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Not trying to stir the pot here. But why is it that so many gun owners talk about personal defense situations with a given firearm? In my 40 years on this planet, I've never been in a situation where a firearm would even have been a consideration to use against another human being. I realize most media outlets sell fear, and a great majority of the weapons that people carry and own are for person assault of sorts. But I'm not at war, nor are they. And my wallet or $3000 car is not worth taking a life over, no matter what kind of scum the perp may be. Hell, legal fees would be much more substantial for the use of deadly force to protect anything I own than the item itself is worth.
I understand then the last thing (IMO) to protect is my person. Or those that I care for. But when? Where? Why? These things just don't happen. Am I really that lucky? That a situation that would truly justify killing another human being has never happened to me, or anyone I have ever talked to? It seems the majority of violent crime happens to those who are involved in that level of crime itself.
Why do so many gun owners invest so much thought and practice into the idea that they may have to someday "defend themselves"? I know this idea I spin will set off lots of fire on this forum. But it's just a discussion, an opinion I am curious about.
I am a gun owner, by the way. Yes, I have a CCP. Lots of "black guns" in my safe.
They are fun to shoot.

You are right, for the most part, these things do not "usually" happen would be more correct. Most people will not have a reason to use a firearm against another person in their lifetime and for that I am happy. I, however, have pulled my gun twice to protect myself and I thank God I never had to fire either time. The presence of the gun was enough of a deterrent each time. There are many things in this life that probably will not happen, but I take precautions anyway. I store enough food to get my family through 30 days without access to the store even though I know I will probably never need it. I would rather be prepared and never use it than to not be prepared and need it. The thought and practice people put into this might be a couple of things: 1) they truly want to be prepared and know practice is necessary to stay sharp; 2) they need an excuse other than "Gee this is fun to shoot" to justify spending so much time and money at the range. Either way it does no harm and to be prepared is a good thing. I cannot tell you the last time I had a flat tire, but I still carry a spare.
Stay divided and we are doomed.
Very True ozmosis.
It does not matter where we live, what type or how many firearms we own, why we bought said firearms etc ...
If we are divided we are doomed to lose more of our rights and privileges of gun ownership.
No one other than gun owners really care about the 2A.
We are the ones who need to stick together to ensure that the 2A does not go away.
If we lose the right to own a specific type of firearm , what makes any of the other types safe from being banned?

Back on the OP's topic,
I have been scared before in my life , I am sure I will be scared again.
As I said before the important thing is not to let fear drive your thinking.
I do not own guns because I'm scared.
I own guns for many reasons.
Many of mine have historic value. A few are guns that have been in the family. I like to hunt , so I have a few different hunting guns for different game.
Mostly I own guns , because I can.
I enjoy exercising my rights and responsibilities as a gun owner.
I was keeping my eye on this thread. I was skeptical at first to post. Not really wanting to contribute anything to the new youngling, and I still don't want to.

I just wanted to say I appreciate the people here on this forum. The ones that kept this civil and did not let a post like the OPs turn us against each other.

Some times I feel like the other side pays interns or whatevers to seek out websites like ours and post these types of things. Not only to instigate but to sit back and watch us tear at each other.

I am happy to say it is getting harder for them to accomplish this, as it seams like more and more gun owners are starting to think more and more a like.

Thanks guys and gals.

That is all!
I dont know how many marganalized liberal gun owners there are, but if they want to be taken seriously as gun owners, they need to pull their weight by contacting their preferred candidates and help change the narrative. They need to also be able to draw the line in the sand and hold their politicians to the fire. Too often the left limits liberty for the sake of feel-good without a real examination of the consequenses of their laws.
Here is the bottom line. When things go bump in the night I want my 12 gauge in my hands instead of the stove poker.
Not trying to stir the pot here. But why is it that so many gun owners talk about personal defense situations with a given firearm? In my 40 years on this planet, I've never been in a situation where a firearm would even have been a consideration to use against another human being. I realize most media outlets sell fear, and a great majority of the weapons that people carry and own are for person assault of sorts. But I'm not at war, nor are they. And my wallet or $3000 car is not worth taking a life over, no matter what kind of scum the perp may be. Hell, legal fees would be much more substantial for the use of deadly force to protect anything I own than the item itself is worth.
I understand then the last thing (IMO) to protect is my person. Or those that I care for. But when? Where? Why? These things just don't happen. Am I really that lucky? That a situation that would truly justify killing another human being has never happened to me, or anyone I have ever talked to? It seems the majority of violent crime happens to those who are involved in that level of crime itself.
Why do so many gun owners invest so much thought and practice into the idea that they may have to someday "defend themselves"? I know this idea I spin will set off lots of fire on this forum. But it's just a discussion, an opinion I am curious about.
I am a gun owner, by the way. Yes, I have a CCP. Lots of "black guns" in my safe.
They are fun to shoot.

I would not say Im a gun owner because Im scared. It is certainly a control issue and I got my CHL after a few patient's threatened to kill me over pain med prescriptions. My office would not pay for security and the police are extremely limited where I am (it took 10 minutes for them to arrive after an emergency call.) I prefer options instead of just being a victim. Just a little more control

But its like insurance. I have been paying for car insurance since I was 15 and never used it, same with home insurance, certainly with title insurance (what a rip off). I would have a lot more money if I had not payed for insurance which I've never used. So why bother with those either?

On a side note, I know how Im going to die. Not the exact way, but as a physician I've watched people die of almost every cause. Infections, heart attacks, stabbings, strokes, surgery gone wrong, heart failure, etc. Even though I dont know which of those is going to get me, I've watched what my patients have gone through so I have a good idea what it will be like. Other than pure survival mechanism of not wanting to die, Im not scared of it.
On a side note, I know how Im going to die. Not the exact way, but as a physician I've watched people die of almost every cause. Infections, heart attacks, stabbings, strokes, surgery gone wrong, heart failure, etc. Even though I dont know which of those is going to get me, I've watched what my patients have gone through so I have a good idea what it will be like. Other than pure survival mechanism of not wanting to die, Im not scared of it

I have always said " if you are afraid of dying, you're not living."
I spent 15 seasons from the 70's through the 80's employed as a timber-jack (logger) which at that time was the most dangerous occupation on earth.

I loved it! It was dangerous, loud, dirty, PAINFUL multiple bee stings yearly, and as we said in the industry, "if you're not bleeding you're not logging."

Anyone that has ever been there will agree with me that falling timber, setting chokers and running skidder was a non stop beating day in and day out. It made us mean, drink too much and fight like cornered wolverines.


The damn Clinton's ruined it when they closed down the national forests and now we get to watch them burn..

Fear? Hell no, I have dodged the reaper numerous times while a lot of my friends didn't and no one comes off this rock in the flesh.
Its amazing to me that you are able to encapsulate an entire section of society and judge them based on your 40 years of experience alone. Even more disturbing is that you seem to think that because you have a set of experiences, every other person here should agree and subscribe to the same opinions.

I also find it kind of amusing that in your introductory post here;

New member new to OR

you waxed nostalgically about being a 12 year old riding horses and always having a sidearm strapped to you. How lucky you were to have such a great experience growing up. How incredibly hypocritical of you to begrudge other people the same abilities. In fact you stated in another post that after you left New York and were able to carry concealed, you didn't because it made you too uncomfortable? I commend you on the foresight. In the same breath Id ask who you are to assume that because you can't handle it, others may have the same inabilities?

You state in yet another post that you didn't even know who MS-13 was, so they must not be relevant. That little snippet into your narrow view of reality explains a lot and further speaks to a general lacking of knowledge base to speak on what is best for others.

It may shock you to know that many of us have different backgrounds, come from different environments and have vastly different life stories than you. Some of the members here even deal daily with the "irrelevant" groups like MS-13 and their cousins, or rapists, murderers, abusers ...the list goes on and on. Many of us never had the chance to change the world by letting a drug dealer threaten us, then give the drug dealers mom some ....cookies... in the effort to "get along in our communities".

Here's a thought, the same reason you left the pool of human waste commonly referred to as NYC, the same reason many people on this board wouldn't set foot there for more than a layover, is because that type of "lets just get along" attitude simply doesn't work. If it was so great, why aren't you still there baking cookies for the mother of the drug dealer that stole your money?

I'm completely against the name calling and political attacks in the discussion of gun rights as well. It serves no purpose but to divide. Just don't pretend that your posts are anything different with the self righteousness and looking down your nose at others you don't even know. OP knew his post would be received poorly by his choice of words and implications. He said as much in his title (which is proof enough he knew it would be ill received but didn't care) and you jumped on the bandwagon to poke stuff with sticks as the wagon drove back under the bridge.

Neither one helps the cause. Its one thing to be ignorant, its another thing to disrespect others despite your own glaring inadequacies.
I'm glad some of those who have time to post in this manner actually take the time to do so.
Thank you, sir.
I would not say Im a gun owner because Im scared. It is certainly a control issue and I got my CHL after a few patient's threatened to kill me over pain med prescriptions. My office would not pay for security and the police are extremely limited where I am (it took 10 minutes for them to arrive after an emergency call.) I prefer options instead of just being a victim. Just a little more control

But its like insurance. I have been paying for car insurance since I was 15 and never used it, same with home insurance, certainly with title insurance (what a rip off). I would have a lot more money if I had not payed for insurance which I've never used. So why bother with those either?

On a side note, I know how Im going to die. Not the exact way, but as a physician I've watched people die of almost every cause. Infections, heart attacks, stabbings, strokes, surgery gone wrong, heart failure, etc. Even though I dont know which of those is going to get me, I've watched what my patients have gone through so I have a good idea what it will be like. Other than pure survival mechanism of not wanting to die, Im not scared of it.

Great post Bolus, I always appreciate your logical , factual, well explained posts.

I'll be candid Part of me hopes you might be my doctor and I just don't know it yet. My doctor is nowhere near as enjoable to listen to and we at least have guns in common.

Another part still, isn't entirely convinced you're not really Spock. o_O:)
Are folks who buy fire extinguishers scared? Vehicle insurance?

And I take exception to the "killing another" part of your original post. The hope is the presence of a firearm is sufficient to deter the bad guy. The hope is even worst case a shot is never fired. No one wants to take a life, the reason to carry is to swing the odds in your favor if violence ever comes looking for you, not because you are hoping for violence.
This self-reliance, this individualistic ability to think and act for oneself, scares anti-gun folk, and folk that think there should be a homogeneous vulnerability among the populace to justify a greater reliance on some 'higher authority' (not as in a deity, but as in government). Abdication of the duty to be responsible for oneself is being taught at large in western culture, and subsequently the acquiescence to authority without critical and self-informed thought. This is the sea change we are all witnessing currently, specifically in the unfolding of the generations.
THIS is exactly where most of the anti-gun sentiment springs from. It is fear. And fear not resolved becomes anger. Anyone who acts or thinks as an individual instead of a member of the group threatens the whole group. He or she makes other members of the group have to question their own reliance on an external authority for protection and safety. It scares those people to hear and see it demonstrated that someone else believes that police protection is not adequate to preserve one's life. That fear turns to anger. How DARE you threaten the self-assurance of the group that they will be protected by someone else!

The idea that people own guns out of fear is a projection of the anti-gun folks. Psychologically, they assign their own unconscious fears of what they see on the TV news every night to people who own guns. They believe gun owners have unreasonable fears. They relieve their own fear by telling themselves that these things only happen to others who somehow did something incorrectly, who got involved in something they themselves would never do. You see this all the time when a child dies accidentally. Dozens of people will pile on with condemnation and disgust, calling the parents neglectful, and screaming for their punishment for their imagined incompetence. It's a way of telling themselves that this could never happen to them because they are competent and follow the rules laid out by the authorities.

The truth is that these people live in a fantasy world of normalcy bias. The truth is that bad things happen to good people too, not just neglectful, lazy, stupid, or weak people. The truth is that even the best parent will have close calls. The truth is that car accidents happen to good drivers who are obeying the law. The truth is that normal, everyday people who have done nothing to attract or aggravate a criminal are victimized. These group-think folks have themselves convinced that none of these statements are true, and when you upset their apple cart by being an individual, and acting as if the foregoing statements are true, you are threatening their comfortable fantasy paradigm. Their response is anger and attack.

Unfortunately, this mind set is what is being taught in our schools from kindergarten onward. Even self-defense is grounds for suspension. The rules say you should take your beating without resistance, and then wait for the authorities to make things right. My children know that I will always support them in defense of their own person. I have told school authorities that they are free to do whatever they think is necessary, but my kids will always have MY permission to defend themselves. This really does not sit well with most of them, or with other parents. I don't care.

Self-defense is a human right, and a firearm is the great equalizer when it comes to self-defense. An 80 year old grandmother is just as powerful as a 300lb mugger with a 1911 in her hand.
On a side note, I know how Im going to die. Other than pure survival mechanism of not wanting to die, Im not scared of it

I have always said " if you are afraid of dying, you're not living."
I spent 15 seasons from the 70's through the 80's employed as a timber-jack (logger) which at that time was the most dangerous occupation on earth.
Fear? Hell no, I have dodged the reaper numerous times while a lot of my friends didn't and no one comes off this rock in the flesh.

I agree 100% having seen the reaper myself many times, I appreciate life more each time I lived thru it. Fear is for those that can't accept the unknown, news flash no one knows the unknown thats why it called that :) So better to accept it then be paranoid of it.
I agree 100% having seen the reaper myself many times, I appreciate life more each time I lived thru it. Fear is for those that can't accept the unknown, news flash no one knows the unknown thats why it called that :) So better to accept it then be paranoid of it.
No really, I DON'T merely like this...I love it!!!!;)
I agree 100% having seen the reaper myself many times, I appreciate life more each time I lived thru it. Fear is for those that can't accept the unknown, news flash no one knows the unknown thats why it called that :) So better to accept it then be paranoid of it.
I know what you mean, I have never felt so alive as I sat there shaking like a leaf after damn near dying.
This is how fast it can happen to you: I was driving down a country road, coming from a service call at a dairy. I came upon a dirty, aged Ford Pinto poking along at 20 mph or so. After a couple of minutes the guy stops in the middle of the more or less one lane road. He and his woman exit the vehicle. He starts talking about how his wife saw a snake a few yards back and can I help them identify it. All the while the guy is advancing on my vehicle on the driver's side. At the same time his "wife" is advancing on the passenger side with one hand under her shirt. Not having a weapon with me due to company policy, I put it in reverse as they advanced and slowly backed up, maintaining my distance. After a few seconds and a lot more silly talking from him I sped up and pulled an emergency U-turn with the parking brake, and left at high speed. From that day forward I've recognized the need to carry everywhere.

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