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Executive orders would like a word with you.......

Rulemaking authority is clearly defined as not being law. It has the effect of law, but the authority to make rules comes to the agency/dept within the legislation that creates the agency/dept. As the Chief Executive, each president presides over those agencies/depts and has the legal power to direct the rules.

I wondered the same thing when I was appointed to the State of Oregon Home Inspection Advisory Committee and we were expected to create the rules and regulations that would govern home inspectors and future home inspectors in the state. We were told that the rule making authority was provided by the State of Oregon Legislature. So we did. There was never a legal challenge. It is what it is.
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I don't think a 2 party system could ever fully represent me or any other person I know, but I just feel that recently both of the parties have gotten into a game of "who can be more extreme" and left a huge majority of moderate Republican AND moderate Democrats out of the conversation.

If you study the Russian Revolution you will invariably end up trying to understand the differences between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. If you then try to put easy to understand labels on the two groups you will likely end up with Bolsheviks = Democrats, and Mensheviks = Republicans. Like the Bolsheviks, the Mensheviks will try to screw you over, but they just don't try to do it as quickly as the Bolsheviks.

Both were part of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party. Sooo maybe not so much like Repubs and Dems. A more apt description would be Menshes were like the Southern Democrats of old, and the Bolsheviks were like the D's of today.

And who is Lenin in this play?
I don't think a 2 party system could ever fully represent me or any other person I know, but I just feel that recently both of the parties have gotten into a game of "who can be more extreme" and left a huge majority of moderate Republican AND moderate Democrats out of the conversation.

If you study the Russian Revolution you will invariably end up trying to understand the differences between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. If you then try to put easy to understand labels on the two groups you will likely end up with Bolsheviks = Democrats, and Mensheviks = Republicans. Like the Bolsheviks, the Mensheviks will try to screw you over, but they just don't try to do it as quickly as the Bolsheviks.

And while studying that this should also be mandatory:
Holodomor - Wikipedia
Sounds almost similar to the other one from near that time period which seems to get more coverage.
There is no need to "hold our nose". The NRA has had the capability to get Trump completely on board in supporting gun rights, but they haven't done it. What they have done is given him carte-blanche support regardless of what he does. What they should have done is told me that their support is CONDITIONAL and that he doesn't get a free ride. If they had told him "Cross us once and we are going to war with you and will tell all of our members to kick you out on the next election", he wouldn't have written a bump stock ban by edict, and wouldn't even thinking about doing bans or red flag laws. The reason he feels free to stick a knife in our back is because he knows that the NRA will "hold their nose".

This holds true for all politicians and not just Trump. The politicians know that the lobbyists will suck up to them if they occasionally throw the lobbyists a bone.
In the first place I do not believe in the NRA. Much of the mgmt seems to be in it for their benefit like the United Way of the 90s. When they are tossed out and new mgmt comes in I'll look to come back.
Never forget that Trump was a Democrat once. He talks about us but really has done nothing for us.
At some point it will get ugly. I hope not tho.
And who is Lenin in this play?

Answer: Bolshevik Bernie

Ever see Dr. Zhivago? Bernie/Lenin... I just can't picture it. Hee hee. He'd make a better Einstein except for he yells all the time and IMO is not very smart. lol. How about Kruschev with hair.... yah that's Bernie!!!

Neither is AOC a Julie Christie. LOL
(Presidents don't pass laws)
No, but they do sign (or veto) them, they propose legislation in response to political pressure, and they do write executive orders. Sorry I used rhetorical shorthand instead of spelling it out.
Add to that many farmers who won't vote for him due to his tariffs (China stopped buying ALL US ag products yesterday) and factory workers who are laid off, and he will probably lose the election.

Whether his past supporters vote dem, 3rd party or don't vote, what counts is they won't vote for Trump - just like many didn't vote for Clinton. He will probably lose 2020.

Prepare for the worst.
And the courts will be waiting for him the day he leaves office. Will be interesting.
Unless something drastically changed the trajectory we are on, the choice appears to be whether to bleed out slowly or all at once.

I feel like we've been losing the cultural war for at least the last 50 years. As society is becoming increasingly urbanized, gun culture has been fading. England and Australia show us the plan: each masss hooting gives them the emotional energy to push through more restrictions. They will keep taking bites from the pie until the pie is all gone.

A part of me would rather that the democrats got power now and jumped straight to the endgame. Then we will see; do they have the boats to ban guns, will gun owners finally fight back with violence, will it end up just like England and Australia?
Ronnie, despite his failings, did accomplish great things for this country. And he gave us Ollie North, a great patriot who was later run out of the NRA.

Are you referring to one Colonel North who secretly provided weapons to Iran without any legal authorization? Or, are you referring to one Colonel North who has publicly stated he wants to ban private ownership of so-called "assault" weapons? The Captain's Journal » Oliver North Supported The Assault Weapons Ban

Oliver North is another person who has is own cult-like following of people who don't know what the guy even represents.
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Unless something drastically changed the trajectory we are on, the choice appears to be whether to bleed out slowly or all at once.

I feel like we've been losing the cultural war for at least the last 50 years. As society is becoming increasingly urbanized, gun culture has been fading. England and Australia show us the plan: each masss hooting gives them the emotional energy to push through more restrictions. They will keep taking bites from the pie until the pie is all gone.

A part of me would rather that the democrats got power now and jumped straight to the endgame. Then we will see; do they have the boats to ban guns, will gun owners finally fight back with violence, will it end up just like England and Australia?
We would become like England and Australia, that is until they tried to regulate the 9 to 5 work world or interfere with simple life luxuries and liberties or touch vehicles THEN you would see people spark up.
Why the hell would you willingly let a democrat win? Trump at his worst is still better than Biden groping everything in sight. And Ginsburg isn't going to last another year, why would you hand them a supreme court judge seat?

This is why I cannot stand politics in this country, we threw out rational thought a long time ago, and too many decisions are made based on emotion.
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BS on 65% of gun owners not voting for Trump. This is the kind of propaganda the enemy publishes to divide and conquer.
#TRUMP4EVA until something better comes along.
This isn't the first time that Trump has said he'll do something then do nothing. I'll wait to get all lathered up about this until it's on his desk.

Maybe. I hoped he would do the same thing with bumpstocks. He didn't need to ban them - by the time they actually got anything done most people had forgotten the issue. He did it because he knew come election time they would dredge it up and hit him with it - it was all about staying in power. Same goes now. Congress isn't in session, if he just kept his big mouth shut they would have forgotten about it.

But noooo...

Now McConnell says they will look into it when they get back from recess.
Both were part of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party. Sooo maybe not so much like Repubs and Dems. A more apt description would be Menshes were like the Southern Democrats of old, and the Bolsheviks were like the D's of today.

And who is Lenin in this play?

Mensheviks put the Russian aristocrats up against the wall. Bolsheviks put the Mensheviks up against the wall.

The Dark Humor is knowing that all of these leftists, from DeBlasio to junior antifa punks will be executed by the Bolsheviks......after the revolutionary.
Why the hell would you willingly let a democrat win? Trump at his worst is still better than Biden groping everything in sight. And Ginsburg isn't going to last another year, why would you hand them a supreme court judge seat?

This is why I cannot stand politics in this country, we threw out rational thought a long time ago, and too many decisions are made based on emotion.
Sanity, thank you! I wish people would set their emotions aside and vote for what's best for the country. Look what happened here in Oregon in the last election, and see where we are now. All the folks that refused to vote for Knute Buehler really proved their point didn't they? Can they all sleep comfortably knowing they helped elect Kate Brown? If your emotional needs are more important than the future of this country, you are the problem.

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