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I'm not saying it won't get out.
I'm saying that by the time it does, no one, or not enough, will care.
Just like Benghazi, by the time we get to the bottom of it, 80+% of the voting public doesn't care, and/or are sick of hearing about it, and have moved on.
IOW, they don't have to stop it, they only have to delay it. Once they delayed Benghazi beyond the 2012 election, nobody (besides us) cared any longer. And at this point there's been enough misinfo printed that 80% don't have the stomach for the facts.
Hillary Dems won't believe it, and the Sanders Dems don't care, and only the half of republicans that ever cared, believe it.
In terms of political reality, it sways NO ONE.

Oh look! The new season of Surviving With The Stars is on!

So, like I said: Good Luck.

But we're talking about a big event happening here, not in some little country a world away from most American's care or comprehension. The level of technology and the saturation of multi-media recording devices here in the US make a Benghazi style cover up highly unlikely today. Would you honestly say if the government had decided to engage with force at Bundy Ranch that we wouldn't have had tons of different feeds of that event?

I agree, attention spans are very short. But availability of instant information for events inside this country is a game changer. I'll stick with that opinion until I can see it happen otherwise, again, inside this country.
had been on a downward trend before the buy back...
AND the traditional rate of homicide by knife, "other weapons" or no weapons continues now at 4 times the rate of homicide by firearm.

The Aussies have no constitutionally guaranteed:
Explicit right to free speech or press
Right to own firearms
Right to free assembly or association
Right against self incrimination
Right against cruel and unusual punishment
Right against search and seizure at the will of any level of government
A) Correct. Long term downtrend probably due to demographics like here in the US. We baby boomers don't run so fast anymore so we aren't robbing liquor stores like back in the day. icon_mrgreen.gif
And more homicides by knife because less guns to defend themselves.


B) Because Aussies on Prison Island are still SUBJECTS of the Crown. Too cowardly to fight for independence. Heck even India broke away from Britain. But not Australians (like Canadians).
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Well they train into people short attention spans, you see it everywhere from the drive through to the phone. Heck post more than a paragraph and the guys loose intrest in reading it :DIt's short term mental stimulation that keeps people occupied and keeps them from thinking. People start useing their brains and they are no longer sheeple, can't have that. Are you still reading this:D:D?
But we're talking about a big event happening here, not in some little country a world away from most American's care or comprehension. The level of technology and the saturation of multi-media recording devices here in the US make a Benghazi style cover up highly unlikely today. Would you honestly say if the government had decided to engage with force at Bundy Ranch that we wouldn't have had tons of different feeds of that event?

I agree, attention spans are very short. But availability of instant information for events inside this country is a game changer. I'll stick with that opinion until I can see it happen otherwise, again, inside this country.

When you own the media you can make a big event look anyway you want, took them 51 days of demonizing the people of Waco before they felt safe enough to use tanks to gas and burn them.
But we're talking about a big event happening here, not in some little country a world away from most American's care or comprehension. The level of technology and the saturation of multi-media recording devices here in the US make a Benghazi style cover up highly unlikely today. Would you honestly say if the government had decided to engage with force at Bundy Ranch that we wouldn't have had tons of different feeds of that event?

I agree, attention spans are very short. But availability of instant information for events inside this country is a game changer. I'll stick with that opinion until I can see it happen otherwise, again, inside this country.
You're talking about developing political will through the court of public opinion. And that has been known to work, until now/lately.
Now it takes so long to convene that court and get through discovery, that nobody wants to be a juror, and/or nobody cares about the verdict.

So, like I've said twice already,... Good Luck.

It's not that I think you should be wrong. You should definitely be right.
But from all I've seen, the truth and what's right is being subverted. With alarming regularity.
So even though I regularly talk and write about what I believe is right, and what needs to be done, I expect no less than disinterested people telling me they've moved on, and/or they're sick of it, or they've ingested so much mis-info there's no getting through to them.

Just ask people face-to-face about Jeremiah Wright, or Frank Marshall Davis, Or obama's grandparents, or his trip to Pakistan/Afghanistan as a teen... And watch them roll their eyes and offer you a tin-foil hat.
Is it right? Nope.
Does it matter? It damn sure should.

But the question is, do they care?

Where did you find the top chart? I have the lower chart in one of several Australian Institute of Criminology documents, but the top chart is a bit cleaner.

Note how much of a spike the 1996 Port Arthur shooting caused--demonstrates how normally low the rate is.

I think that you will find that most leftist propaganda is going to reference the 1996 spike to present a false history of crime rate.

Where did you find the top chart? I have the lower chart in one of several Australian Institute of Criminology documents, but the top chart is a bit cleaner.

Note how much of a spike the 1996 Port Arthur shooting caused--demonstrates how normally low the rate is.

I think that you will find that most leftist propaganda is going to reference the 1996 spike to present a false history of crime rate.
When you own the media you can make a big event look anyway you want, took them 51 days of demonizing the people of Waco before they felt safe enough to use tanks to gas and burn them.

I still don't think it's that simple. You keep pointing back to Waco. That was 22 years ago. What didn't exist then:

* The Internet, and by extension, Facebook, Instagram, blogs, YouTube, right wing media sites, left wing media sites
* Fox News - not exactly a friend to Obama
* Recording devices in the hands of millions of Americans

Just that alone tells me the game has changed.

I don't think we've really had a big event like Waco in some time. Maybe the saturation of information gathering and streaming/sharing devices is part of the reason :rolleyes:
You're talking about developing political will through the court of public opinion. And that has been known to work, until now/lately.
Now it takes so long to convene that court and get through discovery, that nobody wants to be a juror, and/or nobody cares about the verdict.

So, like I've said twice already,... Good Luck.

It's not that I think you should be wrong. You should definitely be right.
But from all I've seen, the truth and what's right is being subverted. With alarming regularity.
So even though I regularly talk and write about what I believe is right, and what needs to be done, I expect no less than disinterested people telling me they've moved on, and/or they're sick of it, or they've ingested so much mis-info there's no getting through to them.

Just ask people face-to-face about Jeremiah Wright, or Frank Marshall Davis, Or obama's grandparents, or his trip to Pakistan/Afghanistan as a teen... And watch them roll their eyes and offer you a tin-foil hat.
Is it right? Nope.
Does it matter? It damn sure should.

But the question is, do they care?

I agree with much of what you say. A certain percentage of the American public can't be bothered to learn the truth, and will believe whatever the news box tells them each night. But they're not really the ones I'm talking about. Nor are people like Jeremiah Wright.

I'm talking about something like Bundy Ranch, where a ma stood up, publicly, to the government, and was joined by a group of armed citizens who got the word about what was going on. News about that was everywhere, and not just in the MSM. People were getting their information from a variety of sources, free of the government/MSM filter. And some folks were energized enough to get down there and stand toe to toe against them.

The result was the government walking away, for now. They lost. The people stood up and won, at least, a temporary victory. But in that little loss, I think the government got just a taste for what could be facing them if they go too far.

I could be right, I could be wrong. It's all just opinion at this point. Pull a Bundy Ranch #2 with shots fired by either side, and we could see something very interesting arise. Time will tell. Bundy was the kind of person many American's could sympathize with. And someone like him, perhaps losing everything to the government, especially by force, that could spark a movement.
I still don't think it's that simple. You keep pointing back to Waco. That was 22 years ago. What didn't exist then:

* The Internet, and by extension, Facebook, Instagram, blogs, YouTube, right wing media sites, left wing media sites
* Fox News - not exactly a friend to Obama
* Recording devices in the hands of millions of Americans

Just that alone tells me the game has changed.

I don't think we've really had a big event like Waco in some time. Maybe the saturation of information gathering and streaming/sharing devices is part of the reason :rolleyes:

Waco is a prime example of what gooberment is capable of so yes I use it often. Watched it on TV as it happened, grisly event that should never be forgotten.

Yes a lot has changed, we have the net now but that doesn't mean we are better off as information goes both ways. I doubt anyone realizes just how much info has been accumulated on them, not just by the net but every agency or doctor or job application ever met with.

Before computers and the Patriot Act you were just called a paranoid if you mentioned government surveillance, today you are tinfoil hat. Yet they have acres of buildings to put your information in if they ever need it. Odds are they know us better than we know ourselves:D.

Yes you will get information if the net is still up but everyone that uses the net has given far more than they will get.
Waco is a prime example of what gooberment is capable of so yes I use it often. Watched it on TV as it happened, grisly event that should never be forgotten.

Yes a lot has changed, we have the net now but that doesn't mean we are better off as information goes both ways. I doubt anyone realizes just how much info has been accumulated on them, not just by the net but every agency or doctor or job application ever met with.

Before computers and the Patriot Act you were just called a paranoid if you mentioned government surveillance, today you are tinfoil hat. Yet they have acres of buildings to put your information in if they ever need it. Odds are they know us better than we know ourselves:D.

Yes you will get information if the net is still up but everyone that uses the net has given far more than they will get.

That seems a bit of a divergence from the topic at hand. Of course they have a ton of information on us, but I don't see how that has any effect on the fact that when a big event goes down, it's no longer a matter of them simply writing the nightly news reports for the MSM. Of course, they'll still do just that, and they'll control what their 'usual' supporters believe. They really have lost the ability though to muzzle the many dissenting opinions/interests to share, as Paul Harvey would say "the rest of the story".

I'm waiting to see what happens if/when the government tries to pull another Waco again. So far, they seem to be avoiding just such an event.
No, from now on it'll be "suspicious break-ins" like the one at UW over the weekend that just HAPPENED to only take material concerning a lawsuit against the CIA, or "mysterious deaths" like Andrew Breitbart's... "Nothing to see here, move along."
That seems a bit of a divergence from the topic at hand. Of course they have a ton of information on us, but I don't see how that has any effect on the fact that when a big event goes down, it's no longer a matter of them simply writing the nightly news reports for the MSM. Of course, they'll still do just that, and they'll control what their 'usual' supporters believe. They really have lost the ability though to muzzle the many dissenting opinions/interests to share, as Paul Harvey would say "the rest of the story".

I'm waiting to see what happens if/when the government tries to pull another Waco again. So far, they seem to be avoiding just such an event.

You said it yourself that things have changed, I was just adding information for a bigger picture. Clintons didn't expect OKC and it threw their game plan completely out in my opinion. Today's information gathering gives them all they need for a better plan. The next Waco will be far bigger and better organized because they know pretty much about everyone that will be the victim.

Notice how much quick info they had on the Roseburg shooter or any other shooting just by someone's facebook page. Next event will look far different than waco, they will use pictures from Facebook and tweets and guys on the net shooting forums talking to demonize who they go after. Gooberment will probably save us from a terrorist plot by killing those terrorist and getting their guns.

Net is used against you, it's all recorded... auto saved:D
You said it yourself that things have changed, I was just adding information for a bigger picture. Clintons didn't expect OKC and it threw their game plan completely out in my opinion. Today's information gathering gives them all they need for a better plan. The next Waco will be far bigger and better organized because they know pretty much about everyone that will be the victim.

Notice how much quick info they had on the Roseburg shooter or any other shooting just by someone's facebook page. Next event will look far different than waco, they will use pictures from Facebook and tweets and guys on the net shooting forums talking to demonize who they go after. Gooberment will probably save us from a terrorist plot by killing those terrorist and getting their guns.

Net is used against you, it's all recorded... auto saved:D

Including this conversation ;)
Including this conversation ;)

Yes sir, but once you have been entered into the system it doesn't matter. Buy a hunting lic they know you have a gun, that doesn't mean you don't have more guns. Quit worrying about it decades ago and do or say what I want.

No matter how much they gather it takes people to turn it into something and with today's education they just ain't that smart.:D
Yes sir, but once you have been entered into the system it doesn't matter. Buy a hunting lic they know you have a gun, that doesn't mean you don't have more guns. Quit worrying about it decades ago and do or say what I want.

No matter how much they gather it takes people to turn it into something and with today's education they just ain't that smart.:D

That's why I don't get too worked up over it. They already know who we are and who owns guns, has owned guns, and probably, who will own guns. I've never doubted that, and since there is nothing we can do about it, it's hardly worth worrying about. Even if you sold every gun you ever owned, they will still mark you as a gun owner. They will also have your electronic purchase records, and, no doubt, voter registration and even voter history (even though that's supposedly all 'secret ballot').
That's why I don't get too worked up over it. They already know who we are and who owns guns, has owned guns, and probably, who will own guns. I've never doubted that, and since there is nothing we can do about it, it's hardly worth worrying about. Even if you sold every gun you ever owned, they will still mark you as a gun owner. They will also have your electronic purchase records, and, no doubt, voter registration and even voter history (even though that's supposedly all 'secret ballot').

Exactly, but back to my point they have plenty of information gathered so when they start their Australian buy back they can use that info in confiscation. Those who don't sell em back will be labeled terrorist and they have all your info to prove it. Your ammo purchases on credit cards to every move you make in your life, it's all covered.

So I predict the next Waco will be an anti terrorist organization that had to kill everyone on site due to heavy resistance, and it's sad the kids died but their father shouldn't have been a terrorist. Officers were injured so gooberment has now decided to protect officer lives we will use armed drones:D. Citizens should be warned to not live next to terrorist or they may become collateral damage.

All ready killing Americans with drones in the middle east, good practice for them. Just saw on TV drone training in the USA.:D

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