I am renewing my OR ODL? My ODL is up in March and I have to go in to renew. Now, I find this a bit odd, but I am required to bring in a piece of ID to prove I'm a citizen. While I'm glad they are verifying this, I have to wonder, this license, which I've had since 1985 and renewed several times since, is legal ID to board a plane, get a BGC to purchase a gun and do many other things. So why, pray tell, is my still current ODL, insufficient ID to renew that very same piece of Govt. ID?
AND, since I do have to provide another piece of ID, does anyone know if current CHL will work as ID? I'd love to drop that on the counter at the DMV as my proof of residency - I suspect a higher than average number of snowflakes work at the DMV, though I have nothing to actually back that up.
AND, since I do have to provide another piece of ID, does anyone know if current CHL will work as ID? I'd love to drop that on the counter at the DMV as my proof of residency - I suspect a higher than average number of snowflakes work at the DMV, though I have nothing to actually back that up.