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"so if obammy wants to take credit for this then he should also answer why again a man was murdered without a trial?thats not the american way.
but why do liberal americans find it so necessary to coddle these muslims who are savages and abuse the christians so much?
we dethroned a non muslim dictator to establish a muslim nation,why?why?why?would we do that? "

"Fundimentaly Transform America"
It would take an Army to do that, right?
Millions would have to be slaughtered to make it stick, right?

No doubt about it this was a great achievement for OB (sick). Yesterday's announcement came with the report that the muslim county will have shiria law. What a deal. So, OB's nations building scam is to shout out "democracy" and then, what pops up is yet another muslim county. Maybe he is into building more and more muslim countrys with US taxs dollars and Nato assistance. Great deal for us? TELL ME THAT THE CIA DID NOT KNOW THIS IN ADVANCE!

Gadaffi, was not bad to his people. his elimination has opened the gates to complete RAPE of Africa. Lybia had the highest standard of living in all of North Africa. Your statement indicates your knowledge of the World resonates from FRAUD NEWS.

my feelings exactly.ghadafi was a dictator,a corrupt man who took all the money from the people of libia while they starved.
he murdered he was a bad man,but was it really necessary to drag an old man through the streets beating him?then shooting him insted of letting him stand trial?it seems obama is taking credit for this too though it was libian people who did the work and even a french fighter plane that got the ball rolling so if obammy wants to take credit for this then he should also answer why again a man was murdered without a trial?thats not the american way.why do the muslims always want to drag bodies through the streets like a pack of wolves?do you see christians drag their kill through the streets?no not since 16th century catholics anyhow but why do liberal americans find it so necessary to coddle these muslims who are savages and abuse the christians so much?
we dethroned a non muslim dictator to establish a muslim nation,why?why?why?would we do that?

Gadaffi, was not bad to his people. his elimination has opened the gates to complete RAPE of Africa. Lybia had the highest standard of living in all of North Africa. Your statement indicates your knowledge of the World resonates from FRAUD NEWS.

Indeed.. Ghadaffi was assassinated by the International Banksters and their twice sons of he11 followers, otherwise known as the Illuminati, which George Herbert "New World Order" Walker Bush called "A thousand points of light".

If you want to see that "light" personally look at the top of the Babylonian pyramid on your dollar bill.. they are watching you and are at the top of everything

Where you been, great to read another who has an idea what is happening, so depressing to read the Blah Blah, from all the Sheep.... Like Saddam Husein, Gadaffi was taken out ( 2,300 sortes, bombing raids, and Mercinaries ) for his intention to stop accepting FIAT paper, the US Dollars, as well as Britsh pound, for Gold and Silver only, they both realized it as worthless paper just as HUGO Chavez has. people keep asking " How Much Longer ", I say how about a long SLOW decline. Ware you down ware you OUT. The Bankers, Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Trilaterals, Council on Foreign Relations, Military Industrial Complex, Petroleum Industrial Complex, Pharmacuetical, Food, and on and on. Bit by bit, they take us apart. Just like a puzel. You can see it in the kids, you see it those who think they can retire, and those who no they never will. The price and quality of food, animal feed prices, all coming together for a decline rapidly gaining speed. Thank you J.P. Morgan, Rothschild, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, CITI Bank, Federal Reserve, Rockafellar, Goldman Sachs, Warburg Family out of Germany, Kuhn Loeb Germany, this is the beggining of a very ugly list.

Indeed.. Ghadaffi was assassinated by the International Banksters and their twice sons of he11 followers, otherwise known as the Illuminati, which George Herbert "New World Order" Walker Bush called "A thousand points of light".

If you want to see that "light" personally look at the top of the Babylonian pyramid on your dollar bill.. they are watching you and are at the top of everything
I think Ghadaffi was an evil person. . . But he is now being replaced with an even worse evil. . . . . This was no surprise to anybody with a brain. Most all of us knew exactly how the "Arab Spring" would end. . More States governed by Sharia law.

Of course, this is an administration that is "surprised" by "unexpected" economic news on a weekly basis. . .
I just realized that the Muslims/commies/nazies/anarchists/socialists at the Occupy America sleep overs are DEMANDING DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA
Somebody Hold Me and sing Kumbiya!
OT: Ghadaffi tried to do the same thing Saddam did. They tried to convert to their own currency and turn their backs on our dollar. For that reason, they were assassinated and a million+ women and children had to die in the process. Desperate measures of a dying empire. All the rest of it is simple propaganda for the dimwitted and deluded. Goldman Sachs got a 35 billion dollar windfall of profits when they were allowed to confiscate Ghadaffi's US investments.

As usual, it is all about money and social control. The owners of this country just doing their thing and there is nothing that can be done about it when 98% of the people don't give a damn and never will.
Whats never spoken of is the fact that alot of the people who organized the Arab Spring were trained in the US by the CIA and a gaggle of community organizers, who no doubt worshipped there community organizer god(obongo). so why are people suprised when they all turn into muslim brotherhood run countries, just look who in washington DC is buddies and employs Muslim Brotherhood members on his team(again obongo), its just the modern day muslim crusade under the guise of democracy, which they say they want have just like us, But we are a republic not a democracy!

Where you been, great to read another who has an idea what is happening, so depressing to read the Blah Blah, from all the Sheep.... Like Saddam Husein, Gadaffi was taken out ( 2,300 sortes, bombing raids, and Mercinaries ) for his intention to stop accepting FIAT paper, the US Dollars, as well as Britsh pound, for Gold and Silver only, they both realized it as worthless paper just as HUGO Chavez has. people keep asking " How Much Longer ", I say how about a long SLOW decline. Ware you down ware you OUT. The Bankers, Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Trilaterals, Council on Foreign Relations, Military Industrial Complex, Petroleum Industrial Complex, Pharmacuetical, Food, and on and on. Bit by bit, they take us apart. Just like a puzel. You can see it in the kids, you see it those who think they can retire, and those who no they never will. The price and quality of food, animal feed prices, all coming together for a decline rapidly gaining speed. Thank you J.P. Morgan, Rothschild, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, CITI Bank, Federal Reserve, Rockafellar, Goldman Sachs, Warburg Family out of Germany, Kuhn Loeb Germany, this is the beggining of a very ugly list.

Nice rant and that is just the tip of the iceberg, my friend
The ports of Oakland CA and Kalama WA shut down in support of the "Occupy Movement"? Of course Unions, Obamma and Pelosi support thier thuggery while American jobs and American GI's are at risk. It's straight out of Rules For Radicals and The Comming Revolution.
IEDs on American Streets in 12 months
We can weaken the Big Banks by pulling our money out and using localy owned banks/Credit Unions.
However it is virtualy imposible to travel without a credit card.
so you are against big corporate? Isn't our own government big Corp.? So some of the OWS kids do understand, yet there are alot of idiots that cloud the hopefully general idea, the deadbeats, lazy ones, bandwagon people, people that just want to protest.......ect.

Where you been, great to read another who has an idea what is happening, so depressing to read the Blah Blah, from all the Sheep.... Like Saddam Husein, Gadaffi was taken out ( 2,300 sortes, bombing raids, and Mercinaries ) for his intention to stop accepting FIAT paper, the US Dollars, as well as Britsh pound, for Gold and Silver only, they both realized it as worthless paper just as HUGO Chavez has. people keep asking " How Much Longer ", I say how about a long SLOW decline. Ware you down ware you OUT. The Bankers, Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Trilaterals, Council on Foreign Relations, Military Industrial Complex, Petroleum Industrial Complex, Pharmacuetical, Food, and on and on. Bit by bit, they take us apart. Just like a puzel. You can see it in the kids, you see it those who think they can retire, and those who no they never will. The price and quality of food, animal feed prices, all coming together for a decline rapidly gaining speed. Thank you J.P. Morgan, Rothschild, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, CITI Bank, Federal Reserve, Rockafellar, Goldman Sachs, Warburg Family out of Germany, Kuhn Loeb Germany, this is the beggining of a very ugly list.
The United States has had the "bloodiest and most violent labor history of any industrial nation in the world"—so concluded Philip Taft and Philip Ross for their oft-cited study, American Labor Violence: Its Causes, Character, and Outcome.

Who's Been Running the Show?
Taft and Ross found that "minority groups within the labor movement or without direct attachment to it advocated the use of violence against established institutions and also against leaders in government, industry, and society...Those who saw in violence a creative force...had no objectives of immediate gain; they were not concerned with public opinion. They were revolutionaries for whom the radical transformation of the economic and social system was the only and all-consuming passion."

Socialist (and Violent) Roots of U.S. Labor Unions
The International Working People's Association became the center for national anarchist federations in the early 1880s and "favored warfare against capitalist society and its leaders," Taft and Ross said. Soon militant social revolutionary groups organized education and defense outposts, their members meeting regularly and drilling "with arms," the authors noted, adding that insurrection and terror against individuals was also advocated.

This ideology "gained added strength from the terroristic acts of members of the People's Will, an organization of Russian revolutionaries who carried out campaigns of violence against persons, culminating in the assassination of Czar Alexander II in 1881," Taft and Ross noted.

Union Thuggery Is...Lawful?
It's a huge caveat worth noting anytime union members spiral down toward lethal behavior: The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that certain labor union violence—even when involving homicide—cannot be prosecuted under federal law. The controversial U.S. v. Enmons verdict deemed in 1973 that labor violence against employers—including property damage, assault, and homicide—isn't federally punishable when it's carried out for legitimate union pursuits, such as wage or benefit increases.

The ruling makes one wonder to what extent unions have been emboldened, not simply toward stated labor objectives, but also toward violence means to achieve their ends.

A Little History Lesson
The chronicle of American labor union violence is extensive, dating all the way back to the 1870s, therefore we'll condense things a bit and (for lack of alternate alliteration) hit highlights here:

Blocking engine traffic at Martinsburg, W.Va. (Harpers)
1. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877
When: July 1877

Where: Martinsburg, W.Va., Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Reading, Pa., Chicago

Why: Baltimore & Ohio Railroad cut wages for a second time in a year; strikers blocked train service

Carnage/Casualties: Street battles with federal troops; soldiers injured; trains damaged; a station, bridge, and trainyards torched.

2. The Haymarket Affair
When: May 4, 1886

Where: Haymarket Square, Chicago

Why: Demonstration supporting striking workers

Carnage/Casualties: Dynamite bomb thrown at police dispersing crowd; blast and mostly "friendly" retaliatory gunfire left eight police dead. Eight anarchists tried for murder; four convicted/executed, one committed suicide in prison. Event inspired caricature of bomb-throwing anarchist.

3. Homestead Strike
When: June-July 1892

Where: Carnegie Steel Mill, Homestead, Pa.; office, Pittsburgh

Why: Considered among most violent labor disputes in U.S. history, mill union wanted contract and mill management locked out workers.

Carnage/Casualties: Pinkerton guards fired on strikers; three guards surrendered, were disarmed, and beaten by a mob. Seven guards and 11 strikers/spectators shot to death. Later, Russian-born anarchist Alexander Berkman attempted to assassinate Carnegie chairman Henry Clay Frick in his Pittsburgh office.

Russian-born anarchist Alexander Berkman attempts to assassinate Carnegie chairman Henry Clay Frick in his Pittsburgh office. (© Bettmann/CORBIS)
3. Coeur d'Alene Miner Strike
When: July 1892

Where: Frisco Mill, Coeur d'Alene, Id.

Why: Striking miners incensed at Pinkerton infiltration into union

Carnage/Casualties: Strikers dynamited Frisco Mill; two company men killed; strikers captured 60 mine guards; martial law declared; national guard/federal troops ended unrest.

Striking American Railway Union members confront Illinois National Guard troops in Chicago during the Pullman Strike
4. Pullman Railroad Strike
When: May-July 1894

Where: Nationwide, culminating in Chicago

Why: Strike against wage reduction

Carnage/Casualties: 1892 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago's Jackson Park torched; seven buildings burned to ground; railroad cars burned/looted; street fights with police; 14,000 federal and state troops put down strike.

5. Killing of William Healy
When: February 3, 1930

Where: Chicago

Why: Marble Setters Union had been having difficulties with Healy, a contractor

Carnage/Casualties: "Chicagorillas" (labor racketeers) shot and killed Healy.

6. Blinding of Victor Riesel
When: April 5, 1956

Where: New York City

Why: Riesel's syndicated newspaper column crusaded against labor racketeers

Carnage/Casualties: A gangster threw sulfuric acid in Riesel's face, permanently blinding him.

7. New York Daily News Strike
When: 1990

Carnage/Casualties: Strikers attacked delivery trucks with stones and sticks; some burned; some drivers beaten. Newsstands threatened with arson; copies of paper burned in front of newsstands; hundreds of violent acts reported/alleged. No convictions.

8. Killing of Eddie York
When: July 22, 1993

Where: Coal mine, Logan Co., W.Va.

Why: York shot and killed after crossing United Mine Workers picket line

Carnage/Casualties: Workmates attempting to rescue York were beaten. AFL-CIO chief Richard Trumpka, then leader of UMW: "I'm saying if you strike a match and you put your finger in it, you're likely to get burned." According to National Legal and Policy Center, Trumka's lawyers settled a $27 million wrongful death suit filed by York's widow; Trumka "did not publicly discipline or reprimand a single striker present when York was killed. In fact, all eight were helped out financially by the local," according to Reader's Digest.

9. Rod Carter Attack
When: August 7, 1997

Where: Miami

Why: Carter attacked after crossing UPS driver picket line; a former Dallas Cowboys linebacker, Carter was interviewed on TV news the day before saying he wouldn't strike so he could provide for his family.

Carnage/Casualties: Teamsters pulled Carter from truck and beat, kicked, and stabbed him six times with an ice pick. Carter won an undisclosed civil-suit settlement in 2001.

10. Local 17 Case

When: various

Where: Buffalo, N.Y.

Carnage/Casualties: Union members charged with pouring sand into construction vehicle engines, stabbing company exec in the neck, tossing hot coffee at non-union workers, and threatening to sexually assault the wife of a company rep. AFL-CIO lawyer: "We're not condoning the allegations or arguing that union officials are completely immune from prosecution. Instead, we simply want to make sure that the [federal law] is not interpreted in a way that could have a chilling effect on legitimate union activity."

<p>Police and union workers clash during a tense moment as union workers block a grain train in Longview, Wash., Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2011. Longshoremen blocked the train as part of an escalating dispute about labor at the EGT grain terminal at the Port of Longview. (AP Photo/Don Ryan)</p>
11. Washington State Port Dispute
When: September 2011

Carnage/Casualties: Ports shut down in response to dispute between workers union and grain export terminal owner in Longview, Wa.; about 500 longshoremen carried baseball bats into terminal, smashed windows, damaged rail cars, dumped tons of grain from cars; later more than 1,000 longshoremen didn't go to work, shutting down Seattle and Tacoma ports. "It's certainly getting more and more violent," said Jim Duscha, police chief of Longview. "The terminal's security guards were outnumbered by people with baseball bats. People were busting windows out of the guard shack. They took a security guard out of his rig and drove it into a ditch."

In Conclusion
Taft and Ross found that "labor violence was almost always harmful to the union. There is little evidence that violence succeeds in gaining advantages for strikers." In addition, they determined that the "blood of the martyr may be the seed of the church, but in labor disputes it is doubtful if the sacrifices have been worth the results obtained. The evidence against the effectiveness of violence as a means of gaining concessions by labor in the United States is too overwhelming to be a matter of dispute."
Occupy Oakland shootings-
Occupy Wall Street-shooting
Child sex slavery
And now a song:

"Our canvas is freedom
Your blood is our paint [...]

Like a pig you consumed
And like a pig you will roast [...]

And what you won't share
Will be ripped from your hands
Your body destroyed
The way fire lands
Burning your homes
The privilege you snake
The payback beyond
Anything you could take
Naked you'll be
And full of regret
And the way they were treated
You'll long to forget"
-Joseph Auther-
Occupy Oakland shootings-
Occupy Wall Street-shooting
Child sex slavery
And now a song:

"Our canvas is freedom
Your blood is our paint [...]

Like a pig you consumed
And like a pig you will roast [...]

And what you won’t share
Will be ripped from your hands
Your body destroyed
The way fire lands
Burning your homes
The privilege you snake
The payback beyond
Anything you could take
Naked you’ll be
And full of regret
And the way they were treated
You’ll long to forget"
-Joseph Auther-

Where did that song come from? Did you find it somewhere, was it posted on one of the occupy websites? Did they commandeer it for their "cause"? Or is it just something you knew of?

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