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I am renewing my OR ODL? My ODL is up in March and I have to go in to renew. Now, I find this a bit odd, but I am required to bring in a piece of ID to prove I'm a citizen. While I'm glad they are verifying this, I have to wonder, this license, which I've had since 1985 and renewed several times since, is legal ID to board a plane, get a BGC to purchase a gun and do many other things. So why, pray tell, is my still current ODL, insufficient ID to renew that very same piece of Govt. ID?

AND, since I do have to provide another piece of ID, does anyone know if current CHL will work as ID? I'd love to drop that on the counter at the DMV as my proof of residency - I suspect a higher than average number of snowflakes work at the DMV, though I have nothing to actually back that up.

I have to renew my dl this year and was told I have to bring in my birth certificate to renew my cdl. pretty good someone can become prez without showing a birth certificate but to drive I have to produce one.:s0153::s0153::s0153:
I have to renew my dl this year and was told I have to bring in my birth certificate to renew my cdl. pretty good someone can become prez without showing a birth certificate but to drive I have to produce one.:s0153::s0153::s0153:

I don't have a "certified" copy of my BC that I know of. Sounds like my passport can work, even though it expired a few years back. Apparently an expired passport is okay, but my current ODL is not :s0092:
I have to renew my dl this year and was told I have to bring in my birth certificate to renew my cdl. pretty good someone can become prez without showing a birth certificate but to drive I have to produce one.:s0153::s0153::s0153:

I don't have a "certified" copy of my BC that I know of. Sounds like my passport can work, even though it expired a few years back. Apparently an expired passport is okay, but my current ODL is not :s0092:
A Birth Certificate or a passport will be required. And if you've had a legal name change you'll need that paperwork also, if you bring in your BC.
Women that take their hubby's last name for instance, need to bring their marriage license/certificate to prove that's why their last name differs from the one on the BC.
I am renewing my OR ODL? My ODL is up in March and I have to go in to renew. Now, I find this a bit odd, but I am required to bring in a piece of ID to prove I'm a citizen. While I'm glad they are verifying this, I have to wonder, this license, which I've had since 1985 and renewed several times since, is legal ID to board a plane, get a BGC to purchase a gun and do many other things. So why, pray tell, is my still current ODL, insufficient ID to renew that very same piece of Govt. ID?

AND, since I do have to provide another piece of ID, does anyone know if current CHL will work as ID? I'd love to drop that on the counter at the DMV as my proof of residency - I suspect a higher than average number of snowflakes work at the DMV, though I have nothing to actually back that up.


I suspect it has to do with this: Washington driver's license good at airport security for 2 more years

I believe both WA & OR don't and won't have verified Drivers licenses when engaging with anything Federal soon.
You will never understand there way of thinking. Just have your neighbor Havier go in and get one in your name with no ID or proof of citizenship and you will be good to go. :oops::D
Bring your Birth Certificate of Passport.

I have my passport - it's been expired for 4 years, but amazingly enough, OR will recognize it up to 5 years after it expires! It is time to get that renewed too, I just haven't needed it in a while, so it's easy to let it lapse.
I am renewing my OR ODL? My ODL is up in March and I have to go in to renew. Now, I find this a bit odd, but I am required to bring in a piece of ID to prove I'm a citizen. While I'm glad they are verifying this, I have to wonder, this license, which I've had since 1985 and renewed several times since, is legal ID to board a plane, get a BGC to purchase a gun and do many other things. So why, pray tell, is my still current ODL, insufficient ID to renew that very same piece of Govt. ID?

AND, since I do have to provide another piece of ID, does anyone know if current CHL will work as ID? I'd love to drop that on the counter at the DMV as my proof of residency - I suspect a higher than average number of snowflakes work at the DMV, though I have nothing to actually back that up.


I went thru this last year. Since I did not have a passport, the only thing they would accept is a "current" birth certificate. How current can one be that is over 60-years old? I took my original in, and yep, they said it was too old. Really? So I had to go to the State and have a current "copy" made from their records. 25-more bucks and a day wasted.

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I went thru this last year. The only thing they would accept is a "current" birth certificate. How current can one be that is over 60-years old? I took my original in, and yep, they said it was too old. Really? So I had to go to the State and have a current "copy" made from their records. 25-more bucks and a day wasted.


WHAT??? now that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Just goes to show you how dumb these agencies are!o_O
Yeah, I faced this similar bubblegum when I got my Kali license about 5 weeks ago....My passport got lost in the service in the 1980s..not needed one since so I went in with my current WADL and a copy of birth certificate but they wanted another form of ID.... I said, my Veteran DL form from CalVets already verified my citizenship.....ummmm, err, OK after I flashed a military ID card that said: Expiration- INDEFINITE

My poor wife made her appointment...went in and they wanted a marriage certificate for EVERY time she'd been married to show the progression of name changes. (Let's just say she had a few "swing and a miss!" before the homer she hit for being smart enough to marry me!) Last night she said, "you may not be the handiest, nor a cook, nor a maid, but you have always been my strongest supporter and friend and have always had my back....:D.

However, needless to say she is still gathering documents.... I told her try with just her current marriage license, WADL and birth certificate.

Just like I-9 paper work for new jobs...the law abiding American citizens are the ones getting victimized.

Brutus Out
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