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kate brown is an idiot
You're being way, Way, WAY, too kind. And she's not an idiot. She suffers from Dunning-Kruger effect. Also has a superiority complex. Now I'm not a smart man. But some of these people in "That" party seem to have some of the stuff Hitler had going on in his mind, in THEIR minds. I've been watching the AHC channel on the periods before and during WWII. These kind need to control others lives are "Control Freaks".
I'll add, I really think that older people should get the vaccine. Say 55 and up? I finally decided to get it because I was hearing enough about the new variant that I thought my chances were becoming less and less that I'd escape getting the damned thing. I just turned 66. I'll get my second dose about the 23rd. I've always been drawn to older people, and the thought of the ones I've come to know getting sick scares me. But under NO circumstances do I support what that thing that calls it's self a governor is doing.
My personal choices are being affected by people who won't wear masks and/or get the vaccine, and I am pretty sick of it.
How is that possible? Who are the people who are forcing you to not be free? I must be missing something? If you "feel" a mask works, wear one. Do you "feel" your mask only works if everyone else wears one? If you "feel" the vaccine will keep you safe get the shots, they are free. So do you "feel" the shots only work if everyone else takes it too? May want to turn off the news for a while if they have you convinced this makes "sense" :s0092:
We have seen a LOT of cases of things we had wiped out in this country long ago. The people catching them are the ones who do not get vaccinated against things we had wiped out. The people who come down with things we had beat do not make those who are vaccinated sick. The parents who are "anti vaxers" do put their kids at risk. The other kids who took the vaccines for things like Smallpox, Polio, and such are not coming down with these things again. Only ones who get hurt are the kids who's parents fell for the idea that the vaccine was not for them.
I'll add, I really think that older people should get the vaccine. Say 55 and up? I finally decided to get it because I was hearing enough about the new variant that I thought my chances were becoming less and less that I'd escape getting the damned thing. I just turned 66. I'll get my second dose about the 23rd. I've always been drawn to older people, and the thought of the ones I've come to know getting sick scares me. But under NO circumstances do I support what that thing that calls it's self a governor is doing.
I am 69 and my two oldest friends, 78 and 87 got the Moderna jab. I read a great deal and from what I read it will take a lot more truthful information before I would get the jab. Plus without the FDA approval it's and experimental drug. I won't be part of an experiment without full knowledge of what's in the jab.

Finally if I do die from this CCP weapon of war I choose death with dignity, meaning I will risk covid before being forced to take a jab. :s0093:
My personal choices are being affected by people who won't wear masks and/or get the vaccine, and I am pretty sick of it.
thats alright to be sick of it. im not discrediting how you feel or your opinions. my opinion is the government is overreaching by "do as we say or else"
My personal choices are being affected by people who won't wear masks and/or get the vaccine, and I am pretty sick of it.

So if your vaxed and masked how do other people's choices affect you?

I find it rather amazing that amongst the board here that most folks are freedom loving folks. Then within that crowd there are a few that are quick to bend the knee and fully support the government using its full force to make others do the same.

From my limited view that appears to be a very dangerous precipice to be standing on and supporting.
I say that due to the fact that it appears that very few pieces of information seem to be factual. Yet we are now taking away personal choices and using the weight of the government to force cooperation.

I'm not sure what's more dangerous. The virus or a government forced health decision.
I wonder what percent of people have already gotten the covid and thereby already have natural immunity. It must be close to 100%.
My personal choices are being affected by people who won't wear masks and/or get the vaccine, and I am pretty sick of it.
Do you know why your personal choices are being limited?

Because they don't give you, or anyone else an actual choice. They fool people with the idea of democracy, that your voice/votes matter... yet, they game the system, outright lie, cheat, and steal, with the intention to control you and everyone else.

Because you let them. You let them manipulate you into being fearful. You let them walk into your home or business and dictate how you live your life. You let them turn you into a shill for their agendas. You let them take away your freedoms for some veiled notion of safety.

If you don't like feeling controlled, having your freedoms taken away... why do you want to control what others are doing? Why do you want to punish others for exercising their freedoms?

Seems very hypocritical don't you think? Yet... that is exactly their M.O., and you've helped them negate any semblance of democracy.

I wonder what percent of people have already gotten the covid and thereby already have natural immunity. It must be close to 100%.

You wonder because any information regarding natural immunity is suppressed and censored.

Personally, I'm disgusted, that in America, the supposed last and only bastion of freedom and personal liberty the world has ever known, some gleefully give them up for a little perceived safety. They are too short sighted to realize that once gone, they will never get them back.
It's really difficult for me to trust the pro vaxers when they lie straight to your face. How do we know the numbers are truthful in Oregon? If they can't tell the truth then why would anyone allow an experimental jab from these guys?

Media, and the government, like to use the word "cases" to obfuscate and instill fear. When what really matters is the death count.

In Oregon, even if the death count is inflated, doing the math it's at 0.7% of the total population. According to the numbers, just over 2,900 people have officially died of the virus... that is out of 4.2 million people.

The numbers compared to their mandates that destroy the economy and livelihoods of millions do not add up.

I am 69 and my two oldest friends, 78 and 87 got the Moderna jab. I read a great deal and from what I read it will take a lot more truthful information before I would get the jab. Plus without the FDA approval it's and experimental drug. I won't be part of an experiment without full knowledge of what's in the jab.

Finally if I do die from this CCP weapon of war I choose death with dignity, meaning I will risk covid before being forced to take a jab. :s0093:
I feel like there's more danger in getting the rona than there is getting the vaccine. I've done a lot of things in my life that were poor choices. But damn, they was some fun times! I know a bunch of them were fun times that I don't even remember. It's likely some of my physical issues now are due to the things I ingested in the past. Point is, my mind was changed by ME. I'm not worried what the vaccine might do to me at this time in my life. My doctor said a couple of my yearly visits ago, when I told him how long my parents lived (he leaned back in his chair with his hands locked behind his head), he said with a smile, "Your going to live for a loong time". I said "who the hell wants to live for a long time?" My thought is, this vaccine isn't going to kill me before I go on my own.
Because they don't give you, or anyone else an actual choice. They fool people with the idea of democracy, that your voice/votes matter... yet, they game the system, outright lie, cheat, and steal, with the intention to control you and everyone else.

You wonder because any information regarding natural immunity is suppressed and censored.

Personally, I'm disgusted, that in America, the supposed last and only bastion of freedom and personal liberty the world has ever known, some gleefully give them up for a little perceived safety. They are too short sighted to realize that once gone, they will never get them back.
This bubblegum right here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ has to be a big reason so many people refuse to get the vaccine!
And now there's rumblings that a third, "Booster", might be called for because of the number of people that had the vaccine are still getting the GD rona!
My personal choices are being affected by people who won't wear masks and/or get the vaccine, and I am pretty sick of it.
Did you wear a face diaper during the TB outbreak in 2019 that killed 1.6 million people? How about wearing a useless muzzle during MERS? SARS? Avian flu, swine flu etc etc? Yeah, I didn't think so, but now all of a sudden, it's Soooooo important cause ya know, the scary Rona will get ya but if you put a piece of cloth over your face! You are magically protected 😖! Insert face palm!!! Did you miss the part where 2 weeks ago DEQ made a press release telling people that mask's WILL NOT protect you from smoke from the democrat caused forest fires, but somehow they provide protection from a virus? Uh-huh, sure! Will continue NOT covering my face thank you very much and continue to think for myself! Jeeeezus!
I feel like there's more danger in getting the rona than there is getting the vaccine. I've done a lot of things in my life that were poor choices. But damn, they was some fun times! I know a bunch of them were fun times that I don't even remember. It's likely some of my physical issues now are due to the things I ingested in the past. Point is, my mind was changed by ME. I'm not worried what the vaccine might do to me at this time in my life. My doctor said a couple of my yearly visits ago, when I told him how long my parents lived (he leaned back in his chair with his hands locked behind his head), he said with a smile, "Your going to live for a loong time". I said "who the hell wants to live for a long time?" My thought is, this vaccine isn't going to kill me before I go on my own.

This bubblegum right here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ has to be a big reason so many people refuse to get the vaccine!
And now there's rumblings that a third, "Booster", might be called for because of the number of people that had the vaccine are still getting the GD rona!
From what I read, I won't get the jab but I am fine with others getting the jab even if the jab is spreading covid. I don't get around folks much so I don't fear covid. I am more concerned about the tyranny that people are good with it happening.

There is proof out of India that covid can be defeated with drugs but that doesn't sell the jab big pharma slapped together in record time. Yet kate and that bunch say the Delta is out of India and we need another maskdown to hide from it. Kates way has been hide and watch even though there are real things to do that fight covid.

No jab for me.
So is her counterpart up here. Not sure which of them would win the "low IQ" contest. The sad part is people keep voting for the two of them. I guess Kate is done now but, that people voted for her does not make me feel too hopeful that the same voters will not find someone just as bad to take her place. Midterms will be interesting to watch. See if anyone really learned anything yet. :mad:
Our elections are a sham. No one is voting for that bubblegum.
There is proof out of India that covid can be defeated with drugs but that doesn't sell the jab big pharma slapped together in record time.
I'd forgot about that. The drugs that are known to lessen the affects of the rona. But, apparently, they tell you to live with the disease until it gets really bad, and ONLY then, they'll give it to you? :head shake:
Our elections are a sham. No one is voting for that bubblegum.
I think people forget that the first time she took office, she wasn't elected. She was just next in line once kitzhaber was forced out. When she beat buehler, it wasn't by much, and it was mostly because she was a dem and he wasn't. People here don't vote on policy. They only vote for blue or red.
Did you wear a face diaper during the TB outbreak in 2019 that killed 1.6 million people? How about wearing a useless muzzle during MERS? SARS? Avian flu, swine flu etc etc? Yeah, I didn't think so, but now all of a sudden, it's Soooooo important cause ya know, the scary Rona will get ya but if you put a piece of cloth over your face! You are magically protected 😖! Insert face palm!!! Did you miss the part where 2 weeks ago DEQ made a press release telling people that mask's WILL NOT protect you from smoke from the democrat caused forest fires, but somehow they provide protection from a virus? Uh-huh, sure! Will continue NOT covering my face thank you very much and continue to think for myself! Jeeeezus!
A real interesting one is how much of the prison population ends up with or exposed to TB. It's a real big number here, but in countries like the Philippines, it hovers over 35%
If the government really was fighting covid, the border would be closed. Yet the government is spreading infected illegals all over the country. Since the jab is a proven failure as a vaccine then why flood the country with more covid?

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