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I'm left eye dominant but always shoot right handed. I want to learn to shoot with both eyes open better. Looking for some training to fix my cross eyed shooting. An shooting instructors who can help?
I was an LE instructor for 15 years. I personally shoot with both eyes open but my non dominant eye partially closed. I'm not sure if that would work for you but you could try.

I have seen one person who switched shooting hands and started shooting with their non dominant hand. It took her some practice but she is an excellent shot now.
A few things that help:

1. Use a RDS or if want to stick with irons use a plain black rear sight, do not use three dot or any other type that attract your vision to it, use a high-viz front site to be picked up using peripheral eyesight.
2. be target focused not front sight focused.
3. bring the handgun inline with your dominate eye side, there is no need to turn your which creates other issues.

Give Steve @Cerberus Group a call.
Learn to shoot left handed.

I too am like you. Right handed and left eye dominant. I used to shoot pistols right handed but over time and a lot of reps I now shoot both rifles and pistols left handed.
Learn to shoot left handed.

I too am like you. Right handed and left eye dominant. I used to shoot pistols right handed but over time and a lot of reps I now shoot both rifles and pistols left handed.
That is what I did too. I grew up shoot and handgun right handed (because 1911) and rifles left handed. Now I can shoot both from either side. A RDS was the biggest help getting there IMO.
That is what I did too. I grew up shoot and handgun right handed (because 1911) and rifles left handed. Now I can shoot both from either side. A RDS was the biggest help getting there IMO.
As far as handguns go having a red dot is a learning curve but well worth it. Especially when shooting both eyes open.
Hi OP,

Are you seeking help with handguns, shotguns, rifles or all of the above? There are different remedies depending on what you are shooting. I'm cross-dominant (right-handed, left-eyed). With handguns for me, it is no big deal even with irons, and most will find dot sights make it better/easier.

Here is a warning based on past experience. If someone talks in absolutes about your eyes (i.e., how you MUST shoot in a certain way) feel free to give it a try, it may work for you and that would be great. If it doesn't and they keep hammering that, "This is THE way!"


No one sees through your eyes. Shooting with both eyes open is ideal sure. Some days I can do it with no problem. On others I have to slightly close my right, other days slightly more. When I was younger, I would find myself shooting with my right eye (this is not uncommon with younger people, eye dominance drifting, and we have found this especially in women shooters). Jeff Cooper was reportedly cross-dominant and he didn't exactly suck. The two-eye open part is not really about eye dominance.

If you work with a good instructor they will help you be successful with vision and dominance issues you have. Unfortunately, some in the instructor of the month club find something that works for them and fail to recognize that it will not work for everyone.

Good luck on your quest!
Jeff Cooper was reportedly cross-dominant and he didn't exactly suck. The two-eye open part is not really about eye dominance.
There are a lot of competent instructors/shooters who are cross-dominant. Larry Vickers is right handed and left eye dominate, shoots a handgun right handed and a rifle left handed. The real freak is Bill Blowers, he is right handed and left eye dominate, he shoot a pistol left handed and a rifle right handed. I've thought about trying it that way for the hell of it.
There is no one way to do it, just what works for one person.
Lots of ways to skin that cat, I listen to what someone says and either try it or toss it.

I just turn my head a bit for iron sight pistols, do the same on red dots out of habit.
For scopes I usually just close my left eye but that gets old and wind up squinty.
Bi-focals don't help either so I use my old readers which seems to help.
This isnt rocket surgery.

Assuming you dont have di or convergent strabismus.

Drive the pistol forward in the draw underneath your dominant eye (regardless of which one it is)

All you are trying to do is bisect the plane between your dominant eye and the target with some sights.

If you dont have to cock your head to thread a needle, insert a key in a lock or catch a cool beverage your buddy tosses you out of a cooler, you dont have to do it to concentrate on the front sight.
The real freak is Bill Blowers, he is right handed and left eye dominate, he shoot a pistol left handed and a rifle right handed. I've thought about trying it that way for the hell of it.
Interesting. My father was cross-dominate like me and he shot rifles left-handed. Shotguns are the real trick. New shooters are often taught to shoot from their eye dominant side. I don't but use a frosted patch on a small area of my left lens so it cannot see the front bead. However, the best 100 birds of trap I ever shot was with my left eye closed and included three rounds of 25 everyone told me not to do that. Defensive SG I just squint a bit when needed.
I'm cross dominant as well, and have not had any issues shooting pistols so long as I'm focusing with my dominant eye. Long guns are where I've run into problems, and for me those go away if I'm using some kind of optic - red dot, prism, magnified, etc. I can't use BUIS so I've taken to using prism sights for most of my guns so even if I lose battery I can still aim. That being said, the quality and battery life of red dots have dramatically increased, so I'm growing less concerned about not having an etched reticle on my guns than I was 10 years ago.
I am also a right handed shooter/ left eye dominant. I trained myself to shoot with both eyes open and I go to the range weekly. However, I continue to be inconsistent. I live in Portland and am interested in working with a one on one instructor who can help me work on my accuracy skills. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I am also a right handed shooter/ left eye dominant. I trained myself to shoot with both eyes open and I go to the range weekly. However, I continue to be inconsistent. I live in Portland and am interested in working with a one on one instructor who can help me work on my accuracy skills. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Can help you out...let's get you going on track to improving.

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