. it is not going through the legislature.

Consequently, this ballot initiative is the perfect way for getting gun control past in Oregon, without the Democratic Party suffering any blame or political harm for it being past. After all, it would then be the will of the people.

And to be honest, voters simply don't turn out for off-year elections, when no one is running for President. in 2014, turnout was less than 70%. So almost a third of the voters will probably not even bother to vote.
Keep in mind, too, that if this initiative does qualify for this year's November ballot, one can pretty much count on Michael Bloomberg giving a few millions of dollars to fund any campaign to get it approved by the voters.

Bloomberg has a net worth of $51 Billion. He would gladly spend millions in our state to take away our gun rights, and he would believe that he would be doing the citizens of Oregon a great big favor.

He actually believes that God will give him a place in Heaven, for fighting for just causes such as gun control. He is doing this to partially atone for being so obscenely rich.


Bloomberg's vision for out future without guns!!!!
Your friend appears to be very confused. None of our elected officials will be voting on this. it is not going through the legislature.

Consequently, this ballot initiative is the perfect way for getting gun control past in Oregon, without the Democratic Party suffering any blame or political harm for it being past. After all, it would then be the will of the people.

And to be honest, voters simply don't turn out for off-year elections, when no one is running for President. in 2014, turnout was less than 70%. So almost a third of the voters will probably not even bother to vote.
If the initiative gets a huge conservative/Republican/gun-owning-unaffiliated voter turnout to vote NO on it then the Democrats will suffer badly at the polls. This is why the legislature would never propose such a law.
Keep in mind, too, that if this initiative does qualify for this year's November ballot, one can pretty much count on Michael Bloomberg giving a few millions of dollars to fund any campaign to get it approved by the voters.

Bloomberg has a net worth of $51 Billion. He would gladly spend millions in our state to take away our gun rights, and he would believe that he would be doing the citizens of Oregon a great big favor.

He actually believes that God will give him a place in Heaven, for fighting for just causes such as gun control. He is doing this to partially atone for being so obscenely rich.

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Michael Bloomberg will receive the afterlife he well deserves. It'll be a bit warmer and darker than he's counting on...
Why don't you guys in Oregon go to the listed website and volunteer as signature gatherers? Go through all the training, take up as many spots as possible, and then don't gather a single signature.
I sent an email to the lifteveryvoice website mentioned in this article. I probably could have been nicer, but it's hard to be nice to people like this. Here's my letter - I probably should have quit after the 1st paragraph:

Your assault weapon ban will do nothing for the safety of anyone. Criminals do not follow gun laws or any laws - that's why they call them criminals. Law abiding gun owners do not shoot people unless it is in self-defense. In the past couple of years, new laws in Oregon have been passed that may make a difference - the law that allows guns to be taken from people who are a threat to themselves or others may help. The law that requires EVERY purchase or sale of any gun to go thru a background check, may help - not really likely though since criminals will not do it - time will tell. The BATF is going to ban bump stocks, and likely raise the age to buy some guns to 21. Why not give these new laws a chance to work before pushing your AW ban that will only inconvenience law abiding gun owners by making them felons? Your AW ban is clearly of no value for safety.

In fact, your AW ban is very likely to get a lot of people killed if the police attempt to enforce the law - it is 100% predictable that some folks will refuse to comply and YOU will own the consequences which could be extreme. You need to watch the video on what Americans did when threatened by even less oppressive tyranny than your AW ban. Here's one of the videos - 7 minutes:

Laws exist that, had they been enforced, would have stopped most of these school shootings. In the Parkland case, the shooter had threatened people on multiple occasions - the schools, the family, the sheriff, and the FBI all knew about this. It is a crime to threaten people - the shooter should have been charged and convicted of assault. Then he would have had a criminal record and would not have been able to buy the guns used in the crime.

Because of liberal coddling of young criminals he was never charged with a crime. You liberals own that - you own most of these shootings - your liberal policies have produced a nation of undisciplined, godless, amoral, immature, and dangerous young people. YOUR POLICIES killed 17 students in Parkland and many of the other school shootings. OWN IT!!!!!!!!!!

I urge you to rethink your AW ban, give the new laws time to work, and get with gun owners to come up with measures that will actually make us safer.
Ballot Initiative 42 will make it illegal to possess semi automatic rifles and most pistols, what the liberal fascists refer to as Assault Weapons.
Oregon initiative seeks to ban assault weapons

If this passes this will be the greatest infringement on the rights of American citizens in the history of our nation.

I, myself, am probably moving out of the Pacific Northwest, because there is no way I would turn my rifle into the government. Also, there are so many other more sane states to live in where I don't have to put my life and freedom on the line to protect what were suppose to be civil rights and liberties. Of course, this is the beginning of a wildfire that is being ignited and could spread through the entire nation.

Even though, I would try to flee if possible, I think it would be better they kill me then I go out the way my Jewish ancestors went in Nazi Europe, when they were massacred even after turning in their guns. My grandmother and relatives fled the SOviet Union to get away from this crap and hear I am now having to repeat the same kind of crap they had to endure for so many years. It is only a matter of time before they make it illegal to practice certain types of religions. What can stop them if they can bust your door down shoot you and your family and take your guns, especially since this violates Federal Law and is nothing short of treason? What is the point of being alive if the government is going to force you to live under Nazi like tyranny? Death almost seems better to me.

My question is will they use the local law enforcement agencies to bust down the doors of gun owners or will Governor Brown call in the National Guard to confiscate all the illegally owned guns?

Will our fellow American brothers in uniform be ok with disobeying orders from their superior officers if they are given the order to execute those Oregonian residents who refuse to comply with turning in their guns? Remember, disobeying an order from a CO can result in the loss of your own freedoms and even risk of imprisonment and death if you are a soldier. I am sure they can round up enough law enforcement in Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington counties who would be ok with killing gun owners, but their numbers are limited and if push comes to shove taking over the LE would be not so hard for a heavily armed citizenry. Taking on the military would be much harder, especially if they call in Army reserves from Ft. Lewis. But, I think that would require approval from the President, who would obviously not go along with that. What terrifies me is in 2020 if a Democrat comes into power, then I am thinking they could get the blessing of the Feds. But, then there is the case if our own military will be willing to pull off another Tiananmen Square here on American soil. Of course, they will be going up against armed opposition and it will be gruesome to think about.

If people think it is impossible for our own military to massacre their own fellow Americans, please refer back to the Kent State Massacre in 1970, where the Ohio National Guard fired on and killed four unarmed college students and wounded nine others. This was also one of America's first mass school shootings and it was done by our own military with the blessings of the government. People's memories are so short.
Kent State shootings - Wikipedia

Anyway, this sounds ludicrous, but with the way this law is being worded, we must certainly ask how they will enforce it and not just laugh about how they will never be able to enforce the law. This is gun confiscation and as we can see in California, these state governments give the middle finger to the Federal government and the Constitution, which was suppose to protect us from tyrannical decrees, but it seems that it is no longer doing so, since nobody really will challenge these state authoritarian regimes. Of course, even California has not gone as far as to confiscate firearms that were legally purchased before the bans. This takes it to a whole new level.
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Ballot Initiative 42 will make it illegal to possess semi automatic rifles and most pistols, what the liberal fascists refer to as Assault Weapons.

If people think it is impossible for our own military to massacre their own fellow Americans, please refer back to the Kent State Massacre in 1970, where the Ohio National Guard fired on and killed four unarmed college students and wounded nine others. This was also one of America's first mass school shootings and it was done by our own military with the blessings of the government. People's memories are so short.
Kent State shootings - Wikipedia


Obummer rescinded the Posse Comitatus provision by XO!!
"If this passes this will be the greatest infringement on the rights of American citizens in the history of our nation."

I suspect some of the eastern US states have done worse in the past (probably the present also). Not sure if California is worse or not.
It's PEOPLE!!!! ;)

:s0114: Got that right ! Recovering from a procedure at the hospital last week. As I was getting the fun juice pumped into me, I noticed that muzak was playing somewhere in the building.

I'll be damned if it wasn't the same music that they were playing when Edward G Robinson was lying on the Soylent Green death table. o_O
:s0114: Got that right ! Recovering from a procedure at the hospital last week. As I was getting the fun juice pumped into me, I noticed that muzak was playing somewhere in the building.

I'll be damned if it wasn't the same music that they were playing when Edward G Robinson was lying on the Soylent Green death table. o_O

When I had my last cataract done, they served my up some really good Fentanyl... oh my. I requested some Inagodadavida and a kick-azz light show!

Hope you are well!

Make sure your educating everyone that you can.
Either way, telling people its hopeless.

I am not telling people it is hopeless, but I am being realistic. It's an uphill battle. I am doing my part even though I think the
odds are good this atrocity will pass.
I have no doubt these initiative's are funded by out of state players, sadly they give cover to our representatives.

Our Founders always said our Republic wouldn't last with an uneducated populace...

Oh but they are edumacated... just in the wrong direction!!!

I am not telling people it is hopeless, but I am being realistic. It's an uphill battle. I am doing my part even though I think the
odds are good this atrocity will pass.

I'm with you... instead of inferring that others shut up, I think it more effective to have people pass on the difficulty of the fight, impress that we gotta work extra hard!!
"If this passes this will be the greatest infringement on the rights of American citizens in the history of our nation."

I suspect some of the eastern US states have done worse in the past (probably the present also). Not sure if California is worse or not.

I probably should have said modern history, as I am not including Jim Crow laws, Wounded Knee massacre among several other events where the government massacred groups of Americans who refuses to relinquish their firearms.. However, California is not worse if this passes, as California's assault weapon ban has a grandfather clause and was not a gun confiscation law. Believe me, if the Californian National Guard was busting down the doors of gun owners and shooting people who were law-abiding up until the ban passed, I think that would have been on national (more likely international) news for weeks, if not months. What Oregon is trying to pass is even many more times worse than California and California's gun control laws are the worst in the nation next to the city-state of New York City.

If you can show me any other states that passed gun confiscation bills and actually enforced them I would be interested to know. Oregon will definitely be crossing into new territory and doing what many gun owners and even non-gun owners thought was the unthinkable in the USA.

If I lived in a perfect world, every American around the country would come together and defend their brothers/sisters in Oregon if the government actually does try to enforce this atrocious/Nazi-era type of gun confiscation bill.

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