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We don't believe everything we read.

Years and years ago I smoked pot, shot guns, tried to make stupid useless weapons and sometimes catapulted tree limbs into my neighbors yard....well joking about the tree limbs. That stuff they found at his house doesn't automatically make him a bad guy in my book. I have known both rich yacht owners and poor trailer park trash people that had stuff like this guy had (and worse) on their own property. But its par for the course as usual to make the bad guy look really bad and the good guy really good. Gotta play on those emotions I guess.

Pretty good comment though.

"MyRightandMyRant August 16, 2011 at 1:42PM

May I suggest: "heed" your own advice? Furthermore; Authorities & reporters have changed the stories numerous times. Things are reported as they come in. Many things could be fabricated by Officials & Authorities to benefit or perhaps, hide wrongful discrimination, misconduct, etc.? Anyway, George & William had an altercation just prior to the shooting. This started when William tried to play "Macho Man" wannabe cop and brought on a confrontational approach going after George & threatening him. I suspect William knew he started something he likely couldn't finish on his own- perhaps forcing him (in a threatening appearance) to claim to be running inside his house to get a gun??? Anyway, Once George left going directly home (Parking just up the alley from William's House) William called the cops claiming George was driving too fast in the alley which caused the tempers to begin flying! Now an intrusion of George's back yard property ensued with folks sneaking about moments after rage & tempers were flying. Additional threats & unlawful entry attempts alleged toward George, his property, & threats towards his dogs transpired which quickly began this entire travesty! Tempers now fully escalated? Unfortunately, the officer did have a known prejudice towards George and wasn't exactly the Saint made out to be. George also isn't the hard core scumbag they proclaim him to be! Entire matter is so sad for both sides but, it all sadly, should have & could have been handled differently! Hadn't George got off the first round though- George &/or his dogs would likely have been gunned down? ..."
A must read post!!!!

"MyRightandMyRant August 16, 2011 at 12:29PM

Uhh, excuse me smart azz!!
1). Several years back- George's wife took out a Temporary P.F.A. after he caught her having an affair with a Spanish fellow (in his house)! Anyone can file a PFA against someone. FYI: PFA's are often abused by woman who can easily & immediately grant them the home, sole custody of kids, etc., etc. Nevertheless; The PFA had eventually been dropped. Incidentally, something that isn't commonly done if the individual is even remotely an actual threat! During the initial issuance of a "Temporary PFA"- any/all guns must be forfeited! Once a PFA is abolished or served out... the defendant may have a right to have all guns/property returned unless, a felony or additional pending charges are a factor or, depending on any previous convictions! George was allowed to have his firearms as any non violent, non-felony American!

2). NO! Never is it "Natural" to go to someone's back door! Cop or not! Particularly when you have been there many times &, even if the complaint wasn't initially known to be against George (By the complainant or, the cop) which is BS! Proper approach, common sense, common courtesy, policy & knowledge is to approach the "FRONT DOOR"! Particularly after being informed of the confrontation while tempers are still flaring! Imagine the complainant (William Clancy) also moments before threatening to kill George during the confrontation! A confrontation that should not have ever transpired! You don't like the way he drove in the alley and knowing he despises you, why would you play Cop? You wanted a problem but, you couldn't handle what you started- woos! You should have called the cops instead of approaching & fighting with him! Anyway, after the tempers are now flaring & Now moment's later – imagine... people are now sneaking about your back yard??? Not smart even for a Cop. Particularly an officer knowing they equally despise one another & an Officer that previously & frequently refused to assist George when he wishes/attempts to handle matters correctly (Legally)! But, even aside of all that- when does one with any logic ever approach the back of someone's house? No one has any business in someone's "BACK YARD"! Perhaps Officer Lasso (Being out of shape) initially walked too far from his cruiser & didn't want to walk back to the car to drive 1/2 way around the block? Or, felt he would just intrude/sneak up & spy via means of backyard? Either way, not the right thing to do and, the Officer was aware of his earlier denial to help George regarding a thief up the street that robbed George a few days prior. Incidentally, George went over & got his stuff back on his own- (Another lovely neighbor speaking highly of George)! I particularly like the dirt bag that owes George $1,000.00 yet, now condemning George on after an altercation for never attempting to pay George back! What a sweet heart!

3). Not 1 dog but 2 dogs! FU! The dogs do not have an ounce of aggressive blood in them! Some considered them a nuisance when licking any/all guests!
4). Illegal drugs in the house? Was this stuff planted? If not; Dealing drugs or had weed for own personal use?? Big deal! He had some weed in the house & a few plants! Yes, illegal for sure! I know more cops, lawyers, doctors, military veterans, etc. that smoke weed than any folks in other professions. Are they "scumbags"? Are they bad, bad people? Anyway, did this affect you? Does that make one guilty of anything & everything else? Does that eliminate one from rights or, a fair trial? Is it even truly relevant to anything else? Also, George's home was already seized, intruded & heavily trafficked by many, many cops & authorities long before a Warrant was obtained! It should all be inadmissible! But, unfairly; that is the least of George's problem! Isn't it?

5). The other guy blah, blah, blah?? Well, you think perhaps: he's a liability? Rumor has it- Todd's cell phone was confiscated and a video was erased?? Whmmmmm- it would make sense! Wouldn't it? I'm afraid & sense while in custody he may have a horrific accident? I'd rather (in a case as such) that; he just told "whatever" makes the authorities happy! I'm sure George would feel the same & expect that of him?

Thus far... George hasn't really spoken to anyone, refuses any defense or Lawyer! Hasn't asked for anything! No matter what others imply- He has remorse & never, ever would want or wish to take a life! I'm telling you as I breathe... it is extremely likely that he felt threatened &, felt he & his dogs would be dead if he didn't shoot first!
He had a very passionate love for kids, his dogs, friends (real ones), family and animals in general! No, he didn't like the idea that the neighbors would allow their kid to annoyingly continue to bounce a tennis ball against his house! Nor, would I. Have your kid bounce the ball against your own damn house! Have some respect!
He didn't like the dirt bags that have infested looking or majorly eyesore type of sloppy homes or un-kept homes/properties! He didn't like neighbors that claimed all the parking spots or, those that would continuously park him in yet, not answer doors to move there vehicles so he could leave! Many were renters or, dirty slobs who live in row homes claiming the entire street. He owned a relatively large, single dwelling home yet, frequently had to park down the hill in a back alley whereas; he couldn't keep an eye on his vehicle! Rarely could park in front of his house.
He didn't care for the local thieves that would break into his place on many, many occasions after watching him leave. He didn't like being ignored or feeling like nothing was being done when he was the one filing the complaints! Most break-ins... George was better off tracking down thieves himself &, would get some of his things back! Lasso has told him- ah, too bad when making a complaint!

Yes... George spoke what was on his mind. Yes, George wore his hair long & liked motorcycles! Who cares? Don't many successful individuals also? I can show you a terrific friend which has long, straight hair, tattoos, and loves to take long, long rides on his Harley during week-ends, we'll stop at small taverns, enjoy a beer or two with lunch! Monday thru Friday, back to the Office working as an IRS agent! Yup... how do you like that? Aren't we all scum bags? Know this; George is/was a very giving & generous individual to those he cared about! Oh, no doubt about it- Yes... if you crossed him, he wouldn't stand quietly! He believed speaking up and in enforcing such standards & code as: right is right & wrong is wrong! And so should he! He also gave willingly to all sorts of Child Charities!
George was looking forward to getting out of the tight, nestled little bureau! He talked about it frequently! No... some did not like George! But, weigh the caliber of such &, consider the source? Those you see bashing him are those that have done him some sort of wrong and had been confronted or, are just dirt bags all together. Now, of course; you have Authorities that need to make him look out right horrific! This is a must! Boost up the cops rep & beat down the defendant's rep! Dig up anyone & everything you can that may present a negative impact (regardless of how minuscule)! In my opinion &, I believe not a huge secret... "The Berg" had its share of Corruption going way, way back! Most of its officers didn't have what it takes to be successfully employed by larger communities &, most were typically in a lesser physical condition than most departments could tolerate. They had a share of good ones too but, I believe A few good cops that came through the Berg would eventually be pushed out as, they could have been determined as a risk or a liability?

Corruption is real & does happen right here, close to us all! Much, much closer than you think! Don't believe everything you read or, see broadcasted! Things are not always as they appear! "

Not sure we will ever know the truth. To me its a tough call. I would love to hear from the defendant.
Jeez, a few people spout their beliefs and opinions on protecting dogs/animals and all sorts of name calling ensues, just because you don't agree?... What a lack of respect. It's ironic that people bash so much while at the same time saying humans have more value.

I appreciate the Ignore feature with threads like this.
As I understand it, the cop had a right to be there. A call was made and the cop had PC to enter the property. This is SOP for this type of situation is it not? Now, when the owner denied access the supervisor should of been called AND animal control. The owner should of been detained due to stopping the cop from doing his duty and making sure nobody was beat up inside the house, and the animal control would of collared the dogs until the situation was over. These situations escalate quickly, egos and testosterone get mixed in and it becomes a powder keg. Really, it doesn't need to if handled correctly.

And there is no need to be offensive or rude because someone doesn't agree with you. We can all agree to disagree without personally attackign each other. We're all friends here. :)
I am not going to take sides on shooting people to protect animals (even though I hold most animals in higher regards than most people) but I do find tons of issue with how this event was handled by law enforcement. If this was an unsafe situation for the officer, and no innocent person was in immediate danger, he should have withdrawn and dealt with the situation in a more tactically and legally sound manner. The Chief giving him commands to shoot a person's (who has not been convicted of a crime) pets is out of line. The Chief should be under investigations for so nonchalantly giving the order that so clearly shows a disregard for the rights of citizens.
The Chief giving him commands to shoot a person's (who has not been convicted of a crime) pets is out of line. The Chief should be under investigations for so nonchalantly giving the order that so clearly shows a disregard for the rights of citizens.

Yet nothing will happen on that front. He clearly thinks laws don't apply to him, as unfortunately some LEO's seem to think (both from my personal experience and from knowing lawyers who have tried unsuccessfully to challenge them). The chief escalated the problem yet is likely going to be unaccountable for it. How do we as the public get this to change?
From the recent "update" article:

State police descended on the home at 10:30 p.m., according to the search warrant, and found a myriad of weapons and a collection of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Among items seized were a 12-gauge Mossberg shotgun with three live shells, a Marlin 30-30 rifle, a Ruger M77 bolt-action rifle, a Winchester M94 lever-action rifle, a Rossi .38-caliber revolver

A "myriad" of weapons! Three LIVE shells! Oh no!

This reminds me of some recent articles in the local rag about an "arsenal" of guns found in a home. I think it was about seven firearms. Evidently an arsenal is bigger than a myriad.

Why believe any of this garbage journalism if they're going to use sensationalistic statements like a "myriad of weapons" to describe the ownership of one shotgun, three rifles, and a revolver?

And yes, they said "among them", but if there were more they would have gleefully listed them all.
That K9 is then an officer alright. Just try and bark at it, kick it, defend yourself from it and see what will happen to you.

I have read some of the officer websites and they openly admit they would kill a citizen easily to protect their dog. They also would easily kill our dogs. "Remove the threat" they say. It isn't right what they say they would do, but they just cant see it. They can kill us for protecting our animals but we should take it like a man when they kill ours and do nothing.

Also we as citizens should always wait before jumping to conclusions when an officer kills a citizen but a citizen that kills an officer should be shot on site they say. No time to wait, no time to find out what really happened, no time for a fair trail.

And people say us citizens are loosing our respect for LEO's. I wonder why. Just read what they say themselves.

Do we not want the citizens and our government employes to do the right things?
man i sure hope so. you'd think so.. but people keep signing up, and there's more "cop dramas" on TV now than ever

Pretty much all media driven job related articles are help wanted ad's. Look at all the "reality" tv shows about jobs for "cop dramas". They also glamorize people that work as loggers, tow truck drivers, at the junk yard, at a hospital, garbage service, pawn stores etc.... But we all know we just do our jobs because we want to do them, not because of the bull that the media gives us.

Now days we're working to keep a government funded with portions going towards whatever everyone else in that Country wants to have. A complete loss of self interest & more SPECIAL interest for the 'other guy' which is everyone else but ourselves. Its cancelling ourselves out because some jobs are just "needed more than others". Apparently.
I did not post this thread to trash officers. I am sure there are thousands of good law abiding/constitution abiding officers out there all over this great nation.

How is it right/moral that they can protect their dogs but we cant? I just don't get it.
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I did not post this thread to trash officers. I am sure there are thousands of good law abiding/constitution abiding officers out there all over this great nation.

How is it right that they can protect their dogs but we cant. I just don't get it.

The same goes for ones own life when in respect for yourself over an officer just as the officer has chosen for him or herself over every citizen.
Its not about that to me. Its not my life over theirs. Its about morality, responsibility, doing the right thing. We all are human and we will mess up. but arent we to try and do the right and moral things in life?
The Law is supposed to me Moral. We are supposed to look at the LEO's with respect and honor for doing the right things and punishing the people who do the wrong things. Where did that go?

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