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It's currently illegal, though Governor Brown by executive order has required the OSP to keep a de facto gun registry of all transactions. This law would change the currently law to allow for a registry,

It's a good talking point when you talk to your friends and neighbors about i43.

Not if your neighbors worship antifa
Thank you! I just found this one. I'm reading the text now and from my first cursory look, it seems like this is just to give OSP the ability to retain the records for as long as they're lawfully allowed to, which is five years. Based on this, I don't think 3MTA3 was completely accurate in his statement.

From what I understand They are allowed to keep a record, but are not allowed to keep it more than five years. I'll keep looking into this and let you know what I find.

Please, if anyone has any more sourced info on this it's very important that we have it as a collective so we can use this information as a group.

Thanks for the replies tonight people!

OSP has been caught not once but twice keeping an illegal registration. They were never required to prove that they had destroyed the information, they simply said that they did. I was and am aware of the five year limitation in the Executive Order by Brown. This will turn out to be permanent for the following reasons:
  1. Prior to the five year anniversary you will see several stories of amazing success in solving and preventing crime using this list. It will be a PR campaign to make the data permanent. Don't think for one second that this was ever supposed to be the last five years data - it's just a foot in the door.

  2. OSP will simply continue to lie and keep the registration in perpetuity regardless of whether it's extended by Brown or not.

  3. IP 43 if passed will be a registration of everything not single shot, bolt, lever, or pump action. It won't be long before it's "success" will require all firearms to be registered.
3ATM3, I just re-read my comment and I didn't mean for it to come off that harsh. I'm just trying to write my opposition letter for the title of IP43 and I was looking for the actual letter of the law for the best letter possible. I do agree with everything you said in #163.
3ATM3, I just re-read my comment and I didn't mean for it to come off that harsh. I'm just trying to write my opposition letter for the title of IP43 and I was looking for the actual letter of the law for the best letter possible. I do agree with everything you said in #163.

No offense taken - we do need to make sure that "i"'s are dotted and "t"'s crossed because the progressive machine in Oregon will look for any mistake to invalidate any argument we make. I applaud your research!
THIS is the church who's leading the charge to make Oregonian's surrender their firearms, rifles and pistols, so we can all feel 'safe'. Punish the LAWFUL users for a few UNLAWFUL users. When will rental vans, hammers and kitchen knives be next?

Security Check Required

Glad to see that there were comments opposing IP43, and providing bible verses backing up our right to defend ourselves. You have to be able to reply on Facebook to leave a comment - I can't do it, but it would be good if any who can comment, do so.
Do all 1000+ comments on the ballot title need to be responded to before signatures can be gathered? My local paper reports that signatures gathering has already started.
Do all 1000+ comments on the ballot title need to be responded to before signatures can be gathered? My local paper reports that signatures gathering has already started.

My understanding is that they do before the official title is accepted and that they can't take signatures prior to that. Does anybody have definitive knowledge?

I hope they aren't gathering signatures, but SOS Dennis Richardson has proposed allowing them to collect signatures before the ballot title is settled. I am not sure the current status on collecting signatures, but these antis are slimeballs so we must keep a close eye on them. Read all about it:

Lawyers question initiative changes

Here is more info on this that I had posted previously; again, I do not know if they can gather signatures now or not:

Oregon - Dennis Richardson making signature gathering process faster in Oregon?
I hope they aren't gathering signatures, but SOS Dennis Richardson has proposed allowing them to collect signatures before the ballot title is settled. I am not sure the current status on collecting signatures, but these antis are slimeballs so we must keep a close eye on them. Read all about it:

Lawyers question initiative changes

Here is more info on this that I had posted previously; again, I do not know if they can gather signatures now or not:

Oregon - Dennis Richardson making signature gathering process faster in Oregon?

They aren't allowed to gather signatures until the final certified ballot title is released - and that could be held up if the final ballot title is challenged in the Oregon Supreme Court (anyone that submitted a draft ballot title challenge can challenge the final ballot title).

Straight from the current manual:

Approval to Circulate ORS 250.045 and 250.052 After receiving the final ballot title, the Elections Division provides chief petitioners official templates that must be used to prepare cover and signature sheets for circulation
They aren't allowed to gather signatures until the final certified ballot title is released - and that could be held up if the final ballot title is challenged in the Oregon Supreme Court (anyone that submitted a draft ballot title challenge can challenge the final ballot title).

Straight from the current manual:

Approval to Circulate ORS 250.045 and 250.052 After receiving the final ballot title, the Elections Division provides chief petitioners official templates that must be used to prepare cover and signature sheets for circulation
I know at least 4 big gun rights groups including OFF and the NRA representative for Oregon will challenge it in the Oregon Supreme Court.
I know at least 4 big gun rights groups including OFF and the NRA representative for Oregon will challenge it in the Oregon Supreme Court.

Keep an eye on them! Pasted below is the "Temporary Rule" mumbo jumbo that caused me to question if the rules had changed - specifically the part under "RULE SUMMARY:"

Also concerning to me is the last sentence under NEED FOR THE RULE(S): VERSION 2. I am not sure how I got the 2 versions of that section "NEED FOR THE RULE(S):" That is weird! Anyway, I've copied both version 1 and 2 here FYI.

I've made that text bold:

ELECT 7-2018
01/10/2018 4:28 PM
FILING CAPTION: Amendment of OAR 165-014-0005, amending the State Initiative and Referendum Manual
EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/10/2018 THROUGH 04/20/2018
CONTACT: Michelle Teed
503-986-1518, Ext. 2341
[email protected]
255 Capitol St. NE Suite 501
Salem,OR 97310
Filed By:
Michelle Teed
Rules Coordinator
This rule is needed to clarify rules associated with e-sheets, and gathering signatures, set out in the State Initiative and
Referendum Manual. The proposed temporary rule addresses this by adding clarifying language to this Manual.
This rule is needed to continue the clarification of the rules associated with e-sheets, and gathering signatures, set out in
the State Initiative and Referendum Manual through the 2018 petition cycle which ends July 6th. The extended
proposed temporary rule addresses this by continuing the clarifying language to this Manual. The Secretary will begin
permanent rulemaking activities in May so that there will be a new permanent rule adopted before the expiration of this
temporary rule
The agency must adopt this temporary rule immediately so that Chief Petitioners of proposed ballot measures, and
electors eligible to sign petitions will know what the rules are for gathering signatures and using e-sheets. A lawsuit
seeking immediate relief has been filed challenging the current manual, and the amended rule removes the portions of
the manual at issue. This rule will allow circulators and signers to continue their processes without the uncertainty of
the length of time or outcome of the lawsuit. Because all petitions must be completed by July 6, 2018 in order to appear
on the November 2018 ballot, delay in implementing the amended rule would result in serious prejudice to petitioners
and potential signers and is not in the public interest. This temporary rule will allow the legislature to address the issue
to provide clearer policy direction regarding the statutes that the existing rules were designed to implement. This
temporary rule will also avoid the costs of litigation while the legislature contemplates taking action, which is beneficial
to the taxpayers.
The Secretary of State also finds that following permanent rulemaking procedures would result in serious prejudice to
the public interest. Without this timely amendment to the rule, petitioners and petition signers face uncertainty due to
pending litigation and possible legislative action. This rule protects gathered signatures and ensures the orderly conduct
of election activities.
AMEND: 165-014-0005
RULE TITLE: Designating the Initiative, Referendum and Recall Manuals and Forms
RULE SUMMARY: This temporary amendment supplements the State Initiative and Referendum Manual by clarifying
provisions regarding the distribution of e-sheets, and circulation of petitions during an appeal of a ballot title to the
Supreme Court.

(1) The Secretary of State designates the State Initiative and Referendum Manual revised 01/10/2018 and associated
forms as the procedures and forms to be used for the state initiative and referendum process.
(2) The Secretary of State designates the Recall Manual revised 01/2018 and associated forms as the procedures and
forms to be used for the recall process.
(3) The Secretary of State designates the County, City, and District Initiative and Referendum Manual revised 01/2018
and associated forms as the procedures, except where state law permits the procedure to be otherwise under local
charter or ordinance, and forms to be used for the local initiative and referendum process.
(4) The Secretary of State designates the County, City and District Referral Manual revised 01/2018 and associated
forms as the procedures, except where state law permits the procedure to be otherwise under local charter or
ordinance, and forms to be used for the local referral process.
(5) The Secretary of State designates the Circulator Training Manual revised 01/2018 and associated forms as the
curriculum, procedures and forms to be used to register as required under ORS 250.048 by a person who will be paid to
gather signatures on a state initiative, referendum or recall petition.
(6) For purposes of subsection (5) of this rule, initiative is meant to include each phase of the petition's signature
gathering effort including the sponsorship phase, the primary signature gathering effort and any supplemental
signature gathering efforts.
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]
Last Edited:
Keep an eye on them! Pasted below is the "Temporary Rule" mumbo jumbo that caused me to question if the rules had changed - specifically the part under "RULE SUMMARY:"

Also concerning to me is the last sentence under NEED FOR THE RULE(S): VERSION 2. I am not sure how I got the 2 versions of that section "NEED FOR THE RULE(S):" That is weird! Anyway, I've copied both version 1 and 2 here FYI.

I've made that text bold:

ELECT 7-2018
01/10/2018 4:28 PM
FILING CAPTION: Amendment of OAR 165-014-0005, amending the State Initiative and Referendum Manual
EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/10/2018 THROUGH 04/20/2018
CONTACT: Michelle Teed
503-986-1518, Ext. 2341
[email protected]
255 Capitol St. NE Suite 501
Salem,OR 97310
Filed By:
Michelle Teed
Rules Coordinator
This rule is needed to clarify rules associated with e-sheets, and gathering signatures, set out in the State Initiative and
Referendum Manual. The proposed temporary rule addresses this by adding clarifying language to this Manual.
This rule is needed to continue the clarification of the rules associated with e-sheets, and gathering signatures, set out in
the State Initiative and Referendum Manual through the 2018 petition cycle which ends July 6th. The extended
proposed temporary rule addresses this by continuing the clarifying language to this Manual. The Secretary will begin
permanent rulemaking activities in May so that there will be a new permanent rule adopted before the expiration of this
temporary rule
The agency must adopt this temporary rule immediately so that Chief Petitioners of proposed ballot measures, and
electors eligible to sign petitions will know what the rules are for gathering signatures and using e-sheets. A lawsuit
seeking immediate relief has been filed challenging the current manual, and the amended rule removes the portions of
the manual at issue. This rule will allow circulators and signers to continue their processes without the uncertainty of
the length of time or outcome of the lawsuit. Because all petitions must be completed by July 6, 2018 in order to appear
on the November 2018 ballot, delay in implementing the amended rule would result in serious prejudice to petitioners
and potential signers and is not in the public interest. This temporary rule will allow the legislature to address the issue
to provide clearer policy direction regarding the statutes that the existing rules were designed to implement. This
temporary rule will also avoid the costs of litigation while the legislature contemplates taking action, which is beneficial
to the taxpayers.
The Secretary of State also finds that following permanent rulemaking procedures would result in serious prejudice to
the public interest. Without this timely amendment to the rule, petitioners and petition signers face uncertainty due to
pending litigation and possible legislative action. This rule protects gathered signatures and ensures the orderly conduct
of election activities.
AMEND: 165-014-0005
RULE TITLE: Designating the Initiative, Referendum and Recall Manuals and Forms
RULE SUMMARY: This temporary amendment supplements the State Initiative and Referendum Manual by clarifying
provisions regarding the distribution of e-sheets, and circulation of petitions during an appeal of a ballot title to the
Supreme Court.

(1) The Secretary of State designates the State Initiative and Referendum Manual revised 01/10/2018 and associated
forms as the procedures and forms to be used for the state initiative and referendum process.
(2) The Secretary of State designates the Recall Manual revised 01/2018 and associated forms as the procedures and
forms to be used for the recall process.
(3) The Secretary of State designates the County, City, and District Initiative and Referendum Manual revised 01/2018
and associated forms as the procedures, except where state law permits the procedure to be otherwise under local
charter or ordinance, and forms to be used for the local initiative and referendum process.
(4) The Secretary of State designates the County, City and District Referral Manual revised 01/2018 and associated
forms as the procedures, except where state law permits the procedure to be otherwise under local charter or
ordinance, and forms to be used for the local referral process.
(5) The Secretary of State designates the Circulator Training Manual revised 01/2018 and associated forms as the
curriculum, procedures and forms to be used to register as required under ORS 250.048 by a person who will be paid to
gather signatures on a state initiative, referendum or recall petition.
(6) For purposes of subsection (5) of this rule, initiative is meant to include each phase of the petition's signature
gathering effort including the sponsorship phase, the primary signature gathering effort and any supplemental
signature gathering efforts.
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Sorry for these long posts! I would post the link to these from the SOS website, but am having difficulty doing that for some reason. I did figure out why I have 2 versions of this rule. One has an AGENCY APPROVED DATE of Jan 10, 2018, as you can see above. Version 2 has an AGENCY APPROVED DATE of April 20, 2018. I suspect they cannot gather signatures now, but the possibility that they might change the rules during the initiative process is troubling to me.

Here is the copied/pasted text from version 2:

ELECT 9-2018
04/20/2018 9:55 AM
FILING CAPTION: Amending OAR 165-014-0005, extending the amendment of the State Initiative and Referendum
EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/21/2018 THROUGH 07/08/2018
CONTACT: Michelle Teed
[email protected]
255 Capitol St. NE
Suite 501
Salem,OR 97310
Filed By:
Michelle Teed
Rules Coordinator
This rule is needed to continue the clarification of the rules associated with e-sheets, and gathering signatures, set out in
the State Initiative and Referendum Manual through the 2018 petition cycle which ends July 6th. The extended
proposed temporary rule addresses this by continuing the clarifying language to this Manual. The Secretary will begin
permanent rulemaking activities in May so that there will be a new permanent rule adopted before the expiration of this
temporary rule.
The agency must adopt this temporary rule immediately so that Chief Petitioners of proposed ballot measures, and
electors eligible to sign petitions will know what the rules are for gathering signatures and using e-sheets. A lawsuit that
was filed seeking immediate relief and challenging the current manual is ongoing, and the extended amended rule
removes the portions of the manual at issue. This rule will allow circulators and signers to continue their processes
without the uncertainty of the length of time or outcome of the lawsuit. Because all petitions must be completed by July
6, 2018 in order to appear on the November 2018 ballot, delay in implementing the amended rule would result in
serious prejudice to petitioners and potential signers and is not in the public interest. Although SB 1510 (2018) was
passed, and signed by the Governor on April 3rd there is insufficient time to undertake permanent rulemaking to impact
the petition cycle that will end on July 6, 2018.
The Secretary of State also finds that following permanent rulemaking procedures would result in serious prejudice to
the public interest. Without this timely extension of the amendment to the rule, petitioners and petition signers face
uncertainty due to pending litigation and implementation of legislative action. This rule protects gathered signatures
and ensures the orderly conduct of election activities.
Page 1 of 30
AMEND: 165-014-0005
RULE TITLE: Designating the Initiative, Referendum and Recall Manuals and Forms
RULE SUMMARY: This temporary amendment re-designates the supplements to the State Initiative and Referendum
Manual by continuing clarifying provisions regarding the distribution of e-sheets, and circulation of petitions during an
appeal of a ballot title to the Supreme Court.
(1) The Secretary of State re-designates the State Initiative and Referendum Manual revised 01/10/2018 and
associated forms as the procedures and forms to be used for the state initiative and referendum process.
(2) The Secretary of State designates the Recall Manual revised 01/2018 and associated forms as the procedures and
forms to be used for the recall process.
(3) The Secretary of State designates the County, City, and District Initiative and Referendum Manual revised 01/2018
and associated forms as the procedures, except where state law permits the procedure to be otherwise under local
charter or ordinance, and forms to be used for the local initiative and referendum process.
(4) The Secretary of State designates the County, City and District Referral Manual revised 01/2018 and associated
forms as the procedures, except where state law permits the procedure to be otherwise under local charter or
ordinance, and forms to be used for the local referral process.
(5) The Secretary of State designates the Circulator Training Manual revised 01/2018 and associated forms as the
curriculum, procedures and forms to be used to register as required under ORS 250.048 by a person who will be paid to
gather signatures on a state initiative, referendum or recall petition.
(6) For purposes of subsection (5) of this rule, initiative is meant to include each phase of the petition's signature
gathering effort including the sponsorship phase, the primary signature gathering effort and any supplemental
signature gathering efforts.
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]
I like the slamming on FB! More folks need to hammer this home! One poster almost said it, worshiping a false God, and following this false profit!:eek: I'm not on FB, but this is the message that needs to be spread, twisting the words of God to fit an agenda! A Merciful and benevolent God would not condone the dissarment of his followers! And the response of this Church is to spread lies as truths they know the lies, IS bearing FALSE WITNESS!:mad:
I like the slamming on FB! More folks need to hammer this home! One poster almost said it, worshiping a false God, and following this false profit!:eek: I'm not on FB, but this is the message that needs to be spread, twisting the words of God to fit an agenda! A Merciful and benevolent God would not condone the dissarment of his followers! And the response of this Church is to spread lies as truths they know the lies, IS bearing FALSE WITNESS!:mad:

I like this one:
"Decided to dive into the cesspool of politics - would love to see you lose your 501 exemption!"

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