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I think is the blame others mentality that cause the youth not to think of how they solve the problems themselves, but always think it was others to the blame. Life is hard and everyone faces difficulties. But liberals wants people think live comfortably is a right. When you are poor, it had to be the rich people's fault, not because you dropped out of school or smoked pot. I think it is this kind of thinking makes the killers. Teach the kids how to deal with the hard life ahead of them. In China, people even have to write down their names for butcher knives. Long blades are illegal. That is going to make sheep out of the people. The terrorists used swords and killed about 16 people in Kunming.
Why is it always just before an election or some anti bill goes to

a vote to public or to legislature that these things happen.

FAR, FAR too coincidental !!!!!!!!!!!

True in about 98% of all the similar incidents.

Plus every incident had mind bending Prozac like drugs involved

or recent withdrawal from them.

All of them !.

Shepard Smith is having an interview right now with student that was supposedly at the school. The student is saying it looked like a 9mm handgun and the shooter was a freshman on the football team and part of the Tulalip Tribe. If that is true, it sounds like he probably stole the gun from someone, possibly his dad who apparently hunts - but I'm guessing it will be exploited by the anti-gun groups to promote I-594. Absolutely disgusting.

Other news sources are saying the same... the shooter was a young man who went to the HS, is a member of the Tulalip tribe, and comes from a religious family that owns guns / goes hunting. As a parent and an educator, I feel terrible for the murder victim (reports are that a girl was murdered), the wounded, and the students at the HS.

You can bet as more information comes out, it'll be used to scapegoat all gun owners and push the I-594 agenda. Even though the truth is that NO background check could have stopped the disturbed shooter.

The cynic in me also thinks the timing of this is a little convenient... not to mention that if it keeps getting play in the mass media, it's going to invite a copy cat. *sigh*

It's more important than ever that we engage our circle of family and friends to remind them that we're bothered by this tragedy too, but that...

1) I-594 is a rubbish law that wouldn't have stopped this individual
2) "Gun free zone" at schools = murder zones
Let's see, the indian kid used his father's stolen Beretta to commit this crime because some girl refused his advances, and this relates to US, how, exactly??
I already see people who say we need serious gun reform to stop this stuff . Do they not realize laws don't stop someone from stealing? But I guess if you tell them that they will demand everyone to lock their firearms up and have required inspections every month.
My prayers go out to the kids and their families. That said, at least it was not an AR, extended mag or a straw purchase. The anti's are probably saddened more by that than they are at the loss of life.
He Shot His Cousin in the Head During the Attack

A prominent elder named Ray Fryberg is the tribes' director of fish and wildlife. He was the subject of this 2012 feature:
Fryberg posted an Instagram last January comparing the number of Americans killed on 9/11 with the "12 million Native Americans killed by Christians."

This seems a little different than the usual school shootings.
Not that I wish to promote or believe that this was a "false flag" Just found this video and thought it was pertinent to some of this discussion

Not that I wish to promote or believe that this was a "false flag" Just found this video and thought it was pertinent to some of this discussion

Watched the vid...SWAT training thing is interesting. Not to wear a tinfoil hat or anything, but the timing of all of this is really convenient...It would be pretty easy to plant a few people who are in on it..., stick squibs + fake blood packs on a few "victims" fire a few blanks off, "lunch lady" intervenes and "stops" the shooter. SWAT comes in to "secure" the building, cleans it up, doctors the scene...panic the population right before the vote. You have a giant room full of witnesses who heard gun shots, saw an argument and "blood" pour out of a few people. The panic and terror these people would experience would be 100% genuine. Relocate the "dead", make them government employees with new identities and voila, you have a conspiracy.

How many people would be required to pull this off? Less than 50?

That being said, I think this all happened for real, and its a terrible tragedy...but the circumstances are, as the lady in your video said, like winning the lottery...twice in a row. Sadly, I-594 is pretty much guaranteed to pass now and it would have done nothing to prevent this tragedy as the shooter was too young to even go through a background check. Anti's will pass turd legislation because they "have to do something!" Libtards.

Interesting vid but......
Hard to get all the kid witnesses to agree who the shooter was.

If it was a False Flag then they found this kid who was already having problems and was on the edge anyway. Perhaps they organized his break up with the girl. Add a little fake cyber bullying, maybe a little behind the scenes mind control? Supply a few drugs?? Plant some ideas in his head?? Get him really ticked off at everybody! Help make things happen. Then hide their tracks and wait for the shooting to begin.

Such a plan would only require two or three operatives.

The SWAT training? Just a little disinformation to throw people off? Maybe they had a heart and didn't need a huge massacre this time so they prepped a SWAT team.
Looks like an orchestrated push for I-594 to me.

Looking even more like it now. Latest news IDs two male victims as his cousins. 3 cousins involved, 3 girls, probably some tribal betrothals or some crap. Relocate them far and away as government employees. Easy to smuggle people out of a crime scene when ambulances are free to come and go to "save the victims."
Does the Seattle Times know something we don't know?? It is almost like they are promoting today's shooting as a reason why we need to pass I-594.. Yet, they fail to inform their brainwashed and ignorant readers that today's shooting would have not prevented the massacre.. Last I checked you had to be 21 years old to purchase a handgun..

The Seattle Times said:
While the facts of today's shooting are still unclear, we do know that incidents like these are examples of the gun violence that's all too frequent in our state," the statement said. "It is up to all of us to come together and work to reduce gun violence."

I-594 is competing on the November ballot with <broken link removed> , a proposal by gun-rights supporters that would restrict the state from enacting background check laws beyond the federal standard.

<broken link removed>

I am not one for conspiracy theories and I feel heartbroken.. However, the timing is more than perfect .. Who knows if the government hasn't helped spawn some of these deranged lunatics.. Why do they always commit massacres so close to election time?
...I was in error. Turns out there is a comments section, you just have to see and click on the "Show Comments" prompt to gain access to them.
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Of course some "news" outlets are stating it was a "high capacity handgun" but that it had a low capacity mag. :mad:

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