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.but this is not a Jihad and not an excuse for every Muslim basher to get free reign to spew their prejudice.

No, no it doesn't work that way you made a blanket statement and have made many "allegations" that this guy is absolutely not a Jihadist or terrorist, that this was not a hate crime, all pure speculation on your part, plus "bashing" everybody that that believes the massacre has a "Muslim" connection, going as far as to calling them "racist"... now defend your "allegations" with facts not innuendo and conjecture.......

No, there is NO evidence that he IS a jihadist. None what-so-ever. So it is up to people who want to speculate that he is to prove it. Being muslim is not proof.
It seems that the army is cautioning people from jumping to conclusions on what Hassan's motivation was. I think that's prudent. Whether his killings will be ultimately considered terrorism, a hate crime, or simply an act of someone who's warring beliefs caused him to mentally snap - well, we'll see.

There have been a lot of valid points made in this thread. I agree religion plays a good part in all this, but I'm not convinced it is the sole part. I also don't believe that reserving judgement or refraining from adopting an us vs. them attitude with those who practice the muslim faith should be derided as being "lib" or "PC". I believe these qualities are profoundly American.

I know there have been a lot of tempers simmering regarding this topic. If I have offended anyone, I apologize. That wasn't my intention. I'm proud to be a member of this board, and I appreciate the differences of opinions represented. All of them.

Shoot straight, and be safe.
I do believe that is the closest thing to the truth but it is still giving him too much credit. This loser did not act because of his values or beliefs. He acted because he is a coward looking for a way out of doing his duty and hoping that "his god" will look favorably on him if he pretends to be doing it for pious reasons.
No, there is NO evidence that he IS a jihadist. None what-so-ever. So it is up to people who want to speculate that he is to prove it. Being muslim is not proof.

There is no evidence he isn't ! None what-so-ever, So it is up to people who want to speculate that he isn't to prove it. Proof go's both defend your "allegations" with facts not innuendo and conjecture.......
Originally Posted by PlayboyPenguin View Post
No, there is NO evidence that he IS a jihadist. None what-so-ever. So it is up to people who want to speculate that he is to prove it. Being muslim is not proof.

There is no evidence he isn't ! None what-so-ever, So it is up to people who want to speculate that he isn't to prove it. Proof go's both defend your "allegations" with facts not innuendo and conjecture.......

You make blanket statements that are pure conjecture, no proof what so ever, and say it's the truth, and it's up to everybody that disagrees to prove your speculations are wrong. Ha, what do you call that Fuzzy Truth ?.....:s0112::s0114:
Lets clarify some terms.

Jihadist -

1.a Muslim who is involved in a Jihad

Jihad -

1. (Non-Christian Religions / Islam) Islam a holy war against infidels undertaken by Muslims in defense of the Islamic faith

2. (Non-Christian Religions / Islam) Islam the personal struggle of the individual believer against evil and persecution

3. A crusade in support of a cause
<broken link removed>

Obama Administration accused of withholding terrorist information about Fort Hood incident.

Intel Committee Republican Says Administration is Withholding Information on Fort Hood Attack, Demands Preservation of Documents for Possible Congressional Probe

Monday, November 09, 2009
By Christopher Neefus

( &#8211; Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.), the ranking Republican on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said Monday that the Obama administration has been withholding "critical information" on the Fort Hood murders allegedly committed by Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan.

Hoekstra is demanding that the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Security Agency and the Director of National Intelligence preserve documents relating to the incident for use in possible future congressional investigation.

"President Obama said people should not jump to conclusions about what happened at Fort Hood, but the administration is in possession of critical information related to the attack that they are refusing to release to Congress or the American people," Hoekstra said
in a statement. "I intend to push for intense review of this and other issues related to the performance of the intelligence community and whether or not information necessary for military, state and local officials to provide for the security of the post was provided to them."

The Michigan lawmaker sent a letter Saturday to the top administration intelligence officials, saying he saw "serious issues" with their performance related to the Fort Hood murders, and indicating that the intelligence community had refused to comply with his request to review certain information related to the case.

As the ranking member on the House intelligence committee, Hoekstra is one of the so-called Gang of Eight--a group of lawmakers that included the leaders of the House and Senate and the leaders of the House and Senate intelligence committees--who are briefed on intelligence activities deemed too sensitive to share with the full intelligence committees.

"Over the past 24 hours, I have been made aware of information
from the intelligence community that suggests the possibility that serious issues exist with respect to the performance of U.S. intelligence agencies in connection with what appears to have been a terrorism-related attack on Fort Hood, Texas by Nidal Malik Hasan," Hoekstra wrote. "I am disappointed that the administration has not been more transparent with the American people."

Hoekstra's letter was addressed to Dennis Blair, the director of national intelligence (DNI); CIA Director Robert Mueller; FBI Director Leon Panetta and Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, the director of the National Security Agency (NSA).

"Given the potential seriousness of these issues, I am troubled that the intelligence community has not been more immediately forthcoming with the congressional oversight committees and has refused to provide specific information I have requested to review in connection with this matter," said Hoekstra.

According to a committee source, Hoekstra's conversations were with Blair, and the congressman was told that the additional information he requested would not be shared at this time.

As a result, Hoekstra requested that the CIA, FBI, NSA and DNI preserve all documents relating to the Fort Hood attack and related matters for potential investigation by Congress.

"I am requesting that you immediately issue a preservation order to all personnel in your agencies with respect to all documents and materials related to the Fort Hood incident and any related investigations or intelligence collection activities, including other potentially related threats," Hoekstra wrote. "The record must be clear and complete with respect to these matters, which I am beginning to fear will require significant and serious oversight activity by the Committee."

In a statement released Monday, Hoekstra explained why he sent the letter to the intelligence chiefs.

"I have requested this information be preserved because I believe members of the full committee on a bipartisan basis will want to scrutinize the intelligence relevant to this attack, what the agencies in possession of that intelligence did with it, who was and wasn't informed and why, and what steps America's intelligence agencies are taking in light of what they know," he said. "At some point, it becomes necessary for us as a nation to address the uncomfortable threat of homegrown terrorism and radicalism, and Congress has an obligation to review how federal agencies are handling and disseminating information related to the threat.

"The horrific shootings at Fort Hood are a tragic reminder of the potential deadly consequences of the threat posed by homegrown jihadism and the failure of the government to adequately respond to it," said Hoekstra.

Thirteen people died and 29 more were injured after Hasan allegedly opened fire on the Fort Hood Army base.
The left wants to deny this is terrorism because they have allways been seen as soft on terrorism. It means they are accountable for letting this happen so naturaly they deny that it's terrorism. People want answers and a show of strength that this is being dealt with. The left will try to hide this and change the subject.

We as Americans are on our own to defend ourselves. As long as they want to play politics with this it should be plain as day they care nothing about America.

The left wants to deny this is terrorism because they have allways been seen as soft on terrorism. It means they are accountable for letting this happen so naturaly they deny that it's terrorism. People want answers and a show of strength that this is being dealt with. The left will try to hide this and change the subject.

We as Americans are on our own to defend ourselves. As long as they want to play politics with this it should be plain as day they care nothing about America.


The left believes that if we kiss up to these Islamists, they will stop the terrorism. They believe that the terrorism is our fault. Obama has gone all over the world apologizing for the conduct of the US.

Obama was raised a Muslim. First he was in Kenya with his Muslim Father and then in Indonesia. The Catholics claim that if you give them a child until he is six years old, that he will never truly abandon his Catholic beliefs.


NOT photoshopped:

Yeah, I'm sure that he's helping his commie fascist mullah friends plot the next attack, probably with the assistance of ACORN, Bill Ayers, and Nancy Pelosi, at this very moment.

Oh, wait:

Yeah, I'm sure that he's helping his commie fascist mullah friends plot the next attack, probably with the assistance of ACORN, Bill Ayers, and Nancy Pelosi, at this very moment.

Oh, wait:


Nice photo op - proves nothing about what's inside a man.
QUOTE=ZachS;127183]Yeah, I'm sure that he's helping his moment.commie fascist mullah friends plot the next attack, probably with the assistance of ACORN, Bill Ayers, and Nancy Pelosi, at this very moment.

All kidding aside, that is a real scary bunch, I see you included a "commie fascist mullah." Good job.........:s0155:
There is no evidence he isn't ! None what-so-ever, So it is up to people who want to speculate that he isn't to prove it. Proof go's both defend your "allegations" with facts not innuendo and conjecture.......
So a person is guilty until proven innocent???

PS: I guess it is now not only a "He must be a terrorist because he is a muslim" thread, but it has also turned into a "Blame Obama" and "Obama is a muslim" thread. Big surprise.
I thought we had freedom of religion here in the US? Oh that's if it matches your religion. I get it now. Who cares if he is a Muslim? ..or Hindi ..or a Satan Worshiper .....or Wiccan. Hypocrites I tell you. The second amendment is important, but not freedom of religion? Please...
I thought we had freedom of religion here in the US? Oh that's if it matches your religion. I get it now. Who cares if he is a Muslim? ..or Hindi ..or a Satan Worshiper .....or Wiccan. Hypocrites I tell you. The second amendment is important, but not freedom of religion? Please...
People tend to be very selective of which rights they find more important. They also allow their bigotry to show through way too often. It is easy to tell the true bigots because they not only spew the crap (usually trying to disguise it as relevant facts) but they are the ones that become the most self righteous and pretend to be the most offended when it is pointed out.

Everyone is a bigot to some degree. I get called all the time on my own bigotry. Sometimes by myself and sometimes by others. Instead of trying to deflect the blame by acting like a martyr I try to recognize my own shortcomings.

There is also a huge difference between letting your bigotry influence your behavior on an internet forum and allowing it to influence how you treat people in the real world. I am a bit guilty of both and the later is the far worse of the two.
I very strongly support freedom of religion. That doesn't make me blind.

The KKK is extremely religious and that's their right. I still don't trust them.

Freedom of religion, yes. Freedom of behavior, no. Freedom to commit anti-American acts, no.
This whole thread makes me sick. If the majority of posts on here reflect the views of most forum participants, this really is a den of closet racist anti-tolerant nutjobs with absolutely NO chance of doing anything productive about our gun rights. What a bunch of bubbas.

When my gun rights are restricted because YOU guys are the face of gun rights, I'll know whom to thank.
Yeah, I'm sure that he's helping his commie fascist mullah friends plot the next attack, probably with the assistance of ACORN, Bill Ayers, and Nancy Pelosi, at this very moment.

Oh, wait:


Just once I wish he would speak from the heart and not from the telepropmter. It would be even better if he didn't wait till the troops get killed before he shows some kind of support. He seems to go for the photo op more than what should be done.


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