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The Cycle of Democracy

From bondage to spiritual faith;
from faith to great courage;
from courage to liberty;
from liberty to abundance;
from abundance to selfishness;
from selfishness to complacency;
from complacency to apathy;
from apathy to dependency;
from dependency back again to bondage.

Alexander Tytler, 1770

I don't think that could be put any better. I have my own opinion, but where do we fall in the cycle?
I'd say a large portion of folks are somewhere in the apathy to dependency phase. The Welfare/Entitlement Class is certainly wallowing in dependence. Fortunately there are notable exceptions, like the folks who make up theTea Party movement, but will it be enough?

Edit: I agree that with the amount that we in the work-a-day world pay in various forms of open and hidden taxes (like inflation), we are certainly economic slaves. The ambitious are slaves to the sloth.

I'd say a large portion of folks are somewhere in the apathy to dependency phase. The Welfare/Entitlement Class is certainly wallowing in dependence. Fortunately there are notable exceptions, like the folks who make up theTea Party movement, but will it be enough?


I personally dont think it will be enough. The two philosophys are to diffrent to be reconciled. I think a split is much more likely that a mending. You can see it in AZ vs The Fed. The Fed has decided that they get to enforce what they want how they want where they want, so they dont lose a vote that isnt leagel in the first place. If the rule of law has fallen, the oaths taken broke, what does the constitution stand on?
I personally dont think it will be enough. The two philosophys are to diffrent to be reconciled. I think a split is much more likely that a mending. You can see it in AZ vs The Fed. The Fed has decided that they get to enforce what they want how they want where they want, so they dont lose a vote that isnt leagel in the first place. If the rule of law has fallen, the oaths taken broke, what does the constitution stand on?

Corporate boardrooms and their lobbyists.


I strongly recomend watching the 2003 Documentary 'Weather Underground' and listen to Bill Ayers and his wife's comentary tract. In the 1960's the International Communist Conspirecy was bank rolling subversive groups world wide, especially in america. By the 1970's there were numerous groups commiting acts of terrorisim, encourageing violent acts against society through numerous riots and arson. People were murdered in thier homes in attempts to start a 'Race War' in America.
Today these same forces are attempting to accomplish the same thing through Class Warfare and Racism. The Big O has gone a long way towards insulting our allies, embracing our foes, allowed thousands of really bad dudes across our borders, supressed the middle class as well as instituting Marxist 'Reforms' and neutralizing our Constitution. Destroyed millions of jobs and the enviroment.
The next BIG move, probably post 2012, is to, like Hitler, Mao and Stalin Have his own PPL commit another terrorist act and then declare a Class Of People enemies of the state and release para-military units to terrorize and murder them.
IMHO These para-military units will be made-up of current criminal gangs as well as other bad operators in the Marxist, Liberation Theology crowd. The aim is to draw-out those willing to stand against Tyranny and destroy them in a huge show of force thus beheading any Counter-Revolution. Only then will forgine troops arrive on our soil, only then will the camps be built and the ovens lit. Only the Protected Classes and thier toadys will be safe.
The New Leaders will be isolated, protected, untouchable. Only the underlings and minions will ever be out in public, milk jugs to tempt the few still armed citizens, to come out of hiding. Any attempt against a Protected Class will cause entire populations to be decimated in reprisal.
To carry this off Big O needs to stay in power that is why he is labeling the Tea Party as racist. There will also be an increasing number of Crisies as we approach 2012, when he rufuses to surrender the White House.

Amazing, all that historical stuff, and millions of people marching in DC couldn't even stop a war that was as bs, and failed, as the one in Iraq. Based on that I'd guess we have a good long time, and in addition the media feeding the rights great paranoia will have to tone it down to preserve their own owners entrenched wealth once more righties start going all postal on us. They want to lower confidence in the government so their insane free market antics can continue with impunity, but they don't want any anarchist campers disturbing the grounds.

The money behind your brainwashing will pull out once you appear too dangerous to the established order of things.
Amazing, all that historical stuff, and millions of people marching in DC couldn't even stop a war that was as bs, and failed, as the one in Iraq. Based on that I'd guess we have a good long time, and in addition the media feeding the rights great paranoia will have to tone it down to preserve their own owners entrenched wealth once more righties start going all postal on us. They want to lower confidence in the government so their insane free market antics can continue with impunity, but they don't want any anarchist campers disturbing the grounds.

The money behind your brainwashing will pull out once you appear too dangerous to the established order of things.

I see your drinking the RED Kool Aid:s0112:
Moderators -

I started this thread with a particular point in mind. I wanted to know two things. How long do we have to prepare and what are your reasons for thinking so? Mostly because I've had gut feeling lately that a sense of urgency is required (more urgent than normal) and was wondering if anyone else felt the same way I do. We've got off on a political/ideological tangent here, part of which I myself encouraged. Sorry. Although, this thread IS really fun and interesting and I'd like to see it keep going. Since it's not really relating to survival anymore, I'm wondering if at this point it should be moved to the Political or another relevant section.

Fellow Members - Please keep up the discussion, I find everyone's viewpoints interesting and would like to see this continue. As a new member, I don't know how many times this has been hashed out in previous threads. I'm guessing it has judging from some people's comments about "threads like this". So if you've seen this all before here, I apologize. If you don't care and want to keep up the discussion, please do so as I plan on it.
Amazing, all that historical stuff, and millions of people marching in DC couldn't even stop a war that was as bs, and failed, as the one in Iraq. Based on that I'd guess we have a good long time, and in addition the media feeding the rights great paranoia will have to tone it down to preserve their own owners entrenched wealth once more righties start going all postal on us. They want to lower confidence in the government so their insane free market antics can continue with impunity, but they don't want any anarchist campers disturbing the grounds.

The money behind your brainwashing will pull out once you appear too dangerous to the established order of things.
Hmmmmm……..Where to start?
“….all that historical stuff”?.........Go liberal public school system!
“….millions of people marching in DC”…..I looked all over and tried to find where there were a million protestors in DC at once. This was all I could find Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama's spending in 'tea-party' demonstration | Mail Online
Oh, and this A million or more rock Washington and then there was this Thousands Rally in DC Against Iraq War | NBC Washington but they weren’t protesting the war run by right-wingers, they were protesting the man in charge now, who just so happens to be a lefty. It appears the largest Iraq War protest ever HowStuffWorks "The Voice of Millions" took place overseas. Evidently there was a flap over the actual number of protestors showing up for the tax protests against “Obama the Socialist”. The left-wing mainstream media was reporting the number was actually much less than two million, even much less than one million. However this guy shoves that right up their pie-hole The Real Number of Protesters - Zac Moilanen

I’m not sure where there is media “feeding the rights great paranoia” other than FOX News which is consistently sited by the libs as being a right-wing organization. I don’t get the problem. The libs have all the other news outlets and we have FOX. So logically the left has more influence through the media than the right. It’s funny that we have one station and they have several and FOX is killing all of them in the ratings and ad revenue. And it’s not like it’s even close. “World’s Worst One-Sided A$$-Whuppins”. Somebody get a hold of the President of FOX and let him know he might want to slow his roll because as soon as people figure out “the truth” all of his ad revenue is going to disappear. (Sarcasm). FOX has the White House jumpy and for good reason. The White House knows the weight FOX carries and will time the release of information based on the impact the FOX news broadcast is going to carry. I’m not going to research that one for you. Look it up, it’s out there. (Look at the recent flap with the racially motivated USDA inspector’s speech at the NAACP meeting, the White House actually took actions to pre-empt the impact of FOX’s broadcast of the truth). It’s also funny that conservative talk hosts dominate the radio waves and the left’s only dimly lit beacon, Air America, fought to stay on the air. So knowing all of that, where do you think the heartbeat of America lies? I have a sneaking feeling the “right-wing news” is going to have no problem making money.

“righties start going all postal on us”…….Who? When? Where? If this does happen, what is your definition of “postal”? You mean when we refuse to swallow the bovine excrement being shoveled down our throats and stand up for the truth?

“Insane free market antics”…….ummm, do you mean Capitalism? The same thing that, second to God, has made this country a worldwide powerhouse? That was, anyway, until the Gov started sticking their fingers in it.
“once you appear too dangerous to the established order of things”….I’ve got news for you. We ARE the established order of things. Progressives want to progress beyond the established order. We like what our Founding Fathers and millions of good men and women before us established. We’re not going to let you destroy it.

So, Bugeye, while you’re sitting at home watching “The View”, in your Che t-shirt, waiting for FOX news to go broke….just remember ……that we are out there……looking for any opportunity to “go postal” on your side’s Communist Agenda.
Evidently there were over a million of us at O’s house just a few months ago.

Oh, and if I was you, I would consider returning to school to pick-up some more “historical stuff”. It might just open your eyes to the truth. (Ask them about grammar classes too).

P.S. to stay on topic……2-5 years.
The following comments and article may be of interest to some. The first comment is from Jim Sinclair, and the second is from Harry Schultz. They are in reference to an article recently posted by Ambrose Evans Pritchard (link attached). For those who do not know Sinclair or Schultz, they are independent, successful, and are extremely well connected.

Dear Friends,

This is what the Goldmans of the world are in the process of positioning themselves for at your expense.

Dear CIGAs,

Hyperinflation will come overnight as Jim predicts. Forget gradual.

How do you protect assets and food? Hide stuff. Avoid medium profile. The following article describes how bad it got in German hyperinflation and how dangerous it was to even own a painting. Read it all, then plan appropriately.

Harry Schultz

The Death of Paper Money - Telegraph
Amazing, all that historical stuff, and millions of people marching in DC couldn't even stop a war that was as bs, and failed, as the one in Iraq. Based on that I'd guess we have a good long time, and in addition the media feeding the rights great paranoia will have to tone it down to preserve their own owners entrenched wealth once more righties start going all postal on us. They want to lower confidence in the government so their insane free market antics can continue with impunity, but they don't want any anarchist campers disturbing the grounds.

The money behind your brainwashing will pull out once you appear too dangerous to the established order of things.

Gee Bug eye it sounds like you have read and swallowed the entire Weather Underground Marxist Mainifesto. Your work here as a commie intern (passing grades guarenteed) is now over. Now go find a non-govermental job where you actually have to produce a positive outcome guaged by those dirty consumers that pay your ill earned wages, or is THAT your all consuming fear?!
Gee Bug eye it sounds like you have read and swallowed the entire Weather Underground Marxist Mainifesto. Your work here as a commie intern (passing grades guarenteed) is now over. Now go find a non-govermental job where you actually have to produce a positive outcome guaged by those dirty consumers that pay your ill earned wages, or is THAT your all consuming fear?!

I'll second that!
the left/right nitpicking - we are fighting the wrong battle folks. Everybody will equally feel the coming financial pain regardless of your politics or idealogy. Well - there may be one difference. The left/progressive will be in hog heaven as the government throws everything shes got at reigning in the carnage. In the end, government intervention efforts will fail and the markets will do as they do and adjust themselves to restore sanity. Watch all the wealthy libs - yes there are wealthy libs - and republicans high tail it to their safe havens - a lot of them overseas. The globalists take care of their own. History teaches us a lot and unfortunately we are doomed to repeat it.
The globalists take care of their own. History teaches us a lot and unfortunately we are doomed to repeat it.

As I look at the US history, our rich elites used to support public investment in our educational system (it used to be almost free to go to college), our transportation system, a great physical infrastructure etc. I think as the global elite has arisen, our national elites have realized they don't need "America" to do well at all in order for them to still be rich...this has coincided with the decline of all things that made America great--a broad middle class, the world's best educational system, a great infrastructure, etc.

In short, they've abandoned us and our country...and take great joy in our bickering between left and right.

To the question at hand: I think we'll continue what we've been doing for thirty years...things getting gradually worse and worse for the average guy to get buy with greater and greater wealth concentration at the top. I don't think it will happen overnight.
Watch all the wealthy libs - yes there are wealthy libs - and republicans high tail it to their safe havens - a lot of them overseas. The globalists take care of their own. History teaches us a lot and unfortunately we are doomed to repeat it.

They will probably use Senator Kerry's new $7,000,000 yacht to make their get-a-way...

It's true that they take delight in the bickering between the left and right. They set it up that way. There's a split in this country that's intentional. That's exactly what will happen. The elite of this country will push it all down like a house of cards, and then escape to their overseas sanctuaries.

That kind of goes on with what I said earlier, they won't give up power. One side (ex: Dems) will run it for awhile and then the other side (ex: Repubs) will run it for awhile, but I have now come to view them as one and the same. This is all planned.

That's why in the next elections I refuse to vote for any incumbents. I will not vote for a single person already sitting in a seat of power. I guess my ballot is going to say "Constitution" "Libertarian" and possibly even (shudder) "Green" all the way down. Let me just put it this way. I'm obviously conservative. I'm a registered Independent. Generally I will vote Republican, however, I would vote for a Democrat if he was saying the things I wanted to hear. I'm not bound to anyone. On this next election if it comes down to 3 choices for a candidate in any office, one (R) one (D) and one of something else that's not either but the candidate's a flaming lib......I'll vote for the non-incumbent, non-major party flaming lib. Even though that individual goes completely against my beliefs. (I'm not a complete jerk now am I?)

The way I see it, they are intentionally forcing a divide. Why not screw up their little plans and vote every last one of them out? Let's get some fresh blood in there. It's been the same old people pulling the same old stunts for decades.

Now I know that some would say when we argue right/left that we play right into their hands. That may be true, I don't know. But I do know that I have strong enough convictions in my beliefs that I can't back down. But, I do pray that if it all goes to **** in a hand basket (and it's gonna) that everyone could set their differences aside, join together as Americans, and face the evil together. I will. I can't stand libs, but I would work with them if it meant our country's survival.......but don't get a warm fuzzy yet, because until that time comes you guys are still on my poop list.

P.S. 2-5 years (Anyone else want to speculate? Over a hundred posts later and I still only have a couple of responses.)

P.P.S. Vote out ALL incumbents.
How much longer? I think that there are opinions that a crisis will occur on either side of the first two quarters of 2011 or beyond but more likely under this administration than if the Repubs get in. If the economy gets worst, loss of Bush tax cuts, increased unemployment under this administration, then, some believe the crisis will occur on a more likely than not basis. If unemployment benefits continue, then, that will post-pone the crisis. A crisis may involve civil protests, devaluation or inflations. I think it will be more likely to occur under this presidential administration. The recent court decision of Arizona with the potential for importing more welfare may charge further crisis pressure across the USA. However, despite the administration prevailed on most of the SB 1070 the political fall out against the administration is considered to be profound. The majority did not want either the health care bill or SB 1070 overturned.
Historically, funny things tend to happen during the month of October (Just prior to elections if you can believe it). I'm betting on some sort of bubblegum-storm in October. October 7th - WW3 starts in Iran. Get your party hats ready...

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