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All of this talk recently has got me thinking...

When rights are stolen by force from the people of other states, and now here, what happens? Do people stand up, take physical action and remove those who perpetrated these acts, or do they just hide their guns, go into their basement and post on the internet saying "muh freedoms" and "molon labe?"

Resistance isn't hiding. Resistance is action. Resistance isn't waiting for the next election thinking that something will change when it was those elections that got us into this mess in the first place. What we need is a mass show of force that gradually increases until we are given back what is rightfully ours, and if they refuse, well, then I guess it isn't stealing if you take something back that was stolen from you.

Another form of resistance is simply leaving, taking your skills, your money, your taxes, and all that you offer to somewhere else. This would do two things, it would put a dent in the coffers of a specific state's ability to fund its various programs and would also help solidify the political climate of the state you move to. Sure, it's more long-term and less direct, but it's better than voting.

Sure, no one wants violence or to have to participate in some kind of revolution, but even the nastiest things have their place and become necessary once in awhile. Could that be today, tomorrow, months or years from now? Who knows? It could be or maybe not. We live in the present, like all past empires and civilizations did at one point as well. Let us not think that "we're 'Murica, we're perfect, we'll last forever and nothing will get as bad as in the past." Famous. Last. Words. That's the insidious thing about the comfort, luxury, and side effect of civilization, it eventually breeds a complacent, sheepish populace that is incapable of recognizing the threats to their liberty and unwilling to take the necessary steps to defeat those threats.

I don't meant to sound like some tough guy, but I want you all to reflect on what resistance really means. Look at Connecticut, we all say "oh well their registration scheme only had __% compliance, so it didn't work." I would say that it most certainly did work. There's now thousands of people in CT that can be hit with charges for possession for many different reasons, but more importantly it forced the gun culture underground, to live like rum-runners during prohibition. If you can make your enemy have to live like outlaws, I'd say that you have succeeded. As for CT, I don't see them demanding the return of their rights, demonstrating daily en masse, or rioting.

The leftist-communist scum are playing the long game. They will continue to marginalize us and force us underground. Sure, maybe they'll come for us, or maybe they'll just wait and brainwash our children, grandchildren, etc. so that they'll have no understanding of what we once had. What good is a 60 year old AK and crate of ammo in the basement that no one has used in years when an undeniable time of action comes? Not a whole lot. We cannot continue to allow ourselves to be marginalized further and collectively forced into the societal closet for taboo beliefs and lifestyles. Make yourselves known, be outspoken, and be bold. By all means keep the specifics of your personal inventory private, but it is most of all your mentality that must be shared. What is seen and experienced rarely is what is feared most, and what is commonplace is what is accepted.

Whatever you each choose to do, just make sure it counts.

So when the election comes, remember, vote harder next time and get tread on some more!
Your frustration is shared by many, and the current climate is eloquently stated by Claire Wolf in my signature. (If you can't see it then enable viewing of signatures in your user account)

Keep in mind that many personal fortunes were amassed during prohibition. ;)

In times of fat or times of lean, pirates have always lived best.

You can only be charged with "possession" if they catch you violating the law. If you didn't register, then how are they going to catch you?

Resistance doesn't have to come with a sign and an bullhorn. The fact that CT didn't get "100%" tells me that many people thought "you know what? I will take my chances." Sounds to me like the low turnout to ask the government permission to be a free man was an act of "resistance." Anything less than 100% for CT is a failure.

If keeping my guns means I am an outlaw, then I will be an outlaw.
Resistance can be formed in many non violent ways but people have to work together for it to be effective. Vietnam Nam war protest were resistance that over time stopped the war and the draft. Problem today's is we are too divided as a country and that has been by design of the ruling class. There are no r or d , it's now the ruling class and the people.

Myself I tend to resist by not being part of the system. Living a life that doesn't feed the enemy means boycott and stay out of debt. To speak out against those who would take my rights and join protest if I can get to them. I am not a violent man so I resist with the tools that I have but it's painfully obvious the course the ruling class is on will lead to violence if they push it.

So when it does turn to violence ya'll gonna have to ask your selves who you are and what you stand for. What happens after that depends on how many agree with the answer you come up with. It would be far better if the ruling class would stop being corrupt and start building a real future for everyone but power corrupts.
makes me think of Huxley's A Brave New World in a way. Sorry, a little off topic :) I'm just a dumb delta.
and another thought... the judge that recently ruled in support of the New York and CT law was proud that the people still get to have firearms, i.e., their 2nd amendment rights aren't totally infringed upon. CT residents can still go through the red tape and get government approval to have their bolt action under 10 round rifle or shotgun (heaven forbid it be a Saiga oooooo) or a pistol as long as it holds less than the dreaded 10 rounds. These liberals are smart. Who's going to protest in public that their gun rights have been taken away when they can still technically have guns, just not the black sexy ones with high capacity magazines. They would lose in the court of public opinion (especially as portrayed by the complicit media). Of course, it's all leading up to not being able to own firearms at all, so I guess you have to start protesting somewhere along the way.
and another thought... the judge that recently ruled in support of the New York and CT law was proud that the people still get to have firearms, i.e., their 2nd amendment rights aren't totally infringed upon. CT residents can still go through the red tape and get government approval to have their bolt action under 10 round rifle or shotgun (heaven forbid it be a Saiga oooooo) or a pistol as long as it holds less than the dreaded 10 rounds. These liberals are smart. Who's going to protest in public that their gun rights have been taken away when they can still technically have guns, just not the black sexy ones with high capacity magazines. They would lose in the court of public opinion (especially as portrayed by the complicit media). Of course, it's all leading up to not being able to own firearms at all, so I guess you have to start protesting somewhere along the way.

All gun control laws infringe on our 2nd Amendment. 10 rnds is a limit, no Miltary style firearms are limits etc.

noun: infringement; plural noun: infringements
  1. 1.
    the action of breaking the terms of a law, agreement, etc.; violation.
    "copyright infringement"
  2. 2.
    the action of limiting or undermining something.
    "the infringement of the right to privacy"
Let's see now, gooberment has wrecked the economy so our kids have no future. 18+ trillion in debt that can't be paid back because they won't quit over spending. This year they collected the highest amount in taxes ever at over 3.2 trillion but spent 3.6 trillion. They tax us or apply outrageous fine for every thing we do.

They open the doors to immigrants and we have to pay their way with our taxes and the new people won't even assimilate into our culture. Really I could go on for hours what the ruling class is doing to us but ya'll see it every day too. However the most important thing to all of us is our safety, the red line is there for me...

All great democracies have committed financial suicide
somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded.

The reason?

The voters figured out they could vote themselves money
from the treasury by electing people who promised to give
them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

The number of people now getting free stuff almost
outnumber the people paying for the free stuff..

Failure to change that, spells the end
of the USA as we know it.
Resistance in my opinion starts at home, talk with family, kids etc. Explain to them, how you stand up for your rights. Just remember the Revolution did not start with 2000 people its started in one house and one idea and moved along. The USA is rare in its existence as it was a economical and ideology never used before. If you look at world history going back thousands and thousands of years you will find similarities to how we are but nothing very close to the freedom and ability you and I have.
The Roman empire was to a point pretty close and it failed for near the exact reasons we are seeing a failure here. The Romans over indulged in self entitlement, lusts and greed. Productivity would go down, and lands the conquered were removed by force by others. Eventually the financial ruin of a country that could not grow because of its own inability to work to sustain it, eventually perished. If you look at the USA we are losing our own lands here in to invaders, our commerce is dropping as we are not #2 in the world. Perversion, self entitlement, lust and greed are for sale on the streets and the floors of congress.
Anyone who is asleep and can not see the slow steady reliable decline will have the most rude awakening. So start by telling your kids and family you know there was once a place like America, and it failed this way, and explain what they see now will end just like it did then unless we resist the change.
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The only hope of turning this country around is if the "free money " and entitlements run out before they confiscate all our firearms.
Otherwise there is little hope that there will be a gun culture in 50 years.
Every year tens of thousands of new liberals are unleashed on us from the universities.
Professors no longer teach curriculum . instead they teach political ideology. What's worse is it has now spread into the high school and elementary school.
There is a teacher at our middle school who proudly displaces a Bernie for president sun shade in her back window.
There has been a lot of talk about resistance, in one form or another, for quite a while. Some are resisting via maintaining the status quo on private gun sales. In fact, I suspect there are quite a few doing just that. Others may resist in other way, such as Jim's boycott.

Ultimately, I think we're at a time where most Americans have either forgotten how to really push back, are too afraid, are too set in their ways to deal with the repercussions, or, and I think this is the big one, have never ever had to do it, so they just don't know how.

I've experienced a few times in my life where I had to fight back/resist an unjust authority figure. But never anything as big as what we're facing now. I think it's going to take some very high-profile examples of pushing back before a good base of folks will get the strength to stand alongside those who began the push.

When the revolution started, as I understand my history, many were unwilling or too afraid to get involved. It took some folks to stand up and lose their lives first, and for word of those events to get around. I don't think we're there yet. I don't know if we're really even close yet. A lot of people are pissed, but not enough to risk their jobs, homes, even families and freedom over their convictions.

I wonder, do we still have folks in this country that would do such a thing today? We talk about it a lot, people use the phrase Molon Labe, they rattle their sabers, but, in the end, we continue to lose ground, while people are left saying, again, "okay, but no further, or you'll get it".

I don't know. I really do wonder if there is the ability left in the American people to stand and fight their own government. I have my ways of resistance. But none so grand that would spark a revolution. Will someone else do it first? I suspect many are just waiting for that spark.
Waco is a good point. This thug in the W.H. makes Bill Clinton and Janet Reno look downright loveable.
I think the spark has to come from an elected official like your sheriff.
I like your reference to history but choose a little more modern time still in memory. The tyrants we have had come in 2 forms, active or passive. The passive ones set up giant information gathering arrangements and compile everything known about you so they can use it against you. This would be more on the repub side .

Second kind, the active kind build minions in government service to take physical actions. They will kill for the tyrant knowing the tyrant has their back and the law won't procecute. Ruby Ridge sniper murdered a woman that was holding a baby and never saw one day of jail. Almost 80 men, women and childeren gassed and burned at Waco and not one of the executioners went to jail. This is the democrat style of tyranny.

Each tyrant has that defining moment in their presidency. The Patriot act, Waco or the Bundy ranch and every time it escalates just a little more. Bundy Ranch should have given everyone confidence that Americans are mad as hell and fed up. Millions of guns sold and the public has turned their backs on the ruling class to vote for Trump.

There is lots of resistance out there, plain as day.:D

I agree Jim, there is resistance, and, I would say, it's wide spread. Just continuing to buy guns, ammo, etc., in the face of the push from anti-gunners is itself a form of resistance. Heck, the number of new guns added to the total since B.O. became president is a testament to the fact that people are ticked off. The fact that private sales continue in OR and WA is resistance. The fact that NY and CT have only about 15% compliance with their registration law.

And while that type of resistance is certainly good news, it's hardly the type of resistance that's likely to really shake things up. I'm really curious if it's in the American people to do some real, bada$$ style resistance in the face of these anti-gun laws. A lot of people like to talk about how they'll do it, but only a few have - and those that did, still didn't spark the American people to rise up and stand beside them.

I'm just wondering if we have it in us.
If a person would zoom-out a bit; it may become apparent that both parties, all sides, all angles, all sects, groups, orgs, gangs, genders, and ethnic groups, are picking and choosing which laws they are going to follow, and which laws they are not....

The partisan manner in which the us and state attorneys general have applied the law, has eliminated their moral standing and ushered-in or fostered a Lais-Sez-Faire approach to the rule of law.

We are a balkanized nation; we turn our backs to the rule of law when we see fit. We....decide if a law is just or worthy to be followed.....smaller offenses like ignoring speed limits has always occurred; in fact, many people frown upon those who follow speed limits...the sickos have always ignored the violent crime laws.

Today, everyone is an fing attorney general in this Pell Mell society; whether wanting to be left alone (conservatives), or wanting to control others (liberals).

We are slipping back into the wild wild west; no glorious battlefields as seen on TV dramas.....just ugly at times.

What the left does better than the right is amalgamate; unholy alliances are ok, and they have a 6th sense towards knowing whom to attack (a mysgognyst), and whom to let ride (obama).

The right is good at self sufficiency, but insist on spliting hairs.

Question: who in the f*&K are we not to have to fight for liberty? What in the f*&K have we done to be somehow excused from our duty as Americans?

Not enough!

Whatever we have done....obviously wasn't enough!

It's our turn; will we rise to the occasion, or falter?

I'm not describing violence as the next or currently-best course of action...when we have lazy-arses (even) in this forum who don't vote...

Stop supporting/helping democrats, liberals, & those who are against us. Just stop and think how we are validating their ideology every time we do business with them, or help them.

Nobody is beyond reproach; if we are going to save this country.

Everyone should be in play; the elderly, vets, 1st responders, astronauts, athletes, music legends, movie stars, family, "friends", neighbors, loved-ones, can be surrogates for the enemy.

Keep your powder dry!
I'm to the point where I can't even tolerate the modern leftist/liberal. I won't even talk to them. I look at them as the enemy, not someone with a different opinion, but a person who wishes to enslave me.

The modern Democrats are Communists. You can't even argue that they aren't anymore, we've got people like Bernie running around praising Democratic Socialism, aka Communism in everything but exact name. All communist countries call themselves something else, implying democratic rule such as the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea/North Korea, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Republic of Cuba, and of course, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Call them on their bravo-sierra every chance you get.
All great democracies have committed financial suicide
somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded.

The reason?

The voters figured out they could vote themselves money
from the treasury by electing people who promised to give
them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

The number of people now getting free stuff almost
outnumber the people paying for the free stuff..

Failure to change that, spells the end
of the USA as we know it.

WASR, not calling you out at all, but I am curious what "All great democracies have committed financial suicide? " Name some of those. Greek Empire? Rome? Rome, like us was a republic, then became the play thing of emperors.
I do recognize the Alexis De Tocqueville quote about voters voting money from the treasury.
Not being argumentative or sarcastic I just can't recall beyond ours other democracies that have lasted 200-250 years. Enlighten me here. Thanks.

Brutus Out
I'm to the point where I can't even tolerate the modern leftist/liberal. I won't even talk to them. I look at them as the enemy, not someone with a different opinion, but a person who wishes to enslave me.

The modern Democrats are Communists. You can't even argue that they aren't anymore, we've got people like Bernie running around praising Democratic Socialism, aka Communism in everything but exact name. All communist countries call themselves something else, implying democratic rule such as the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea/North Korea, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Republic of Cuba, and of course, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Call them on their bravo-sierra every chance you get.

They have no problem with property damage, violence, anarchy, accepting subsidies, crossing the legal-line...all funded by subsidies which is funded by dollars.
Wayback machine, WHIRRRRR -Ding!
The authority having jurisdiction (King) needed money.
Spent all of his fighting wars
Instituted several tax-fee laws directed at those rich uppity subjects on the west side
Proclamation of 1763
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Quartering Act
Declaratory Act
Townsend Revenue Act
Angered, offended, some of the subjects began to plan (Committees of Correspondence).
After several public demonstrations, King sent soldiers to anchor the major cities.
More demonstrations brought martial law and use of the soldiers against uppity subjects.
Boston Massacre
Lots of psyops on both sides.
Burning of the revenue schooner Gaspee
Publication of Gov Thomas Hutchison's mail advocation "a great restraint of natural liberty"
Tea Act
Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts

King ordered soldier boss (Gen Gauge) to DO SOMETHING
Like, maybe defang the snake, take it's ammo n guns.
Do the deed at night, in secret.
March up-country, take gunpowder and boolits and spirit them away to Boston and lockemup.
Details well documented Paul Revere's Ride
Will history repeat itself?
WASR, not calling you out at all, but I am curious what "All great democracies have committed financial suicide? " Name some of those. Greek Empire? Rome? Rome, like us was a republic, then became the play thing of emperors.
I do recognize the Alexis De Tocqueville quote about voters voting money from the treasury.
Not being argumentative or sarcastic I just can't recall beyond ours other democracies that have lasted 200-250 years. Enlighten me here. Thanks.

Brutus Out
let me change that to less than 200 years then if you need to crack my nuts about dates....

here is better question.... if you dont understand my meaning.....
why dont you tell us what socialist democracy's that havent failed or are currently failing or have lasted 250 years
the point is..... they dont work and we are crashing

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