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I buy to a list when I have money and find a good deal. The rate I buy is not effected by politics. As the next half dozen on my list are not likely to be targeted by them people. I plan on sticking to my plan.That said I still work towards defeating their efforts.
No, not for me. My personal interests in recent times have swung around to the type of guns that are not currently in the sights of the new powers-to-be.

I know it's tempting for those of us who have been around a while to look back at the Clinton and Obama years, and say "This too shall pass", but that discounts the hard work of countless people who turned things around and beat back the best efforts of the gun banners. It very well could be different this time. The next administration is hell-bent on the strictest gun control they can get, by their own words.

If you want to know the type of "reasonable restrictions" they're after, ask tac about the requirements for gun ownership in the U.K.. He's spelled it out a number of times, and (by U.S. standards) it's draconian.

I hear all the time, "Why can't gun owners get together and make a difference?" Well, it's because "we" are far from united. About the only thing some of us have in common is the possession of a firearm. There are plenty of members here on this site who voted for Biden; they arrogantly come on a gun forum and condescendingly state that they are voting against gun rights because "other issues" are more important. :(
A buddies dad told me, last time we were at a the range, that friends don't let friends sell guns. Lol

I did put a couple Aero lowers in the safe, probably have the parts to finish em too if I ever catch up on my reloading goals.

Wife bought me a 10/22 from a member here.

I've probably been more proactive in making sure I have the parts I want, rather than expecting they'll always be readily available
Buy what you want and or can afford.

As far as gun laws go...
Are some firearms and firearm accessories "more of a target" than others....Yes
But , I also believe that any firearm can make on someone's "You can't own this " list.
No, not for me. My personal interests in recent times have swung around to the type of guns that are not currently in the sights of the new powers-to-be.

I know it's tempting for those of us who have been around a while to look back at the Clinton and Obama years, and say "This too shall pass", but that discounts the hard work of countless people who turned things around and beat back the best efforts of the gun banners. It very well could be different this time. The next administration is hell-bent on the strictest gun control they can get, by their own words.

If you want to know the type of "reasonable restrictions" they're after, ask tac about the requirements for gun ownership in the U.K.. He's spelled it out a number of times, and (by U.S. standards) it's draconian.

I hear all the time, "Why can't gun owners get together and make a difference?" Well, it's because "we" are far from united. About the only thing some of us have in common is the possession of a firearm. There are plenty of members here on this site who voted for Biden; they arrogantly come on a gun forum and condescendingly state that they are voting against gun rights because "other issues" are more important. :(

This. I'm not a fan of the AWB, and soon we'll probably have the guy who wrote it in office...until Miss "I Withhold DNA Evidence to Make My Case Record Better" takes over.

I generally have what I need. No need to buy more guns, just ammo.
I'll just be very sad as the price of the types of guns I want to add to my collection will go up...again (Lever Guns, 1911, and revolvers)
1) No.

2) See Post #20 by Sobo. Ditto.

3) "I believe that if we keep the senate all our worries are moot. If we keep the senate, Biden can't pack the courts. If we keep the senate we should be able to block gun legislation. And with the current makeup of the supreme court we should prevail on 2A cases. I'm just a cockeyed optimist, I guess"
ALL worries aren't moot, but this is the THE saving grace out of the corrupt farce that acted out on Tues. No Dem Senate = no 15 new Democrat/CPUSA seats on the Sacred Shysters, no 5 or 6 new Dem states, no transplanting of the Blue Cancer into our neighborhoods, no AR/AK confiscation, etc. We dodged a bullet.

4) The pollsters have annointed themselves with raw sewage. According to them Droolin' Joe won by 15 %age points, the Dems increased their lead in the house and flipped the Senate, and Hitlery Klintoon won in '16. This is useful when the hoplophobes pull out "Polls say 150% of the people want assaultevildeathmurder weapons banned." The polls have revealed themselves to be totally FOS (full of scat :eek:) that show what they're paid to show, and have no correlation to reality. If polls were accurate we could save a lot of trouble and just skip elections. At least the pollsters have been revealed for the corrupt charlatans they are, and less people will be giving them any credence.
Polls really ARE an exact science. They know how to structure everything from the phraseology of the questions to the makeup of the "sampling" and then promulgate whatever they are paid to.

5) Ditto for the Quisling Media. They have irrevocably revealed themselves as shills for the Left and forfeited any claim to being "journalists." They are ideologues and paid liars who just happened to be born too late to work for Iskra or Der Sturmer. Somehow I doubt that they will recognize this and will still attempt to present themselves as stalwart defenders of The Truth, without whom Democracy perishes in darkness. Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

6) Nothing will appease the feral mobs who will use any excuse to throw an arson party and loot some TVs and Air Jordans.
Political considerations aren't even part of the equation. Whether Droolin' Joe manages to prevail or not, the riot and affray will continue and proliferate. The next time some beleaguered cops shoots a crazed junkie trying to stab her more Blue Cesspools will get to participate in the BLM Urban Renewal Program that leaves them looking like Dresden on 02/06/1945. The Krauts voted for Schicklgruber & Co. and the Urban Spacemen voted for the Dems. My Schadenfreude is boundless. :)

7) Even the most dense of Homo Urbanus recognizes that "Defund the police" + "Ban guns and big mags" = CHAZ, Dresden '45, etc. Things aren't necessarily getting worse, just more obvious. The McCloskeys are Everyman and just about everybody who is watching TV has seen the threat posed when the SJWs threaten to take their act out of the Blue Cesspools and teach us country yokels a lesson. I don't think they realize all that stands between them and disaster is the Urban PTB ordering the police to protect them. Their hilarious antics will not be appreciated in the 'burbs or full-on rural (you can whizz in your yard and shoot a deer rifle at the same time) Fly-over Country. You can bet the first time some Antifa neckbeard catches a load of #00 while lighting a Molotov cocktail (think of the Seattle Antifa Fire Dance, but a real torch, not just feet) it will be on the news.

8) It could have been worse.
Kapitulieren? Nein!
No retreat, no surrender. Fix bayonets and sound the Deguello.
No, not for me. My personal interests in recent times have swung around to the type of guns that are not currently in the sights of the new powers-to-be.

I know it's tempting for those of us who have been around a while to look back at the Clinton and Obama years, and say "This too shall pass", but that discounts the hard work of countless people who turned things around and beat back the best efforts of the gun banners. It very well could be different this time. The next administration is hell-bent on the strictest gun control they can get, by their own words.

If you want to know the type of "reasonable restrictions" they're after, ask tac about the requirements for gun ownership in the U.K.. He's spelled it out a number of times, and (by U.S. standards) it's draconian.

I hear all the time, "Why can't gun owners get together and make a difference?" Well, it's because "we" are far from united. About the only thing some of us have in common is the possession of a firearm. There are plenty of members here on this site who voted for Biden; they arrogantly come on a gun forum and condescendingly state that they are voting against gun rights because "other issues" are more important. :(
This. And remember that the last close calls we had in Oregon with proposed anti-gun ballot measures had no grandfather clauses for existing firearms. They would have made nearly every firearm illegal down to double barrel shotguns, single shot rifles, and muzzle loaders. Anything capable of repeat fire, or holding over 5 rounds, or "capable" of holding magazines with over 5 rounds would have been illegal. Good bye pump action shotguns. Good bye revolvers. Good bye hunting rifles. Let alone semi-auto rifles and pistols. They also would have criminalized the possession of magazines and accessories, and mandated confiscation or destruction of property with no compensation or due process. And this was just at the state level. If gun grabbers think that a Biden administration is a referendum on the 2nd Amendment then anti-gun pressure will only get worse.

Frankly anyone who thinks gun control laws don't affect all gun owners is living in ignorant wishful thinking.
I won't be selling any of my firearms.

Who, or what alphabet soup agency or policing group will enforce the proposed socialist dictators unconstitutional laws?
The ones who want to keep their jobs. If they don't enforce, they get fired and replaced...there's always somebody wanting to move up in those organizations and more than willing to kiss butt!!
That's what happened to this guy...

Having been hit by a car and run into a cactus that pinned my hands to the handlebars quite literally, OUCH!
Texas has slowly been turning purple before our very eyes. The major urban centers of Austin, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and almost all of the southern border counties have turned blue already. The same thing that happened in the PNW is now taking place in Texas. TX is not lost yet, but all indications are that it will be in a few short years, especially if the Dems get their way regarding the relaxation of, or even outright disobeying, immigration laws.

I looked at the election results by county and it's quite sad. (Texas)
I looked at the election results by county and it's quite sad.
It is sad. Transplants from other States and Countries contribute to the turning of these States. But the younger generations born there, seem to be growing up with the idea that freedom is dangerous and that more goverment regulation is necessary.
Last Edited:
For me, previous fear of future gun laws caused me to speed up my timetable to acquiring guns I wanted. I changed the timing, but not what I would buy. Like lots of you guys I could not get some of the guns I wanted post 1994 ban and that time sucked.

But now that I have the guns I want I won't buy more due to fear and I won't sell due to other people's fear. Thats just for me personally and I encourage anyone to get the gun they want when they can cuz they may not be able to later (or may have to jump through more hoops) but that's up to each individual.

As far as the whole Kampala lady is coming for my guns thing, why don't you sell all your guns that you bought from an ffl to a private party in a state where no ffl/ background check is required. Then buy the same guns in that state?

it seems to me that whether you once bought a gun in the past from an ffl has no bearing on anything really. If they rule that assault rifles are illegal fe. what difference does it make if u possess an 80% gun vs possess a gun that was once purchased by someone from an ffl? I suppose if you never once in ur life bought a gun from an ffl with more than 10 round capacity then u may be possibly not on some sort of list. But most all of us are already on some sort of list for a gun like that and selling our ffl-purchased guns and buying 80% guns doesn't really get u anything. You are already on some sort of list most likely, and possession is what determines whether you are legal or not if they pass such bs laws, not whether you once owned a gun, especially if that gun was sold to a private individual in a state that doesn't require an ffl transfer.
:rolleyes: I think that other people should start selling off their guns right now in anticipation of changes...
.... so I can get me me some quality $100 AR's.

Oh and...Don't forget to "fire sale" your Ammo too! ;)

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