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:s0113: hahaha in circles we go :s0013:
That's right because in a private message you looked up my public profile and accused me of being an Union Bully but to move on and let it all go. Gee, what were you afraid of calling me that in public? Afraid some Union Ironworker might jump your crap and set off a whole new tangent?

And SKrueger, no one was referencing Jewish Princesses in a post regarding governmental knee jerk reaction to ammo brought into Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Japan. Come on, man!
Agree 100% with that particular type of post Tully Mars, however, would it still be okay with you given you have family history if a black person made the same statement and included a racist term such as "honky" or "cracker" or similar?

LOL, Sig if every time I've been called the above plus White trash, inbred redneck, sister f@#%er, Klansman, Gumper and what ever else comes to their minds I let get to me I'd be on death row and a 1/4 the black population I've come in contact with would be in their graves.

Tell me, if being new to the forum, you were of Japanese descent and came upon Post #13 with the descriptive "Damn Japs", would you feel encouraged being here?

I would do the same thing I did yesterday-drive on.
I assure you I take my Southern heritage every bit as serious as you do your Japanese heritage.

I was once stationed in Japan and came to really appreciate their sense of culture, tradition and respect for people of all color.

I enjoyed my business trips to Japan, and enjoyed the glimpse into their culture.
While on one of those trips, I stopped off in Hawaii for a few days to mainly see Pearl Harbor and visit the USS Arizona memorial.The people attending at that time were 80% Japanese. During the service a group of 20 somethings who were Japanese kept giggling and cutting up. Folks were getting upset but nothing was done until I stepped over and whispered something to them. They straightened up at once and the service continued without any more issues. At the end of the service that group were some of the first to depart.
So you see, even among the Japanese race there are those that fail to show respect..

Side note:
I was asked by one of the volunteers(a Dec. 7th survivor) afterwards what I said to the "children". After I told him he shook my hand and told me to return right at closing, but didn't say why. When I arrived back he had a folded flag in his hands. It was the flag that flew over the Arizona that day. We talked awhile, he shook my hand and presented that flag to me. That flag is proudly on display in a family member's home who was a Navy vet. I will not mention what I said to those kids out of respect and for fear of offending you further.

Now, as I think this thread has drifted far enough

That's all I got to say about that..
Gun ownership in the People's Republic of China is strictly regulated by law. Generally, private citizens are not allowed to possess guns. Civilian ownership of guns is largely restricted to authorized, non-individual entities, including sporting organizations, authorized hunting reserves, and wildlife protection, management and research organizations. The chief exception to the general ban on individual firearm ownership is for the purpose of hunting. Illegal possession or sale of firearms may result in a minimum punishment of 3 years in prison, and penalties for arms trafficking include life imprisonment.
Gun ownership in Taiwan is prohibited to ordinary citizens. There are currently more than 5,000 legal private handgun owners, of which 1,000 are used for self defense and 4,000 are used for hunting by the Taiwanese aborigines. Gun owners in Taiwan are required to receive regular inspections every two years as well as random inspections by the police
The weapons law of Japan begins by stating "No one shall possess a firearm or firearms or a sword or swords", and very few exceptions are allowed. Citizens are permitted to possess firearms for hunting and sport shooting, but only after submitting to a lengthy licensing procedure. After ten years of shotgun ownership, a licence-holder may apply to obtain a rifle.
Turkey is restrictive in terms of gun control statutes. Automatic and semi-automatic firearms are "prohibited for civilian possession (with no or limited exceptions)", and for any application, "an applicant may be asked to produce a medical certificate confirming he or she is capable of handling firearms and that he or she has no psychological – or physical – impediments". Background checks are mandatory, and a "genuine reason" is required for issue of licenses.

Civilians must additionally apply through the police for a handgun carry permit or a rifle carry license (the latter also requiring a hunting license). They must have a special reason prior to application, and the carry licenses are expensive. Special professions like police officers, military personnel, judges, public prosecutors, and senior politicians have their own life-time license from the government, and can apply for free licenses for handgun and rifle carry.
Gun possession in Switzerland is relatively high compared to most European countries (the rate of Swiss households containing at least one firearm was estimated at 24.45% by the 2016 figures of, – lower than Germany, France, and Austria– though including militia-issued firearms). The Swiss have universal conscription for military service. A recent referendum in 2011 on a call to force military weapons to be kept at military sites was defeated. Weapons may voluntarily be kept in the local armory and there is no longer an obligation to keep the weapon at home.

The Swiss "Federal Law on Arms, Arms Accessories and Ammunitions" (WG, LArm) of 20 June 1997 has as its objectives (Article 1) to combat the wrongful use of arms, their accessories, parts and ammunition. It governs the acquisition of arms, their introduction into Swiss territory, export, storage, possession, carrying, transport, and brokerage. It regulates the manufacture and trade in arms, and seeks to prevent the wrongful carrying of ammunition and dangerous objects. Article 3 states that "The right to acquire, possess and carry arms is guaranteed in the framework of this law".
The Republic of Cyprus has strict gun control. Private citizens are completely forbidden from owning handguns and rifles in any caliber, including .22 rimfire. Shotguns limited to two rounds are allowed with a licence, issued by provincial police. Shotguns must be for hunting purposes, and a licenced citizen may own up to ten shotguns, typically double-barreled. A firearm licence is required to buy ammunition, of up to 250 shells per purchase, with sales recorded. Cyprus also controls airguns, and airgun owners require a licence
Somehow, this meme seems appropriate here...
Cops in Japan don't carry firearms and yet crime is virtually nonexistent. You can park your bike or motorcycle on the street corner and no one would dare mess with it. It's a culture where you actually respect one another. Similarly, in Hawaii, everybody watches out for one another. Only time I've ever experienced this was when I lived in Sequim over on the Oly Peninsula.

Easy to knock something or an entire ethnic race hiding behind your "massive" American ignorance. Lot tougher to show respect than disrespect in a group bullying post. Try running your racist b.s. mouth to some of my friends trained in the martial arts who don't need a gun to back up their bravado.

And you wonder why there's so much distrust, crime and violence in this country? Take a look in the mirror.

You're probably right in one respect... the Japanese culture of today is extremely concerned with politeness, except for their gangsters. However, many people were around when their culture thought non-Japanese were sub-human and the Japanese invaded countries and treated the indigenous people barbarically. I have friends that have done business with Japanese that have said that the culture remains insular and many still have feelings of superiority. They are not perfect by any means. But if you prefer their culture, go live there!

Secondly, your boast about martial arts is very ignorant IMO. I have trained in Kajukenbo with a Sigung (teacher of teachers(Sifus)) Grand Master repeat World Karate Champion and have had much experience with those trained in Martial Arts. And the very first part of training is respect, humility, non-violence, to only use the ability as a last resort, as you would a firearm. No true martial artist that I know, and I know a lot, would ever attack a person based on their words, no matter how offensive. IMO not only do you have a bad attitude, but you lie. You discredit the rest of your comments. But perhaps you were talking about MMA fighters. IMO these folks are not true martial artists but only trained in the techniques of cage fighting.

Also, you're probably right about the joking, in that I think it did get somewhat over the top and embarrassing. Just my opinion. I chose to leave it alone because I know these people are harmless in their hearts and I don't see myself as a social justice warrior. I've heard much worse in my time, N-word jokes, not that I base that as acceptance of poor behavior today.

Just calm down. You aren't reaching people by being so aggressive. You may have gotten triggered but lashing out is not doing your cause much good.

edited for comments on martial artists.
Last Edited:
People are getting offended/triggered WAY too easily these days. Rational, reasonable adults can handle some 'offensive' comments without getting all worked up. If there were more folks that could do that, the world would be a better place. It's not going to be a better place when any word/phrase that offends someone instantly gets labled racsim. That is a childish answer and one that shows an inability to see things for what they really are, not what someone wants them to be.

I don't get this hypersensitivity that has gripped our country. Let's all remember this too - the 1st amendment has been upheld by the SCOTUS to defend ALL speach, not just speach people agree with. They even went so far as to show it protects "offensive" speach. People say things that offend me pretty regularly, but again, as a reasonable adult, I don't get all bent out of shape about it - funny how my life is simpler and happier that way. If someone is a prick, I simply ignore them. Very easy to do.
Triggering seems reasonable to me where I work. The psych floor. If you are able to live and cope in the normal world where I don't have to count the plasticware, you should be able to cope.

Seriously if words on the internet get you to the point of threatening violence to others, you should sell your guns as that is too much lability. Gun ownership requires responsibility and an even temperament.

Before anybody jumps my case, I am white. I have also had multiple broken bones because of that fact and no other. I have been assaulted twice while minding my own business where the perpetrators were yelling racial slurs at me prior to the beat-down. In one case I was buying a cheap tux for a job. In another I was staffing an after school program for kids to give them a safe place to be kids. I do have some martial arts experience and it doesn't make you a complete invulnerable badass.

But seriously, putting on my professional hat here as a mental health worker, if you feel so triggered by this thread as to threaten violence I suggest voluntarily giving up guns to a trusted friend as there is too much risk
I told you if you were offended to let it go....

You sent me this in a private message:

"I'm sorry your so offended by our forum and comments....but please stop with the cyber "bullying" you are trying to do....your soooo tough...we get prob would bully people into joining a union too with those kind of tactics."

Yes, I was offended in defense of people of Japanese descent. Period. And asked why was it so easy for people to walk on by and think nothing of it's offensive nature here. Varying degrees of sensitivity based on your background, I get it, so be it.

"would do the same thing I did yesterday-drive on.
I assure you I take my Southern heritage every bit as serious as you do your Japanese heritage"

Nope, not Japanese. Just sticking up for those who are and aren't on here.

"Seriously if words on the internet get you to the point of threatening violence to others, you should sell your guns as that is too much lability. Gun ownership requires responsibility and an even temperament."

Not threatening anyone with violence, just questioning why is it so easy for this racist rhetoric to exist on an anonymous firearms forum. But in a real life situation, cowards stay quiet.

" No martial artist that I know, and I know a lot, would ever attack a person based on their words, no matter how offensive. IMO not only do you have a bad attitude, but you lie. You discredit the rest of your comments."

No one spoke of attacking anyone because of words. But yes, I would question someone muttering something offensive in defense of someone of another race who couldn't defend themselves. And yes, I would tell them what I thought just as I am here. So go and ask your sifu, si-hing, or anyone else in your martial arts world, would they not pipe up and ask for some bully regardless of ethnicity to back off? You enter with respect, you leave with respect. What part of "Damn Japs" is respectful? Maybe it's perfectly fine for the majority here to enjoy it, and walk on by, but it's not right, plain and simple.
You sent me this in a private message:

"I'm sorry your so offended by our forum and comments....but please stop with the cyber "bullying" you are trying to do....your soooo tough...we get prob would bully people into joining a union too with those kind of tactics."

Yes, I was offended in defense of people of Japanese descent. Period. And asked why was it so easy for people to walk on by and think nothing of it's offensive nature here. Varying degrees of sensitivity based on your background, I get it, so be it.

"would do the same thing I did yesterday-drive on.
I assure you I take my Southern heritage every bit as serious as you do your Japanese heritage"

Nope, not Japanese. Just sticking up for those who are and aren't on here.

"Seriously if words on the internet get you to the point of threatening violence to others, you should sell your guns as that is too much lability. Gun ownership requires responsibility and an even temperament."

Not threatening anyone with violence, just questioning why is it so easy for this racist rhetoric to exist on an anonymous firearms forum. But in a real life situation, cowards stay quiet.

" No martial artist that I know, and I know a lot, would ever attack a person based on their words, no matter how offensive. IMO not only do you have a bad attitude, but you lie. You discredit the rest of your comments."

No one spoke of attacking anyone because of words. But yes, I would question someone muttering something offensive in defense of someone of another race who couldn't defend themselves. And yes, I would tell them what I thought just as I am here. So go and ask your sifu, si-hing, or anyone else in your martial arts world, would they not pipe up and ask for some bully to regardless of ethnicity to back off? You enter with respect, you leave with respect. What part of "Damn Japs" is respectful? Maybe it's perfectly fine for the majority here to enjoy it, and walk on by, but it's not right, plain and simple.
Honestly, you come across as threatening. Your attitude is that of a bully. You actually have done what looks like threatening violence. Internet tough guys come across as unstable to me.

Easy to knock something or an entire ethnic race hiding behind your "massive" American ignorance. Lot tougher to show respect than disrespect in a group bullying post. Try running your racist b.s. mouth to some of my friends trained in the martial arts who don't need a gun to back up their bravado.

This is pretty much a threat of violence, incidentally against mostly people who said nothing remotely racist.
Must really feel like big massive men picking on an entire race of people you have no idea about. My bone is the cowardly racist posts here. All four generations of my family have been here since the 1880's would had stuck up for yours if they were picked on like the "Japs" are on the previous pages here. Three generations shouldered arms so bubblegumes like the ones who post racists crap can hide behind their keyboards.

I'm no Nipponophile (tm;)), but I collect Japanese swords and flags from WW2..

Im wondering what your family called them in the 1940s when the delicate J word was very common terminology?
I wonder what a USMC veteran of any of the battles of the Pacific called them?
I wonder what the victims of the Rape of Nanking called them while their babies were being used for bayonet practice?
Ask my great aunt Eva who was a schoolmarm in the Philippines in 1941 and died in a Japanese DEATH camp in 1944 what she might have called them-or what any of the millions of Chinese,Filipino,British,Indian,Dutch,etc,etc who were savagely tortured,raped,beaten,and murdered by your beloved Japanese would have called them.
The Japanese-American members of the 442nd did what they should have- showed that they were true Americans and kicked Nazi heinie and didn't sit around whining about what some guy said in the internet like a pu$$y.

What did Hirohito and crew think of non Japanese?

The SJW crap can work both ways.

I do readily admit that the guys with the stupid Asian talking imitation was corny,and totally unnecessary.

Have a wonderful day.
You sent me this in a private message:

Not threatening anyone with violence, just questioning why is it so easy for this racist rhetoric to exist on an anonymous firearms forum. But in a real life situation, cowards stay quiet.

" No martial artist that I know, and I know a lot, would ever attack a person based on their words, no matter how offensive. IMO not only do you have a bad attitude, but you lie. You discredit the rest of your comments."

No one spoke of attacking anyone because of words. But yes, I would question someone muttering something offensive in defense of someone of another race who couldn't defend themselves. And yes, I would tell them what I thought just as I am here. So go and ask your sifu, si-hing, or anyone else in your martial arts world, would they not pipe up and ask for some bully regardless of ethnicity to back off? You enter with respect, you leave with respect. What part of "Damn Japs" is respectful? Maybe it's perfectly fine for the majority here to enjoy it, and walk on by, but it's not right, plain and simple.

Again you lie. "Try running your racist b.s. mouth to some of my friends trained in the martial arts who don't need a gun to back up their bravado." This is an implied threat no matter what you say to walk it back.

Si-hing is extremely disrespectful and on the part of my Sigung I am very offended. Also he is Navaho/Italian. Should I threaten to kick your azz? Many wrongs would not make a right.

I have told you why I personally didn't speak up, but you lump me in with your supposed "cowards". I find that a disrespectful offensive generalization.

"Damn Japs" is indeed disrespectful. But I can tell you that some that fought in WWII would say the same thing every time. Do we attack them for their disrespect or do we respect their service/courage/feelings. To many War in the Pacific veterans, they will always be "Damn Japs". Why don't you ask the person that posted the comment?

And BTW re-posting of private message contents is uncool in the extreme. IMO your bad behavior is not justified by others bad behavior. I believe you should get hammered by the site mediators for doing that.
Si-hing is one rank below that of Si-fu in most any Chinese Gung Fu systems. You should know that.

And why haven't the moderators chimed in on terms such as "Damn Japs?"
Si-hing is one rank below that of Si-fu in most any Chinese Gung Fu systems. You should know that.

And why haven't the moderators chimed in on terms such as "Damn Japs?"

He is not to be demoted by your disrespect! You should know that!!!!!!!

Pretty sure "Damn Japs" is not against the forum rules. Again you don't go directly to the source of your ire. Why don't you ask the mods? You are promoting censorship, I am promoting respect for privacy. Why don't you get that two wrongs don't make a right?

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