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System should have weeded this guy out.
Yeh, but it is almost impossible to do. It is more of a comment on our society than anything. We have a lot of sociopaths and various kinds of psychopaths in our society than most want to acknowledge ? Look at our president and most of congress and they are the examples ? Holder was the top LEO and he was nothing but a criminal himself. And we have morphed into a society that goes along with far too many infringements of our basic liberties and accepts for too many double standards. Very few will stand up to anything these days , just a lot of lip service so of course it all gets worse ! don't want to offend anybody you know ? gag reflex ...........
just watched...err...heard the dash cam video from Wood's previous incident. My only response is WOW !!!
I do believe LEO's receive training to defuse a situation and how to properly file a police report. I guess he wasn't paying attention during those training sessions.
just watched...err...heard the dash cam video from Wood's previous incident. My only response is WOW !!!
I do believe LEO's receive training to defuse a situation and how to properly file a police report. I guess he wasn't paying attention during those training sessions.
Apparently not since he created the entire scenario. We have all met LEOs who were out there on their own ego trips and power/control trips. Fortunately it is NOT the majority but too many to be sure ! It is all about the boundaries we allow in our society and how we demand those boundaries be enforced or accept wrong dealings of such !

On the other end of the spectrum we have the police in Baltimore who are being railroaded by our own government for political/racial reasons which is equally as sickening and wrong ! America is in deep trouble on many fronts and most of it is quite deliberate. We are in fact seeing it all break down everywhere you look and these are just some of those break downs.There are many.
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thanks for the follow up . I hope you folks in Idaho are up to speed because these cops are whacked and need an bubblegum whoopin and fired ASAP! That video was sickening how he disrespected that old guy and was obviously just a control freak issue . The exact opposite of serve and protect. And there is no law that says you must get back in your car ?

Yeh just like the 80 year old that supposedly resisted arrest in this new video and that was his probable cause to manhandle him ? Dude is a bad apple and should be held completely accountable. It will all boil down to the folks in Idaho how this plays out now. Their consternation will play a big part. But there will be charges filed no doubt , just remains to be seem which charges ?

System should have weeded this guy out.

Apparently not since he created the entire scenario. We have all met LEOs who were out there on their own ego trips and power/control trips. Fortunately it is NOT the majority but too many to be sure ! It is all about the boundaries we allow in our society and how we demand those boundaries be enforced or accept wrong dealings of such !

just watched...err...heard the dash cam video from Wood's previous incident. My only response is WOW !!!
I do believe LEO's receive training to defuse a situation and how to properly file a police report. I guess he wasn't paying attention during those training sessions.

I watched...listened to that video too. I'd like to know, from some of you "experts", just how an officer is supposed to go about calming the situation with a combatant, possibly in a state dementia, old man? I didn't hear anything in that tape that was inappropriate? But then I haven't had a bunch of training how to deal with a situation like that. Enlighten me please. I really would like to hear because as I listened I felt terrible for the officer.

I'm still not going one way or the other, even though going through so many jobs in those few years is maybe a bit fishy. I mean it's not unusual for an employee to be allowed to resign rather than being fired? So he can just move along, and get another job AWAY from the one he messed up?
I too am wondering how the 2011 video makes Wood look bad. I wanted to smack the bas+@rd's head against his car. I'm pretty sure there is no way I could have remained as cool as he did in that situation. But then again, my job and that of a police officer are quite different.

For the record, I sincerely believe that the outcome of the Yantis ordeal falls on the officers and that they should be severely punished. I just think the video supports Wood more than it hurts him.
Mike J and x , The answer and reason you are completely wrong is simple . The officer had no reason to try and force the old guy to sit in his car ? You guys both sound like control freaks just like the officer was and likely still is since he killed Yantis for no reason. And yes that 2011 video shows the officers mental state is not a balanced one. And anybody who looks at all the facts and want to beat on the old man is also a bit unbalanced and likely deserves an ask whoopin themselves because they think such garbage or are capable of such ? This is about legal citizens and their liberties and neither case shows "protect and serve" but ego control freaks at their worse ! which both of you are appperently fine with ? I am not by any stretch. Both could have and should have been handled very differently so you guys need to rethink a bunch of stuff about yourselves !
Mike J and x , The answer and reason you are completely wrong is simple . The officer had no reason to try and force the old guy to sit in his car ? You guys both sound like control freaks just like the officer was and likely still is since he killed Yantis for no reason. And yes that 2011 video shows the officers mental state is not a balanced one. And anybody who looks at all the facts and want to beat on the old man is also a bit unbalanced and likely deserves an ask whoopin themselves because they think such garbage or are capable of such ? This is about legal citizens and their liberties and neither case shows "protect and serve" but ego control freaks at their worse ! which both of you are appperently fine with ? I am not by any stretch. Both could have and should have been handled very differently so you guys need to rethink a bunch of stuff about yourselves !
I'm here whenever you want to try your hand at straightening me out;)
Are you a cop? Ever been one? Ever consider what they have to deal with? Put yourself in that position and tell me you would be comfortable with having those you've pulled over roaming around outside their vehicle. It's hard to "Protect and Serve" when those you serve have such high regard for themselves. He was very respectful and the old guy acted like an arrogant arse right off the bat. If you are asked to sit in your car while the officer is trying to do the job you pay him to do, why not just do it? There was nothing wrong with how Wood handled the situation. For you and those like you to sit back and make your ill informed comments actually exacerbates the "Bad Cop" problem we see the media so happy to promote. You sound like just another self-righteous benchwarmer.
Two completely different situations here based on what limited information has been provided. I'm pretty sure none of us were there and a lot of assumptions are being made. From what I can see, the Yantis situation was a completely avoidable disaster and the LEOs should answer for it. But again, I'm not so full of myself that I'm going to say I know exactly what happened.

Oh, and FYI, I "rethink a bunch of stuff" about myself on a regular basis. It's part of the job.
I'm here whenever you want to try your hand at straightening me out;)
Are you a cop? Ever been one? Ever consider what they have to deal with? Put yourself in that position and tell me you would be comfortable with having those you've pulled over roaming around outside their vehicle. It's hard to "Protect and Serve" when those you serve have such high regard for themselves. He was very respectful and the old guy acted like an arrogant arse right off the bat. If you are asked to sit in your car while the officer is trying to do the job you pay him to do, why not just do it? There was nothing wrong with how Wood handled the situation. For you and those like you to sit back and make your ill informed comments actually exacerbates the "Bad Cop" problem we see the media so happy to promote. You sound like just another self-righteous benchwarmer.
Two completely different situations here based on what limited information has been provided. I'm pretty sure none of us were there and a lot of assumptions are being made. From what I can see, the Yantis situation was a completely avoidable disaster and the LEOs should answer for it. But again, I'm not so full of myself that I'm going to say I know exactly what happened.

Oh, and FYI, I "rethink a bunch of stuff" about myself on a regular basis. It's part of the job.
WOW I missed something by having an extensive 'ignore' list.
Who peed on your oatmeal?
WOW I missed something by having an extensive 'ignore' list.
Who peed on your oatmeal?
Sorry. Just seems we have more than enough crap going on in this screwed up world. A vast majority of our problems come from people thinking, instead of knowing. ASSumptions are terrible.
This "Steve Baze" guy jumped on Mikej and myself for basically just asking how the 2011 video showed Wood to be the "Bad Cop" that he appears to be in the Yantis dilema.
Sorry. Just seems we have more than enough crap going on in this screwed up world. A vast majority of our problems come from people thinking, instead of knowing. ASSumptions are terrible.
This "Steve Baze" guy jumped on Mikej and myself for basically just asking how the 2011 video showed Wood to be the "Bad Cop" that he appears to be in the Yantis dilema.
I simply replied to your ridiculous comment. And you obviuusly don't do well with the truth or facts. The traffic stop video clearly shows the LEO was far out of bounds trying to force his control freak attitude on an 80 year old guy who was no threat at all. It definitely speaks to this guys mental makeup. And of course the two issues are connected because that same officer was involved in shooting Yantis. You are obviously an apologist for bad behavour in some circumstances, I am not and never will be. Nor do I think it ever approppriate or right for any LEO to do such as he did this old guy. You do NOT have to be a LEO to know what is right and what is wrong so that attempt to justify won't fly either. No I am not a LEO and never would be for many reasons. I have seen too many events where they do not deserve respect but disdain and that has been growing under BHO and crew as the police state and militarization of all police entities has grown far to fast and too great in the last 7 years. And that is all very deliberate. I still think anybody who would do what this cop did and anybody who agrees with it deserves a dose of their own medicine. Jack Yantis should not have died and this same cop is part of that horrific scenario and you are simply wrong by trying to somehow justify his action with the old guy he stopped and forcing him to sit in his car ? That is purely and ego trip and an out of control, control freak cop, nothing more and it shows this guy is whacked. There is no defense as the facts of the video do speak at us and shout at us, even if we were not there ! It is our responsibility to call a spade a spade and you seem very reluctant to do that. Your attitude is why this kind of thing is happening, ponder that ? It is also why a guy like BHO and crew get away with murder everyday ! More people need to stand up and call a spade a spade. And as far as looking you up, I am not that stupid and I already know I could likely beat you to a pulp in about 5 seconds so what would be the point ? I would much rather get you to rethink and get with the program of decency and liberties for our legal citizens like Jack and this 80 year old ! But I imagine this cop is looking over his shoulder a lot these days as he likely should be ? He will get his one way or the other eventually, bullies always do. so I say Good on Ya and ponder my friend !
I just watched the video with the 80 year old guy and from what I can hear, the officer sounds like he is in control of himself. He isnt swearing or saying anything derogatory or giving the guy an attitude. When detaining someone for a law violation, you have the lawful authority to give verbal directives. He uses an academy taught verbal de-escalation technique of providing options with the second option being the desired outcome. The officer doesnt sound like he is struggling too hard, which doesnt play into the excessive force claim. The subject is also screaming words too clearly to be in extreme duress. When detained and resisting lawful directives the officer can use hands-on escort techniques which use an element of pain for compliance. He could have also used pepper spray, but didnt. That leads me to believe his intention wasnt to cause too much pain or long lasting discomfort. Controlling the head is also a key to non-compliant cuffing. He even got EMS involved.

An LEOs job is not to back down when addressing a law violation. That is why the SCOTUS rejects "protect and serve" as the purpose of police and defines the purpose of police as "enforcing the law".

When you do a traffic stop, its very important to control the situation. By keeping someone in the car, you limit their ability to maneuver. I can show you guys video after video of what happens when guys are allowed to get out and dictate the pace of the stop. The officers try and use directives and dont act physically to gain control. They all ended up dead. Not our job to die.
I simply replied to your ridiculous comment. And you obviuusly don't do well with the truth or facts. The traffic stop video clearly shows the LEO was far out of bounds trying to force his control freak attitude on an 80 year old guy who was no threat at all. It definitely speaks to this guys mental makeup. And of course the two issues are connected because that same officer was involved in shooting Yantis. You are obviously an apologist for bad behavour in some circumstances, I am not and never will be. Nor do I think it ever approppriate or right for any LEO to do such as he did this old guy. You do NOT have to be a LEO to know what is right and what is wrong so that attempt to justify won't fly either. No I am not a LEO and never would be for many reasons. I have seen too many events where they do not deserve respect but disdain and that has been growing under BHO and crew as the police state and militarization of all police entities has grown far to fast and too great in the last 7 years. And that is all very deliberate. I still think anybody who would do what this cop did and anybody who agrees with it deserves a dose of their own medicine. Jack Yantis should not have died and this same cop is part of that horrific scenario and you are simply wrong by trying to somehow justify his action with the old guy he stopped and forcing him to sit in his car ? That is purely and ego trip and an out of control, control freak cop, nothing more and it shows this guy is whacked. There is no defense as the facts of the video do speak at us and shout at us, even if we were not there ! It is our responsibility to call a spade a spade and you seem very reluctant to do that. Your attitude is why this kind of thing is happening, ponder that ? It is also why a guy like BHO and crew get away with murder everyday ! More people need to stand up and call a spade a spade. And as far as looking you up, I am not that stupid and I already know I could likely beat you to a pulp in about 5 seconds so what would be the point ? I would much rather get you to rethink and get with the program of decency and liberties for our legal citizens like Jack and this 80 year old ! But I imagine this cop is looking over his shoulder a lot these days as he likely should be ? He will get his one way or the other eventually, bullies always do. so I say Good on Ya and ponder my friend !
Calling me an apologist shows your readiness to make assumptions. You clearly know nothing about me. But, by all means, continue to showcase your ignorance.
I watched...listened to that video too. I'd like to know, from some of you "experts", just how an officer is supposed to go about calming the situation with a combatant, possibly in a state dementia, old man? I didn't hear anything in that tape that was inappropriate? But then I haven't had a bunch of training how to deal with a situation like that. Enlighten me please. I really would like to hear because as I listened I felt terrible for the officer.

I'm still not going one way or the other, even though going through so many jobs in those few years is maybe a bit fishy. I mean it's not unusual for an employee to be allowed to resign rather than being fired? So he can just move along, and get another job AWAY from the one he messed up?

You tell me WHY this cop pointed his dash cam AWAY from the old man's car? Because he didn't want a video of the possible outcome. There's nothing threatening that the old man did.... The cop had a right to hand him a ticket, wish him a nice day and drive away....but apparently the cop's dept. and the mayor/city council realized this pile of garbage with a badge over reacted. Otherwise why would they pay nearly $15 large in a settlement.I respect 98% of cops, it's the 2% scum buckets like this one give the good ones a bad name and because the system protects the bad apples more and more of society questions crap like this. You tell me other than a LE job where a person can abuse an old man who is 80 and no threat and getaway with this? If you think this cop did nothing wrong then you have a twisted set of morals. Remember this LEO was charged and likely fired for poaching/ illegal firearm possession previously reported.

brutus Out
If you watch the stop, the old man pulled into a dead end pulloff and turned around. The officer didnt look like he had too much room to flip around to get the camera right. It leaves the officer fairly vulnerable because he cant use the vehicle for cover as he has been trained to do.

The guy would have likely gotten a ticket and drove away if he had not gotten out of the vehicle and refused to follow a lawful directive. Watch the video I posted and you see a prime example of what can happen when someone takes control of your traffic stop.

Not saying the guy is or isn't a dirtbag, but that video alone doesn't prove he is. Why would the department settle for 15k? Have you seen how much it costs to fight a lawsuit? Besides, they have insurance for that stuff.

Well at least you made this a permanent part of your online profile for future reference...
Wow dude.
He jumped me. Not the other way around.
He said maybe I need an ask whoppin. I just offered to give him opportunity. Don't go putting this on me. How do you react to someone saying you need your ask whupped? Hopefully not like the weak sisters who are ruining this country. People need to stand up to threats. Not roll over and take it. Can't you see what that sort of attitude is doing?
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