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I believe the martial law thing is a hoax invented by the conspiracy propaganda machine. There was no legal requirement to shelter in place. It was a reasonable request, most people were reasonable, and complied.
I believe the martial law thing is a hoax invented by the conspiracy propaganda machine. There was no legal requirement to shelter in place. It was a reasonable request, most people were reasonable, and complied.

No conspiracy, just the result of government disarmament of the people and the Stockholm Syndrome in the police state.

This country went from civilians shooting back at Charles Whitman and participating in his takedown, to defenseless civilians cowering in their homes. Every manhunt is a boon to the state because it reinforces civilian helplessness and promotes the eternal state.
I find it shocking that the standard for declaring defacto martial law on a city of a million+ has been reduced to one armed and dangerous fugitive. Scary times we live in.

I am surprised it took killing one suspect and then needing some sort of Martial Law, like a Ba-zillion police officers, a helicopter, swat, National Guard, FBI, and probably hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment and overtime to catch one bleeding guy hiding in a a driveway.
You anti government folks are too funny. There is nothing they could have done that would have satisfied any of you. I thank god they don't care what you all think, and just do their job protecting the public. You think it might be a little dangerous if they had to engage in another firefight with this guy that they thought was still in the neighborhood if all the folks were out gawking at the emergency vehicles, or working in their gardens?
Anyway the guy is in custody now, and the law enforcement folks in Boston deserve some credit for the tough job they had to do.

I guess you seem to forget, that it was a citizen who went outside after the order was lifted, and noticed blood on his boat, leading the police to the suspect...who happened to be outside the perimeter they had setup.

I guess you also forget it was pictures largely sent from the public, and tips from the public that ultimately led to them being identified.

But go ahead and spew your ignorance about how we should all bow down and the man is here to protect us. We are all dying to hear it.

Especially considering the man didn't do anything to protect the people who lost their lives, and didn't really identify the perps, or find where they were hiding. It was the people. Troll...
Well I read your story, at least you can be happy about that. It's hardly relevant to the activities in Boston, or to the implied duty of a Police officer. But it's all how you look at it, I guess. Anyway, I'll let you all get back to talking this over amongst yourselves. See ya
What is the public but a group of individuals?

That's the bubblegumty part of TPTBs rules...They can interpret them however it benefits them at that particular time.

That is not gonna fly with me. I do not hate police, I have friends who are/were police. One of them was badly injured in the line of duty trying to ensure the safety of children.

But there are a lot of cops out there who have a power trip and could care less about you or I, or a big group of people.

I understand what you are saying, but unfortunately it does not apply to the majority, at least in my opinion. I read it as, "people" need to have personal responsibility.
And I find it appalling that people actually use government manufactured pseudo-words like "terrorist". :s0114:

Sorry I used the word terrorist. I should have called him dirtbag who ignited an IED in a crowd of civilian men, woman and children with the intent to inflict maximum casualties.

I would like to see you call him just "a teenager with a handgun" to any of the 160+ victims' faces. Or to their family and friends.

I find most of your statements absurd and even laughable at times, but this is by far the most moronic and ignorant statement you've made, in my humble opinion.

Please add me to your ignore list, as you are now on mine.
Then you get to watch the sheep cheer on their own enslavement. All you can do it watch and hope for more time as the cage gets smaller and smaller.

Neighborhoods breathe sigh of relief in wake of capture


You tyrannical government lovers crack me up

my gal and I used to go for evening walks along the American river bike path in Sacramento.. in far more danger than anyone walking about Boston the last few days. Oh how art the mighty fallen
Sorry I used the word terrorist. I should have called him dirtbag who ignited an IED in a crowd of civilian men, woman and children with the intent to inflict maximum casualties.

Just like our esteemed government drone assassins then?

I would like to see you call him just "a teenager with a handgun" to any of the 160+ victims' faces. Or to their family and friends.

Facts are facts, if people can't keep their emotions under control that's their problem. Emotional response is the linchpin of propaganda.

I find most of your statements absurd and even laughable at times, but this is by far the most moronic and ignorant statement you've made, in my humble opinion.

Please add me to your ignore list, as you are now on mine.

Awww, babby can't respond with logic. Waaaahhhh.
You anti government folks are too funny. There is nothing they could have done that would have satisfied any of you. I thank god they don't care what you all think, and just do their job protecting the public. You think it might be a little dangerous if they had to engage in another firefight with this guy that they thought was still in the neighborhood if all the folks were out gawking at the emergency vehicles, or working in their gardens?
Anyway the guy is in custody now, and the law enforcement folks in Boston deserve some credit for the tough job they had to do.

No populace has ever been so gullible, deluded, and so frickin' easy to manipulate, deceive and enslave. Hard to watch transpire, but we are definitely headed for the complete tyrannical gov scenario and there is nothing that will stop it.

That includes the 2A crowd. Guns simply cannot be taken away 'fairly.' Count on it, they WILL be taken away, but through deceptions and staged scenarios, for your 'safety.' The crowds will cheer as the last ones are collected.

Those that want the 2A squashed and your neck under a boot MUST resort to deception and trickery to get the job done - that is a fact Jack. But, somehow, these naive idiots don't believe that Gov would use plotted incidents, reactions (actually the tried and true - Problem, Reaction, Solution scenario) to get the job done. That is crazy talk! Only a 'conspiracy theorist' could believe such a thing. Hence, we are toast. Dumb and dumberer, the sequel.

The 98% have blinders on, however that is the way it always has been and always will be. We are the dumbest populace to date. Twittering Twits. No chance at all. If this was a casino, bet on tyranny and the new USSA, because it is a sure thing.

Humans CRAVE domination and enslavement. It is in our DNA and only about 2% are able to resist the urge to worship their deceivers. Hats off to the few that see what is happening and are helpless to do anything about it. At least they are not cheering on their own demise.

Personally, I have no desire to fight. I just hope for time to die inside the Ponzi economy and Matrix fat and happy - eating that steak. Apathetic? No. Just the Casandra Syndrome.

Cassandra Syndrome

1) The condition of speaking the truth and having no one believe you.

2) The condition of being able to predict the future, be it the outcome of a particular event, or the reactions of others to the same event, and having no one believe your prophecy until it transpires.

3) Being able to see or understand things long before others, often resulting in them coming to the same conclusions long after your own initial analysis.

(All definitions come from Cassandra, the queen in Greek mythology who was appointed by Apollo with an inability to lie, yet cursed by having no one believe her prophecies.)

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