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I don't do my taxes at all
I pay my accountant for that:eek:

I pay Turbo tax, then I unleash the electronic chainsaw! This year may be WAY different since there's a $10k cap on SALT deductions, yet doubled the standard deduction... it may make doing taxes much simpler in my situation.... other than

1. How much did you earn?

2. Send it in.
"Got to keep those serfs, oop ... um, citizens in line and paying up."

I have our tax accountant do ours. But got to love the many banker's boxes full of records and countless gigabytes of personal and business records just to comply with all the multiplicitous mierda at the local, state, and federal levels. Ah, land of the free. :rolleyes:
Last Edited:
IRS has 76,832 employees. 2,157 are federal law enforcement officers. The grand total of rifles, shotguns, pistols and revolvers works out to just over two per LEO, per that linked article. Totals seem pretty light on the number of 'aiming devices.'
last year the wife and i paid over 30k in taxes and still owed even with 2 kids! we both claimed 0 this year so i hope we get as close to 0 or a small return this year!
IRS Criminal Investigation Division - Wikipedia

Series 1811 Special Agents of the IRS-CI are the only employees within the IRS authorized to carry and use firearms. The authority to carry and use firearms is derived from United States Code Title 26, Section 7608, wherein criminal investigators of the IRS are authorized to make arrests under Federal law. Special Agents are trained in the use of and currently issued Glock handguns, specifically Glock 22, 23, and 27 self-loading pistols. Remington 870 shotguns and Smith and Wesson MP15 rifles are also officially issued and deployed.[37] Special Agents assigned to undercover activities may carry and use virtually any common firearm.

IRS has 76,832 employees. 2,157 are federal law enforcement officers. The grand total of rifles, shotguns, pistols and revolvers works out to just over two per LEO, per that linked article. Totals seem pretty light on the number of 'aiming devices.'

Off by 60, but thats an approximate number. Still; the IRS CI division is apparently "the only Federal agency authorized to investigate violations of the IRS regulations":rolleyes:
They are the same agency that took down Al Capone among others, and boasts a 91% conviction rate :eek:
Edited, I cant maths
How about the US Postal Inspectors, EPA, Food and Drug Administration, Departments of Education, Agriculture and NOAA ? Every Federal activity that has Special Agents has firearms, all armed (often to include shoulder weapons).

Obama's Private Army: Militarizing the Federal Agencies | FreedomWorks

Full List of Armed Federal Agencies - The Truth About Guns
Special agent - Wikipedia
The vast majority of them are related to "criminal investigations" related to the respectivr agencies... however what is interesting is that many of them also do not have arrest authorizations :rolleyes:

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